A/N: I apologize before hand if you guys find this boring... This chapter is purely self-indulgent. I simply love the flashback arc where Franky learns the truth about the Noblesse and forms a contract with Rai. So, I just had to get into Franky's head and write it from his perspective! XD

I also apologize for the terrible delay in updating! I'm really really sorry! '''OTZ

It has been a while since that incident where Frankenstein had embarrassed himself in front of the one person he'd come to respect the most. He'd once again thrown himself into researching the strength of the Nobles while enhancing his own - Though his perception of power had inevitably altered after the meeting with the Lord and his feelings of gratitude and inexplicable attraction towards his benefactor had morphed into respect and admiration.

Right now, Frankenstein found himself floating all alone and completely lost in a pitch black void. Until a voice pulled him back. Calling out to him.

The commanding tone in the voice should have irked him. He'd never bow down to anyone or let anyone order him around...or so he'd thought. But curiously enough he couldn't bring himself to be bothered about such things where this voice was concerned. It was compelling, commanding and brook no disobedience. And Frankenstein was not going to disobey anyways.



He came to with a jolt, drenched in sweat and panting but otherwise unharmed. He still did a mental check to see if all his organs were working the way they should, until he heard Gejutel's voice. He turned around to find both Ragar Kertia and Gejutel K. Landegre standing a few feet away from the bed he was on.

"You're awake?"" You've not been unconscious for long, fortunately." He heard them say.

"Gejutel? Radgar? What happened? What am I doing here?" He asked, still sweating, breathing heavily and a bit unsettled that he hadn't noticed their presence sooner.

"You passed out. We brought you here and healed you." It was Gejutel who spoke to him this time.

"I...passed out?" Frankenstein wondered aloud. Surprised that he'd passed out during a fight...and survived.

"Yes, do you not remember?" Again, it was Gejutel who spoke to him while Radgar remained quietly by his side.

"Ah! I was consumed by the Dark Spear... How did I manage to recover? It was definitely beyond my ability to control." Then he remembered the voice that had pulled him out of the darkness. "Could it be that He...?"

"Yes. Raizel-nim brought you back." This time it was Radgar who answered him.

"I see.. so it wasn't a dream. Wait, I didn't...injure him?" Frankenstein asked with bit of trepidation.

"No. A few scratches perhaps, but you did him no direct harm." Radgar's words eased his mind a bit. But the relief fled as soon as it came when he noticed the tense atmosphere and the near remorseful look on the two clan leader's faces.

"What's with those looks?" This time, neither of them were ready to answer him.

"I'm sorry to have caused you concern, Raizel-nim" Frankenstein said, and bowed deeply "I heard that you called me back when I was consumed by Dark Spear... Thank you" He didn't raise his head. He was truly grateful to Raizel-nim for saving him from that darkness. But...more than that, he was deeply ashamed that he'd seen him in such a state.

Raizel-nim turned away from him to look outside the window again. But his attention was still on Frankenstein and he asked the one question that Frankenstein knew that he'd ask but hoped against all odds that he wouldn't.

"You're not able to control that power?"

Frankenstein inwardly cringed at those words. It was voiced more like an observation than a question. But still he swallowed his pride to answer.

"...not yet, Raizel-nim."

It's been decades since the last time he'd lost control of Dark Spear and blacked out like that. He'd assumed that he had better control over it now but... Thinking back on his fight with Urokai, it was definitely a trap. He'd suspected as much but still played along hoping to gain more data and battle experience. But he'd underestimated his opponent... that bastard had used Tesamu's pendant to rile him up! After all the time he'd spent with Gejutel and Radgar he'd let his guard down and hadn't expected such behaviour from a clan leader...He'd definitely make him pay for that! And confess where he got that pendant from while he was at it...

His thoughts of revenge were cut short by a soft voice asking for tea.

"Huh?" He wondered if he'd heard it right.

...Does this mean that he'd been forgiven?


"Just...just a moment, Raizel-nim." He stammered when he realized that he'd been spacing out after being given a task. And such a simple one at that!

Frankenstein prepared the tea quickly and brought it in a cart. After serving a cup to Raizil-nim he stood back feeling relieved that things were back to normal and he hadn't injured him badly while he'd lost control. He'd been needlessly worried by the strange look in Gejutel and Radgar's faces. Or maybe he was just overthinking it. Raizel-nim looked just as fine as he always did. His movements elegant and graceful...wait...what's going on here?...his hand is...?!

"Raizel-nim?!" He exclaimed in shock when he saw the cup shatter on the floor...his hand was... trembling... "Are you alright?" He asked, aghast with worry.

"I'm fine."

Frankenstein's heart stopped when saw the blood dripping from his lips. He gritted his teeth. "It can't be... I didn't-" He started, looking down at his own hands with horror and beginning to hate himself for what he'd done.


Frankenstein looked up at the firmness in his voice.

"It's not your fault Frankenstein." The words were said with a tone of finality, leaving no space for argument.

It wasn't his fault? Then whose?! From what he'd observed, no one else would dare to hurt Raizel-nim. But he wasn't one to lie...there was no need from him to lie either. So...what is that supposed to mean?!

Frankenstein had fled the mansion before he realized what he was doing. His feet automatically taking him to the destination where he could find the only person who could answer all the questions that were running amok in his mind.

'Something is definitely wrong with his health.'

'He said it wasn't my fault...but did I attack him while I was consumed by Dark Spear?!'

'Radgar and Gejutel also claimed that I didn't cause him any harm. But there was something odd about their demeanor when I woke up...'

He should meet the Lord.

He was already deep in the forest surrounding his mansion by the time he became fully conscious of his surroundings. If anyone were to know about Raizel-nim's condition then it'd be the Lord. He urged his feet to run even faster though he was practically flying already, the surrounding trees a mere blur in the corner of his vision.

But just when there was only a few feet distance between him and the throne room, he ran into Urokai. ...He'd wanted to meet the hot headed clan leader... But running into him now of all times...when his mind was too filled with worry for the ailing man he'd left alone in that mansion...

With neither of them willing to spend even a fraction of a second more than absolutely necessary in each other's company, their meeting ended quickly with a very half-hearted questioning on his part and a barely concealed rage on Urokai's. He'd look into this matter later, but right now he had something more urgent to take care of.

Frankenstein threw open the massive double door to the throne room and entered unannounced. His worry for his benefactor's welfare far surpassing any hesitation he might have had about forgoing conventions.

"Frankenstein, it pleases me to see you unhurt" The Lord greeted him with his usual smile "And what brings you here without notice?"

"...Tell me the truth." ...Was all he could say. Later, upon retrospect, he might cringe at his utter lack of tactfulness... in front of Lord of the Nobles no less! But that'd come later, much later.

"Hm? What do you mean?" Even the Lord seemed a bit surprised at his outburst.

There were a few clan leaders assembled in front of the Lord. Some of them were glaring at him for his disrespectful behaviour. He'd probably walked in the middle of a meeting. But couldn't care any less about that...or anything else for that matter. There was only one thought running in his mind now.

"Is there... something wrong with Raizel-nim's health?"

The tension in the hall increased by many folds at his inquiry and he felt a heavy weight settle in his stomach... There was definitely something wrong with his health! If it wasn't because of him...was it a pre-existing condition? Is it curable? Is it...life threatening?! No...that can't be! Nobles are near immortals and he's much more powerful than a clan leader...

"Leave us, all of you."

The Lord's command pulled him out of his anxious thoughts.

"So, Frankenstein, what is it that you wish to know?" The Lord was addressing him now. The clan leaders have all left obediently, leaving them alone. There was a kind smile on the Lord's face. And it looked more genuine than it ever did...but it did nothing to ease his distress.

"I wish to know... everything" He replied, his voice almost breathless with concern. And when the simile on the Lord's face turned into a sad, reminiscent look... he felt his heart crumble.

Frankenstein was trudging through the forest, lost in despondence. Barely an hour ago, he'd practically fled through this forest, fueled by the urge to find out the truth. His mind had been sick with worry then. But now...his mind was blank and his body numb.

Even the night sky was devoid of stars. Dark and murky as though reflecting his mood. Briefly he wondered if Raizel-nim was still standing by the widow...

'He has always been alone. For far longer than I'd ever imagined...'

Would he be disappointed by the lack of stars if he looked at the sky now?

'I...I have always lived in pursuit of power. But...for what, in the end?'

Somewhere along the way, he'd unconsciously started to believe that he'd able to overcome anything if he gained enough power...but... what now? Why is he feeling this helpless?!

He'd wished that Raizel-nim would notice him. He'd always wanted to become someone important to him... His wish has been granted now, hasn't it? He wasn't as insignificant to him as he'd thought. Otherwise why would he... but Frankenstein couldn't bring himself to feel even an ounce of happiness...he felt wretched.

'He spent his own life force for me. For someone like me...'

In his haste, he'd left the gate wide open. Standing in front of it now, he wondered if he was worthy of entering it. He'd hurt the only person who had helped him unconditionally. Then again, his feet seems to have a mind of its own and had already carried him into the mansion before he made a conscious decision to enter.

But...was he of any help at all to him? Or...what if his presence was just a hindrance? Did Raizel-nim really need him? At that, his mind conjured the image that was burnt into his memory more than a decade ago. The first time he'd met Raizel-nim...Frankenstein shook his head violently, dispelling those thoughts immediately. ...After seeing his lonely back...how could he still have such doubts?!

"A contract is not merely an exchange of blood. It happens when both sides desire it, with blood as the medium."

The Lord's words echoed in his mind as he mechanically set about preparing a fresh cup of tea.

He'd reached a threshold. Crossing it would lead him to a point of no return. He knew that...but, if it was the only way that would enable him to be of use to him... If by doing this he could protect him and be his shield... And perhaps erase even a bit of his loneliness...

'I don't really care about the contract. I only want to stay by his side.'

Yes...that is all he wished for. Such a simple wish. But so precious.

'This is just a demonstration of my will and thoughts.'

He placed his wrist above the tea cup and slit it, allowing a few drops of blood to drip into it. Then he placed the cup on a cart and pushed it towards his room. And took a deep breath before entering.

"Are you feeling better, Raizel-nim?" He inquired, his tone trying to project a calmness he was in dire need of.

The wound on his wrist had healed almost instantly without leaving a single trace behind. But he was sweating profusely. Never before had he felt so nervous in his life.

"Ah..." Raizel-nim turned away from the window to face him.

"I brought you more tea, since you were unable to finish your cup earlier." He said, and bowed needlessly, trying to avoiding contact with those soulful eyes without being too obvious. He'd never found it so difficult to put on a facade in front of someone. Even facing a formidable enemy wouldn't make him feel like this. But this man...he always breaks through his defenses effortlessly. Ever since the day the met for the first time...even then he'd been fooled by his unsophisticated appearance.

Frankenstein's palpitation increased when he saw him reach out for the cup and start drinking.

"The tea...tastes different."

"D-Does it? ...It's a different blend of tea, so..." He started to stumble the words out of his dry throat but was halted mid sentence.


Frankenstein froze.

Blood swirled around them painting his vision red. He didn't have any particular like or dislike towards blood...but right now the crimson color crowding his vision seemed breathtakingly beautiful... perhaps because of the man standing in the center of it, with his smoldering red eyes - looking like a magnificent piece of art.

"We've entered a contract of the soul; you are hereby bound to me by blood. Do you consent?" He heard his voice asking him. His voice sounded as if it was coming from all directions and not just from the man in front of him.

Right this instant, nothing else existed for them that was beyond the circle created by the swirling drops of blood. Nothing but each other. They were going to be bound for eternity, he knew that...and that's precisely what he wanted! But...what about Raizel-nim? What did he desire? Did he want this as well? Or -before the negative thought could even finish forming, thoughts other than his own began flooding into his mind. They were very deep and intense - so intense that it made him feel faint - but they entered him with a calming reassurance and such ease that it inevitably reminded him of Raizel-nim's graceful movements...

'His thoughts are flowing into me!'

Frankenstein instinctively fought against the intensity, refusing to allow it to bog him down and instead chose to dive into it deeper and aimed for the very core. It became clear to him in the very first moment their minds contacted that he wanted him to stay by his side. So it wasn't self-assurity that he's looking for right now. He dwelled deeper and deeper until he caught sight of what he was looking for...and there! He found it...

Beneath all the serenity and calmness that encompassed his being, lay a soul deep desire - the desire to lead a normal life.

It shocked Frankenstein with its simplicity. And it was not suppressed like he expected it to be, rather, it was enveloped by a peaceful acceptance that it is not a desire that he was permitted to pursue. There wasn't even a hint of bitterness. And that made him decide - he will build a world in which Raizel-nim could experience normal life. It could take another ten years or a hundred or perhaps even a thousand years... but he would do it for Rai-no...Master. He'd do it for his precious precious master.

This motive liberated Frankenstein from any and all thoughts of worthlessness that was plaguing him until then. Only he can do this for his lord. It made his heart rejoice and it must have reflected on his his face as well for, thought faint, there was an answering smile in his Master's face. There was no need for words in between them anymore.

Even so, Frankenstein arranged himself into a formal posture by bending on one knee, with his head bowed and his right hand placed over his chest - right above his heart which was beating wildly and worded his consent.

"Yes, Master."

Saying it aloud like that somehow made it seem all the more real, more concrete. This man in front of him is his master and he is now eternally bound to this ethereal being...Suddenly Frankenstein was overcome with an unbearable urge to touch the enchanting existence in front of him. He was too tired from all this ordeal to fight back the urge and simply gave in to it.

He reached out to touch the side of his face where he'd caused him to bleed in his madness. The injury had already healed without a trace. But from the memory he shared with his master, he was sure that this was the spot. So he caressed it gently, almost reverently with the tip of his calloused fingers.

His skin felt like... powdered silk under his touch. Frankenstein was entranced by the feeling. It was so unbelievably soft and warm. In fact, it was getting progressively warmer...finally his brain caught up to what exactly he was doing and he drew his hand back in embarrassment. A faint red coated Raizel's perfect aristocratic cheekbones. ...he must heard my thoughts...Oops! He should quickly learn to discipline his mind for both their sakes!


... or should I say - thus began a relationship that will continue for several centuries to come? ; )

A/N: Lol! I couldn't help but add that extra bit in the end... ;p