Against Medical Advice
Doctor Brad Pitt did not bother to mask his disappointment and impatience, but allowed his voice to rise as he spoke. Using his forefinger, he pointed it dramatically at the patient before him. "Last time, Tony, and I mean it. If you ignore or modify my orders again- even by a single word, I will pick up the phone and apprise Agent Gibbs and Doctor Mallard of your behavior."
The target of the threat, Special Agent Tony Dinozzo, regarded the physician with trepidation. The usually affable Dr. Pitt had evidently reached his limit of patience, and Tony had never dealt with him so upset.
He could not decide on the appropriate tone he needed to respond and calm the good doctor.
"Listen to me," Brad continued, his jaw clenching and his eyes narrowing as he directed Tony's attention towards him, "and I mean listen. For the second month in a row test results show that your lungs appear compromised. Now, the evidence that you did not comply with my directions- that you intentionally ignored my prior instructions- appears right over there in that set of xrays. If I have explained it to you once, I have certainly explained dozens of times the fact that your encounter with YPestis will demand regular medical checkups and appropriate treatment for the rest of your life, Tony."
He stopped to gather his thoughts and Tony took advantage of the pause to find a way to soothe the doctor's upset.
Grinning, he leaned his head to one side. Normally he could circumvent trouble by relying upon his natural good looks. Over six feet tall and with an excellent physique, his long lashed green eyes sparkled as he appeased the man. "Ok, I hear you- really I do. I also think that perhaps you interpreted my response as nonchalance earlier when..."
Brad interrupted, leaning up against the examination area's sink and crossing his arms across his chest. "I do not want to hear…"
"Wait," Tony interjected, "let me finish, please." He flashed the doctor a brilliant grin. "I know you think I am not taking your advice seriously, but in actuality, I plan to follow your instructions to a tee from this point."
Brad shrugged out of the sleeves of his white coat and hung it by the sink. Dressed in casual pants and a shirt, he regarded Tony skeptically.
Encouraged by the gesture, Tony elaborated. "Yes, until you see no trace of fluid in my lungs, I will refrain from going out after dark when the cool air gets damp. I know to take my health seriously."
Evidently that proved acceptable because Dr. Pitt nodded. The senior field agent sat up straighter and moved to the next point. "Further, should I find I have even the slightest fever, I will immediately put myself to bed to rest and give myself a chance to fight it before it worsens."
Brad blinked and pursed his lips, evidently weighing the sincerity of the plea.
Sensing he had missed something critical, Tony drummed his fingers on the examination table and concentrated. "Wait! At least three times a week -even if I feel well- I will undergo a breathing treatment with the thingy thing and the medicine." He smiled jubilantly at recalling that last bit, his green eyes sparkling with his excitement at his success.
"Nebulizer," the doctor contributed, softening his stance a bit with Tony's obvious attempts to reassure and follow the medical directions.
"Right you are," the agent agreed, ending his argument with the kill shot. "You can relax now, because let me assure you that I have the medicine dosages right there with the machine."
A pause followed that stretched several seconds, and Tony glanced hopefully at the physician. It was such a childish, charming expression that Brad laughed out loud. "Ok, I will let you off the hook today. But believe me that it will not be pretty if you come in here again in this shape."
Scared the doctor might change his mind about the reprieve, Tony hurriedly slid off the table and grabbed Brad into an extemporaneous hug. "You are the man, Dr. Bradley Pitt! I might just forget the whole college broken leg fiasco with what you have done right here today."
An hour and a half later he slid into his seat at his agency workplace, NCIS, or Naval Criminal Investigative Service, as quietly as he could.
Glancing up pointedly from the case file he studied, Jethro Gibbs, Tony's boss and mentor, frowned at the entrance and narrowed his eyes.
It took no complex interpretation to know what that look meant. Tony had gone off grid for more than two hours and yes, Gibbs had taken note.
He squirmed in his seat, but refused to acknowledge Jethro's glare. The last thing he wanted was for the man to discover his mission and recent whereabouts.
Gibbs would consider Tony's health decline a result of his agent's neglect of his well being, and that would anger the older man. Should he realize that Tony had deliberately kept his boss in the dark the intel would backfire with unwelcome repercussions for the young agent.
Marine sniper turned team leader Leroy Jethro Gibbs possessed a strangely protective paternal streak for Tony, as well as for Abby, the agency's forensics scientist.
Busying himself with minutiae in the report he had worked on that morning before he left, Tony spent the rest of the afternoon scrambling to stay under his boss's radar.
He could only hide for so long, though.
To make up for his earlier transgression he outdid himself at home that night, voluntarily undertaking several tasks in the House of Gibbs, the home he shared with his boss and Abby.
Strangely enough, Jethro did not mention the earlier incident at work.
Tony certainly had no intention of reminding him, and congratulated himself on his narrow escape.
Falling asleep that night Tony stretched luxuriously and congratulated himself on his secret keeping.
Five weeks later Special Agent Anthony Dinozzo visited Bethesda once again. Pulling open the door he shook his head slightly and straightened his shoulders. No matter what, he did not want to appear under the weather when Brad examined him.
Moments later the agent could not resist an audible sigh of relief after the charge nurse informed him that Dr. Pitt had gotten tied up in a surgery upstairs, so the doctor on duty would examine him instead.
How lucky could a man get?
Tony practically ran to the hospital's outpatient examination area.
This was the best news he had been given since Brad had ordered him back to Bethesda at regularly scheduled intervals.
Tony reviewed the past few weeks in his mind.
Though his intentions had been admirable when he left the last time, he felt decidedly stronger three days after following the doctor's orders. Since the treatments cost him a chunk of his after hours free time, and required some effort on his part, he sacrificed them. However, two days ago he realized with a shock that Brad would have no doubt he had slacked when he looked at him during the next appointment.
Tony smiled charmingly at the substitute and congratulated himself upon his good luck.
He had escaped the Dr. Pitt- I – know- you- have- not- taken-your-health-seriously- damper on his afternoon, which meant he could launch into an early start on his Friday night plans. He had looked forward to his very attractive and smoking hot date and to the new club they planned to visit near downtown, and Saturday's activities held just as much promise.
Brad's replacement, an older doctor with a mustache and beard, barely spoke. He grunted instead, from one task to the other, checking Tony's lungs with the same interest he elicited while monitoring the agent's reflexes. Other than answering the few direct questions the physician asked, Tony stayed silent in an attempt to appear both serious and responsible.
After all, he had once described his own boss along the lines of a functional mute, so handling this doctor required a minimum of effort.
He could deal with taciturn.
The medic ordered no extra tests or xrays, then called in the nurse to set up the next appointment. Dinozzo jogged out of the hospital's doors, silently giving thanks for the reprieve and the freedom to kick off his weekend a bit early.
The night did not disappoint him. In fact, it delighted him.
Saturday Abby invited him to join her and her friends at a party later in the evening towards midnight. He declined, regretfully, citing his own prior arrangement. Sometimes Abby's crowd redefined the definition of partying, and he had his own motives for a private night with his date.
The two worked hurriedly that morning to complete their own rosters of chores. Having lived with their boss for as long as they had they had learned that he would never allow them leave to enjoy recreational pursuits without tending to their duties first.
Nor would they ask.
Gibbs had drummed his expectations into their heads, by his own brand of teaching, until no doubt remained over what he deemed the conditions necessary to earn an evening of fun.
Tony had just finished his lunch when the front door opened and Doctor Ducky Mallard called out a greeting. Using the greeting as a chance to exit, Tony took a gulp of his iced tea, hurriedly grabbed his dishes, and grinned charmingly at his boss and Abby.
"Ok, then, I will see you two much, much later, mi familia. It looks like you and Ducky have plans, Boss, so enjoy yourself and try not to embarrass Abby or me."
He smirked in Jethro's direction.
Noting Tony's imminent departure as he neared the three, Ducky contradicted him. "Not so fast, Anthony- I brought company with me."
Turning to acknowledge and greet the visitor, Tony's face paled instead. Right behind the good Doctor Mallard, positioned in that no nonsense stance Tony knew well, stood the unmistakable figure of Doctor Brad Pitt.
Tony's green eyes widened. This did not look or feel like a socially pleasant visit.
Sensing the atmosphere of the room change, Abby glanced swiftly from one of the men to the other, guessed the target of the stopover, then jumped to her feet. "Excuse me, gentlemen, but I need to finish some things upstairs."
Without waiting for a reply, she departed, turning to cast a sympathetic glance at Tony before she hurried upstairs.
Grasping a lifeline, he turned to follow her.
Gibbs took a swallow of his coffee and raising his eyebrows, ordered softly, "Sit down, Tony."