A/N: Hey Everyone! This is my first Fairy Tail story but not my first fan fiction. I basically wrote this as a way to get back into writing since it's been what almost four years? EEK! Anyways this is only part one for now. Part two will hopefully be up soon as I have most of what I want to say in my head but I just couldn't wait to post this any longer! Also I really hope that Lucy doesn't come across as slutty here. She has a past relationship with Natsu and though they have broken up they remain very close. I decided to spell Loki's name the proper way and not how it is spelled in the manga and most of the anime. According to fairy tail's wiki he was named after the Norse god of mischief Loki, so that's how im spelling it.

Timeline: this takes place after the end of the Grand Magic Games and while it is a slight spoiler I think we all know that there is no way Fairy Tail lost.

The young blond celestial mage of Fairy Tail walked tiredly behind her friends to their guild. After a weeklong S-class mission Lucy and the rest of Team Natsu were exhausted. At the moment it didn't even matter that Lucy now had enough jewels for two months rent and a little extra, all she wanted to do was get home and sleep for the next twenty four hours.

" Lucy," Erza said gently, " you don't need to come to the Guild with us if you're too tired. You should just head home."

" Arigatou Erza. I'll come by the guild sometime tomorrow afternoon. I'm going to sleep late tomorrow," Lucy told the requip specialist and waved to her other teammates.

" See ya, Lucy." Natsu called over his shoulder.

Lucy waved again and tiredly trudged to her home. She was still several blocks away from her little apartment and she was barely standing! This was not going to work, perhaps she should summon Virgo and see if she would be willing to help her home. Just as she was reaching for the golden keys on her hip bright light appeared next to her. Standing there next to her was her strongest and favorite spirit, not that she would ever tell him that, Leo the lion. Or Loki as he preferred she call him. Lucy gave her spirit a tired and somewhat guilty smile, as he looked her over with his lips pulled down into a frown. The young blonde could only imagine how she looked. She knew her clothes were torn in several places and that there was most likely blood and dirt covering her as well since Loki had that pinched look on his beautiful mouth. It wasn't that he was truly angry with her, he was just upset that once again she was injured and not taking proper care of herself. Not saying anything just giving a quick shake of his mane of orange hair he bent down slightly and scooped her into his arms bridal style and headed for her house.

" I'm sorry Loki," she whispered once they were inside the apartment building. " I really am fine, just exhausted. Wendy already looked me over and healed me. I was too tired to clean up though is all." Loki sighed as he walked through her rooms.

" I figured as much. You know I simply worry about you Lucy. You are my princess after all and what kind of loyal knight wouldn't worry for his lovely princess?" Lucy blushed at his flirty tone. Loki carried her into the bathroom and set her down on the closed toilet seat. Lucy tilted her head to the side and then smiled as he drew her a warm bath and added in her favorite bath salts. " Don't just sit there Love, summon Virgo so that she can help you bathe."

" I do not need help bathing myself Loki. I'm a big girl," she huffed back.

" Honey you can barely stand! You couldn't even walk home. Either summon Virgo to help you bathe or I'm going to do it." Lucy narrowed her eyes and glared at him.

" You wouldn't dare." He just raised one eyebrow and stared her down as he started to loosen his tie from his suit. " Okay, okay I'll call Virgo!" Loki simply smirked and readjusted his tie. Lucy hesitated to see if he would leave the bathroom and she could get away with not summoning her spirit and just take care of washing herself by herself. She sighed when she realized he wasn't budging until he made sure she followed his orders. "Open gate of the Maiden! Virgo!" Brilliant golden light filled the modest bathroom and then there was a pink haired young maid standing in her bathroom.

" Princess, is it time to be punished?" Virgo asked as she bowed to her master.

" No Virgo, Lucy needs you to help her take a bath. She is too exhausted from her latest mission and can't stand," Loki answered.

" Understood Nii-sama. Please wait for our princess in the next room," Virgo requested with a slight bow to the head of the Zodiacs. Loki nodded and headed out of the room to gather together some food to make for Lucy's dinner. " Hime, do you require help undressing?"

" No Virgo, thank you. I think I can manage that on my own. But Loki is right. I will need help getting into the bath and with some of the washing. Wendy is excellent at healing but stiff muscles aren't really something that she can take care of," Lucy said as she tiredly stripped off her clothes.

" I understand Princess. I will let you soak for a few minutes and return with some clothes for you."

" Arigatou Virgo," Lucy called as she gratefully sank into the warm water and thought to herself " It's a good thing that my bath salts have a muscle relaxer in them." Virgo returned a minute later carrying some pajamas and helped Lucy wash her hair and finish bathing. Reluctantly the blonde mage allowed herself to be dried off and dressed by her spirit. Virgo then carried her mistress out to the other room and sat her at the small dinning table just as Loki carried out two plates of food.

" That will be all Virgo, I can take it from here," Loki said as he set down one of the plates in front of Lucy.

" As you say Brother," Virgo said bowing again to both of them. " Take care, Princess." And with that she vanished back to the Spirit World.

" You didn't have to send her away like that Loki. She could have stayed to eat with us," Lucy scolded lightly as she dug into her food. Loki chuckled.

" Have you ever actually seen Virgo eat Human food Princess?" Lucy pondered that.

" No, I can't say that I ever have."

" That because she doesn't. Most Zodiac spirits don't. I do because I got used to it when I was trapped here."

" Plue eats candy," Lucy argued.

" Honey, Plue is a weird little dog. He eats pretty much anything." Lucy blushed slightly at yet another endearment.

" Why do you keep doing that?" At his confused look she clarified, " Calling me honey and love and other things like that." He still looked slightly confused when he answered her.

" Because I love you. Isn't that what humans do? Express their feelings in little ways all the time?" Lucy fidgeted in her seat as she pushed away her now empty plate.

" Well yes they do. But Loki you are a celestial spirit not a human. How can you love me?" Loki merely gave her a small secretive smile as he took both their plates into the kitchen before returning to once again scoop her up and carry her to her bedroom.

" I'll tell you a different time Princess. One where you aren't so tired that you are falling into your dinner."

" I was not!" Lucy cried affronted. Loki gave her an oh please, you so were look as he gently set her down on the bed. " Okay maybe I was. But you have to promise to tell me what you meant."

" I promise," he vowed with his hand over his heart. Lucy nodded and then quickly covered a yawn. " For now just get some rest my love," he said as he tucked her in and quickly kissed her forehead. Lucy smiled a little to herself and burrowed deeper under the covers.

" Silly lion," she mumbled before she fell into a deep slumber.

Loki smiled and went into the kitchen to clean up before he returned to the Spirit World. " Good night my beautiful Lucy. Pleasant dreams," he called as he left.

Despite Lucy's best efforts she was awake the next morning by nine am, the sun just wouldn't let her sleep anymore. " Oh well, don't want to sleep anymore of my life away," she said to herself as she yawned and stretched her arms above her head.

She was still a little sore so she figured she would go into town and buy some salve for her poor muscles since she was almost out of the stuff. She shuffled into her bathroom and stood under the hot spray of her shower until all the warm water ran out. Next she quickly dressed in another outfit she had no memory of buying and ate a small breakfast of fruit and yogurt. The warm midmorning sun beat pleasantly on her back as she strolled to the market place. There would only be a few more weeks of comfortable weather before fall began and the days became chilly. Lucy went and bought her salve first and then decided to check out the local bookstore to see if they had anything good new in. The pretty Fairy Tail mage spent the next hour and a half browsing the bookstore. She was quite happy when she left. She had managed to find several books to her liking and she knew that she would be spending time in front of her fireplace this coming fall reading some lovely books. Lucy was saying goodbye to the shop owner and therefore didn't see the young man struggling to get through the door with a bunch of books and a travel cup of coffee in his hands. Just as she turned around they managed to bump into each other and Lucy got lukewarm coffee spilled all down the front of her outfit.

" Ouch! Oh my gosh miss! I am so so sorry!" the young man exclaimed when he saw what he had bumped into.

" It's all right really," Lucy said her hands up in placation and a smile on her face as he rooted trough the bag on his shoulder and came up with a bunch of crumpled napkins. " I wasn't looking where I was going and you had your hands full." He is pretty good looking she thought to herself as he continued to apologize.

" I'm still sorry that I ruined your outfit. Please let me make it up to you!" He said his brown eyes pleading and full of regret. " Though I admit I don't have much money. I'm a student you see and well students don't get paid very much."

" Really it's all right," Lucy said slightly exasperated. She just wanted to get out of her soggy clothes.

" At least let me buy you lunch," he offered. Lucy thought about that. After all it was coming up on lunchtime and she was getting hungry.

" All right. How about we head over to Fairy Tail? The guild has some delicious food and I can borrow a change of clothes from one of my friends."

" You have friends at Fairy Tail?" he asked astonished. Lucy laughed sweetly.

" Of course I do! I am a member after all," she said proudly showing the guild's mark on the back of her right hand. He stared at it open mouthed in awe. " By the way my name is Lucy."

" Oh I'm sorry! I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Lee. Harold Lee. But I prefer to be called just Lee." Lucy smiled and led the way to her second home. She and Lee chatted amiably on the way to Fairy Tail with Lucy listening to Lee about his life as an art student. When they came in sight of the massive guild Lee stopped short and stared at the building in awe. He was quick to catch up to Lucy just as she was opening the large door to the guild. It was more chaotic than usual, as almost all the members seemed to be there.

" Welcome to Fairy Tail!" Mirajane called when the doors opened. " Oh hi Lucy! What happened to your outfit?" Lucy chuckled nervously as Lee looked down in shame.

" Oh I wasn't paying enough attention to where I was going and accidently walked into Lee-san here and got coffee spilled on me. He felt bad and wanted to take me to lunch so we came here. Could you get us some lunch while I go change Mira-san?"

" Of course Lucy. You go ahead to the back and I'll bring out some lunch for you guys," Mira said with a smile. Lucy thanked the take-over mage and went into the back room where she could call out Virgo to bring her a change of clothes. Mirajane waited until her friend was out of sight before she suddenly transformed into her Satan's Soul takeover and slammed Lee into the nearest pillar grabbing the attention of the rest of the rowdy guild. " I know who you are! You have a lot of nerve to walk right in here with Lucy!" she growled.

" Mira! Who is this guy?!" Natsu yelled as he jumped over several tables to land beside her.

" He is a wanted criminal Natsu. He has been hunting the few celestial mages left in the world and stealing their keys. We just got a request to capture him this morning. My guess is he is after Lucy and her Golden Keys." Mirajane answered.

" Is that right?" Natsu growled and cracked his knuckles. Lee chuckled darkly.

" That's right. I was after that ditsy blonde for ages! She has ten golden keys! Those babies go for a fortune!" Mirajane growled and started to crush his neck.

" That ditsy blonde is one of my best friends," Natsu growled as Mira released Lee so the young dragon slayer could have a word before he died. Lee looked up at Natsu defiantly until he noticed that several other members had come over and were standing behind him eyes demonic looking and magic flaring. Lee tried to make a dash for the guild doors only to be blocked by a newly returning Laxus and the Raijinshu.

" Yo, Natsu, this guy was causing trouble for Lucy?" Laxus asked as lightning crackled around him.

" He was trying to get ahold of Lucy's golden keys to sell them. Who knows what he would have done to Lucy herself," Grey answered. Laxus' frown deepened and Lee quickly backed up until he ran into something solid behind him. Frightened he turned around only to come face to face with a ferocious looking Loki and the rest of Lucy's strong spirits who were able to open their gates on their own.

" So you thought you could steal us away from Lucy," Loki growled as his hand began to glow with the power of Regulus.

" Tch bastard," Aquarius snarled from the small puddle of water that Juvia had kindly provided. Loki wasted no more time and hit the sniveling fiend with his Regulus Impact therefore rendering him unconscious and several guild members quickly tied him up.

" I'll take this loser to the magic council since I was headed in that direction on a job anyway," Gajeel offered. " I'll make sure Bunny Girl gets sent the reward for him since she brought him in." The others nodded and let the iron dragon slayer pass by without complaint. Lucy came out a few minutes later and looked around confused.

" Eh? What happened to Lee?"

" Only you Lucy," Laxus said ruffling her hair as he passed her on his way to the bar. Lucy covered her head and tried to bat his hand away. When his back was turned she pulled a face at him before turning to a chuckling Mirajane for explanation.

" Lee was a wanted criminal Lucy. He's been hunting the remaining celestial stellar mages for their keys and you were going to be his next target. He probably didn't count on you bringing him into the guild on the day that we got the flyer about a reward for him. Gajeel took him to the magic council."

" A reward? How much?" Lucy asked thinking of the extra money she spent this morning.

" 50,000 jewels. But don't worry Gajeel said he would make sure that you get the reward since you did technically bring him in," Erza answered her.

" You should have seen his face when we all surrounded him Lucy!" Happy cackled flying around Natsu's head excitedly. " He tried to be tough until he backed into Loki! He looked ready to pee his pants. Loki did look pretty scary though, he had fangs and his eyes went all glowy and he even was growling like a real lion!" Lucy looked over at her lion spirit and smiled in thanks.

" Anytime my Princess," he said with a bow and his hand over his heart. "Though it might have been Aquarius' glare that had him cowering."

" Arigatou Aquarius, minna," Lucy said bowing slightly. Aquarius just answered with a tch and a small smile before she and the rest of Lucy's spirits left for the celestial world once again.

" Hey Lucy," Cana yelled drunkenly, " Why don't we have a party to celebrate you not getting kidnapped again?" Lucy laughed at the guild's resident lush.

" Sure! Why not?"

" We can make it an all girl's slumber party! We haven't done one of those in years," Lisanna suggested.

" Great idea Lisanna!" Bisca shouted in excitement. " I wonder if I can get Wendy and Carla to babysit Asuka for me tonight. I could use some girl time."

All the other female mages agreed that a sleepover at the guild was just what they needed and agreed to meet back at the guild later that same night. Lucy left to go home and take a nap since she knew it would be unlikely that she would sleep tonight. She was just walking into her apartment when she realized she had left her newly purchased salve back at the guild. Smacking herself in the head lightly she turned around to head back to the guild knowing that she would never be able to nap with the way her muscles were aching.

" Yo Lucy," Natsu called from her window. " You left this stuff at the guild," he held up the bag she was just about to return for.

" Oh thank you Natsu, I was just about to go back to Fairy Tail to get it." Natsu plopped down on her bed and patted the space next to him.

" Come on, I'll help put it on you if you let me use some of it on my shoulder." Lucy agreed and sat next to him twisting the cap off the jar he handed to her. Efficiently she rubbed the stuff in between her hands to warm it slightly before she began to kneed it into Natsu's exposed right shoulder. Natsu let out a long moan of relief. There was a rather large knot of muscles tensed up beneath her hand, it must have been killing him. "Feels good," he mumbled sleepily.

" Oh no you don't," she chastised. " No falling asleep when you're supposed to help my put this on my back and shoulders." Natsu yawned largely and motioned for her to lie down on the bed so that he could apply the salve. Lucy did as she was bid and with a slight blush on her face shimmied out of her bra and shirt knowing they would only get in the way. " Okay you can look now," she told Natsu who had politely averted his eyes while she undressed. Repeating the process of warming the salve the way Lucy did Natsu set to work helping his nakama with her pain. Lucy moaned loudly causing Natsu to chuckle as he shifted into a better position behind her.

" It's been a long time since I heard that sound from you."

" B-baka! Don't say things like that!" Lucy stuttered. Natsu leaned over and nuzzled her neck and laughed again when she reached around and swatted his leg that was next to her. He gently nipped her neck in rebuke and then went back to massaging her shoulders when she growled at him.

" Not like I haven't ever done this before Luce," he reminded her with a smile in his voice.

" Y-yeah but that was before," she trailed off. They both knew why Natsu no longer nuzzled her anymore.

" I know I was just playing. All done," he said and affectingly patted her backside. Lucy quickly pulled on her shirt but noticed this time that her pink haired friend did not turn away but instead watched her intently.

" What's with you today?" she demanded as she buttoned the last button on her blouse. Natsu looked out her window with a somewhat sad smile.

" You know how I get when people make threats against you," her expression said she didn't believe him. Natsu sighed. " I guess I was feeling a little sad. We both know that pretty soon we won't be able to cuddle anymore or even just flirt a little. I miss it."

" Natsu," Lucy said his name filled with all the emotions that neither one of them really wanted to express.

" Yeah I know. We both agreed. And I know that we're both happy this way and that we both like other people but Lucy, I love you. You were my first real girlfriend and first, well you know. I'm not sure that I'm ever gonna stop having feelings for you!" Lucy turned his head so that he looked at her and placed her forehead against his.

" Silly dragon," she whispered affection in her voice. " Of course we still love each other. You always love the person you first fall in love with. Maybe not enough to keep a relationship but that affection never fully goes away; at least that's what I've heard. Add to the fact that we're best friends, our feelings will always be strong and that's okay. We both agreed that we were better off seeing other people but that doesn't mean that we don't care anymore. And I've missed cuddling and hanging out with you outside of jobs too Natsu. We almost never do it anymore." She reached out and stroked the side of his face and he wiped away a tear from her eye. They were quiet for some time before Lucy spoke again. " I'm going to take a nap now so I don't fall asleep first tonight and have Mira and Cana play a prank on me." Natsu smiled softly and made to get up. " I want you to stay and cuddle with me for awhile though." The shy, happy little smile Natsu gave to her as he maneuvered them so that he was stretched out on his side behind her took the blonde haired girl's breath away. It had been way too long since she had last seen that smile on him and she resolved to see it more anyway possible. Lucy was happy to snuggle with Natsu with just the sheet covering her since he was always so warm. She quickly set her alarm so that she didn't oversleep and then happily drifted off to dreamland safe in her best friend's embrace.

Lucy woke several hours later when her alarm went off feeling better than she had in awhile. She always slept better when Natsu or Grey climbed into her bed, not that she would tell either one of them that. The young woman turned to see her friend still sleeping peacefully and decided to let him stay that way as she made her way into the bathroom for a quick shower. She always got a little sweaty after cuddling with Natsu since he was a walking furnace. After a few minutes Lucy heard the door to the bathroom creak open and felt arms wrap around her waist and a pair of lips kissed her shoulder. Natsu took the sponge from her and gently washed her back and then her hair. Lucy smiled at him and after returning the favor she got out of the shower and let him finish on his own while she changed and made them both some dinner. Natsu looked surprised at the amount of food she made for them both since she usually ate about a third of what he did.

" I missed lunch," she shrugged and his fist tightened around his chopsticks. " Plus this slumber party will involve Cana, which means that it will involve drinking." Natsu laughed and dug into his food with gusto. Lucy was a really good cook, much better than when she first cooked for him. When they were both finished Lucy put the dirty dishes into the sink and went to pack her overnight bag and change into her pajamas. Natsu washed the dishes for her since he knew it would bother her to leave them overnight and then sat on her couch to wait to escort her to Fairy Tail. It was just starting to get dark when the two mages of Fairy Tail made their way to the guild they both loved in the kind of pleasant silence one can only achieve with a great friend.

" There you are Lucy!" Mirajane called when they walked in a few minutes later before a blue streak collided with Natsu's chest.

" Waa Natsu where have you been?" Happy cried.

" Sorry Happy, I just hanging out with Lucy for a little bit," the dragon slayer responded as he gently pulled the blue Exceed away from his stomach. "Forgive me?"

" Aye," Happy chirped as Lucy made her way to the back with the rest of the girls. As she made her way to the back she noticed that most of the younger guys were camped out in the main room as well. She waved to them all as Levy rushed out to greet her already dressed in her pajamas and bunny slippers.

" Hey Lu-chan, you have to come check out this book I just bought!" The blue haired girl cried as she dragged her friend through the door and shut and locked it behind her. Natsu smiled as he watched the girls head to the back room until he felt something whack him in the back of the head.

" Hey Flame-Brain don't just stand there staring!" Grey yelled another pillow poised for throwing in his hand.

" Who you calling flame brain you stripper?" Natsu yelled picking up the pillow at his feet and chucking it back at Grey's face and then leaping over to where the other guys were already engaged in an intense battle. Lucy and Levy laughed as they heard the guys starting to brawl as they came across the rest of the female mages already dressed in pajamas.

" They better not destroy the guild," Erza growled as she folded her arms across her ample chest.

" Ahh they'll be fine," Cana laughed, leaning against the redhead with a pair of glasses of something alcoholic in her hands. " Here drink this and forget about it till morning." Erza took the glass from the brunette and started to choke immediately after she took a sip.

" What the hell is in this?" she coughed, her eyes watering.

" Hmm? Oh I don't really know. Mira just mixed a bunch of alcohol together with some fruit juice and called it punch. It tastes kind of funny but it gives you a great buzz," Cana laughed as she walked over to the table that had snacks and a rather large punch bowel. She ladled some into cups for Levy and Lucy then lead them over to the large circle of their friends. Lucy took a cautious sip of her drink and started coughing and tearing up as well. Her friends all laughed and continued to arrange a bunch of mattresses and pillows and blankets in a circle in the middle of the room. Lucy claimed the nest of pillows in between Levy and Lisanna and watched as the latter helped Mira trim Juvia's long locks. Apparently it was time for makeovers as Evergreen was also sporting a new hairstyle. The women all chattered and laughed and sipped their weird drinks.

" Hey Lu-chan why don't you summon Cancer so he can help with our hair?" Levy suggested. Lucy shrugged and stood up slightly wobbly after only a few sips of her drink.

" Open Gate of the Crab! Cancer!" There was a flash of golden light and suddenly a tall crab-man with scissors was standing there in the middle of the circle.

" Ebi~ What can I do for you Princess? Ebi~" He asked Lucy.

" Um we were wondering of you could help us with some hair makeovers? We're all a little drunk I'm afraid."

" Okay Ebi~" Cancer took over for Mirajane and quickly finished Juvia's hair which was starting to look a little crooked. Pretty soon all the females of Fairy Tail were sporting new hairstyles that they loved.

" Arigatou Cancer!" Lucy giggled as she fluffed her new bangs and shook her new waves.

" Anytime Ebi~" Cancer smiled before he disappeared.

" He may be a little strange but Juvia thinks that Cancer is excellent at fixing Juvia's hair," the blue haired rain woman told Lucy as they all settled down on their respective beds. Lucy giggled and nodded as she drank more of her punch. The stuff wasn't half bad once you got used to it. Or maybe she was just too drunk to notice. Suddenly Mirajane stood up and clapped her hands.

" It's time for Truth or Dare!" She smiled as she took an empty bottle and set it down in the middle of the circle. " If the bottle points to you then you can choose either truth or dare. You are allowed only one switch if you don't like what you are asked or dared to do but only one ladies! Okay?" They all cheered in agreement and Mira gave the bottle a good spin. It landed on Levy first. " Truth or Dare, Levy?" The silver haired woman asked.

" Um.. Truth," the Solid Script user stuttered.

" Tell us, how do you really feel about Gajeel?" Mira demanded slyly. Levy blushed red all over.

" I think I'm in love with him!" The other girls all squealed in joy and laughed happily as Levy reached over and spun the bottle. This time it landed on Cana. " Truth or Dare Cana-san?"

" Oh? I don't think I'm drunk enough for a truth so I'll say dare," Cana grinned. Levy looked stumped as to what to give the Card Magic user as a dare until Mirajane leaned over and whispered in her ear. Levy's blush returned but she nodded in agreement.

" I dare you to show us all how to sexy dance," Cana laughed.

" Good one Mira! Okay, girls I think it's about time some of you learn this anyways." Bisca turned on some music on the little radio one of them brought and Mira brought a folding chair into the middle of the circle and the slightly younger girls all sat up and watched Cana raptly. " You should first find some music before hand and find the rhythm of it. Most of what you do won't matter if manage to keep good rhythm with the music and you do a lot of hip rolls. Hip rolls really drive the guys crazy and they don't care about much else." Cana explained several different moves to use when giving a lap dance and showed the girls with the chair. She then showed them how to strip dance. By the time her dare was done most of the girls were blushing like mad and they all took a healthy swig of their alcohol while Cana spun the bottle. It landed on Lucy. Cana smiled evilly and Lucy gulped. " Truth or Dare Lucy?"

" Uhh-truth?" Lucy stammered and took another drink of her punch when Cana's smile got even more sly.

" Who was your first?" The brunette demanded.

" First what? First kiss or first time you know," the stellar mage asked.

" Both." Lucy blushed hard.

" I think I'd like my switch please," she requested of Mirajane. The takeover mage smiled and nodded for Lisanna to choose.

" Lucy I dare you, to answer Cana's question," the younger Strauss sister laughed. Lucy's mouth dropped open in shock. " Gomen Lucy, but I really am curious to know too." Lucy sighed in defeat and drained her cup for some liquid courage.

" Grey was my first kiss and Natsu was the first guy I slept with," she shouted before diving behind Erza for protection.

" I KNEW IT! A LOVE RIVAL FOR GREY-SAMA'S LOVE!" Juvia yelled as she glowered at Lucy. Lisanna just sat there in shock with her mouth open as most of the other girls were.

" It's not like that at all!" Lucy tried to explain her hands up in surrender.

" Maybe you should explain then Lucy," Erza said quietly. Lucy came out from behind the requip mage and sat back down on her mattress.

" Um okay. It was many years ago now since we were trapped on that island for seven years," she stated and gulped when Juvia still glared at her. " Um, after our mission on Galuna Island we were all celebrating and drinking."

" I remember that," Erza put in.

" Right. Anyways that was my first time really drinking and I got drunk pretty fast. I accidentally wandered into where Grey was supposed to be sleeping and he was pretty drunk too but helped me back to my own tent by carrying me. But just as he set me down he lost his balance and we wound up with our lips pressed against each other."

Grey and Lucy stared at each other wide eyed with lips pressed together and Grey hovering above Lucy trying not to fall again. Slowly Grey closed his eyes and tilted his head slightly and kissed her properly. Lucy allowed her own eyes to close and melted into her first ever kiss. And what a kiss it was! Grey was very good at what he was doing. Gently he sucked her lower lip in between his and gave a light nip that caused Lucy to gasp. Grey wasted no time and deepened the kiss as his tongue danced against her own hesitant one. Slowly as not to frighten the girl, he lowered himself so that he was pressing her into the cot but still keeping most of his weight resting on his arms so as not to crush her. Lucy couldn't help but moan as Grey first kissed along the side of her mouth and down her jaw before he settled at her neck while she regained her breath. She wound her arms around his neck and started to run her hands through his hair and he sucked at her neck and traced one hand up and down her side with feather light touches. His mouth returned to hers as she lazily rand her hands up and down his once again bare back. He moaned against her lips when she lightly began to scrape her nails up and down his skin. He shifted his weight again and she felt his hardness against her thigh. He moaned even louder and thrust his hips against her when her hand curiously brushed against him.

" Lucy," he breathed her name huskily. " Lucy, we should stop." She looked at him in confusion. " We're both drunk Lucy and we don't want to regret this in the morning." Lucy pulled back and panted heavily.

" You're right. I'm sorry." Grey laughed a sexy deep laugh.

" Don't apologize. I'm the one who fell on you remember. I enjoyed kissing you Lucy make no mistake but if we go farther than that I want it to be something we both agree on and we both remember." Lucy smiled and nodded.

" Me too." She watched Grey as he stood up and stretched.

" Good night Lucy."

" Night Grey," she whispered as he walked out. When he was gone she flopped back on her pillow with a low groan. That night she slept with her a smile on her face. The next morning both Lucy and Grey decided to not talk about what had happened the previous night and both blushed quite a lot when they saw each other.

" Lucy are you all right," Erza questioned on the boat ride home. " You look very red and you haven't seemed to have heard what I've been saying to you at all."

" Ah gomen Erza-san. I think I'm just a little too warm," the young blonde answered her.

" You should go down below deck and rest for a little bit. We've still have another hour or so before we reach land." Lucy nodded and made her way below deck failing to notice the ice mage who smirked and followed her.

" Lucy," Grey called once they were down in the darkness of the ship. She turned in surprise and let out a small squeak when he backed her into the wall of the ship. He smirked again and closed the distance between them but stopped right before their lips touched. " I wanted you to know, last night wasn't just me being drunk," he seductively whispered against her lips. " I genuinely like you. The choice is yours though Lucy," he closed the gap between them and Lucy quickly gave into his mouth's demands. This was an even better kiss than last nights! Who knew that Grey was capable of such fiery passion?! Grey pulled back after a couple minutes and rested his head against hers while they both fought to regain their breath. Grey pressed a final quick kiss to her forehead and whispered, " Think about it," before he turned and walked back upstairs. Lucy sank to the ships floor and gently touched her swollen lips in shock. A while later Erza called down to her that they were pulling into port and Lucy climbed up the stairs. She looked over at Grey when they docked and noticed that he had gone back to looking normal and was just staring off into space.

" Anyways that was all that happened," Lucy concluded. " So really not a big deal."

" Not a big- Lucy you and Grey made out and then he told you he wanted to date you!" Evergreen exclaimed. Lucy winced as Juvia's expression darkened again.

" Yes that's true, but not long after that we fought Phantom Lord and well after that there didn't seem to be a point. Juvia showed more interest and not long after that Natsu asked me out. Grey does come over sometimes still and tries to crawl into my bed saying that it's more comfortable."

" How long did you and Natsu date?" Lisanna asked shyly.

" I think the more important question is how none of the rest of us knew that the two of you were dating!" Cana chimed in as she handed everyone another drink.

" Well Natsu and I started dating after we found out that Loki was actually a Stellar Spirit and I helped him return to the Celestial World. It didn't start out as dating though. Natsu would mostly just show up at my house, most times with Happy in tow. Generally would hang out and talk and just go on jobs with everyone else. I think Happy never said anything because it became normal and he would sometimes grow bored with us and fly off to do his own thing. Natsu kissed me for the first time the second or maybe third time Happy left us alone."

" Okay but that doesn't answer the second part of the question, when did you two sleep together?" Bisca demanded.

" The first time was after we saved Erza from the Tower of Heaven and Jellal. We were both so happy to be alive that it just sort of happened even though we hadn't been dating all that long. It was wonderful. Natsu is a very good lover," she blushed after this last statement.

" Well why did you guys break up then?" Levy inquired. Lucy smiled sadly.

" We broke up a little while after the OraciĆ³n Seis battle. We realized that while we did love each other, we both had feelings for other people. We agreed to call it quits a couple of days before Edolas. It was hard at first, especially when we got back but not long after that we got stuck on Tenrou Island and then seven years had gone by. Natsu stayed with me the night that I found out that my father had died and held me the whole time that I cried but that was it. Oh, well he and Grey both slept in my bed the night after we got home from the Grand Magic Games but I think that was because we all needed someone to lean on after that experience. He showed up at my house this afternoon and we talked some more and agreed that we still wanted to hang out sometimes outside of jobs. We cuddled for a couple hours and he walked in on me in the shower but I left after a couple minutes. I do know that Natsu has someone else that he really cares for though so that's as far as we will ever go from now on."

" So Grey-sama still likes Lucy?" Juvia questioned.

" I have no idea Juvia," Lucy answered. " I doubt it though. We don't talk about things like that when the two of us hang out. Mostly we talk about his old teacher Ur and how much Lyon is a pain." Everyone laughed a little at that.

" So Lucy, who is it that you do like?" Mirajane asked. Lucy smiled and shook her head.

" Nope, not telling. I've already answered both of Cana's questions in way more detail than needed."

" I'll just have to get you to tell on the next turn," Mira giggled. Lucy laughed and spun the bottle. It wound up landing on Mira who laughed loudly.

" Truth or Dare Mira-san?"

" I think I'll take a dare." Lucy smiled wickedly.

" I dare you to go out to where the boys are make out with Laxus. With tongue, for a full five minutes." Everyone gasped at Lucy's suggestion and then burst out laughing when they imagined the look on Laxus' face. Mirajane agreed and the all traipsed out to the main guildhall stumbling as they went. Whatever conversations the guys were having come to a halt when the girls noisily teetered over to them.

" What's up?" Natsu questioned as the girls had giggle fits.

" Mira-nee has to do a dare," Lisanna explained with a blush. Natsu was going to ask another question when Mira suddenly stumbled over to Laxus and climbed onto his lap.

" M-Mirajane?" Laxus stuttered as he steadied the silver haired mage. She placed a finger to his lips and muttered a shh, before she leaned in and began to kiss him. At first Laxus and the other were too stunned to react but after a few seconds Laxus joined in the kiss and the rest of those present began to hoot and holler. Five minutes later Lucy called out that the time was up but neither Mirajane nor Laxus showed any signs of separating anytime soon. Mira even went so far as to hiss and flash her demon eyes at Cana and Evergreen when they tried to pull them apart.

" Come along Mirajane, you can play with Laxus later. We still have to find out who Lucy is in love with," Cana cajoled. Mira pouted at her but reluctantly slid out of Laxus' grasp and stumbled back into the other room with the rest of the girls. Laxus and the other male guild members just sat there with their jaws hanging open and then as one rushed to the outside of the once again locked door. They all wanted to know what was going on behind those doors! Grey hurriedly made a key from ice and used it to open the heavy door. This mission would have to involve some serious stealth! All the young male guild members sank down against the wall just out of site of the girls but still within hearing range. They all heard Mirajane spin the bottle on the floor and listened raptly to see who would be next.

" Erza, truth or dare?" Mira asked sweetly.

" Truth!" Erza yelled. There was no way she wanted a dare from these girls!

" Where have you been sneaking off to these past few weeks after the Games? I know you aren't going off on jobs since I have to approve them all." Erza swore loudly.

" All of you will just dare me to answer the question if I try to use my switch the way you did with Lucy, won't you?" There was a chorus of affirmative answers and the redhead sighed. " Fine I've been meeting Jellal and we're engaged! There are you happy?" The boys all winced when the girls all squealed their delight. All the girls made demands about the wedding and Erza answered. " It's going to be a small wedding with just us and a witness or two. He is still a wanted criminal after all."

" That's so sad," Lucy sniffled. Erza reassured her that it was all right but even the guys could tell that she was lying. Glances and nods were exchanged. They would find a way for Erza to have the wedding that she secretly wanted! The bottle was spinning again and seemed to stop in between Lucy and Levy. Cana reached to spin it again when Erza stopped her and said in a clear commanding voice, " I DARE ALL THE MALE FAIRY TAIL MEMBERS TO STOP HIDING IN THE HALL AND SHOW THEIR FACES!" Several of the girls shirked in surprise as the guys sheepishly came around the corner.