"Where are you?"

"Even if I tell you, I'll be lost forever."

"Jade, no!"

You're sobbing into your hands, chest heaving uncontrollably. You reach out for her, and hit an invisible wall. Your arm retracts as tears begin to blind you.

"No. This can't be it."


"Jade, no."

You bolt upright in bed, swimming in sweat-soaked sheets. Tears are wiped all across your face. Your lungs hurt when you breath in.


A catch begins to form in your throat. It's been months since Jade disappeared off the face of the Earth. She hadn't picked up any of your calls, answered you on pesterchum, or made any other contact with you. And she hadn't been talking to anyone else, either. You found out you were the last one.

Maybe it had something to do with the end of Sburb. It makes your heart ache to remember. Jade was in pretty bad condition when she was revived. She started acting insane, convinced everyone would betray her. You were the only one she'd stay with, the only one she'd touch. You could still see the fear in her eyes though. She had become extremely unstable when your Sburb session was finally terminated. Her mind jumped from one thought to another too quickly, slowly but surely moving her closer to madness in baby steps. You lean over a pick up the last note she ever left you.

'All I can say is thank you

I love you beyond time and space

But I have to leave

I see things all around me now

It's not safe

You were the best thing to ever happen to me

Dave Strider, don't you dare forget me

Jade 3'

The paper has been stained with tears countless times, the first ones were Jade's as she wrote it and left it for you to find. Fresh tears drop onto the page from your eyes. You'll never see her again, and there's nothing you can do about it. Fuck, you feel like you did when Jade died first off. Useless, unworthy, and like everything that was on your shoulders was crushing you until it couldn't any more.

Hours pass and you haven't moved. Your stomach is twisted in knots and you feel like vomiting.

"Did... Did you forget me?"

Your eyelids shoot open at the sound of a voice. You hold yourself up on your elbows and squint your eyes as you look out the window. Your eyes flood again as you shake your head.

"Never would I ever, Harley."

Jade is sitting on the ledge of your bedroom window, face wet and eyes sparkling. You jump up and throw open your window, immediately wrapping your arms around Jade as crying into her hair. Jade's whole body shakes as she sobs, holding you so tight that her fingers are digging into your flesh.

"I'm all better now, Dave. I'm staying for sure."

You don't know how to respond verbally, so you kiss her cheeks and wipe her tears away.

"If you ever go again-"

"I'm not."

"You better keep that promise or I might die, and I won't be able to come back."

You spend what feels like forever in each other's arms. The crying doesn't stop, and it doesn't seem it will any time soon.

"I love you so much, Harley."

"I love you too, Dave."