This plot bunny has been bugging me for like the last 24 hours so I thought I'd get it out and type it. I don't know why I have this fetish of doing stuff like this. XD I haven't seen all of Omniverse so if some things are wrong sue me… :P Sorry if there's any OOCness! I feel like that argument between Rook and Ben might've taken a toll on him… We need to speak of it!

Warning: Broken, AKA Ben/Rook, and a little mention of Bevin. (Ben/Kevin)

Italics are thoughts/dreams

Ben's POV

I should've been over them being gone, but I wasn't. Don't get me wrong I loved having Rook as my partner, and maybe something more, but all the adventures that Gwen, Kevin and I were on in the span of a year were in my head. I can't believe Kevin ditched me for my cousin…again. I should've expected this from Kevin. We were off and on all the time, but it was secret so no one but the two of us knew. Ever since he and Gwen left, I haven't been sleeping and I barely ate.

I got out of my room for the day. Threw on my white hoodie and left my house to meet Rook at Plumber's HQ. I didn't even bother looking at myself in the mirror. I knew I would have horrible bags underneath my eyes from the lack of sleep. I knew I was skinner from before since I barely ate. I didn't need to be reminded of it. I hope that there wasn't much for Rook and I to do today since I wasn't feeling up to it. When I got to Plumber's HQ, I ran into Grandpa.

"Have you seen Rook around?" I asked trying not to sound tired.

He must've known how tired I was since he gave me a look of concern.

Rook then came from around the corner and came to us.

"Magister Tennyson do we have anything to do today?" Rook asked.

He was super polite but that's what I liked about him. We were total opposites but I loved that. He was able to keep me grounded.

"No you two should take the day off. We'll handle everything if something goes wrong." Grandpa said before walking away.

I knew he was talking about me when he said that.

"So Ben what do you want to do today since we have the day off? Go to Mister Smoothie's?" Rook asked.

I just shrugged and went towards his truck. I hopped in the truck and just sat there wait for Rook to start driving. I honestly didn't care what we did as long as I wouldn't fall asleep. Rook got in his side and started driving out of HQ. I glanced at Rook for a moment and then he made eye contact with me. I turned back since I didn't want him seeing me like this. I had my elbow on the door and was looking out the window. That argument that was supposed to be acting was getting to me. Rook was right I could only save the universe if I had others to help me. I didn't care at first since it was supposed to be only acting but when Rook said it wasn't…

Everytime I fell asleep I would always be in trouble and I couldn't save myself. No one would come and save me since they were the enemy in it. I know it wouldn't happen in real life but if you had nightmares of the people you loved hurting you how would you feel? How would you feel if your ex was injuring you? It would always be Kevin causing me pain. Not just with physical, most of the time in the nightmare he would be doing mental abuse. Calling me horrible names and bragging about that he loves Gwen. In the nightmare Gwen would normally be smiling and laughing.

"Oh Benji I never loved you. I was only using you to get closer to Gwen." I heard Kevin say while smiling evilly.

"Oh Kevin you're so funny." Gwen said laughing.

No, this couldn't have been happening again… Them laughing at my face while I'm down…

"You are the most worthless person I have ever laid my eyes on. You're stupid and shouldn't even be the savior of the universe." Kevin's voice said.

"Shu-shut up." I said stuttering.

"Oh is little Benji scared? What the great savior of the universe is scared of some bad boy." Kevin's voice said laughing. "If it weren't for me and your cousin you wouldn't be a savior of anything. You'd be just some scared, insecure little kid."

"No. Leave me alone!" I screamed.

"Ben!" I heard a worried voice scream.

"Get away!" I screamed.

I didn't need anyone else tormenting me in my nightmare.

"BEN!" The same voice said again.

I felt like I was being shaken.

I quickly shot my eyes open. I didn't even realize I fell asleep. I looked around and saw I was lying in a bed and not Rook's truck. I looked and saw Rook kneeling on the side of the bed shaking my shoulder. We must've been at Rook's apartment.

"Ben?" Rook asked worriedly.

My face was wet and I realized that I was crying. I just threw myself at Rook. I didn't care if he'd ask questions I just needed someone to comfort me. I put my arms around his waist and my head in his chest. A few seconds later he hugged me back and was rubbing my back.

"You were right, everyone was right I'm just some cocky kid who could never have saved anyone without someone else helping me." I wept out. "If it wasn't for the way I was acting Kevin would've never left me."

"I didn't mean-," Rook said trying to interrupt me.

"No you were right don't try and deny it. It's just a matter of time before you ditch me like Kevin did…" I said sadly.

He didn't even bother giving me a proper goodbye. He just told me last minute that he was going with her. Didn't he care how I felt? It's painful to think about it. Everytime I'm not busy with anything I always think of it.

I was so lost in my thoughts I didn't even notice Rook wiping the tears of my face with his hand.

"Come stop your crying it will be alright," Rook started to sing.

I've never heard Rook sing until now but he wasn't that bad.

"Just take my hand hold it tight. I will protect you from all around you. I will be here don't you cry." He sang while grabbing one of my hands. "For one so small you seem so strong. My arms will hold you keep you safe and warm."

I could feel my face getting hot. I knew I was blushing while he sang.

"You have a good singing voice you know that right?" I said sleepily.

I didn't get to hear his response since I fell asleep in the warmth of Rook's chest.

We were all in a room. It seemed like it was a party since there was a bunch people and loud music. I looked at what I was wearing and it was my normal clothes. I recognized most of these people. They were old and new friends of mine. Based on the music I was guessing it was a Christmas Party. I looked over and saw that Rook was coming towards me. Then someone else came over towards us before we could talk.

"Mistletoe!" A peppy girl voice said while hanging mistletoe above us and running away.

I blushed a deep red at that.

"What is this mistletoe?" Rook asked.

"Um…When someone puts mistletoe between two people they have to kiss…" I said nervously. "It's kind of a Christmas tradition…."

Everyone was staring at us waiting for us to kiss. The two of us just stared at each other scared to make the first move. I decided that I had to do it. I went on my tippy toes, leaned my face towards his, and closed my eyes. Then put my lips on his and put my arms around him. After a few seconds, I felt him kissing back and do the same. I never thought it would feel this good to kiss Rook. Then we-

I snapped my eyes open because of a loud beeping noise.

"Ugh… really?" I asked annoyed.

I looked around and saw I was on the bed again but I felt something warm right next to me. I looked up and saw it was Rook. Both of us were on our sides but still in our regular clothes so I know nothing happened. I was just sleeping.

"Morning sleepyhead." Rook said smiling.

I blushed hard. I was sleeping in the same bed as Rook. I can't believe I'm saying this but that was the best sleep I've gotten in weeks. I would have to thank Grandpa Max for giving us the day off. I didn't realize until now that my left hand was gripped onto Rook's wrist. I quickly let go of his wrist.

"Oh…sorry Rook." I said trying not to blush.

"It's fine." He said.

How could he be so cool about this? Oh right he doesn't know much about human emotions…

"So what was your dream about?" He asked with a smirk.

"Wh-What are you talking about?" I stuttered.

"Well I heard you moaning my name so…" He said.

"…It was nothing…" I said.

"Sure it was…" He said not convinced.

"What time is it anyway?" I asked trying to get off topic.

Rook just shrugged. I looked out the window and it was nighttime already.

"Is it bad that I'm still tired?" I asked laughing a little bit.

"Am I supposed to answer or is this a rhetorical question?" He asked.

"I guess both." I said laughing a little.

"Not really. It looked like you haven't slept well in a while so I would image you would still be tired." He said.

"Would you mind staying here with me?" I begged.

"Who can say no to that face?" He asked.

I smiled and decided to go back to sleep but before I did I took a risk in something.

"Night Rook. Love ya." I said while blushing.

I felt Rook kiss the top of my head.

"Love ya to Ben." He said before I fell asleep smiling and blushing.

The song that Rook was singing was "You'll Be In My Heart" by Phil Collins. And it's finally done! But I have a surprise for all of you readers. While you're read this, I am typing this story in Rook's POV! :D I didn't feel like switching back and forth from Ben to Rook so I'll do that. :D I'm actually looking forward to it. I do promise some Broken moments in it though. Some stuff that Rook did while Ben was sleeping like a little angel. XD It will be cuteness I promise ya. :) I don't know if i'll do a sequel... I'll let ya know in Rook's chapter. XD