Hello, ugh, I guess this is my first fan fiction on this website, and I don't really know what the title would be, so for the time being, it would be called Secrets. One shots about Navrina because no one can deny that they're perfect. And other pairings soon in the other chapters.

Okay, spoilers from Fall of Five in this chapter, or maybe the chapters ahead.

[I don't own the Lorien Legacies, but if I did, Navrina would day their 'I Love You's' and I would make Five super in love with Marina to see Eight jealous. That would be freakin' hot. Anyways, hahaha.)

Ps: I'm very awkward ... So ...


Eight promised to himself that he'd never fall in love. It would just be a waste of time. He couldn't trust himself to love someone else, considering to what happened to his Cèpan and Lola. Never again, he repeated solemnly. Never again.

He waited patiently for the rest of the Garde to find him, and there they were, right in front of him. But he hadn't paid much attention to the little girl, or the blonde-haired one. It was the girl with brown hair, and kind eyes. Eight felt in the pit of his stomach that he wanted to know that girl's name.

"This is Six, and this is Marina, Number Seven," the Cèpan named Crayton introduced the other numbers. "You appear to be able to shape shift. Anything else we should know about?"

Her name was Marina, Eight noted inside his head. Marina, number Seven. Eight almost let out a sigh of relief. It must be because they were close in number. That's why he wanted to know. She also reminded him of a girl he knew when he was young. Maybe in the ship gointo Earth? He wasn't sure.

"Indeed I do have that legacy," Eight had responded. "Among other things?"

"Oh, yeah? Like what?" Seven— no, Marina asked.

Eight showed off his legacies then, as she skipped along the surface of the pool. He sprinted towards Seven, and sent a wave of water towards her. It was his personality, playfulness. But it seemed to him that he was much more playful when it came to her.


Eight slept as close to the fire as he could. He didn't want the nightmares to haunt him again. Setrakus Ra— if only Eight had punched him the last time he saw him. He was constantly inside his mind, torturing him.

When he woke up, he was sort of in a daze as he stretched. The four of them were debating to how they would go back to the United States, but he'd already knew how. He could teleport them all. But there was a sort of doubt in his mind. He never took that many people at once. What if that wouldn't work?

To clear his head, he told the others, "Not before my morning swim," and he sprinted to the edge of the cliff, and dived off. He shape shifted into a red swordfish, and then resurfaced as himself.

To his amazement, Marina— Seven, (he didn't know what to call her, he must ask her, he reminded himself) dived off as well. With a big smile on his face, he treaded over towards her.

"Nice dive," he commented, and shook his head. "Do you prefer being called Marina or Seven?"

"I don't care. Whatever." She replied. He could sense that she felt a bit shy. He wanted to say for her not to. But thought better if she denied it.

"I like Marina," he told her, and felt a blush creep onto his tanned cheeks.

The both of them talked a little about their pasts. He found out that she came from an orphanage in Spain. Eight felt a tad bit of jealousy; she probably had loads of friends there. Not like him.

"You know what? I like you, Marina," he told her. Whenever she talked, her actions, her smile. It reminded him so much of someone. "You're quiet, but cool. You reminded me of—"

A girl he was friends with on the ship, he wanted to tell her. But someone had to interrupt on that moment.

Blonde hair emerged from the water, and Number Six dragged him down. They wrestled until he begged for mercy and she let him go. Six was very attractive for Eight, but she was— what did those people say? Not his type. He treated her like a sister, and Six returned the favor the same way

He couldn't like anyone. He couldn't love anyone.

But he couldn't stop the feeling of worry when Marina was nowhere to be seen.


They retreated from the water, and onto the grass. The little girl— which she told Eight to call her Ella— was twirling the stick around. It was like she was a majorette in a parade. Her Cèpan, Crayton, watching her fondly.

His eyes kept flitting around, as he tried to look for Marina. "She can breathe underwater."

Eight jerked his head towards Six, and he wondered if she had the legacy of reading minds, or whatever it was called. She was grinned sheepishly. He decided not to reply, but he still flashed a look secretly towards the surface of the water. Eight hoped that she would see her. He wanted to see if she was okay, despite to what Six told him.

"You're worried," Six pointed out— she still wore that sheepish smile.

"I know," Eight replied.

"I've seen how you look at her Eight, might as well tell her that you like her."

He blinked furiously. "I don't like her," Eight replied more harshly then intended

"So why are you always studying her, always watching her?" Six asked, in a teasing tone. She wasn't fazed at all by his sudden outburst of bad attitude.

"I guess she caught my attention." He shrugged. "She seems like someone I —"

Then Ella screamed, "Marina!"

A bubble of relief expanded on his stomach. She was okay, she was okay, he chanted inside his head.

"Hey, there you are! Where'd you go?" Eight yelled, as he came over towards her.

He widened his eyes in disbelief. What Marina carried on her hands was his chest. His chest. The one he had lost, and never found. He couldn't contain his excitement. She hovered it towards Eight and Six, and left it midair.

Look what I found, Eight!" He quickly teleported from the ground, and reappeared next to his chest. He didn't care whether it was dirty, he was so ecstatic to see it again. He wrapped his arms around it. He teleported back to the edge of the lake, still in his hands was he chest.

"I can't believe it," he finally spoke out. "All this time, it was right here."

"It was inside a Mog ship at the bottom of the lake," Marina replied, as she walked out of the water.

That was it, he needed to show how thankful he was to her. He took in a deep breath, and disappeared right in front of her. Then, he picked her up and kissed her on the lips hard, as he twirled her around. He didn't care if the others were watching, he only cared about her. Eight hoped that he did it correctly, it was his first kiss. Her lips tasted sweet, almost like candy. Butterflies flew inside his stomach. He felt as though he was in heaven.

After the kiss, he caught himself as he thought more and more about it.

So much for not falling in love with anyone.


Eight lost blood quickly from his wounds. Marina as kind as she was, rushed towards him, and they both fell to the ground. They were all going to die. It was going to be his fault. "I'm sorry," Eight whispered, his voice filled with dread. "This is my fault."

He heard Marina willing him to stay conscious. But he was so much in pain. Explosions kept visiting, and he winced after every one.

"Maybe this is when I die, maybe the drawing was just off," he told her.

Eight felt Marina press down harder. If he was going to die, at least the last person he would see was the girl who made him feel ... happy, and joyful, and all those other ecstatic emotions. His eyesight darkened, and he knew that was it. He was going to die.


Something happened, and he felt as though his insides were healing. He opened his eyes, to see Marina. He wanted to kiss her that instance. Marina saved his life.

He sat up, and touched where the wound was. Eight took her hand in his.

"I don't know how to thank you."

She opened her mouth to respond, when Six suddenly appeared. "I've pushed them back, but I could use some help out there."

He slowly staggered to his feet, despite his almost death experience. "Right."

Another explosion occurred, and he spun around to look at what his savior was looking at. Crayton. A rocket entered the cave, and it blasted the wall near to him. He widened his eyes in horror. Six pulled him towards her, and he understood. They needed to fight the rest of them off.

He hoped that Marina could heal him, — no, he was sure she could.

As he was fighting, all he could think about was Marina. How her hair danced when she walked. How her eyes were filled with worry for him. Him. She cared about him. He killed one Mog after another. Eight needed to protect her at all costs. He blasted most of them with their own cannons like Six.

He whirled around, and saw Marina and Ella struggling. Marina, her face with guilt and sadness. Eight couldn't stand to see her like that. Six could handle the mogs for a while. He had to make sure she was okay.

Eight teleported towards her, and leant close. "You can fix him. Come on, Marina."

Six saw what happened as well, and shoved the Mog cannon she was holding towards Eight's arms. He got the message, and ran off towards the Mogs. Eight had to defend the rest while they were with Crayton.

Aim, hit, fire, teleport. Aim, hit, fire, teleport. It was the only thing that he could do. He glanced towards the three girls. Six gave Marina a comforting hug, which made Eight's insides twist. If his suspicions were true, then Ella's Cèpan was dead.

Eight reappeared next to his fellow numbers, and returned the cannon to Six. He thought of comforting Marina by holding her head, but thought otherwise. It was Ella who needed the help, not Marina.

A heavy gust of wind shook the cave, and Crayton's jacket revealed a plain white envelope for Ella. Clearly, that would be for her since it had her name on the outside.

Six shoved the letter into Ella's hands. She urged her to leave him, and Eight felt crestfallen for her. Then she turned back to Eight, asking him on how they'd teleport the hell out of there.

He told Ella to grab his chest, and Marina to hold hers. Then Eight ushered the rest of them towards the glowing blue Loralite that he had gotten used to seeing. He told Six to grab someone else's arm to they could go at once. "I really hoped this works."

Eight grabbed Ella's and Marina's hands.

"Okay. Here we go," He said.

But at the last second, in the pit of his stomach, he felt something go wrong.


Once the Six he thought he knew stabbed Eight with her sword, he thought they would go back to Lorien. He thought that Six defeated Setrákus Ra herself. Eight heard Marina scream. He was going to die. The prophecy was right.

Damn the stupid prophecy.

Send it to hell.

He didn't want to die.

He wanted to see her smile.

Eight blacked out from the pain and blood loss.

Sounds from he battlefield in the base woke Eight quickly. He could have sworn he heard a sigh of relief. The first face he saw was Marina's. (He had to thank Pittacus Lore, or whoever god was around to hear him)

"You need to know . . . Six tried to—" Eight started to tell her.

"That wasn't Six. It was Setrákus Ra. I don't know, but it was him."

How could it be Setrákus Ra? Does he have shape shifting powers? How was that possible?

"But . . .?" He told her, his voice filled with confusion.

"Eight, I can't explain everything right now. How do you feel? Can you stand? We have to get in there, join the others and fight. Are you ready? I need to heal John and I need you to run interference. Got it?"

He nodded, but he desperately wanted to thank her. To thank her for everything she had done for him. Marina had saved his life not once, but twice. Eight couldn't think of anything to repay her back.

Marina looked different somehow. Not at all with her looks. No— she had that look. She took a deep breath, and before Eight could register what she would do, she kissed him.

It wasn't like the one back in India. It had much more need and a tinge of emergency. Eight enjoyed every minute of it. He savored her sweet taste. Once she got up to find John, he stared into the oblivion right in front of him.

He couldn't wait until he captured her lips to his one day.

Eight would made sure of it so that day would arrive much faster indeed.


After the battle with Setrákus Ra, Eight found himself teleporting to Marina's side. He sized her up, and made sure that she was okay before flashing a smile of relief.

He returned back to his memories, when he first met Marina. Eight wondered if that was what his Cèpan, Reynolds felt with Lola.

Of course that's what he felt.

So when he laced his fingers through her hands, and held her's against him, he knew that he would do anything to protect Marina, even with his life. No one had ever made him feel that way, no one did. Then he knew what had happened.

Marina was his first love.

He loved Marina.

|| [Dies] It took me five hours to write this, so I'm am really sorry that I suck. Hahaa. Once again, I don't own the Lorien Legacies.

- Charlotte.