TITLE: The Shortest Distance Between Two Points

AUTHOR: MikeJaffa

SYNOPSIS: So, how come Takane didn't come to visit Tokyo on her bike? And yes, there is an in-joke in here …

DISCLAIMER: Burst Angel is owned by Gonzo. I am making no money off this fic.

TOKYO - 4:35 PM … ISH ….

Kyo almost lost control of his scooter when the motor bike almost ran into him. He'd had a good day at the cooking school, and nothing else had gone wrong, so it struck him as being just typical that he'd almost get killed five seconds after he'd driven into the mall parking lot where Sei's trailer was parked.

He'd brought his scooter to a halt as saw the bike coming over to him, and he saw Jo was driving with Meg riding behind her.

Jo brought the bike to a stop. "Hey, buddy! You ok?"

"Yeah, Jo, I'm still alive this time…that came out wrong. Never mind. Where'd you get that bike?"

"It's Takane's. She let me figure out how to drive it before she heads home to Osaka."

"So you get to destroy someone else's property for once?" Kyo shook his head. "Sorry. I get like this every time my life flashes before my eyes."

Jo chuckled. "No problem. Actually, you're holding up better than you used to. C'mon; let's ride in."

Takane and Amy were sitting on the trailer's steps as the two two-wheeled vehicles rolled up. Kyo opened his scooter's storage box and exclaimed, "Oh, crap!"

"What?" Jo asked.

"I forgot the tomato sauce. I was going to make lasagna tonight."

Meg smacked her lips. "Mmmmm, lasagna."

Jo nodded. "I'll go and get it - if Takane doesn't mind me using her bike."

Takane took a deep breath. "Ok, but remember neither of you have driver licenses, so don't get pulled over."

"Don't worry about." Jo turned to Kyo. "Kyo? Where can we get some?"

Kyo pointed towards the highway interchange near the dealership. "Closest place is a little grocery store about a klick past the interchange. Go to the light, stay in the middle lane, next light after the interchange, it's on the left. Can't miss it."

Jo nodded. "We'll be right back."


The sun had just set as Jo and Meg pulled up to the trailer; Takane and Amy came down the steps.

"Welcome back!" Amy said. "We were wondering if you'd eloped."

"No," Jo said, "we just decided to - wait a minute - we were - tomato sauce! Yeah that's what-"

"It's ok," Amy said. "Sei took Kyo to the grocery store when you weren't back after an hour. He just went home, but there's left over lasagna."

Jo nodded. "Sorry about this, I guess-Wait a minute, it's low on gas. Takane, I think that after making you wait, we should gas it up."

Meg chimed in, "I saw that gas station on the way back."

Jo nodded. "It's not far. We'll be right back."

Takane didn't have a chance to say anything as she watched her bike roar away again. She sighed, pulled out her phone, dialed it, and waited for an answer. "Hey, Leo, it's me. Are you busy?…I was wondering if I could crash for the night…Yeah, I was but I let Jo ride my bike…Yeah, hon, you're right, I will take the train next time I visit."