A/N- Here is another Chapter! I know, I said I wasn't going to post any more until I got some reviews, but I just couldn't wait any longer! Dx Still only one review, which makes me sad ;~; But alas, the show must go on I guess :/ Anyway, enjoy!~

Daniel watched as the two strangers fell, the man cushioning the woman's fall. But the archeologist didn't miss the sight of red he saw on the man's side where he was hit by the staff blast.

"Damn it." Hissed Jack as he and the team moved to help the fallen couple. Their path was blocked by Jaffa, and before they could get a shot off, they were grabbed from behind.

Teal'c tried to put up a fight, but even he was no match for ten Jaffa head on. They were all shoved to the ground, with their weapons confiscated.

They all fought as the enemy Jaffa tried to cuff them, Teal'c breaking their hold on him and trying to fight them off again, but it was no use.

Eventually they were cuffed, and Jack huffed in frustration.

"So, what are you going to do with us now, huh?" He growled, not really expecting an answer. The voice that answered him sounded human, but it was every bit as spine-tinglingly scary as Anubis'.

"Oh my dear colonel, its not you I want, I'm afraid. Although, there is another who does want you." The voice slithered out from somewhere behind the group. Jack struggled to see, but before he could roll over, he, Sam, Daniel, and Teal'c were all shot with their own zat's, the last thing seen being blue before they all passed out.


The first thing that Faye registered as she began to wake up, was pain; In the back of her head to be precise. She groaned as she rolled over, something hard and cold beneath her, most likely a floor.

Then, a familiar laugh filled her ears. One she hadn't heard since that day at the church, after she had been kidnapped by….

"Well, it looks like little Faye is finally waking up." The man said, his voice turning her skin to gooseflesh with all of the hair that rose on her body. She tried to open one eye, but hissed at the pain the bright light brought her.

"What do you want Vicious?" She growled, her eyes still closed against the pain and the nausea. She was proud of how strong her voice sounded, when she herself didn't feeling up to much more then laying contently wherever she was. That deep chuckle rang in her ears again, and she shivered.

"All in due time, Faye, all in due time." He said, his voice deathly quiet as she heard him walk away. After she was sure she couldn't hear his receding footsteps anymore, she tried to sit up.

She clenched her teeth at the new sharp pain that shot through her skull splitting headache, biting her lip to keep from both groaning and throwing up.

Slowly, she opened her eyes, blinking away her blurry vision until she got a clear view of where she was being held. She was in a giant cell of some sort, which looked like it was made out of stone.

That was when she noticed that the team that had tried to save her and Spike were in the same room as her, all sitting up against one side of the wall, except for the one woman, who was sitting beside her. Spike.

Remembering the last time she had seen him, she began to look around frantically for him, when her hand touched a small puddle of slightly congealed blood. All manner of doubts and fears began to creep into her mind, before a familiar voice broke through her rapidly declining thoughts.

"If you're looking for that guy, he's not in here. They took him away a while ago; I think to tend to his wounds." The woman from the clearing said, giving Faye a sad smile. Faye didn't turn toward her, instead slowly bringing her blood covered fingers toward her face, as if she thought that maybe if she looked hard enough, she could find proof that it wasn't Spike's.

"Was he…okay, then?" She asked quietly, gulping as she tried to steady herself for the bad news she knew was coming. The woman didn't speak for a moment, as if trying to decide how to put her next words.

"He was…alive, when they came and got him, if that helps any." She replied, just as quiet, her eyes cast downward. Faye sat in her silent stupor, her eyes glued to the blood on her fingers, Spike's blood, before she took a shaky, steadying breath. It looked like it would be up to her to save that Lunkhead's life. Again.

Just as she had after he went and got himself blown up, along with that whole syndicate building. All for a stupid vendetta, and to prove something to himself. She growled as she felt the familiar fire of anger hit her veins.

"Stupid Lunkhead, always getting himself in way too deep." She grumbled, wiping the blood from her fingers on her shorts, though her heart really wasn't in it. She couldn't help the worry that bubbled up inside of her.

A/N- So, what did you guys think? :D Please, PLEASE tell me in a review! Even if its just something like, "great story, keep going!", that's good enough for me! D: I live off of reviews, so when I don't get any...-cough-... I start to...-cough cough-...die... x_x OKAY! Dramatic moment over xD If there is anything you would like to see in this story, let me know! I'm thinking of added a certain alien Doctor into the mix, and whoever guesses who that is gets a cookie! 8D And a smoldering glance from Spike~ ;D Thanks for reading!