Author's notes: Chapters will not be in chronological order. Events may be referred to that have not yet taken place. Be patient and in time all will be made very clear.
Disclaimer: I do not own anything. All ownership goes to Monty Oum and RoosterTeeth.
Special thanks to all of my proofreaders and supporters without whom the writing would have certainly been even more ghastly than it already is.
5 BP (50 years before team RWBY)
Summer Rose sat by the fire and cleaned her scythe as the sunset gave its last few moments of red before descending into darkness. She stopped her work for a moment to examine the splash of color in the clouds, unique to this day in all of history. As the red faded to black she resumed her work only to be interrupted by a kick from the baby. It had been almost 9 months now. She smiled at the bump and set down her scythe to rest for a moment while the baby calmed down. Peter Port stood and walked away from the fire into the surrounding woods. He always vanished at sunset only to reappear the next morning weak and injured with no explanation. She had stopped questioning it after the third year. He would tell them when he needed to. Ozpin watched him as he disappeared into the night. Ozzy never had quite forgiven Port for keeping so many secrets.
Arthur Arc was sitting across from Summer. He was meditating. He could feel the Grimm in the forest. He could feel the glowing mass of life across the fire from him. He could feel the heat from the fire and he used the heat to strengthen his aura even further. He pushed his minds eye out into the forest. He forced himself further, out beyond the sky and the stars. He caught a glimpse of a light on the horizon before Ozpin shook him out of his trance.
Ozpin shouted at his friend "Hey! Wake up!" He shook Arthur until his eyes opened. Arthur jumped and grabbed Ozpin's shoulders with a look of terror on his face. Ozpin could only watch as his friend collapsed onto the ground. Arthur needed to recharge his aura for a while. Forsight always took a lot out of him. Ozpin lifted a blanket over Arthur before moving over to sit by Summer "Hey, how's our kid doing down there?"
She smiled at him. With the fragmented moonlight shining from above she looked like an angel. She pulled him into a kiss and placed his hand on her stomach "See for yourself."
Ozpin felt his daughter moving and laughed. At that moment he was surely the happiest man alive. The next morning Ozpin awoke quietly and looked over at Summer who was lying on the ground next to him. He gently kissed her on the head and pulled her closer. He looked up to see Peter shambling into camp in tattered clothing as he did every morning. Port had gotten himself some new scars this time on top of the usual bruising. Ozpin had never stopped wondering where Port vanished to, unlike the others.
Port grabbed some clothes and walked away to go change as Ozpin put out the fire. Summer was just awakening and Arthur was still fast asleep. When Peter returned and tucked his old clothes into his pouch to repair later Ozpin had already packed up the campsite. Summer went to awaken Arthur only to find that he was already awake. Arthur was lying perfectly still and deadeningly silent but still awake.
Arthur could tell that his team was worried about him by their auras. They were sapping the area of its tranquility by trying to help him. He wanted to tell them that he was alright but he would have to leave to do that. He couldn't leave quite yet. He hadn't found what he was looking for. He peered into the void searching for something. He likened it to trying to spot a drop of oil in the ocean during a hurricane from a kilometer away while flying past at 50 meters per second. He had been trying to pick this particular moment out of the void for almost a year now. He finally saw the familiar spark that he had so often missed. Arthur reached out and plucked the spark out of the air. He pulled it back with him. He pulled it all the way back through time and space. When he finally had dragged the now seemingly colossal factoid back to his body he gasped into wakefulness. He saw the concerned looks on all of their faces and smiled back at his friends "Hello again. I'm back. And i brought something with me this time." Ozpin and Summer looked at each other and then back at their friend who had been seemingly paralysed for the last hour. Arthur sat and smiled at them for a moment before telling them about his success "Ozzy, you were right. I did it. I brought something back with me."
Ozpin stared at him for a moment trying to process this information. Then he realized that there was a very important question to be asked "Wait, what did you bring back?"
Ozpin waited for an answer from his beaming friend. Arthur stood up and told him "As soon as you told me that you and Summer were trying to have a baby i knew that i had to check. Ozzy, i saw your granddaughter. I saw her demolish more beowolves in 3 minutes than any of us could even survive against. She was amazing, or i guess she will be anyway." Ozpin could only stare at Arthur as he processed what he was hearing.
Summer was the first to break the silence that followed "So we will have a granddaughter? And she'll be a huntress?"
Arthur nodded "Perhaps the greatest huntress that the world has ever known. Certainly the greatest that i've ever seen." Ozpin finally shook himself out of his shock and turned to Summer with a grin wider than he had known was possible. He held the hands of the woman he loved in his own and cheered exuberantly into the sky.
What none of them were aware of was how much of that moment in time Arthur had lost. He had let so much of it slip through his fingers on the journey home. He had forgotten the context of what he had seen. He had forgotten the tragedy in the young girl's eyes. And perhaps most importantly he had forgotten the tombstone that the girl had been visiting.
10 hours later the group was still travelling. They had left the woods behind several hours ago and now were keeping a safe distance from some rather tall nearby cliffs. It had started snowing about an hour ago. The team were all cold and tired but they knew that they were already behind schedule. Arthur was in the lead as usual and had started up a marching chant to encourage further progress.
"When worlds unravel, are caught in grimm peril, the final hope must be Vale.
Whose soldiers will rival, any in Vytal, be it in combat or drinking of ale.
When dragons awaken, we must be unshaken, death cannot take us before we are done.
For if Vale is to thrive, it is due to our strife, so why not have some more whiskey and rum?"
The group marched on. When they reached the top of one of the peaks Summer started to cry out. Ozpin ran to her side and caught her as her face turned red. Arthur stopped and looked back at the couple worriedly. Peter Port walked over to her and inquired "Ms Rose? Are you alright? Can you continue?"
Summer looked up at him and screamed in response "The baby, it's coming!"
Peter stared at her in disbelief as Arthur rushed to prepare the area. Port couldn't help but feel somewhat annoyed "Can you hold it for a few minutes? There's a village just over that hill."
Summer glared at the man before screaming now out of anger in addition to pain "I'm having a baby you dolt! not taking a piss!" Peter backed off and spent a moment to register what was happening before going to Arthur to see how he could help.
The next few hours were very difficult. With Port's help Arthur got an area clean and protected enough to deliver. Ozpin helped her move over to the space that had been cleared of snow. After what felt like an eternity Ozpin saw the child for the first time. Arthur laughed as he declared to the group "It's a boy!"
Ozpin smiled and laughed in return "A boy? I have a son?" Arthur nodded in confirmation before Summer let out another scream.
He quickly handed the first child over to Port and returned to the work at hand. Arthur turned to Ozpin and told him "And you might have a daughter too in not too very long!"
By the time the second child came Ozpin's hand felt like every bone had been crunched to pieces by Summer's grip, but he didn't care. When he saw his daughter for the first time a warmth rose through his body and his grin grew even bigger than before. Summer lay on the ground gasping for air.
Summer looked up at the father of her children as he was handed two tiny little human figures that she was fully familiar with even though she had never seen them before. Ozpin told her as she smiled up at the sight "We have a daughter! and a son! What should we name them?"
Summer looked at her daughter and her son and the inspiration was immediate "Her name is Red. And we should call him Qrow, after your grandfather."
Ozpin nodded in agreement with the names. He looked down at the bundles of new life in his arms as Arthur and Port silently exited the tent. He looked into each of their eyes and nodded again with his grin returning "Red and Qrow Rose." He looked up and smiled at Summer as he handed her Red and then Qrow.
She looked at her children and kissed them on the head as her head swam with thoughts of nothing in particular. a half hour had passed before Summer and Ozpin emerged from the tent glowing with positive aura. It brought a smile to Arthur's face. Arthur and Port packed up the tent and the team started walking towards the village with two more people than when they'd started.
After a few minutes Arthur's eyes widened as he remembered something "Oh! Summer! I made something for you, or rather for your baby." He pulled out a bright red baby blanket and handed it over to her "I started sewing as soon as i heard that you were with child. I'm sorry i only made one, i wasn't expecting twins."
She took the blanket and smiled at Arthur "It's fine. It's big enough for them to share for now."
When they reached the village they rented a room and ordered some food. As they ate the sun was setting and Summer and Ozpin were parents. The unique sunset shined through the window to perfectly frame the faces of the sleeping newborns. The moment was perfect. After a few more minutes Port left the table to vanish into the night as he always did.
An hour later Red awoke and started to cry. Summer walked over to the crib that Arthur had bought and started to sing. She sang the same song that her mother had sung to her before she had died when Summer was only 5.
"Dream of anything
I'll make it all come true...
With a touch of my hand
I will turn your life to gold...
Close your eyes
Don't you cry
Love's around you
In time you'll fly"
Red was asleep again. Summer gave her a kiss before going back to bed.
Up next: 10 years later