The water beat rhythmically against the large windows of the small coffee shop. It was filled to bursting with chatty occupants wanting a warm reprieve from the winter rainfall. Its cozy atmosphere was enhanced by the small round tables seating guests, and the varying stacks of books towards the back. Near one of these stacks sat an unusually quiet customer.
Her head was rested upon one hand, turned towards the window. She gazed out at the slate gray sky; its color nearly matching the shade of her downcast lilac eyes. She absently fidgeted with a strand of her long inky hair as she stared, her eyes never moving or shifting in the slightest. The steaming mug of imported Hibiscus tea was completely forgotten in her reverie. She was lost to the world; lost in a flurry of emotion and turmoil as erratic as the rain.
It was pouring then, her white umbrella lay soiled in a puddle, bent and broken, just like her at that moment. Her fingers trembled at the icy chill of the water, her hair stuck uncomfortably close to her face as she looked at him, eyes wide in disbelief.
"W-What do you mean?" she queried softly.
"I can't do this to you. I can't lead you on, when I might still lo-"
It was his turn to stare in disbelief. His damp blonde hair, no longer in its usual unruly style framed his widened stone blue eyes. His mouth gaped in mid speech, as he tentatively reached for her. What could he say? What would she say?
She was abruptly pulled from her thoughts as she turned to the source of her name. A kind faced, auburn haired waitress was looking at her with concern. She knew Hinata well enough by now to use the familiar honorific. The few years older server thought of the quiet regular customer as a sort of younger sister, and so seeing her be so melancholy was upsetting.
"Are you okay, sweetie?" Her green eyes tightened in genuine concern.
"I'm fine Narumi-san!" She chirped cheerily, hoping that it would be enough to allay her worries. Her mouth widened to an almost too-big smile that did not reach her eyes. She internally winced at the over the top display.
"Are you sure? I mean you looked like you were remember-"
"Oh no! I just thought the rain was so pretty! I mean we rarely ever have rain here in the capital and I'm just glad for it, you know. Because it's usually very hot and umm…" She finished by waving her hands vaguely, hoping to have diverted the attention off of the tender subject.
"Okaay…Well, then finish your tea so I can refill it. It's getting cold." Narumi stated firmly, not quite believing the babbling girl. She gently patted her hand in reassurance, and returned to the front of the coffee shop to deal with the large influx of customers.
Hinata resumed gazing at the rain, this time really enjoying the rap-tap-tap of the droplets on the roof. She knew these past few days of rain were an unusual gift in the Land of Fire, especially here in the Capital, where she had been staying for two months. The elegant high rises and bustling city life had enthralled her small-town senses, involving her in a whirlwind of activities and political intrigue. So different from the usual gritty ninja work, her role as a Konoha emissary had allowed her the freedom to experience new lands and allies.
'Konoha…I haven't been there in five years.'
She quietly sighed. She wouldn't go back; not at least for another several years. She had promised herself that. Lightly grasping her white mug, she brought it to her lips. The flowery scent of the Hibiscus calmed her, comforted her, and cradled her in a bittersweet sense of familiarity and nostalgia.
'Kurenai-sensei used to make this for me.'
"I wish, just once, that I could see everyone again." She murmured aloud, knowing the futility and the dangerousness of her wish. If she returned, it would be disastrous for her emotional stability. So no, she would not go back. Not if she could help it, Fate be damned!
"Hyuuga Hinata of Konohagakure?"
She abruptly turned her head to her name being called yet again, this time by a masked man in a gray cloak and strange clay mask in the shape of a hawk. His dark hair peeked out from under his hood.
"The Hokage summons you to Konoha for reasons of the utmost importance."
She gulped and softly nodded once, showing her acquiescence. It seemed Fate didn't like being damned in the first place.