Keeping it Toget)(er

(AN: hey, hey. 2o, ii dont own home2tuck, and all that, hu22 ii2 the geniiu2 here, not me. and iit wouldnt kiill no one two leave a reviiew iif you read thii2. otherwii2e ii have no rea2on two keep wriitiing iif no one liike2 my 2hiit. capdiick out.)

-Be the Fish Girl-

You boot up your computer, painfully bright light penetrating your room, the lights having been shut off about ten minutes ago. But you keep those shocking green eyes of your trained to the screen, because after all you have some quick work to attend to.

The icon for Trollian is clicked, and in a few seconds, the familiar black box with contacts listed down it pops up over your background.

Yes, he's on.

cuttlefishCuller [CG] began trolling caligulasAquarium [CA]

CC: Erida-a-a-a-ann!

CC: Eridan, I know t)(at you're on, please answer me, t)(is is reely reely important!

CC: 38(

CC: )(ello?

CC: I'm not going to stop sending these until you answe-e-er!

CC: Ug)()()()(, come ON!

CC: Someone, please krill me now!

CC: Eridan... )(as gone missing?
CC: O)( no, looks like its time to call the police!

CC: )(ere we go... nine... one... one...

CA: jesus fuckin christ fef cant you givve a guy twwo seconds to answwer a goddamned message?

CA: wwhat is is that you evven wwant from me

CA: wwhy aren't you at the restaurant? you're late, that doesn't usually happen. is something wwrong?

CC: I'm soooo sorry, Eridan! I )(ave somet)(ing t)(at I've been keeping from you!

CA: wwait wwhat are you talkin about

CA: you dont keep stuff from me

CA: evver

CA: or at least i thought so

CC: 38( I'm sorry. I didn't tell you because I didn't want to upset you, but... I have to move out of our apartment. My sister is terbubbly sick, Eridan! I )(ave to go take care of her!

CA: are you talkin about meenah? i thought you hated her

CC: Please don't say t)(at, Eridan! S)(e's nice, it just... takes some time to get to see w)(o s)(e is inside.

CC: I'm sorry. I )(ave to! But don't you worry, because I'll be back in about a month or two! In the mean time, I've found you a roommate so t)(at you don't get lonely! I know that )(appens wit)( you...

CA: great. just fuckin great. all I need in my life is just a bit more bullshit. is it really wworth it to torture me, fef?

CA: please dont go

CA: you're my best friend

CA: my only friend

CC: Awww, don't worry! T)(is guy is super awesome! )(e and I )(ave been fronds for quite some time!

CA: wwho exactly is this friend?

CC: you mean )(is name?

CA: no, fef, i meant his godawwful codsuckin abilities, wwhat the hell else in this lonely an awwful wworld could I possibly be referrin to?

CC: )(a)(a)(a)(a)(a! Don't be mean, okay? I expect t)(e two of you to get along just fine!

CC: )(e'll be at the apartment tomorrow around nine, alri-i-i-ig)(t?

CA: wwow that's early

CA: jesus

CC: 38D Is it? O)( yea)(, you're a late sleeper, I forgot!

CC: Anyways, I'll talk to you later! The moving truck is )(ere, so I )(ave to get going...

CC: I )(ave faith in you! Don't cry too muc)( w)(en I'm gone, you big baby!

CA: wwait

CA: fef

CC: Sorry, Eridan! I )(ave to go!

CC: Bye-e-e-e-e!

cuttlefishCuller [CC] ceased trolling caligulasAquarium [CA]

You shut off the phone, with a slight smile on your magenta lips.

You knew Eridan would be fine. Besides, you couldn't be around to babysit him all the time!

And Sollux, well...

Of course those two would get along! There was absolutely nothing to worry about.

You shut your laptop, and stowing under your arm, you shove it into your bag, and make your way out the door.

-Be the Complete Asshole-

Hey, you're not an asshole!

Well, some of the time you aren't.

Speaking of assholes, what was your best "frond" doing, suddenly deciding that she wasn't going to meet you at this expensive restaurant? You had been waiting for two and a half hours, and now you receive this sudden notification telling you she was fucking moving away? The story she had just fed you was so instantaneous, you couldn't even process it!

And... and... you were finally, you had finally worked up the nerve to invite her here, and were about to...

To tell her your feelings for her. Yes, you had harbored those for a few fuckin years now. But now, that chance was totally ruined. You weren't going to see her for a while, and by then, it would be too late. She could change, meet some other guy while she was gone, you could become less desirable to her as time wore on, etc...

Did she realize how much nerve it had taken you to set up and plan for this opportunity?

And what the hell is up with her inviting some guy friend of hers into your apartment, too?

That sounded way too suspicious.

Who was he?

Sighing, you rest your hand on your palms dejectedly.

Well, it wasn't like there was anything you could do about it. It was happening.

Your only friend was moving away to take care of her asshole sister for who knows how many months. And you would be stuck, alone, at your apartment. Yeah, that guy moving in didn't even count; it would be best to just ignore him, and not purposely start some sort of a fight, which would inevitably happen, knowing your everyday attitude.

You jauntily, yet at the same time lazily wave a nearby waiter over, and he comes to pick up your barely-empty glass.

For a moment, you just sit there, staring into the distance, when something uncomfortably awkward strikes you. This guy, this, this waiter was still standing there, looking at you. What the hell?

Looking over at him with a wary scowl doesn't seem to bother the strange guy, either.

And, whoa, what the hell?

The guy had a weird look to him. Like, unnerving and awkward, in a way.

He was tall, really tall, at least six feet(while you stood at a pitiful five-six). His black hair was swept slightly, very slightly up at the sides, and his glasses did not hide the fact that he had discolored eyes, one green and one blue.

His clothes were black, black, all black. Black sweater over a white apron, black pants, black shoes. Though one was white, for some unfathomable reason.


He seemed to hunch over slightly as he stood there, and he was looking at you with a repulsed expression.

This bothered you.

"W-what? Is there something that you w-w-want from me?"

Shit. You had the tendency to trip up on your v's and w's when you were nervous. You really had to work on that.

He sighs, looking like you must have to be an idiot to not understand the situation, but doesn't acknowledge your stuttering, thank god.

"Well you didn't expect me to come over here and pour this wine down the drain without it being even halfway gone, didn't you? Pretty wasteful, if you ask me."

Wow. What a lisp he's got. Jesus Christ, this guy is rich.

But you just huff, and blow a little bit of hair out of your face.

"Yeah, w-well, I w-wasn't asking you. Now-w can you kindly go and bring me my check? I think I'v-ve just about had my fill of this place."

You're looking away now, but his stare penetrates you. So, you turn.

Your embarrassment is replaced by irritation.

"Wow. Excuse me, did I not say the magic w-words? Can you please go bring me a check? Thanks, it would be real helpful if you got it right now, rather than w-waiting until next winter, thanks."

He glares, but gives it up, but only after walking a few steps does he turn and counter, with a flourish of his hips:

"You know what would be real helpful? If you took off that gay hipster scarf. Asshole."

You stare as the weird waiter guy absconds, in angry shock.

What the hell? How dare he?

Did he not realize that you could get him fired for a comment such as that, on you? On the customer?

But you ball your fists, instead, glaring daggers.

Of course he knew. But he obviously didn't care.

So it wouldn't matter if you did tell on him. Besides, it would be childish.

Well, his tip would be pretty goddamn low.

In fact, two cents exactly is what you leave for the condescending asshole.


You decide to log into Trollian before going to bed that night. Juuust for a second, to see if he was on.

For a while now, the two of you had been on and off chatting, though you weren't exactly sure who he was. Talking to him was a fun past time for sure, and next to Fef, he was a close second, though you had never met him, the guy seemed close by now, though irritating and extremely blunt most of the time. Even so, you didn't mind. Through that, you could tell he was a totally cool guy.

And... yep. Online.

You click his handle a few times.

caligulasAquarium [CA] began trolling twinArmageddons [TA]

TA: oh

TA: hey

CA: wwell hello there

CA: i... just thought i'd chat a bit before bed, i guess

TA: hehe cool

TA: 2o what2 up wiith you?

CA: wwell, i... i'm kinda ticked off to be honest

TA: oh really why?

CA: there wwas this asshole at a restaurant I wwas wwaitin for a friend at.

TA: olol yeah there was thii2 fuckiing douchebag at the place ii work at twoday

TA: ii actually work at a re2taraunt

CA: oh wweird

CA: yeah i dunno he just ticked me off

CA: offended my wwonderfully artistic fashion sense

TA: yeah the douche at the place ii work at had 2UCH a terriible 2ense of fa2hiion

TA: he liike diidnt even under2tand ba2iic clothing law2

TA: or whatever

CA: hahaha yeah exactly

CA: some people really don't appreciate fashion nowwadays, you knoww wwhat I mean?

TA: oh totally

CA: wwell i am SO tired, ivve gotta try and get some sleep before tomorroww

CA: some dicks' movvin into my place

CA: ugh

TA: huh. iim moviing iinto thii2 guy2 place tomorrow.

TA: ju2t for a whiile

TA: my friiend 2aiid that iit wa2 two keep 2ome other friiend of her2 "company" or 2ome 2hit?

CA: haha wwhat a loser

TA: lol

TA: well get 2ome 2leep or whatever

TA: hehe let2 talk agaiin 2oon

CA: you gotcha

caligulasAquarium [CA] ceased trolling twinArmageddons [TA]

You close your eyes momentarily, breathing out. The sting from overexertion isn't that bad, in fact it feels kinda interesting, you guess.

This guy, twinArmageddons, is a pretty swave guy. He always manages to calm you down.

You two should meet up sometime.

Going over to your bed, you flop down over the covers and the springs protest in earnest.

You can feel the sleepiness wash over you almost instantly.

The last thought you have before you settle comfortably into darkness is that, hopefully, you can see this twinArmageddons person sometime really soon.

A smile passes over your lips, and your hazel eyes close.

-Be the awkward-looking nerdy kid-

You stare at the "caligulasAquarium ceased trolling" part of your conversation, dim comprehension that this guy reminds you of someone.

You can't really put your finger on it, though.