Katniss finished her community service. She worked at the hospital for the rest of her sentence, helping the other kids-and new admissions-through their ordeals. In the two years she had to work there, four people passed away. Marvel, Glimmer, Rue and, later, Cato after he was re-admitted because of relapse. Katniss learned to cope with the death, she worked with the people who were left behind.
Katniss missed him everyday. She missed his smile, his laugh, his voice, his words. She missed everything about him. But she knew that he wouldn't want to her mope, to sit in the dark and throw her life away just for his sake. So she kept moving forward, she kept pushing, she kept fighting. For him. Always for him.
Five months after Peeta passed away, Katniss realized that there were plenty of charities out there for those suffering with the disease, to help them through the process and make them comfortable or grant their wishes. And that is good, in fact it's amazing, but there wasn't anything for the people who have to deal with the deaths of their loved ones.
Every week, Katniss visited Peeta's grave. She'd sit by his side and tell him of what had happened over the course of the week, of things that had happened her or the world in general. Sometimes she'd read books or poems, other times she'd just sit with him, listening to the birds in the sky. She made sure, every time, to leave a bunch of dandelions on the soil. Because he was her dandelion in the spring.
Katniss became the founder of Always, a charity who's workers helped those who are left behind to deal with the deaths of their loved ones. Because of her charity work, she was on invited onto talk shows, radio interviews, interviews for magazines, to talk about her inspiration and what drove her to found such a hard working foundation. Everytime Katniss did the same thing. She didn't tell her own story.
She told Peeta's.
The story of Katniss and Peeta became worldwide and everyone knew about them. Everyone interpreted it in different ways and saw the story in differing lights. Some saw it as a love story, others believed it was a story of the strength of friendship.
Katniss knew what sort of story it was.
Do you?
A/N: Thank you to everyone who read and reviewed! (Even those of you who were kind of scary and threatening). I enjoyed writing this story and I hope you liked reading it!