Chapter 33: Finding the sword
The night went by and Lara had fallen asleep in her study room on the table surrounded by books and scrolls. She had taken a few scrolls back in Brazil before Karel came and killed her she placed a lot in her backpack and now she has been reading throw them for answers to the underworld.
Kurtis walked into the study with two cups of coffee, he didn't want to wake Hillary for coffee 2 am in the morning so he went and made it himself. He placed it on the table and looked down at Lara as she sleeps, she looks so beautiful when she is sleeping and rather left her to sleep some more, there is still lot to do and they had to hurry if they want to save this world from darkness and his sister, but the thing was he is scared that he would loss Lara in this battle. He shook his head and picked a piece of paper up that she had written. There he read: underworld Gates in Libyan Desert, Sahara is one location of many underworlds. He smiles and sees Lara waking up.
"Morning" Kurtis says and moves the coffee to her.
"Morning" she answers back and looks at the time and sighs. "Thanks" she smiles and picks the cup of hot coffee up.
"I see you found a location." Kurtis says
"Yes, and more" she hands him the scroll that is still laying open, he translates it into English.
"To find the creator you need to find the Gates to the underworld, this is the best way. To find it is to first find the sword of wisdom and to use it to open the gates and to slay the best that guards it." He smiled and knew that they found the entrance but where will they find this sword. He looks at Lara who smiles at him and he frowns "What?"
"I have an idea where it is" Lara answers and stands up and walks to her bookshelf and takes out a book and opens it.
"It was buried in Iceland with an unknown order know for the light of truth. In other words the Lux Veritatis." Lara said outload. "Its been under my noise for all this time."
"So Iceland here we came." Kurtis said looking at Lara "we'll need to pack warm."
"I mean to be cold" Lara smiled at Kurtis and walked out to get ready for the trip.
Two snow bikes where seen driving on the thig snow moving fast to the ruins that laid ahead. Their only mission to find the tomb where the sword is buried. Not long and they stopped by the ruins, the one a woman climbed off taking her helmed off admired the place for the man he just a little cold, he hated the cold. She looks at him and laughs.
"Is someone cold." She said sarcastically with a smile and walked up to him
"I'm fine thank you, so how are getting in?" he asks looking at the big doors covered by snow. Not been open for thousands of years.
"Well the inscription reads only the light can open the doors to its treasures." She read "Kurtis this is your job. Look at the pictures it shows a man throwing a light to the door."
"Let me try." Kurtis says throwing an energy bolt to the door. A ramble sound is heard and then the doors opened with a cracking sound.
"Well done" Lara applause and they move in but as they entered the doors behind them closes again.
"Now what" Kurtis asks.
"No problems we just fine another way out. There's always a way." She smiled and walked off hands by her pistols. Kurtis follows her and looks around the place is beautiful and has a lot of pictures and statues off knights all having the same symbol of the Lux Veritatis.
"Well I'm glad we're in the right place." Kurtis says.
Lara looks at him as he points to a painting. Lara looks and sees a woman with a sword in her hand showing up to the sky like a hero who has won a war.
"Let's move." That all she says, and they move on to another door, this one can open and as Lara opens they find themselves in front of blades, fire, water and arrows.
"Now how are we going to pass that" Kurtis asks
"This is easy for me, look at the blades and count it how long it takes to pass again." Lara says, and Kurtis nodded.
She goes first, the first blade is easy its only taking 3 minutes before its passes again Lara jumps through and looks at the second on this one going faster 1 minute, and Lara jumps through it as well the last on is every 20 seconds. Lara clocks it just right and jumps and the blade misses her just an inch. She looks to Kurtis and show him to came he does the same thing and reaches Lara with no scratch on him.
They look at the fire came out of the holes beneath them. Lara again goes first and misses every fire that came out until the last one touched her arm and she fell to the ground arm in pain but she made it she looks at Kurtis and sees his hallway through the fire and comes and kneels down by her side and looks at the wound.
"I'm fine I have burn shield in my bag." She says, and Kurtis takes it out for her and he places it on her arm and investigates her eyes.
"You scared the living shit out of me." He says as the sat there looking at the traps that laid ahead.
Lara kisses him on the lips and smiled at him "You're not gonna get rid of me that fast."
He kissed her back and stood up and held out his hand for her to take. She takes it and looks at the water something about it doesn't look right there's no danger but its what they want you to think. She takes a stick that is laying near and throws in the water and just like that it burns away.
"We don't climb in the water" Lara says looking up she sees vines, but she can't climb her arm is still to sore she looks at Kurtis "We must climb"
"Will you manage?" he asks looking at her arm.
"Yes, I'll manage, I have survived much worse." She lays and jumps up ignoring the pain in her arm she starts climb over to the other side with Kurtis just behind her.
As they reached the middle Lara's arm starts to burn like hell and she losses her grip and Kurtis grabs her in time. He uses is power to throw her to the other side. Making sure she landed on the ground he climbs on and meets her the other side.
"You lay to me" He says looking at her arm
"Sorry." She says looking away but he places his hand on her check and makes her look at him.
"Don't be sorry I would have also lay about it." He said and kissed her "But promise me you wont lay again, I can't lose you."
"I…I promise." She says and they walk one and they passed the arrows as well with no harm and entered the next room to find eight statues with the same names as in the vault of trophies.
Kurtis walks up to the one statue that is written Heissturm and closes his eyes for few seconds. Lara walks up to him hand places a hand on his shoulder "Your father would've been proud to see what you've done."
"I wish I can go back and to take my words. We were fighting about the order and him wanting me to go and fight and I didn't want to." Kurtis said
"Its in the past Kurtis, I guess he forgave you already you should do the same." She says
"I guess your right lets move" Kurtis says and they entered a room in the middle is coven surrounded by skeletons. Lara had a strange feeling about this. Last time a ghost was trying to kill her for trespassing.
"Kurtis I don't like this, this is to easy." Lara said taking out her guns.
"Calm down nothings gonna happen there's the sword lets take it and go." Kurtis said
"I don't think that's the sword its to easy." Lara says but Kurtis picks the sword up from the coven and then they feel a rumble sound and a door opens on one side of the room a skeleton knight came out with some more behind him, Lara aims at them but Kurtis stops them.
"They won't hurt us, I'm part of the order." Kurtis says
"How sure are you, they haven't been friendly with me for years." Lara says keeping her aim on the skeleton that is approaching them. He looks like the leader and stops in front of them.
"Kurtis Heissturm, what do you want to do with that?"
"To save my sister" Kurtis answered.
"Karen is in the underworld."
"Yes, I need to save her from Karel before he kills her down there." Kurtis answered.
"Well Kurtis that sword won't help." The leader says and makes one of the skeletons fetch the real sword. "That one is for show if a raider like her comes in and won't to take what isn't hers"
"Understand" Kurtis says stopping Lara from shooting him.
The skeleton brings the real sword this one covered in gold and silver and has the lions head in top
"Here is the real sword and good luck with your mission Kurtis." The skeleton said and went back to their hiding place. Kurtis hands the sword to Lara and they head for another door that just opened on the other side of where they entered. From there they find the bikes and moves back to town to book into hotel for the night and plan on how to find the entrance in Sahara.
Hi guys I hope you like this story so far please leave a review any is fine if you don't like it if you like it tell me...
Thanks to those who has reviewed and read the story so far.
next update will be coming soon