So we have finally come to an end. This is the last chapter. Thanks for all the reviews and thanks for sticking with me through my computer meltdown and being patient for over a month without updates. Oh and in case it confused you a bit, the first bit in italics in the last chapter was a flashback of Deeks' Oh and I kind of stole his doctors' name from I love that show.

Disclaimer: I do not own NCIS: Los Angeles


Kensi was driving along, the sun shining into her face, when those three little words followed by her name hit her like a ton of bricks. She lost all train of thought and found herself having to jerk the car back into her own lane when the guy next to her honked angrily. Her heart seemed to stop for a moment and she found herself having to catch her breath.

"This is the part where you say something." Deeks said, nudging her to talk.

"And what am I supposed to say?" She asked.

"Anything would be nice. Maybe you feel the same way, maybe you don't." He answered, feeling somewhat frustrated at her lack of communication. For once he was saying exactly what he meant and she had nothing to say back. "I'm tired of keeping it all in Kens, and if you don't feel the same way then I guess I'll just..."

Kensi cut him off. "You'll just what? Go back to LAPD? Leave the team? You're not sticking me with that stupid temp. He doesn't understand my quirks, as you call them, and my need for sweets like you do."

"So that's what this is about? You don't want to be stuck with a temp?" Deeks asked, feeling hurt at her excuses. He was hoping for something along the lines of 'you're not leaving because I need you' or 'you're not leaving because I love you too and want to work on our thing.'

"No, Deeks." Now it was Kensi's turn to feel frustrated, not only at Deeks, but at herself as well. Why the hell couldn't she just say what she meant? "This is hard for me Deeks and I know I'm not saying the words you want to hear, but it's been a long time since I've had these feelings for anyone. Jack was the last one I ever let in, the last one I ever fell for and after that heartbreak I put up these walls and started locking up my emotions." She finally pulled into the parking lot at Deeks apartment. "I don't know if I'm ready for the L word, but when I saw you hanging in that room, bloody and broken, my heart sank and I couldn't imagine losing you. I couldn't imagine life without your stupid jokes and

that cheesy grin."

Deeks took her hands, which had started trembling a bit. "It's ok Kensi. You don't have to say that you love me just because I said it to you. I just want to know where we stand. I want to know what the next step is now that you know how I feel about you." He said.

"I'm not sure where we stand right now. I think we should just take it one day at a time." Kensi replied and smiled. "But maybe we can pick up where we left off." She got out of the car and lead Deeks up to his apartment, completely forgetting he had a bag in the car.

He followed her, not really sure what to expect. Did she mean she wanted to make love to him? Technically, that is where they had left off. He almost asked, but could already picture some response about him getting his mind out of the gutter. He unlocked his apartment and let her enter first. He followed her into the bedroom and watched as she knelt on the edge of the bed and slowly pulled her shirt over her head, revealing a black lacy bra.

His eyes widened in shock. Clearly, she did want to make love to him. This is something he never thought in his wildest dreams would happen. "Wait, Kensi I..."

She stopped and immediately felt like a fool. "You don't want this do you?" She hastily reached for her shirt and that's when he stopped her.

Deeks sat next to her. "Of course I want this, I just want to make sure that you want it too. We don't have to do this." He said.

"No, I...I want this. I want us." Kensi replied.

He smiled at her words, pushed a few strands of hair behind her ear, and reached in for a kiss. He gently laid her back on the bed. "I want us too, Princess." She slipped his shirt off of him and placed her hands around his back as he reached in and started kissing her neck, slowly moving down her body. She felt the scars on his back and tried not to shudder at the mere thought of them.

Together they made slow, passionate love. For several moments, they both melded into one, their bodies in sync with one another...emotions exploding between them, sparks flying through the air as they climaxed and finished.

Then, the two laid in each others arms, twisted in the sheets as the sun filtered through the blinds and across them in the bed. Kensi's head rested on Deeks' chest and she listened to his steady heartbeat and felt his chest heave up and down with even breaths. He was out cold and was actually sleeping quite peacefully. It was typical for a man, she thought, but she couldn't happier.

Kensi used to tell herself not to get involved with a coworker, that it would only ruin things and make things awkward. Then, detective Marty Deeks came along and she couldn't help the chemistry she felt between them. She just kept telling herself it was nothing. Oh how wrong she was. Now she just hoped that this thing between them, didn't affect their job and their partnership, but only time would tell.

After a while, Kensi succumbed to sleep herself. When she woke later, the sun had moved and was no longer filtering in through the blinds. She felt Deeks hand gently stroking her hair and glanced up at him. He had a smile on his face that stretched from ear to ear. "Hey, I hope I didn't wake you." He said.

She stretched a little, easing a few cramps that she had from being in the same spot for hours, and quickly nestled back into his chest again. "No." Was her reply as she took in his scent.

Deeks took a quick look at the clock on the nightstand beside his bed, noting the sun would be setting soon. There was still one thing he wanted to do with Kensi and what better than to do it as the sun was setting. "As much as I hate to ruin the moment, there's something I've been wanting to do with you."

She lifted her head so she could get a better look at him. "You mean, what we did earlier wasn't it?" She asked.

He smiled. "Yeah, that was one thing and it was amazing, but there's one other thing."

She gave him a curious look. "What's that?"

"You're gonna have to get dressed to find out." He explained.

She seemed a little disappointed at the thought of getting out of bed and leaving the comfort of his arms, but slowly, she got up and found her clothes. She wondered where they were going, especially once they were outside and had totally bypassed either of their cars. Clearly, they weren't driving anywhere. It had to be some place close.

It didn't take long for her to realize that Deeks was leading them to the beach. They crossed the street from his apartment and he stopped just short of the sand that lead down to the water. The sun was just starting to set, rays of an orangish red color emanating from a few clouds just above the shoreline. It was beautiful.

"You wanted to see the sunset?" Kensi asked.

"Not exactly." Deeks replied. It was time to open up a little more to Kensi. "I haven't been to the beach since before the torture." She looked at him surprised and so he continued. "One of the men that orchestrated my kidnapping found me on the beach. I had just finished surfing and I saw him sitting in the sand. He seemed a little out of place to me, but I didn't really think it was anything to worry about at the time. I left and drove home. Right after I was taken, I saw him again and learned that he was partially behind it. He was working for Vasily."

"Ever since then, I've had a little trouble working up the courage to go to the beach. I couldn't do it without reliving all the memories of being taken and tortured. The photo you sent with Hetty last week, it gave me the courage, but I wanted to do it with you. The beach has always been a safe place for me, a place to unwind and forget about everything. I wanted to share my safe haven with you. I lost it when I was taken and with you by my side, I feel like I can finally reclaim it."

She was grateful that Deeks was opening up to her and letting her in. She had been on the beach with him before, but never like this. Technically though, they weren't on the beach yet. "Deeks?"

"Yeah?" He wasn't sure what she was going to say.

"We aren't actually on the beach." She said.

He glanced in front of himself and realized that they weren't actually on the sand. He was surprised when he felt her hand taking his, their fingers intertwining. He looked back at Kensi and she had a soft smile on her face. She took a step into the sand and he followed. With the sun setting before them, they walked down the beach hand in hand, both smiling, both happy, both at peace. Despite not knowing how this new 'thing' of theirs would affect their working partnership, they were both in a really good place and they were both happy.


I hope you were all pleased with the ending. I guess it's a typical Densi ending, with the sex and falling in love bit. I just couldn't resist the Densi though. Please review and if you want, check my other stories. Only one other NCIS: LA one, but I have a few Charmed and Supernatural ones listed. Thanks guys! I hope to start writing some more new stories soon.