IT'S BEGUN. This is based off sallychanscraps's tdas au headcanon where Gwen is pregnant. (look it up on tumblr if your confused) But really all she said was; maybe Gwen's pregnant, in response to why Gwen's how she is in TDAS. I'm treating this as canon... Enjoy.

Gwen hadn't felt like herself this season. One minute everything seemed to be going fantastic, and then practically the next moment everything was crashing down for her. It had all seemed fine just last episode; her and Courtney were finally friends again, she'd survived another elimination, but later the exact same night while they stayed in the loser cabin, Gwen's world seemed to be heading into a downward spiral again for the umpteenth time this season. Courtney and Zoey were sound asleep, unfazed in their own beds while Gwen could do nothing but toss and turn, wide awake. She supposed that it had started not long after this week's elimination ceremony. In a terrible twist of fate, Duncan, her friend and now ex-boyfriend, had been convicted and arrested for destroying Chris's so called "cottage" with real, big-boy prison awaiting him instead of juvie.

That's when it hit the goth girl; she actually felt a deep sense of worry for her ex. She was starting to feel sorry for him, becoming more horrified at the prospect of him being in an actual jail cell with criminals who had more than likely done much worse crimes to land themselves in there. Gwen actually had begun to miss Duncan more than she really thought she would. She kind of wanted to wake Courtney and just vent out her feelings, before deciding that it would be best to wait until morning. She reached under the lumpy mattress and dug out her diary. If any of the past entries she'd made during this season were any indication, Gwen had certainly been on an emotional roller-coaster these past few weeks... Even after finishing a rather lengthy new entry, she still found it impossible to sleep.

Around what she guessed was about two in the morning, a sudden wave of sickness washed over the goth. As quickly as she could, she rushed outside before puking over the wooden railing on the porch and into a bush. "Eww..." She mumbled wiping her mouth before trudging back inside.

"Mmmmnn...Gwen? You okay?" Courtney sat up in bed barely awake as Gwen just passed through the doorway. After her vision adjusted, the brunette's tired eyes widened at her friend who looked fatigued and a few shades paler than normal.

"It's nothing Courtney, just got a little sick. Go back to sleep." Gwen whispered.

"Umm no, it's not just nothing, I heard you just empty out your stomach at two AM when you felt perfectly fine this morning, spill it." Gwen sighed, knowing Courtney would overreact. As much as she loved her friend, she was so not in the mood to discuss this right now.

"Courtney it's nothing!" Gwen groaned.

"Stop saying that, we both know that it's not true!"

"Urrmmff... Courtney? Gwen? What's going on?" The two of them turned to see Zoey sitting up in bed, rubbing the crust from her eyes, not irritated in the least at being woken up. Her eyes darted back and forth between the two before noticing Gwen's less than well appearance. "Are you okay Gwen? You don't look too good." She pushed the covers off herself and was at Gwen's side in a second, putting her hand against her forehead.

"Ooh, Gwen I think you should go to the infirmary, you're burning up!" Zoey gasped patting her lightly on the back.

"See! I told you it wasn't nothing!" Courtney scolded before crawling out of bed, taking Gwen by the arm. "Zoey, help me get her to the infirmary."

"Guys, come on, it's noth-" A quick glare from Courtney stopped her for a moment. "Watch, I'll feel better in the morning, just let me sleep this off." Gwen pleaded with the two girls holding her arms. Courtney and Zoey exchanged glances at each other for a moment, contemplating what to do before releasing the pale girl between them.

"Fine, but if you get sick again we are immediately getting you some medical treatment. Deal?" Courtney eyed her friend down, not buying for a second that Gwen would simply "sleep off" her sickness.

"Deal, now let's all try and go back to sleep." Gwen pulled away from the two and climbed into her bed, turning away from them. After a few seconds she heard Zoey and Courtney get into their own beds for the night. Sleep seemed impossible for quite a while, but it came eventually...

The next morning was luckily a rare day off from the competition. Unfortunately, the crummy feeling in Gwen's stomach had not disappeared during the night and she didn't get much of a good night sleep either. Chef barged in the door as usual delivering the daily morning serving of gruel for their breakfast. While the rest of the losers seemed not to be having any trouble with eating the slop they'd grown so accustomed to, even the mere smell of the light-brown stuff made Gwen's stomach churn. She noticed Courtney and Zoey worriedly looking her way as they ate their own bowls or gruel. Even though her body protested, Gwen shoveled in a few spoonfuls of the brown slop, nearly shuddering as she swallowed. The two girls gazes shifted from her as the gruel already began to turn against her. 'Don't puke. Don't puke.' She internally begged to her stomach. Before she could even attempt to try and eat another spoonful Gwen barely was able to make it off the porch before the gruel came right back up again. The boys all flinched away from her in disgust complaining about the mess, while Zoey and Courtney rushed over to her side.

"I knew you wouldn't just sleep it off! We are taking you to the infirmary right now!" Courtney chastised as her and Zoey led Gwen away from the cabin towards the medical tent across the campgrounds. Gwen had no choice but to let them take her there as they insisted.

"Guys, if it means anything, that gruel tasted off, more than usual anyways." Gwen argued to them. Zoey shook her head.

"No, it just tasted like Chef's normal stuff. Nothing off about it."

"Yeah, if we're being honest, it was actually one of his better batches of it." Courtney admitted. 'Well there went my one defense.' Gwen thought. The three girls soon arrived at the infirmary with a few medical workers ready to work.

"What's the problem?" One of the nurses asked as he had Gwen lie down on one of the cots available.

"Well, she's thrown up twice since last night, her taste in food's been off, she's probably exhausted from being up most of last night, and a slight fever." Courtney quickly listed of the symptoms to the man who wrote everything Courtney said down.

"How are you feeling now Gwen?" He asked.

"Like crap." She answered rather bluntly, she covered her mouth gagging, looking like the rest of the gruel was about to come back up. Another nurse came over quickly with a bucket just in time.

"We'll run some tests and see if we can figure out what's wrong with you. You two can go now." He gestured to the girls. Courtney and Zoey said a quick goodbye to Gwen before heading out. The male-nurse turned his attention back on Gwen. "Alright Gwen, I'm gonna ask you a few questions before we run any tests 'kay?" She simply nodded in response. "Okay how long have you been throwing up?"

"Just since last night."

"Okay, have you been around anything recently that could infected you?" Gwen shook her head. "Not that I can recall."

"When was your last menstrual cycle?" Gwen blushed at the question slightly before she realized how long it really had been since her cycle.

"Ummm, I actually don't remember. I think I might have skipped it this month." The nurse wrote down her answers before standing up again.

"Okay, we're gonna need you to take a blood and a urine test." Gwen shot up in alarm.


"Just to be sure of what we're dealing with. It's no big deal. Follow me." Gwen followed the nurse over towards the other side of the tent. She wondered what the hell was wrong with her. As they were taking a sample of blood from her, a tiny thought popped up in the back of mind. Gwen shook her head, squashing the idea almost as soon as it formed. 'But what if I am actually...pfft! Yeah right! There's no way that that could be a possibility. Could it?' She thought to herself nervously.

Gwen rubbed at her sore arm as the nurse took away her two different test samples to analyze what the heck was going on with her. The longer she waited, the more anxious she became. The few doctors on duty ran over the tests quite a few times just to be sure. Gwen began noticing them sending glances her way, looking somewhat shocked. At last, just as her patience was about to break, the doctor in charge came over looking through the test results.

"Hey Gwen, how are you feeling?"

"Peachy. Do you guys know what's wrong with me or not?" She asked, desperate to know the answer. The aging woman in front of her nodded looking at the papers in her hands.

"Yes, just...brace yourself, I'm not sure how you're going to take this." Gwen's anxiety skyrocketed.

"Take what?" She gulped. The doctor locked eyes with her as she said the words Gwen dreaded possibly hearing came out.

"You're pregnant." It felt like someone had pulled the floor out from under her. Breath caught in her throat, Gwen snatched the papers from the woman's hands scanning over them. The results were right there in front of her, no mistakes. This could not be happening!

"I don't believe this..." Gwen mumbled. The doctor easily took the paper back from the goth. "Believe it, I'm afraid it's true. Do you have any clue how far along you are?" Gwen fell back onto the cot, letting the memories fill her mind. When...wait, about a week before returning to the show, she and Duncan... 'Oh god.' The realization hit her like a ton of bricks. 'OH MY GOD!' He'd been her first, and she'd been on birth control; she supposed she must have misused the pill. 'Nearly a hundred percent effective my ass.' She thought bitterly.

"I'm close to about three weeks, maybe four." She finally answered, her hand almost instinctively going to her stomach. The doctor wrote down the information on the papers and turned back to Gwen. "Do you want us to notify Chris?"

"NO! Do not tell Chris, please!" Gwen knew very well that Chris would humiliate her by exposing her secret to the cast and the viewing world whether she wanted him to or not, not to mention he'd probably exploit her and her baby for all they were worth. 'Over my dead body.' The doctor nodded and went to get Gwen a prescription for some prenatal vitamins and schedule an ultrasound appointment. At the first chance she got, Gwen high-tailed it out of the infirmary. She had hardly made it into the communal washroom before she started crying...

She supposed it was about thirty minutes later when someone knocked on the door, she'd locked it the moment she came in.

"Gwen are you in there?" Courtney's voice called from the other side of the door. Gwen quickly wiped her face free of tears and her running mascara before unlocking the door. A new fear suddenly overwhelmed her; 'what if Courtney breaks our friendship up because of this?!' She guessed she was about to find out the answer. "Gwen, what happened? Did they find out what's wrong with you?" Gwen merely nodded, barely able to look Courtney in the eye. "Well, what was it?" Gwen took a deep breath, readying herself before the words flew out.

"I'm pregnant." She stared at the floor bracing herself for Courtney's reaction. The C.I.T's mouth dropped open, barely believing the words that just came out of her gothic friend's mouth. She waited, waited for Gwen to smile and say; "just kidding", but Gwen remained silent. The guilty, sad look on her face told Courtney she wasn't kidding in the least.

"Yo-you're what?! Gwen! H-how could you be so irresponsible? I mean I'm sure Duncan had a part in this but I can't believe you both were so careless and stupid a-" Courtney stopped short as she noticed Gwen. She was starting to shake, little growing sobs pouring out of her mouth, tears streaming down her face. "N-no no, please don't..." Courtney pleaded, suddenly more calm. Gwen broke down into full on sobbing, wiping her nose on her sleeve as the tears came down uncontrollably. Personally, Gwen blamed the stupid hormones. "Gwen...?" Courtney's voice cracked slightly as she stepped closer to the crying girl.

"Courtney, what am I gonna *hiccup* do?! Duncan is in JAIL, I'm stuck on this stupid show, and I don't know that first thing about being a mom...!" Gwen sobbed out the words, her voice cracking. Courtney put an arm around her shoulder to try and comfort her.

"Shhh. It's going to be okay. D-don't cry please. If you cry, I'm gonna cry and we'll just turn into a big sobbing mess." Courtney pulled her friend into a hug and let Gwen cry into her shoulder.

About an hour later Gwen and Courtney had both calmed down enough to talk about the whole situation.

"So, you're a month along?"

"Somewhere around a month, yeah. This is all so wrong." Gwen said. "I mean, I guess I can kiss my dreams of going off to school goodbye, and oh my god my mom is going to kill me..."

"You're 18 right? And graduated from highschool? At least you've got that going for you." Courtney said trying to lighten the situation as best she could.

"I guess. Still..." Gwen mumbled in response. Courtney scooted closer. "So...are you gonna tell him?" She asked. Gwen's eyes widened in terror.

" I hadn't even thought about that yet!" She groaned. "He's going to be horrified!"

"Gwen, I'm sure he's going to be shocked but not horrified."

"What if he says he wants nothing to do with it?" Courtney shook her head.

"Duncan's a jerk sometimes, a moron, a bit immature, but he isn't heartless. Between jail and this, I say he's in for the wakeup call of a lifetime. Besides, if he doesn't want anything to do with the baby its his loss, at least the child won't be around its criminal father."

"Not helping Courtney. But he at least deserves to know right?" The latina shrugged.

"Whatever you think is best, but I guess it would be good to at least let him know what's going on. He deserves that much at least." Gwen nodded in agreement. "So until you can call him, what are you going to do? Should we tell anyone, or just keep this between us for now?" Gwen looked at her stomach, contemplating, she didn't trust Alejandro, Chris, or Scott, if Duncan was even the slightest bit right about "Mal" it wouldn't be safe to tell him anything until further notice, and she knew Cameron couldn't keep a secret; that left Zoey.

"I think it would be safe enough to tell Zoey. She's our roommate, she'd probably figure it out eventually anyways."

"Good point. We'll tell her tonight when the guys are asleep."

Zoey took the news a lot better than either of them expected. While she was shocked about Gwen being pregnant at only eighteen, it was simply not in Zoey's nature to criticize or be negative with this type of situation. She tried getting them to think positive; asking Gwen what she'd name it if it was a boy or girl, how she would paint the nursery, and she even volunteered to babysit if she was needed.

"I appreciate the enthusiasm Zoey, but this is serious. What am I going to do?"

"Well, depends I guess. Do you want to keep it or set it up for adoption? Please tell me your not thinking of abortion are you? I just can't stand the thought of sweet, innocent, little babies being ripped from their mother's womb, murdered before they even have the chance t-"

"I get it Zoey!" Gwen said making the indie chick stop her rambling. During Zoey's little speech, Gwen had thrown her arms protectively around her stomach. "I...I think...I wanna keep it." Zoey smiled at Gwen patting her lightly on the back.

"So when are you going to tell Duncan? It is his right?"

"Of course it's his!" Gwen raised her voice, rather defensive. Zoey muttered a quick apology and let Gwen continue. "Well...I tell him when I get the chance. Next time I can get to a phone. I promise." She yawned, feeling incredibly tired. Before she went to sleep, Gwen lied in her bed rubbing her still fairly flat stomach, thinking about how her world had changed so drastically in just one day. Duncan was in for the surprise of his life the next time she could get to a phone...

And there is Month One. Expect the rest of them to be much longer. This one would have been, but Gwen's technically about through with the first official month anyways so there you go.

Next up is Month Two; where the game becomes too much for Gwen to handle, Courtney is made the baby's god mother. And Duncan get's one hell of a phone call in prison.