This story is a pain in the ass, so many names! Thank goodness for the wiki am I right?

I've got a bunch of chapters written already, so expect releases every Friday for at least a couple months.

I hope I don't have to have a talk with anyone about how surnames work in Japan.

And of course, I hope you enjoy this story.

Kamijou Touma's head was nestled in his arms, which were supported by his desk. He slumbered peacefully, having been kept up half the night by a demon from the seventh circle of hell that had been summoned by some crazy magician.

Stiyl had dragged him out of school at lunch two days ago to help him track down and take out the magician and the demon. He had spent the previous day and a half running all around the city trying to find the nut job before finally confronting him on the airport runway, but not before he managed to pull off the summoning.

It sounded dangerous and terrifying but in reality it was one of Touma`s tamer adventures. The demon hadn't known about his right arm and when it tried to casually backhand Touma it had pretty much spontaneously combusted. Seeing the creature that he had worked for years to summon taken down by a teenager using only one hand sent the magician into shock and that had been that.

Except now Touma was feeling the repercussions of being awake for nearly 48 hours in a big way. Or perhaps a more accurate way of putting it would be that a very small someone was about to make him feel it in a big way.

"KAMIJOU TOUMA!" The pink-haired loli that Touma called his teacher yelled in his ear, waking him from his slumber and sitting upright with a surprised jolt. He wildly looked around to see what the matter was before seeing his fuming teacher "y-yes sensei?"

Tsukuymoi Komoe glared at him "first you skip an entire day and a half of school and then you fall asleep in my class!" She spoke haltingly, her voice laced with hurt.

Touma's fellow classmates were now glaring at him and murmuring amongst themselves "he's gonna make her cry again."

Touma swallowed, the last thing he wanted to do was make his beloved teacher cry again but he was seriously exhausted. When he had gotten home at three oh clock in the morning he hadn't even been able to fall asleep. Even if the demon had gone down fairly easily it had still been terrifying to face off against a certified denizen of hell. He had lain in his bed for the rest of the night thinking about the encounter.

Touma wondered where he had gone wrong in his life that he had ended up being able to think such crazy things seriously. Honestly, what terrible luck he had.

"Do my classes bore you?" Komoe asked him in a teary voice, causing Touma to go into a mild state of panic.

"Of course not Sensei!" Touma said while frantically trying to think of an excuse that didn't involve slaying demons "it's just that…um…I…uh…stayed up late completing the homework!" Touma finally said triumphantly, certain that he had just come up with the perfect excuse. It wasn't until he saw one of his teachers eyebrows slowly make its way up her forehead that he realized what a horrible mistake he had made.

"Is that so?" Komoe asked sarcasm plain in her voice.

Touma knew in the depths of his soul that she was about to ask him to get up and write the assignment on the chalkboard in front of the class, he just knew it. Then something amazing happened: the lunch bell rang. Touma's mouth dropped open as everyone started to file out of the classroom. Tsuchimikado Motoharu, Touma's best friend, grinned at him as he got his own lunch box out.

Komoe sighed dramatically "you're off the hook this time, but if you know what's good for you you'll stop snoozing when you should be listening!" With that Touma's teacher turned and pranced away as if nothing had happened. Touma wondered if she knew how childish she looked when she did that.

Tsuchimikado joined him at his table and began to eat "have a good night?" Touma's best friend asked smugly through a mouthful of rice.

Touma didn't register the mockery though, he was still too busy marvelling over the exchange he had had with his teacher. "I don't believe it…the bell rung before she could ask me to do the homework on the board! I…I actually had some good luck!

Touma was genuinely stunned by this phenomenon, which is why he was a little miffed when Tsuchimikado snorted with laughter. "hey, why are you laughing?" Touma asked, slightly peeved that Tsuchimikado didn't understand the importance of this occasion.

"Luck had nothing to do with it my friend." Tsuchimikado said in a matter of fact tone that shattered all of Touma's hopes and dreams for a future where he had the occasional spots of good luck.

"h-huh?" Touma said disbelievingly, unable to say anything else. Tsuchimikado elaborated "you fell asleep five minutes into class, which our revered homeroom teacher took note of immediately. She waited until she knew the bell would ring before she woke you up."

Touma was confused "eh? Why would she do that?" He had never heard of a teacher purposefully letting a kid off the hook for sleeping in class.

Tsuchimikado shrugged "I guess she assumed you must have had a good reason to skip, and that you're not the kind of kid who would just sleep in class just because they're bored. Those were probably her general thoughts anyway."

Touma was touched by the hypothetical sentiment "really?"

Tsuchimikado shrugged "sure, why not? Anyway that's not important, back to my original question: how was last night?"

Touma scowled "terrifying. Hey! Which reminds me: why weren't you there? Isn't stopping the magical crap that goes down in Academy City your job?"

Tsuchimikado smirked "I'm a spy Touma, never forget that. I could turn on you at any minute. Besides, Styl had been hunting that bastard for a while now, it was his prey. I had no place getting involved and what could lil old magic-less me do against a demon anyways?"

Touma scowled "gah, I can't believe you got a full night's sleep while I spent nearly two days hunting a demon and nearly a full night lying wide awake because of adrenaline! Repent you bastard, do my homework for me!"

Tsuchimikado finished off his meal "like hell I'll do that. You could have just told Styl no. By the way, don't you have a lunch?"

Touma protested "how could I just say no? If I hadn't gotten involved someone might have died!" Several moments after Touma said this he processed Tsuchimikado's question "l-lunch?" Touma's stomach rumbled loudly and Touma groaned in despair "such misfortune…"

Tsuchimikado snorted and handed him a few bills "go get yourself something to eat you idiot."

Touma immediately brightened "you're a pal, Tsuchimikado!" Touma called to him as he exited the classroom.

Tsuchimikado waved him away "this makes us even for last night!" Tsuchimikado smirked as he saw Touma's incredulous face. But food was food and Touma grudgingly went off in search of sustenance.

Tsuchimikado immediately took out his phone when Touma left the classroom. He was now the only one left in the class. He flipped open his phone and punched in a number quickly. It only rang once before it was picked up "yeah it's me, have you found them yet? Damn it, call me when you do." With that Tsuchimikado closed his phone again and leaned back in his chair, his eyes closed. It looked like things were about to get very interesting in Academy City.

After School

Touma was packing up his school gear, happy that he could finally go home and sleep when his teacher came up beside him.

"Oh, um, goodnight Komoe-Sensei." It wasn't exactly correct since the sun wasn't even close to having set but Touma was exhausted and nervous since Komoe looked cross with him. He hoped he wasn't going to get in trouble after all.

She was silent for a moment before finally saying "you've been absent for the past day and a half."

Touma broke out in a nervous sweat "ah, yes um about that.."

Komoe stopped him "I don't need to know, but in the future try to warn me okay? It's really worrisome when one of my students leaves for lunch and never comes back."

Touma felt a wave of shame; he hadn't thought of that "I'm sorry Sensei." He said miserably, hanging his head.

Komoe was silent before saying "just don't make a habit out of it." She made to back to her desk but then turned back to Touma "by the way, you probably haven't heard since you were gone when I made the announcement but The Board of Directors made a very special announcement: Academy City is holding the first ever Academy Gladiator Arena. All the schools will participate in a round robin tournament for a drastic increase in budget. For every fight a representative will have to be picked from each school. No student may participate in a fight twice in a row. Do you have any questions?"

Touma scratched his head "miss, isn't it dangerous to stage actual fights between schools? There are some seriously dangerous kids in Academy City, what I someone gets hurt or worse?"

Komoe frowned a little at the thought of a child dying but shrugged "martial arts schools have tournaments all the time. Do you know why? It's because nothing hones your skills better than applying them in real life situations."

Touma frowned "I guess so…" He wasn't entirely certain that this was a good idea but there wasn't anything he could do about it so he let it go.

Komoe continued "besides, there will be top of the line medical staff present at all times. And we'll get to watch some of the level 5's demonstrate their skills! Maybe by watching exemplary students like Misaka Mikoto you'll be able to develop your own abilities!"

Touma cringed a little but said nothing. He hadn't seen the famous railgun in a couple weeks; he had gone out of his way to avoid her since she had told him she knew he had lost his memories. The couple times they had crossed paths he had turned tail and run as fast as he could, which he felt bad about because every time it looked like she had wanted to talk to him.

He couldn't help it though; his one rule had been never to let anyone know about his memory loss and Misaka had been the last person he had expected to find out. He would have to face her eventually, and he was fully aware that he had probably made her angry that he had run away from her.

Touma groaned a little and buried his face into his arms and laid his head on the desk. Why was his life so complicated?