Author's note: I know this is more of a crossover, but since the only think that is related to the child's play universe is Chucky himself, other than that, it's strictly within the south park universe. Now, let's have some fun

P.S. all of the characters in this story belong to either Matt Stone and Trey Parker, or Don Mancini.

"I'm chasing the suspect into a toy store." officer Barbrady said into his Wilkie-talkie. He was chasing Charles Lee Ray, one of the most notorious serial killers in South Park history. He had murdered over a dozen people, and had no intention of stopping any time soon. Once Barbrady saw him, he he shot his gun directly into the killer's back, which led to Charles shooting the cop in the shoulder. "Alright, case closed, there's nothing to see here." Barbrady announced once he collapsed.

Clutching at his back, Charles suddenly saw the solution to his problem, an entire isle of "nice guy" dolls. Without a second thought, he grabbed the Voodoo necklace from around his neck, and began the ritual, to transfer his soul into the doll. "Aday du-ay dumbella, Aday du-ay dumbella, give me the power, I beg of you!" he commanded. He repeated this chant several times, until lightning began to strike rapidly around the store, then suddenly, a bolt of lightning came through the roof and struck Charles and the doll in their chests.

When the lightning finally stopped, Charles felt himself being lifted up, he looked down and saw his human body, as well as the doll's, underneath him. After floating for about 10 seconds, he felt himself being sucked into the doll; everything went dark, until he was sitting down, and his eyes were closed. When he opened them, he saw his human body, lying motionless beside him; the ritual was a success! "Ha ha motherfuckers, I'm still alive, ha!" he shouted, in his new plastic body. When the cops came back into the building, to find out what the hell just happened, Chucky quickly sat back down, and held his breath (although, he no longer needed oxygen) as the cops carefully examined the area.

Elsewhere, Eric Cartman was sitting on the couch, eating chessy poofs, with Mr. Kitty at his feet, trying to get to his snack. "No, Mr. Kitty, these are my cheesy poofs!" Cartman yelled "Maw!" the cat replied "No Kitty, these are my cheesy poofs!" Cartman shouted, they wentpack and forth for awhile, Cartman sounding more and more like a squealing pig each time, until...

"Avalable now, from buttplug's toys: Nice Guys, these dolls are four feet tall, they walk, they talk, and they can even fart!" the tv ad announced, with Cartman jumping up and down on the couch in excitement. "Mom, can I get the new Nice Guy doll today, before Kyle gets one, so I can make him super jealous at school ant he'll cry?" Cartman asked, trying to sound as sweet as possible

"Okay poopiecens, I'll get you one tomarrow." she replied, sweetly "But mom, I need it for tomarrow!" he said "Oh, but Itdone think I have time to get it today, how about youll have it waiting for you when you get home from school tomarrow." she replied "BUT MEME, I NEED TO GET IT TODAY SO THAT I CAN MAKE KYLE JEALOUS AND HE'LL CRY AND KILL HIMSELF!" Cartman shouted, sounding like a squeezing pig again "Okay muffin, let's go." she replied, dropping everything that she was doing, grabbed her purse, took her son's hand, and walked out the door. "Sweet" Cartman said, victoriously

Author's note: what do you guys think so far, love it, hate it, please discuss, more chapters to come