Story: Grand Theft Sonic

Summary: Meet the baddest criminals of Empire City in this action-packed story. With Amy Rose sold into sex slavery at the age of eight, it is up to our favorite blue hero, or in this case, criminal, to save her. But how, when he is faced with the struggles of everyday street life? Sonic & Amy POV. Alternate Universe.

Rated: M- Language, Violence, Sex, and Drug Abuse/Themes.

Disclaimer: I do not own any of these characters, as they all belong to SEGA, Sonic Team, or Archie Comics. (All in all, SEGA). Based off themes from Slumdog Millionaire, and the Grand Theft Auto series.

N/A: ALWAYS read these. They will hold important information.

Red-light district: an area of a town or city containing many brothels, strip clubs, and other sex businesses.

Setting: The planet of Mobius, in many Sonic Unleashed towns, but they will hold real life/alternate universe themes.

Have a happy reading

Sonic POV

(Flashback: Shamar, 2000)

"AHH! SONIKKU, HELP ME! YOU PROMISED!" a little girl cried, as she was carried off, and forced into the trunk of a shiny, black SUV.

"I swear to Chaos if you move an inch, Sonic, I'll blow your goddamn head off," a sinister voice warned. I was facing my caretaker, the notorious Dr. Ivo Robotnik, a big time drug dealer and crime lord.

Before Robotnik and I even entered the city-state of Shamar, I asked him what we were doing here. He explained that if he told me, he'd have to kill me. But I was noticing some pretty weird stuff. A shuttle bus of kids would come in daily, and spend the night at our Shamarian mansion… But the next night, they were nowhere to be found. Some stayed for a day, some for weeks, or even months.

It was there, in our mansion, that I'd met her. They called her Amy, but she was known as Rosy to me. She had been the only one, out of all the kids, that would talk to me… treat me nicely. The others would glare, and spit at me, as if they hated me for being alive.

"It's because you're in with Dr. Eggman," she explained, giggling at the little nickname they came up with for Robotnik. "But don't let it bother you. I'm your friend. Mother told me, that if you are able to make at least one friend in the world, you're pretty lucky."

"Why are you here?" I asked, gesturing towards the mansion. "Why aren't you at home…? With your mother?" Amy frowned for a second.

"I don't really know…" she mumbled, looking away. I could see that she was sad, so I put my gloved hand on hers.

"We'll find your mother one day. I swear it!" I swore. Her face lit up like a light bulb.

"Really?" she squeaked, overcome with happiness. I nodded, grinning.

"Sonic!" I heard a masculine voice bark. "Get over here, now!" I stood up automatically; Robotnik needed me.

"Same time and place tomorrow, Rosy?" I grinned at my pink friend. Her jade eyes sparkled, as she heard my invite.

"Yes. Bye-bye, Sonikku!" she giggled, as she hurried to go play with the other kids. That would be my last good memory, with Amy.

"You haven't let yourself get too attached to that girl, have you?" Robotnik asked me. We were in his office in our Shamar manor.

"No, sir," I lied. I didn't want anything bad to happen to her because I messed up.

"Good, because today is the last time you shall see her," Robotnik said, dismissively.

"W-what?" I asked. Last time I'd ever see her?

"I knew you got too attached…" Robotnik sighed. "She'll be in a better place… The red-light district is a perfect place for a beautiful girl like her," he smiled as if I was missing something.

"W-well...if it is better for her…" I said, half-heartedly, not knowing what a "red-light district" even was.

"Great. Then it's settled. She'll be on the next shuttle out of Shamar," the doctor decided. "You can say your goodbyes if you must." And with that, I sprinted to kitchen, where Amy probably was.

"I-I'm leaving?" Amy gasped, once I told her the news. I nodded, bitterly. "B-but if I leave, I'll be killed!"

"What? But Dr. Robotnik said that you'll be going to the red-light district; It's safe there." Amy's face paled at my words.

"Sonic…" she gulped. "Do you know what the red-light district is?" I shook my head no, and she began to run. She sprinted out of the kitchen, and out of the house

"Wait up!" I called, running after her. I was very fast, for my age, so keeping up with her was no sweat.

"Why're you running? You'll get into trouble!" I warned. The fear in her eyes told me that getting into trouble was the last thing that she was worried about.

"My mother spent most of her life trying to get out of the red light district of Shamar. I-I don't know why, but she said it was terrible there! I can't go there!" I grabbed Amy's arm.

"Stop!" I commanded. Her eight year old self struggled against my grip, but I, being ten years old, was stronger than her.

"Let me go!" she cried, out of breath from running.

"No! I won't let anything happen to you. I promise! I vow to protect you forever, Amy! I will never hurt you!" My words echoed throughout the dry desert of Shamar. Her beautiful, innocent, jade eyes widened, and a single tear drop fell. I touched my gloved hand to her tear stained cheek, wiping it off.

"Do you promise?" she asked in a small voice.

"I've never made a more serious promise," I said. She then, did something that really surprised me. It may not seem like much, but it was the first time, I'd ever been hugged.

"O-oh, I'm sorry," she mumbled, as she saw that I did not respond.

"Uh, er, it's fine. Let's go back. You'll be fine, as long as you're with me," I smiled a crooked grin. That was the first, of many lies, that I would ever tell.

(Present Day: Empire City, 2009)

It had been nine years since I last saw her. She was taken by Dr. Robotnik the moment we returned to base. I tried to save her, and I would've given my life, if it meant that her life would be ensured… But her life was not ensured. So that night, as I had laid in my bed, I made my third, and final vow: I would find her by my nineteenth birthday. But I'm, as of now, not having much luck. Tomorrow is my nineteenth birthday. My deadline to find her, ends tomorrow. If I fail to find her, my hopes of finding her will be the past. I will give up, on finding, Amy.

Review, please. Should I continue?