Hi and hello, folks! Chapter 27 is here, and this is the final installment in the story! First off, I feel obligated to apologize for not getting this chapter out last week like I'd planned. Unfortunately, I had two major papers to submit that same week, so I had to concentrate on those, and the effort involved caused a bad case of writer's block as I tried to come up with a decent ending for the story. But now that everything's out of the way, let's see how everything finishes out! Curtain up!
Disclaimer: I don't own Pokémon; Nintendo and Satoshi Tajiri do.
The next few days were among the longest Ash and May had ever experienced. Stephanie's sleep schedule was completely unpredictable, forcing both of them to lose more sleep than they ever had before. Caroline assured them that it was perfectly normal, and even though May felt more tired than she had during the pregnancy itself, she knew that it was all part of being a new mother.
Ash did his best to help, but he knew he was little help at the moment. May constantly tried to reassure him that he was far from useless, but Ash felt like he wasn't living up to his end of the bargain. Of course, May knew the only way he would ever calm down was when he found work again, but none had come up yet.
Because Stephanie was keeping Ash and May up, Caroline made Max leave the apartment so the pair could concentrate on their new arrival. For once, Max obeyed his mother without arguing, since even he knew what was going on now. Delia volunteered to stay with the couple, but May politely declined the offer.
"I think this is something we'd better get used to sooner than later, Delia. We do appreciate the offer, but Ash and I have got this. We don't need Stephanie keeping you up as well."
Another issue that came up was the Maples' and Delia's stay in Ecruteak. May had made no indication of whether she wanted to stay in Johto or go home, but the others needed to find someplace to stay other than the hotel. Sandra offered to let them stay with her, but Norman was hesitant.
"You've done so much for May and Ash already, Mrs. Kernighan. I really don't wish to impose..."
"Norman, you're not imposing at all. We've got the space, we'll put you up. You should be with your family, Norman, and your family is currently staying here in Ecruteak. Until something else comes up, you guys can stay with us."
"I'd do as she says, Dad," Max chuckled. "It's as good as we're gonna get, after all."
"Stay out of this, son." Norman's tone told Max he should back off, and he stepped away to let his mother come forward. "Caroline, what do you want to do?" Caroline thought for a moment, then nodded. "What?"
"We'll stay with the Kernighans, Norman. They're being very generous to us, it would be rude to turn them down. Besides, that way we can stay with May until she and Ash make a decision on where to go next." Norman sighed and conceded the point; he couldn't argue with Caroline's logic.
"Fine." He turned to Sandra. "We'll stay with you, Mrs. Kernighan. I do hope we're not..."
"There's nothing to worry about, Norman, it's our pleasure. And please, call me Sandra." Norman chuckled, and everything was set.
Sandra continued to come visit the new family, bringing Mary and Kathryn with her as usual. Kathryn worked hard to contain her enthusiasm during these visits, knowing that since Stephanie was only a few days old, she would need things to be calm. Mary was her usual quiet self, but she appeared to get a thrill out of holding baby Stephanie, something May was quick to notice.
"You seem really at ease holding her, Mary." Mary smiled as she looked down at Stephanie.
"I've always been comfortable around kids, especially the little ones. Stephanie...well, she's just a baby, but it's calming to be around her. I don't know how else to explain it."
"Well, you'll make a great mother in your own right, with that kind of attitude."
"Yeah, and maybe Max'll be the dad!" Kathryn looked around as everyone turned to stare at her. "What?"
"Kathryn, now is not the time or place to be doing that to your sister. If you want to do it on your own time, fine, but please do not do it here. Especially when Mary is holding the baby."
"Your mom's right, Kathryn," May told the younger girl, trying to cut the argument off before it could build steam. "Stephanie being born was enough, we don't need you two creating more hilarity."
"I'm not...o-kay," Kathryn's shoulders dropped, and she looked out the window. She sighed, then turned back to May and her sister. "Um, can I hold Stephanie next?"
"Of course." May smiled, and Mary handed Stephanie over. "Here you go, Kathryn." Kathryn let May set the baby in her arms, then she smiled as well.
"Wow, I can't believe this." she said softly. "Here I am, with my favourite Coordinator, holding her baby. This is awesome." Kathryn looked at Stephanie's face as the baby started to nod off. "She's falling asleep again, May. Is that supposed to happen?"
"She's gonna spend a lot of time asleep, Kathryn. That's when she's easiest to handle." May started as she realized what she'd said. "What I mean is that she's most peaceful when she's asleep. When she's worked up, she's a handful..."
"It's alright, May, calm down." Sandra put her hand on May's, and the younger woman relaxed. "You're new to this, it's okay. You and Ash are going to be great parents, don't worry. He's talking to Biff about another job as we speak."
"I...I know, Sandra." May closed her eyes as she thought. "I'm just so worried. If I say the wrong thing, it sounds awful..."
"Don't worry about it. She may not understand yet, but Stephanie knows you love her anyway."
"Does she?" May raised an eyebrow as she looked at Sandra.
"She's your baby, and you're her mother. It's born into both of you." May smiled, knowing Sandra was right, and watched as Kathryn continued to rock Stephanie.
While May spent her time at the apartment with Stephanie and the Kernighans, Ash worked with Biff on finding another project to sign onto. The contractor they'd worked with hadn't gotten word of any new projects yet, but Biff assured Ash that something was bound to come up.
"I mean, they build 'em to last, but sooner or later somethin's gonna need work." Biff said as they sat at a small table in a nearby diner. "It probably won't be as major as the tower, but we'll be workin' again before you know it."
"I know, Biff. I just hate not working, you know? It's like we're on strike again."
"Don't worry about it, kid. It's part of our job, we work for a few months and then wait for the next one to come up. You'll get used to it eventually."
"Maybe. I just feel like...like I'm not being a good boyfriend, or father, by not working. I don't know, it's probably just me."
"Ya know what that tells me?" Ash turned to look at Biff, whose expression had turned serious. Biff put his coffee down and continued. "It tells me that you care about May and Stephanie, you really do. You want to do your best for 'em, to live up to expectations. Let me tell ya, even if it's just bein' there, you're already doin' more than enough for 'em. You love them, they love you; just because you're outta work at the moment doesn't make that love any less significant. So don't worry if you're not workin' yet, just concentrate on bein' there for 'em." Ash stared, then he laughed.
"Thanks, Biff. I guess I've been too worked up about everything, you know? The pressures of being a father are getting to me already."
"Oh, trust me, kid, you ain't seen nothin' yet." Both men laughed now, and Ash felt the weight lift off his shoulders. It had taken a while, but he finally felt at ease.
About a week and a half after Stephanie was born, Caroline and the others were with May in the apartment while Norman spent some time talking to Ash. Mary and Kathryn had taken the Pokémon for a run-out, and Max had gone with them, not wanting to spend his time talking with the adults. Sandra had warned Kathryn about winding her sister up, and the younger girl had begrudgingly agreed not to be too much of a nuisance.
After about fifteen minutes of quiet, Caroline spoke.
"So, May, I have to ask: have you and Ash decided where to go next?"
"What do you mean, Mom?" May paused in rocking Stephanie to sleep so she could concentrate on her mother.
"Well, you guys have been living out here for a while, but have you thought about whether you might want to stay permanently?"
"I...I don't know, Mom. I mean, I love it out here, and Ash likes it too, but we haven't talked much about it."
"Well, what do you think? You're always welcome to come live with us until you find a permanent place."
"Yeah, but...it'd be really weird, moving back home with a baby to take care of too. I mean, don't take this the wrong way, Mom, but I don't think it's the best idea. Now that we're a family, Ash and I need to find a way to establish ourselves."
"I understand, May." Caroline smiled. "Just remember, if you ever run into any trouble, you know where you can turn."
"If anything, make sure you leave that option open," Sandra added. "I've mentioned it before, but my sister didn't have that option when her daughter was born, but she had me. The more safety nets you have, the better."
"I know, Sandra. I'm gonna have to talk to Ash about that." May went back to rocking Stephanie, smiling as the baby stirred a little in her arms. "I'm gonna have to put her down in a minute, she's about ready to take another nap."
"I'd wait a bit longer, May," Caroline told her. When May raised an eyebrow, she shrugged. "I don't know, I'm just talking to hear myself, I guess. She doesn't look ready to go down, anyway."
"If you say so," May said doubtfully, and continued to rock Stephanie.
Meanwhile, Ash and Norman were on the path back to the apartment complex, having finished their conversation far from any eavesdroppers. Ash was fiddling with the ribbon half in his pocket, and Norman noted the action with interest.
"I remember you telling me the story of that ribbon, Ash. Why're you so intent on it at the moment?" Ash flushed as he looked Norman in the eye.
"I've got a plan for this ribbon. I know May's always got her half, and she's gonna need it if...if what I'm planning is going to work."
"What are you...ah." Norman smiled knowingly. "I wondered when you were going to do that, Ash. It's certainly a novel way to go about things."
"Well, the other option is outta my range at the moment, so this is the next best thing. Plus, it says more if I use the ribbon, you know? It signified our friendship, then our relationship, and now it's gonna establish the best bond we've ever formed."
"It had better," Norman said, and he laughed as Ash went pale. "Ash, I'm joking. You'll do fine, and she'll be thrilled. Don't think about it too hard, though, just go by instinct." Ash nodded as he relaxed, and they headed up towards the apartment.
Ash entered the apartment to a familiar scene: May and Stephanie on the couch, with Caroline, Delia and Sandra in various chairs nearby. He assumed Mary and Kathryn were still downstairs, which meant he had to alter his plans a bit, but he knew as long as they didn't run into them in the next few minutes, things would go fine.
"Uh, hey guys," he said as he shut the door. May waved back, and the other mothers greeted him as well.
"Where did you guys go?" Delia asked. "You were gone an awfully long time."
"Oh, you know, here and there." Ash chuckled nervously, then turned to May. "Hey, can I talk to you outside for a minute?"
"What? Oh, sure, Ash." May turned to Caroline. "Hey, Mom, can you take Stephanie for a bit? I'll be back as soon as I can."
"Of course, May." May handed Stephanie off to Caroline, then moved to follow Ash out the door.
"Oh, and May?"
"You still have your half of our Terracotta Ribbon?"
"Of course I do, Ash." May looked confused; what was Ash up to?
"Good. Bring it with you, you'll need it." Ash opened the door and motioned for May to go first. May shrugged and walked into the hallway, and they headed down towards the courtyard. On the way, they passed Max, Mary and Kathryn as they headed back up to the apartment, and Ash let out a mental sigh; at least they'd be alone. Max gave them a puzzled look, but shook his head and followed the girls over to the elevator.
When they reached the courtyard, May grabbed Ash's shoulder to stop him.
"Ash, what is this about? What is so important we had to get away from everybody."
"I'll tell you in a minute. First, I need you to take out your half of the ribbon." May reached into her pocket and pulled out the split keepsake.
"Okay, now what?" Ash looked around to make sure no-one was looking, then started.
"May, when we spent that night together, we said nothing would separate us. When you told me you were pregnant, I didn't know what to think. All I knew was that we had no choice but to stay together, and see everything out to the end."
"Yes, and we've done that. I don't see why..."
"Let me finish." May's eyes widened, but she quieted to let Ash continue. "We have a beautiful baby girl now. She's the new touchstone for our relationship, and we're officially a family. Except for one thing."
"What's that?" Ash breathed hard before he kept going.
"May, I want to do the right thing. For you and the baby. Here goes..." He took out his half of the ribbon, dropped to a knee, and put his half against hers. "May Maple," he said, looking hard into her eyes, "will you marry me?" As he finished, he saw May's eyes widen, then fill with tears.
"Ash, I..." May couldn't get any words out; the emotion was too much. "I don't know what to say. All I can say is..."
"Is what?" Ash's heart raced, hoping against hope she would say what he desperately wanted her to.
"Yes." she said, so quietly that Ash couldn't hear her at first. She let the tears flow freely as she began to laugh happily. "Yes, Ash, I will marry you. I had doubts when I first thought about it, but I can't think of anyone else I'd rather spend the rest of my life with." Before Ash could answer, she tugged on his arm to make him stand up, then pulled him into a kiss, sealing the deal. Ash didn't stiffen or hesitate this time, he just kissed her back, conveying his love for her through the gesture. After a minute or so, they broke apart, and May smiled at her now-fiancé. "You think everyone'll be surprised?"
"The people upstairs? No way? Everyone else, like Misty or Dawn? Big time." May's smile widened, and she raced back for the door, Ash in tow, to tell everyone the news.
Even though Ash would never have believed it, it seemed fated that everything would turn out alright in the end. Any alternative was simply inconceivable.
And there you have it! Our tale is at an end, and Ash and May are now officially betrothed. I know, I know, some of you guys wanted to see them get married before the story ended, but I thought it might be overkill, plus this seemed like an emotional enough conclusion. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Now, a few notes before we part. Some of you have asked me about the potential for a sequel to this story. My honest answer to those queries is: I don't know. In my head, I've entertained the idea of writing a journey fic focusing on Stephanie, but I've already got a journey fic in progress that I want to get moving on, so I don't want to do two of the same kind of story at once. If I get the motivation, I might write one, but it's unlikely at this stage.
Next, I want to thank everyone who read and commented on this story. I don't want to name anyone specific, since I don't want to leave anybody out, but I want everyone to know how much I appreciate your support for the project. When I started writing this back in October, I wasn't sure what kind of reception it would get, so it felt great to see a positive response. Many thanks once again.
Alright, for the final time (at least for this story), standard operating procedure is in effect. Please read, REVIEW and tell me what you thought! If you can, please give my other story, Double-J Adventures, a look, and until we meet again, namárië!