NEW Author's Note: After almost two years, I tried to come back and continue with this universe and finish the sequel – but it just couldn't happen. This was my very first fanfiction, and as such, it was good for what it was, but I've done a lot of growing since then, and I just can't finish the sequel. I thought it would only be fair to come back and change this chapter so there would be no lead in for a sequel. I feel bad promising something that now doesn't exist, but I felt even worse leaving something unfinished for so long that I had no intention of finishing after a few months of abandonment that has now become a few years. This is it. Maybe one day I'll be able to start again, but for now, this is it. I hope you enjoyed reading the story and will read some of my other fics as well. Thanks – it was a great trip, and you all made it that way.
Original A/N: This is it my loves. The final chapter - ::Sigh:: I can't believe I made it this far, and I have A LOT to say and A LOT of you to thank, so bear with me.
On a brighter note, I've created my yahoo group. The link is . Please visit if you want to read the two scenes between Buffy and Angel, the one between Ron and Dawn, and the one between Harry and Hermione. I can't say that it's very good NC-17 material, but I tried. I can read explicit sex scenes, but I can't write them. If you want to join the group and post your own stuff, feel free. Everything I write will be in the files, and will be accessible whether or not you are a member of the group. So if you don't have yahoo, don't panic - you can still read : )
PLEASE feel free to visit my personal website at for update info and just the occasional rant.
And now, my thank yous:
Thank you to fairysk8ter, Riverchic1998, Faith, Roswell428, fastpilot, and Sammy. You've all been putting up with my rants, writer's blocks, and computer failures since day one, and I'm so glad you've stuck around. It's been great, and I hope you look for the sequel. Thank you for trusting my storyline, even when I wasn't sure those things were going to work out. Thank you SOOOO much.
VERY special thanks to TrinityLast, who offered to be my beta (even though I said no, it was great of you to ask) and putting my story on your website. I've gotten NUMEROUS reviews and ideas because of it, so THANK YOU.
Also, special thanks to TigerBlak, my new e-mail penpal (LoL). You've given me quite a few excellent reviews, and keep reminding me that there IS a sequel I should be working on. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!
Now, ONWARD! This IS the final chapter.sniff
Chapter Twenty-Five -The Terrible Trio and the Band of Scoobies Depart
The whistle sounded and Harry, Ron, Hermione, and Dawn barely jumped onto the Hogwarts Express in time. They sat down in the last car laughing.
"This is great. No more Dursleys, no more having to pretend I don't exist. This is like heaven."
Hermione laughed and curled up in his arms. Dawn was off in a daze.
"Dawn? Hey - you in there?"
"Huh? Oh, sorry. Guess I dozed off."
"You're still not upset about your sister not letting you come live with us until after July 5th, are you?"
Dawn grumbled and then sighed when she saw the look on his face. "A little. But you know what? It'll fly by. And - you guys can come visit me. After all, the wedding IS on Halloween."
"They don't waste any time, do they?" Harry asked.
"Buffy and Angel?" He nodded and she started laughing. "Waste time? Those two? Now THAT'S amusing. I give it two months after she gets married before she's announcing that she's pregnant."
"Really?" Ron asked.
"Nah. She wants to wait to have kids. I know my sister all too well. She's still all into the slayage. She won't want a kid any time soon."
Harry and Hermione were just looking at each other. Ron arched an eyebrow and grabbed Dawn's arm. "That's our cue to go."
"Have fun you two!" Dawn called back.
They didn't hear her.
Surprisingly enough, Ron and Dawn found an empty car towards the back of the train. Ron sat with his back to the window. Dawn crawled into his arms with her back against his chest. Ron ran his fingers up and down her arms. She leaned her head up and kissed him. For a few moments, they stayed like that, his hands on her shoulders, one of her hands on his cheek. She pulled away and smiled. And yawned.
"Sorry." Dawn said sheepishly.
"Don't worry about it. Go to sleep."
"But - "
"Shh." He put a finger to her lips to silence her. Dawn curled up in Ron's arms and, against her own will, fell asleep.
She dreamt that she was standing in the middle of the Quidditch pitch dancing, a smile on her face. There was a big party going on – it looked like Buffy and Angel's wedding, but she couldn't be sure. She was spinning and spinning when a hand on her arm, made her stop. It was Ron. Suddenly everyone disappeared, and there was no one but she and him. He took her hand and suddenly, they were on his broomstick, flying above the clouds. He smiled at her. She smiled at him. And everything was alright.
Dawn awoke suddenly, but there was a smile on her face. She glanced up at Ron. The steady rise and fall of his chest told her he had fallen asleep.
Dawn leaned up and slowly kissed Ron awake. She felt him kiss back a few seconds later. Dawn sighed as he pulled back and looked into his eyes. "I love you."
"I love you too."
Dawn entwined her hands in his and smiled, but it looked painful. "Y' know, I'm going to miss you. So much." She was tearing up already.
"Hey." He turned her head around to face him and kissed her. "You'll see me soon. We can owl each other."
"But I don't have an owl."
Ron just grinned. Dawn completely turned her body around when she saw the look on his face. "What'd you do?"
He smiled, got up, and went into the hall. "Harry, come on in!"
Harry and Hermione came into their car with a cage in their hands. Inside was a small snowy owl with a black spot on its forehead.
"Happy VERY early birthday from the three of us!" Hermione said happily.
"You shouldn't have. I mean, you really - wow." Dawn didn't know what to say so she resorted to hugging Harry and Hermione and giving Ron a kiss, which lasted a bit longer then expected. They pulled apart when they heard whoops and hoots coming from the doorway.
Dawn pulled away blushing and glared furiously at Buffy, Angel, Xander, and Willow.
"I HATE you all."
"You know you LOVE me." Buffy said putting her arm around Dawn's shoulders."
Dawn shrugged. "Yeah, sometimes."
"SOMETIMES!" Buffy squealed.
Their laughter could be heard throughout the train.
After getting off of the train, the group parted - Buffy, and "the Scoobies" were going in one direction to meet Giles, who would be taking them to the airport. "The Terrible Trio" was going in the opposite direction to their very own new apartment.
Ron and Dawn were standing between them.
"So, I'll see you on your birthday." Ron said.
"Yeah. I suppose I can wait a month." Pause. "Oh, who am I kidding?" Dawn grabbed Ron's shirt and pulled him to her, her arms going around his neck. His hands automatically went to her waist. After a few minutes like that, Dawn pulled away and put a finger to his lips.
"Don't say goodbye. It'll be too hard if you say goodbye."
Ron pulled Dawn to him and kissed her again. She hugged him. "I'll see you soon. I promise."
"I love you." She said.
"I love you too."
Dawn walked a few steps, but went back for one last kiss.
"Dawnie, let's go!" Buffy yelled.
Dawn broke away and ran towards Buffy. She didn't look back. If she looked back, she wouldn't leave.
"C'mon Ron. Let's go home." Hermione said.
Ron sighed. "Yeah, I'll - I'll see her in a month. I'm okay." His tone said otherwise.
Hermione put her arm around his shoulders and the three of them started walking.
"So, ever been to the states Ron?" Harry asked.
"Nope. I can't wait."
"You think we'll be able to see any place other then California?"
Ron and Harry eyed each other and grinned. "Somehow, 'Mione, I think we'll see a lot more then you could ever imagine."
Harry put his arm around her shoulders and the three of them walked out into the sunlight, a smile on all of their faces.