
I feel horrible... I left all of you hanging when my PC died, and even then...I didn't even really try to work on this fanfic...God, I wrote all of this when Pokemon X and Y came out! Now Pokemon Sun and Moon is coming out in two months! Ho-lee-schitt!

I want all of you to know, I never once forgot about this fanfic. I even saw the reviews I got while I was away! I so severely apologize for this bullcrap I did...Words cannot express my feelings of apology, you know?

On the bright side...I now have an even better idea of what to do about this fanfic! MOAR DRAMA! REAL ACTION! GNARLY BLOODSHED!

Lol no bloodshed, maybe a little, but nothing graphic folks!

Honestly though! I reworked this fanfic, and made something new and improved!

I read my old fanfic, and...good friggin lord, I see what you all meant by "grammar and spelling errors"...Was I blind or sumthin'?!

I can safely say I have improved since then! Maybe not story telling wise, but as in my F- grade spelling!

On the subject of the redesign of the fanfic, don't get your grundle in a bundle! Its mostly the same, some changes to character, setting, and lots of FUNNY JOKE!

I misspelled that on purpose FYI.

One more thing! For those who don't understand what I mean by redesigning my fanfic, I am restarting and reworking every chapter!

Okay! Enough with the hold up! Its time I delivered something that's been due for years!

As always, send in a review or a follow if you want! Q&A is still a thing!

Here's something new to help ya'll!

"Hello!" - Our Human Language!

"Hi there human!" - Pokemon Language!

Pokemon belongs to their respective owners Nintendo, GameFreak, and The Pokemon Company. All other games/people that were referenced belong to their respective owners as well!


From the deepest reaches of time, the world was blessed with incredible, amazing, and wondrous creatures. In the shapes of animals, myths, objects, and even the unimaginable, We have given them the incredible name,"Pokemon".

Endowed with the gift of power, the grace of intelligence, and the blessing of emotion, Pokemon share this amazing world with humans together. In companionship, in trust, and in happiness, Pokemon and humans share pain, work with each other in agreement,live together in friendship, and even together, make the world a better place. A World of Balance.

Then there are those who share the closest of bonds: Pokemon Trainers.

With the ability for both Pokemon and human to bond closer than any other, They have time, and time again, against all odds, proven to everyone that the impossible is possible. Many have tried, and most often failed, some even succeeded in just the simple pleasure of becoming close to their Pokemon.


There is a light to every darkness.

There are some humans who abuse the wonderful power of Pokemon for themselves selfishly. Whether it be as tools, entertainment, or as a means to a devilish end. Hubris and greed drive the deep darkness in the corrupt. This disgusting parasite in the souls of some threaten to destroy the World of Balance many covet.


Is there a Pokemon that desire these dark designs as well?

Of course, it is possible.

However...would any Pokemon dare seek to end the beliefs of the blissful?

.Pardon? What if a human and a Pokemon both desire to destroy Balance, and bring forth Ruin?

.Pray that nothing of that sort should ever appear!

.But should something like that even happen...

.How far will they go?

.And...to what end?



Darkness...ice cold darkness...it was freezing, wherever it was. Wind whipped and whistled all around me, with a loud "WHOOSH!" ever so often. Was it even wind?

it was pretty warm for wind...oh well. Either way, I've got no clue as to what I'm even doing here...weird ass dream...I am positive this is a dream...but why does it feel so real to me? Was I kidnapped when I went to bed last night? I bloody well hope not.

I decided to call out again.

"HELLOOOOOOOOOOOOO...?" I echoed in this...void of darkness.

No response...even though for some reason...I couldn't shake the eerie feeling...

I was not alone.

Now darkness is not creepy on its own. Just because I couldn't see anything doesn't mean jack shit in my opinion. But when you have unwanted company? And you cant see them? You have every right to feel threatened, scared, or even paranoid. Who is this creep? Are they human? Pokemon? Monster? Slender Man? Hell if I know.

But yeah, case and point, when you get the chills down your spine, and by appearances you're alone? Guess again.

"Okay, whoever you are, stalker-weirdo-crazy-butt-stabber-person...what do you want?" I called out bravely. In reality, I wasn't exactly feeling courage, more like Courage the Cowardly Dog.

This time, my response got an immediate reaction. Eyes. Large, pale blue eyes glowed fiercely. Their pupils pure white, nearly invisible in the heartless blue voids for eyes.

"WHO DARES...?" A powerful, grand, yet ragged voice booms from all around me. Okay, now I was trembling in the presence of this...dark being. You would too, don't deny it. Whatever this is, it gave off a powerful energy...a strange cloying feeling was crackling in the air, blotting out all chances of positivity in this situation, almost like it was drowning all hopes. Not a single crack joke or sarcasm even came to mind for me, only negative thoughts, like fear for my life, and a primal fear of the unknown.

"I..." I choked out. "Um..." I sputtered.


I dared not to question it. I stood there shakily, trying to get a grip on myself.


Gulping down a non existent hard lump in my throat, I nodded rapidly.


No choice? What? Help? You are...? You are...what?

"Y..You're...what? You...y..you okay?" I asked, curious, yet fearful.


"You...You're name?" I prompted.

"MY NAME...IS..."




Floor. Cold, hard floor.

My nose...my face...PAINNNN...who woke me up?

Wait, don't answer that question. Only one person...er, Pokemon that could, and ever would, want to do that to me.

"PFFFFT HAHAHAHA! Xavier got his face smooshed!"


When it comes to family pets, they're usually quite special. Usually another member of the loving family, they make any day special, and whether or not its a Purrloin or a Poochyena, You're never alone, and you always want them to be around.

Unless you have a bird-brained dumbass as your family pet. This one is special in all the wrong ways.

Ruben is a Fletchling. For the uneducated, or just plain clueless, a Fletchling is a tiny bird Pokemon just big enough to crush into a mini Bouffalant wing. They're orange/red around their head, pale gray for the rest of their bodies, a tiny black plume of a tail feather decorated with a white "V" on its surface. Spindly twigs is the best way to describe their microscopic legs. The only thing appealing about them is their charming little eyes and small black beaks. Oh, and they're songbirds, so I guess they sing nice songs?

Ruben is anything but a Fletching. More or less a shit disturbing Murkrow in the body of a Fletchling, Ruben is not the blue bird of happiness, more like the red bird of rage.

Rage inducing.

Okay, I'm awake now.

"Why do you always DO THIS?! I can get up on my own, smartass!" I ground through my clenched teeth. The little turd bird was indifferent, nonchalantly preening his left wing in boredom atop my tangled blue blankets.

"Oh you'll get up, but it wont be day time when you do, and your mother wouldn't be happy about that, I bet."

Yup, blue bird of happiness.

I grabbed the edge of my blue blanket, and yanked one end over the other, effectively trapping the yappy flappy bird. That should wipe that insufferable smirk (can bird even smirk?) off his beak!

"Wha-hey! Lemme out!"

"YeeeeeaaaaaaahhhhhhhhNOPE." I drawled slowly.

"Please? I said the magic word!"

"What is this "please" you speak of? I know PLZ, but who is this "please?""

"I'll wreck all your video games!" He attempted to blackmail.

"And I'll replace all your worms with gummy worms, genius." I retorted.

Yes, it is exactly as I said, Ruben does not like gummy worms. He prefers the fleshy kind. Weirdo.

"NOOO I GIVE UP PLEASE LET ME GO PLEASEPLEASEPLEASE-" He squawked from within the blanket.

With a laugh, I unceremoniously dumped the Tiny Robin Pokemon out of the blankets. With a ruffle of his messy feathers he took off, only to stop at my bedroom door for a moment.

"Your mother's making sandwiches by the way. Better get yours before something "bad" happens to it!" He forwarned, before flying off elsewhere with an evil cackle.

He knows better than to do that to my food again...

I hope.

I got up off the hardwood floor, stretching my arms out and yawning. I caught a glimpse at the daily morning wreck that was me in the full body mirror in my room.

Oh shit! I haven't even introduced myself to you yet! Good thing seeing me in the mirror helped me remember!

My name is Xavier. My full name? Xavier Stevens, I'm a dude/guy/male whichever floats your boat. I'm 17 years old, and I am tall. No, like really tall. Being 6'06 grabs a lot of attention from anyone, whether its jealousy or sometimes admiration. You know what else this height grabs? DOORJAMS!


Funny? Not funny?

Either way, its painfully true. I usually have to duck through many doorways. Also, if its not the doorjams, its usually the stairs. When you've got legs like these, sometimes they get tangled, or trip over the other, and send me down the stairs painfully. Case and point: bumps and bruises are abound!

Ummm...There was something else I was going to explain to you...something to break the ice? I really should stop going on tangents, I forget important facts when I do...

OH YEAH! I am 98% geek. I love video games, and usually play them a little too much. Besides playing them, I collect * AHEM * memorabilia for each of my many gaming fandoms. My geekiness doesn't just include games either. Some books are a part of it, Not a whole lot of anime though, sorry folks. I know some things about it, but not much. For some reason I just really never got into the stuff I guess. So I'm a normal person too, right?

Okay, that's far from the truth. As you just witnessed my conversation with Ruben, I can speak to Pokemon. No, like I can literally understand them and have full conversations with them. Pretty cool huh? I'd tell you how if you didn't think I was a part of a looney bin, and...well, if I actually knew how. For as long as I can remember, I've been able to do it. I know I'm not the only person in the world who can do it. According to some professors and Wikipedia, (The bullshit free encyclopedia! ) (1) this rather rare skill is possible because I'm "in tune" or have "a understanding of a Pokemon's heart and its desires". Which is freaky, because the only Pokemon I know I "bonded" with was Ruben the family pe(s)t.

Is that everything about me? I think so! Now, back to reality!

I didn't say it during this introduction we just had, but while I was explaining myself to you, but I had washed up in the bathroom, brushed my dark brown hair down from its usual morning mess, and had gotten dressed with blue jeans, a Minecraft T-shirt, and mismatched socks.

No, I am not part of that group that thinks its fun to wear mismatched socks. I do it because one, they look nearly the same, save for the patterns, and two, I just don't care. Who cares anyways? Socks are just meant to warm your feet.

I (carefully) stepped downstairs of my new home. Yes, I should have mentioned I just moved to Kalos with my mother, to this boonies place called Vanville Town. Apparently, this little home was where my Mom lived about 20 years ago or something. It's been in the family for years, but because Mom got married to Dad, and his family was all in Kanto, Mom decided to move there with him. Luckily, we managed to get this house back! I'd call it a stroke of luck on mom's part.

My home downstairs consisted of a mini kitchen and a living room, and mom's room, off to the side of my living room. The mini kitchen was just a tiny counter space, a shining silver sink, a dishwasher, and a series of appealing wood cupboards above it all. All in all, spotless and clean, the way any good kitchen looked!

My living room was just as presentable. A red sofa with darker red stripes patterning it sat as the centerpiece of the room. A gas powered wood stove directly across from it, designed in the appearance of a cozy old fashioned fireplace. Hell, It looks like Santa might climb down it any second!...if he can squeeze his chub through the gas pipes that is. Above the fireplace was a thin plasma screen TV. With a nice size and quality to it, you can't miss a speck of detail on any show you watch. In the far corner of the room was a bookshelf of small stature. Not exactly sure what was on it, most likely magazines Mom collects.

Speaking of Mom, here she was in the kitchen, just putting the finishing touches on my sandwich. By finishing touches, I mean removing the crust with a knife.

Don't gimme that look! I don't like crust, okay? I'm sure there is something you don't like in your food!

Mom was fairly tall. Not my height, but still rather tall. With dark brown wavy hair usually kept in a ponytail, she wore a rose shirt, dark blue jeans to her ankles, whereas she wore no socks on her feet save for the pair of light blue sandals. She smiled warmly and gazed at me with her gray eyes.

"Morning honey! Did you have a good rest?" She greeted, scraping the sandwich crust into a small container.

"Yeah, I guess so..." I mumbled. "Its hard enough to get used to the time zone change, I wish Kalos was closer to Kanto..."

"I understand completely, sweetie. I was waking up during the late night when I first moved to Kanto!" She laughed a little, to lighten the situation. "So.."she changed the subject. "I heard there's lots of kids your age around..."

"Mom, please, no...I'm not good with people..." I groaned, leaning my head against the table.

"I know, honey." She slid the plate with my peanut butter sandwich on it over to where I stood, at the edge of the counter. "I'm worried about you, that's all. I don't want you to be alone all the time, you were home alone a lot when I went to work, and I know Ruben isn't exactly a friend with you..."

"Mom..." I sighed. " I just have trouble trusting people. You remember all the times I got bullied? Or when my "friends" abandoned me?" I argued, before taking a bite from my sandwich.

"I remember, but the best way to get over pain like that, is to try and make new friends!" She responded, grabbing food from the fridge and setting the edible goods down on her end of the kitchen counter. She turned to look at me.

"Honey...I know you're a responsible boy, and smart. That is why I believe I can allow you to get a Pokemon of your own, if you want to." I inhaled sharply and choked on my sandwich at the mention of a Pokemon.

"A PUH...POKEMON?!" I managed to gasp, before beating my chest with my fist, and effectively dislodging my food. I swallowed my food carefully before gasping for air and wiping the tear from my eyes.

"Yes, as long as you don't go on one of those journey's, and stay here, okay?" She ordered. I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah yeah Mom! I'll stay here!" Secretly, I was getting a little mad. Ever since I was the proper age, I wanted to get a Pokemon of my own and go on a journey, but as you can see, Mom knows best, and will absolutely deny any chance of me leaving. First she told me when I was old enough that I "should be older", and that I would be more experienced.

Of course I agreed with her, it was logical, and, well, it was Mom! Who wouldn't agree with their mom at a young age? After I got older, and asked mom again, and she said I "needed to learn survival skills", and that I "still wasn't old enough". This prompted me to do lots of practice camping, and reading survival guides. Heck, I spent being 13 years old in a tent in my back yard. By the time I was 15, I just gave up asking. Clearly, Mom does not want me to leave, but what pisses me off is she won't tell me why.

So really, if Mom is letting me make a new Pokemon friend, it must be good sign.

"Good! Now, a friend of mine here in Kalos is giving away Pokemon today at Aquacorde Town. He's reserved a spot for you, with other kids. After you pick up your new Pokemon, I want you straight home. I have work later tonight, and I want you here at the house, okay honey?" Mom explained, finally done making her breakfast. I nodded quickly, finishing off my sandwiches.

"Yup! I will Mom!" I ran off to the front door, swinging it open in excitement. Mom gave me a look.

"Xavier, where are you going?"

Before I could close the door behind me, I stopped and peeked my head back in the house to respond to mom.

"To go get my Pokemon! I don't care if I'm early, I'm too damn excited!" I closed the door. I turned around to run off, but remembered something I forgot to do. I whipped back around again and opened the door again.

"Thanks for letting me get a Pokemon, Mom! Oh, and for the sandwiches!"

"You're welcome dear!" she responded, before having a spoonful of her yogurt. I once again, closed the dang door, but when you play with doors and are in a mad rush at the same time, things get unsafe, and painful. Simply put, I smashed my foot in the door jam. Rather hard.

"Aaaaaah shit!" I ground out, biting my bottom lip as I properly closed the door and sat down on my front step. Gingerly, I took my shoe and my sock off to examine the foot I probably broke. It was bruised a bit, thankfully.


Oh great, Ruben is here too.

I glanced up from my foot to see the Tiny Robin Pokemon having a good chortle in the green grass of my front yard.

"Ahhhh man! You should have seen the face you made! I'd say priceless, but to me its comedy gold!" Ruben cackled and chortled some more at my expense. Of course, I took immediate offense.

"Screw you too Ruben! Did you know I sprayed pesticide all over the lawn last night?" I stated. Ruben instantly shut his trap and went wide eyed.


I got up and strolled past him happily, leaving him to wonder.

"Nononono Waitwaitwait Did you really?!"

Holy shit. For someone who is a first class prick, I never thought he could be this gullible.

I stopped at the edge of my backyard, right at the iron gate before turning around one last time with a coy grin.

"Why don't you eat one and find out? You got nothing to lose but your life, but hey, its your life to live, "Buddy!" I forshadowed mysteriously, before closing the front gate and once again going upon my merry way. Standing at the old gate, I sighed, then pushed the gates wide open and left Vanville. Nothing was going to stop me from training Pokemon.

I mean really.

What could possibly go wrong?


This is the story of my life.

Pokemon X & Y &_: The Last Memory



What didja think? You like it? Or not?

Either way, drop in a review, or a Follow! I will be back soon with the next chappie!

See ya!
