A/N: Sooooo, this is basically what happens when I'm suffering from writer's block and have no idea what to write but need an outlet for smut. I never thought to post it up before until now.

Warnings: Threesome. (You need a warning for threesomes, right?) SMUT! Shameless smut (-:

Disclaimer: I don't own the Hunger Games.

Most people only attract one person to them in their lifetime.

Peeta had attracted two.

And he loved them both very much.

It had started off as a demented love triangle that could have given Twilight a run for it's money. He dated them both, both of them fully aware of it, and grew fond of the two of them. There was no way he could choose between them. When they discovered this, an agreement was made, kind of like a treaty. They would have a three way relationship. Sure, people found it strange but they didn't care.

Peeta had met Cato first. They had bumped into each other at a friend of his' party. Cato had insisted he buy him a drink and they ended up chatting for hours on end. This then climaxed with Cato insisting to walk him home because there was no way he was leaving him alone to walk back in the slightly tipsy state he was in. As soon as they reached Peeta's apartment, they were already making out against the door.

He met Finnick a couple of months after Cato. He'd been standing in front of him in the grocery store and was leaving when Finnick stopped him, saying that he had dropped his wallet. He had the black leather wallet in his hand and he gave it back to Peeta with an easy smile. Peeta later discovered that Finnick had nabbed it out of his jeans pocket just to have an excuse to talk to him.

Neither Cato or Finnick were skeptical over sharing him. As long as he was with them, they didn't care. And, honestly, the threesomes were very hot.

"Are we ordering in tonight guys or do I have to cook?" Peeta asked, coming out of the kitchen while drying his hands on the tea towel. Cato was lying upside down on the sofa while Finnick sat slumped on the floor against the arm chair, throwing popcorn into his mouth and effectively missing nearly 99% of the time.

"A menu for a pizza place was dropped in this morning," Cato noted, aimlessly staring at the t.v screen. "We could try there."

"Sounds good," Finnick agreed.

"Okay then, we'll do that," Peeta said, climbing over Finnick and dropping onto the sofa beside Cato. "What'cha watching?"

"The Hunger Games," Finnick answered. "It's really weird."

Peeta watched the girl on the t.v dodging fireballs that were being sprung out of nowhere. "Is it about the famine or something?" he frowned.

Cato snorted. "No," he said. "Although that might be more interesting."

"I see. Do you want me to just go ahead and order in then since nothing's on?" Peeta asked. He moved to get up but Cato stopped him by grabbing his wrist. "What?" He watched as Cato hauled himself up to sit on the sofa properly.

"I think I know something that'll pass the time," he murmered, leaning in and pressing a soft kiss to his lips. Peeta's eyes fluttered at the simple touch, threatening to shut completely. He leaned forward for more and Cato greatfully complied, pressing his mouth against his with a newfound urgency.

"Oh, so we're doing this then," Finnick commented. "Okay, I'm up for it." He was with them on the sofa in an instant, pressing himself against Peeta's back and softly running his nose up the length of the boy's shoulder and neck. Peeta shivered and leaned backwards, still keeping his mouth locked on Cato's.

He couldn't remember what it was like to have sex with one man at a time. He had been able to do it twice with Cato and thrice with Finnick (since his libido was wild and hard to control) but once they had agreed to share, neither one of them could handle being left out. They may not have had a lot in common, but Cato and Finnick both had an equal amount of envy in them.

Finnick bit down on his ear and he moaned, tilting his head back as the man nibbled on the shell teasingly. He felt his arms wrapping around him from behind, pulling him into his lap and playing with the hem of his t-shirt. Cato kept up with this after having so much practice, cupping his cheeks and tilting his head back further to deepen the kiss. Peeta opened his mouth, heat pooling in his stomach as Cato's tongue brushed and twisted around his own.

When air was nessecary, they both pulled back. Cato's eyes gleamed as he studied his lover's face, licking his lips like a predator eyeing his prey.

"He's so beautiful, isn't he, Finn?" he asked, pushing Peeta's sleeve slowly to expose the boy's bare shoulder.

"Oh yes, Cato," Finnick agreed, lowering his mouth to the nearly exposed flesh and biting down on it. Peeta gasped, pushing back against Finnick and straining his neck out to give his lover more access. Cato pushed his shirt up his stomach to his chest, running his fingertips over his abs with a featherlight touch. His muscles heaved and Peeta groaned, pushing his hips up to find something to rub against.

Cato chuckled and softly kissed his skin, trailing his lips up his abdamon and wrapping them around his nipple. Peeta screamed in ectasy, his back bowing off the sofa. Finnick took the liberaty of using his other hand to pinch the nub that wasn't being sucked on, manipulating it to aching tautness. Peeta squirmed between both his lovers, gasping and groaning and wishing to have something to hump his arousal against.

"Ngh-guys," he hissed, eyes rolling behind his head as they switched nipples. Finnick pressed a kiss against his cheek and Cato nipped his sensitive stub with his teeth to show they were listening. "Stop-ngh gah-teasing!"

"But we love teasing you baby," Finnick purred, running his palm down the blond's leg and ghosting his fingers ghosting against the bulge in his pants. Peeta whimpered, his hips rising in a desperate search for friction. Finnick suddenly grabbed his crotch and squeezed, chuckling when Peeta gasped. The younger moaned, rubbing himself shamlessly against his hand and choking on a groan at the glorious friction it caused.

Cato looked down and groaned softly. "Damn that's hot," he said.

"Here," Finnick said, removing his hand. Peeta whined in protest, squirming uncomfortably. Cato sat back and began to palm the boy's bulge himself. Both men watched in fascination as the younger of the three of them whimpered in pleasure and rolled his hips against Cato's appendage. "Raise you arms," Finnick whispered into his ear. Peeta did as he was told, raising his arms above his head to let him remove his shirt.

Cato's hands were warm as he touched his bare skin. Still groping his manhood mercilessly, he slid his palm up his torso, squeezing his pecks and pinching his nipples again. Peeta moaned his approval, the build up in his pants becoming too hard to handle. Finnick, getting slightly jealous, tugged on his hair so his head fell back against his shoulder and kissed his neck.

"Guys, p-please I-ngh don't t-think I can take much m-more-ah!" Peeta bucked his hips unexpectantly when Finnick nipped under his jaw and licked the bite mark left. Listening to him though, Cato started undoing his belt, sliding the zipper down agnozingly slowly and pulling his pants off his legs.

"Did you shave for us, baby?" he teased, smoothing his hands down his partner's hairless legs. "Did the naughty baker expect something tonight?"

"Catooo," Peeta moaned, the muscles in his legs clenching under the man's touch. Finnick bit down on his ear and he yelped, "Finnick!" Cato smirked evilally and hooked his thumbs into his underwear. Finnick grabbed his hips and lifted them up so he could slide them off and discard them to the floor. Peeta felt relieved to have his manhood released from the restriction of his clothes.

"You naughty boy," Finnick teased, delicately teasing the V of his hips. "Are you horny right now?"

"Yes!" Peeta gasped.

Cato nodded at Finnick and the man took Peeta's knees, spreading his legs apart so he was completely exposed to them. When the cold air brushed his entrance, Peeta whimpered, struggling to stay still inbetween his partners. Cato stayed kneeling for a while, just staring at his exposure, wondering how he had gotten so lucky. Finnick was wondering the same thing as he stroked the younger's bare leg and nuzzled his neck.

Finally snapping out of his daze, Cato gave Finnick the look. They had agreed upon a selection of looks to make their intercourse run more smoothly. Peeta hadn't noticed this until after their second time doing it together. He had wondered how they were so insync with each other but had never thought as far as they had a great big archive of looks so that they could give him the most mindblowing sex ever.

Finnick, knowing what the look meant, lifted him and turned him around so that he was on his hands and knees on the sofa, looking into his eyes. "You okay, baby?" he murmered, brushing his lips against Peeta's. The quivering boy nodded, accepting the man's kiss when he licked at his lips in silent question.

While they kissed, Cato ran his finger down his crack at an exasperating pace, leaning forward and biting his bare rump. Peeta squeaked into Finnick's mouth, gasping when Cato spread his cheeks and rimmed him. "Mmm," he moaned, melting into a writhing mess as his tongue worked inside of him.

"We're going to have lots of fun tonight," Finnick said into his ear. Peeta shivered as his breath tickled his face. "We're going to fuck that gorgeous ass of yours allllll night long." Peeta moaned, rocking back on Cato as he inserted his fingers into him. It had been a while since they had had a night of pure ecstasy, doing nothing but sexual activites all night.

"Finn," he gasped as the man licked at his face and neck like a puppy lapping at his owner. Cato curled his fingers up into his boy button and he cried out. "Cato!" They both chuckled like the smug assholes they were and continued to kiss and caress him ruthlessly.

When Cato finally entered him with his own arousal, Peeta's cry of pleasure was silenced with Finnick's lips, who proceeded to then reach under him and grasp his manhood. Cato thrusted into him viciously, grunting in pleasure and gripping his hips tightly. After all the foreplay, it didn't take Peeta long to be near his climax.

"Guys," he panted, resting his forehead against Finnick's shoulder. "I'm going to cum."

Finnick grinned and petted his hair, reaching further underneath him to massage his ballsack. Peeta groaned and rocked back harder on Cato, who then also groaned. All it took was for one firm tug on his balls and Peeta came with a loud cry, spilling out onto Finnick's clothed torso. Cato followed him, filling up his lover's hole with his seed.

Peeta fell against Finnick, absoloutely spent. Cato pulled out of him and righted himself, sitting back down and stroking Peeta's bare back. "You didn't get to cum," Peeta mumbled into Finnick's torso.

"Believe me baby, watching you in pleasure was enough," Finnick replied, massaging his scalp and playing with his golden hair.

"He's right about that," Cato said, running his fingers along the dimples of his lower back. "You're so sexy you can make us horny just by drying your hands like a little domestic goddess."

Peeta frowned. "You planned this while I was doing the dishes?" he asked.

"Of course we did," Finnick answered. "We were discussing actually what you'd look like all sudsed up like the dishes in the sink. Soaking wet, droplets of water running down the hard ridges of your body, suds just about covering your crotch but revealing enough to wet our apetites-"

"Okay, stop before I get hard again," Cato interuppted. Peeta was blushing, hiding his face from his lovers. "And I'm almost positive he can't handle another round right away."

"Plus the next time is my turn," Finnick pointed out, smoothing his palm along the boy's bare ass cheek. Peeta hummed in agreement, sliding off of him to pick up his underwear. He bent over and Finnick made a noise that made him pause. "Cato, you left a fucking bite mark!"

"So what?" Cato asked.

"That's not fair." Peeta looked at Finnick with raised eyebrows at the school yard statement. "Come here a moment babe." Finnick took his hand and tugged him back over to him, turning him around so his back faced him. Peeta sighed and bent forward slightly, anticipating what was coming. Everything had to be fair and equal in the relationship, right down to every mark made on his body.

Finnick bit his backside with sharp teeth, making him yelp in slight pain. He then kissed his the abused skin gently. "Happy now?" Cato asked.


"You two are insufferable," Peeta commented. He pulled on his underwear and sat down between them. They both slung their arms around his shoulders, the three of them looking like the oddest trio ever. A nearly completely naked boy between a blond with his fly open and a man wearing cum soaked clothes.

"Whelp, I'm still horny," Finnick casually threw in there.

"Want me to . . . ?" Peeta sucked in his cheeks and pointed at his partner's crotch, ignoring the heated look he receieved from Cato.

Finnick chuckled. "No thanks babe," he said, running his knuckle down the boy's red stained cheek. "You're probably exhausted from our amazing seduction techniques."

Peeta snorted. "Oh yeah, sure," he said sarcastically. He yelped as Finnick scooped him up into his arms like a bride and started walking to the stairs. Cato, slightly surprised, followed after them at a hasty pace. Peeta let his head hang back over the crook of Finnick's arm, smiling brightly at Cato as they headed up the stairs. A lot of the time his feet didn't really get to touch the ground before, during or after sex because his boyfriends loved to carry him around.

"It's like we're married," Finnick commented when they reached the top of the stairs.

"Hey, if any of us are getting married, it's me and him," Cato contradicted.

Finnick's grip on him tightened. "Peeta, who would you rather marry?" he asked.

Ah, shit. Peeta internally winced. He hated it when they got like this because it always ended up being a battle over who was better than who, with him as their main source of evidence. "You know I'd marry you both if I could," he said. Finnick pushed into their bedroom and placed him on the window sill so he loomed a couple of feet above them.

"That's a cop out answer," he said. "If you had to, or we'd both die, who would you marry?"

"Come on guys, don't do this to me," Peeta whined. "It's not fair. I love you both, isn't that enough?" Finnick slid his hands up the back of his calves and pulled him closer to him. Peeta sighed and ran his fingers through his bronze hair.

"It'd obviously be me though," Cato pointed out. "I've known him longer."

"And?" Finnick scoffed. "I've had more sex with him."

"Okay, does this seriously matter that much?!" Peeta exclaimed.

"I'm the only one he lets eat him out!" Cato threw back at Finnick

"He leans closer to me every night!" Finnick responded.

"GUYS!" Peeta yelled, silencing them both. "I love you both the exact same amount, I can't choose who I'd rather marry. I'll always wait for the day I can marry you both than chose one over the other." Finnick nuzzled his thigh with his head with a loving smile while Cato pressed a kiss ontop of his blond head. "You're both my other halves."

A couple of minutes later and they were lying in bed, Cato spooning Peeta from behind and Finnick lying on his side in front of them. He had changed out of his dirty clothes and, like Cato, was now shirtless. This was their regular bed position and it always felt weird if they tried to switch it around. Peeta lay with his eyes shut blissfully while his boyfriends gently caressed his bare body. They were always gentle with him, treating him like a piece of glass under their hands.

"I sometimes wonder what people think of us when we walk down the street," Peeta murmered. "You know, with all hands linked?"

"It doesn't matter what they think," Finnick replied softly, rubbing his hand up and down his leg delicately.

"And if it did, we wouldn't give a damn," Cato said. He glided his hand down Peeta's arm and took his hand, calmly kissing his shoulder.

"But I worry if they think I'm some whore who can't decide who to go out with," Peeta responded. There was a long silence where no one spoke, Finnick and Cato both pausing as if trying to clock it through their brains that he had just said something as ridiculous as that.

"You're not a whore, bébé," Cato whispered huskily. Peeta shivered and leaned back into him, wishing he could believe what he said.

"You're just a beautifully attractive man who caught the eye of two men who are willing to share you, amante," Finnick soothed.

"Did you just call me 'mistress' in spanish?" Peeta asked, blue eyes wide.

Finnick and Cato chuckled. "It also means lover, lover," Cato corrected, kissing the nape of his neck tenderly.

Peeta blinked in confusion. "Oh, yeah. Of course," he said. He twisted around to look at Cato. "I knew that." They settled back down, Finnick and Cato lightly ressuming their caring touches. Peeta soon felt tired, leaning his head forward so his cheek pressed against Finnick's chest. As usual, Finnick flashed Cato a smug look that was recieved with a scowl. Peeta, sensing this, slapped Finnick's arm mildly and wrapped his arm awkwardly behind him so it wound around Cato's waist.

As he fell alseep, Cato and Finnick couldn't help but think about how lucky they were.

Peeta was theirs.

And they were his.

A/N: So this was a one shot but if you folks like it enough I might make it into a collection of one chapter stories from the trio's lives, you know? Something to always work on when I have writer's block (-:

Please R&R! :D