A/N: Let me just say, I'm sorry this is a little late. This Epilogue kind of ran off with itself, not coming out the way I had intended it to. I still love this chapter though, and I think it is my favorite. The way it ended though makes me wonder if I'm going to write a sequel or some parallel one-shots someday though. No promises!
As always, thank you for reading, and please leave a review!
A little more than a month later saw me sitting next to my new wife in a carriage as it gently jostled us, she had long since given up asking me where our destination was, and opted to fall asleep on my shoulder instead.
The new-found intimacy between us, as every barrier fell and every secret came to light still had the ability to not only astound but mesmerize me with the woman I had come to love. You might think you know someone when you have seen them every day of their life from the day they were born until present, but there are still some things that only a marriage of like minds will reveal.
I put aside my book as I gazed at her sleeping form. She looked like an angel in her lavender frock and sable cape. Golden hair a little worse for the carriage ride and black boots peeking our from under her dress. Her emerald ring, not removed since the night I put it there was accented by her simple briolette diamond pendant. The two pieces bespoke the changes our relationship had seen in the last few months.
Emma had amazed everyone in pulling off our wedding with barely a month's notice or planning. She eked out every skill and favor she had ever acquired in her time as Hostess of Hartfield in the process I was sure, but her end product was magnificent. Even though I should have been happy with her in a burlap sack, I was proud to see her take so much care and effort in something that represented our future together.
A byproduct of her masterpiece of a wedding was that she utterly exhausted herself in the planning. I distinctly remembered one very late evening where she had spent the entire day decorating the dance hall at Donwell all over in white bunting and silver ribbons and mock feather birds, and she ended up collapsing in a chair in the library beside me for a late dinner.
"I declare that weddings are the most bothersome of all social gatherings! They are not designed for the couple's feelings! Just the family!" She sighed and placed her face in her hands.
I rubbed her back in a soothing fashion, but it was then I resolved to change our post-wedding plans. I had originally intended to take her to the sea at Brighton, but she needed to get further away from Highbury.
"Emma you know I would help you if you desired it." I replied
She looked up at me with a weak smile, "While I appreciate your offer dear George, and the five previous ones, you barely know white from ivory. No I am afraid weddings are the realm of women."
So the very next day when Emma was absorbed with hothouse flowers I wrote my cousin about my idea. That had been a week ago.
I bade Bessie and Bridget to pack Emma's warmest clothes.
Though in truth, the morning of our wedding I was more of a nervous wreck than she was. I woke up well before sunrise, and started nervously pacing, as was my habit until John (who had obligingly agreed to stay at Donwell to help me until the wedding while Isabella stayed at Hartfield to assist Emma), threw open my door in his nightclothes and very clearly not fully awake began to bellow at me about my impossible habits.
"For God's sake, go to sleep George! She isn't going to leave you at the altar you blockhead."
He shot me a glare and slammed the door.
Rather than continue to disturb his sleep I threw on my clothes, grabbed the small satchel that contained Emma's wedding present and walked out of the room, intent on sneaking into Hartfield before Isabella was awake to stop me.
The trip through the bare inch of fresh snow was refreshing and I knocked only loudly enough for James to open the door, and sped past him in his half-awake state before he could try to stop me. Dashing up the stairs, avoiding the ones I knew the creaked I found myself at Emma's door. Hesitating I wondered if Isabella had decided to sleep in her room one last night, but I had come too far to turn back now.
I knocked softly on her door.
A sleepy Emma stumbled her way to the door, opening it a crack, "George!" she exclaimed with a slightly scandalized voice, "You shouldn't be here, if Isabella catches you-"
I clamped my hand over her mouth, "I don't intend to stay long, I just wanted to say good morning and give you something."
She moved away from the door with an impish grin and let me pass, the door clicked softly behind me.
"Who would have thought the perfect Mr. Knightley could break the rules like this?" she chided gently, lifting up her chin in the most adorable manner, daring me to kiss her.
"And who would have thought Miss Woodhouse would let him?" I brushed my lips against her ear with a whisper.
She shuddered, and opened her eyes with a look of disappointment.
"I should have turned you out you know" She self-consciously twisted her unbound honey-colored hair into a rope and tucked it into her night-dress as she turned away from me.
Emma looked downright divine that snowy morning her thick lace-covered nightdress covering her from neck to ankle so as to keep in the warmth; it was so early it was the moonlight that illuminated her through the window and not the sun…
No adornment at all, save the evergreen ring always present on her finger, as she stood there, half turned to me in her shift, awaiting my response I thought I might have glimpsed a goddess of old.
It was then that I wondered how it had taken me all these years to discover that I had loved her. I knew she was beautiful to be sure, but how could I have missed this?
This stunningly divine creature who had agreed to marry me of all people.
She saw my nervousness as I swallowed a little, and her hazel eyes seemed to sparkle but her face was steadily turning pink she hide her toes underneath her hem and bit her lip before she said, "Well I promise you I shan't tell anyone."
I placed my hand beneath her chin, "You're the most beautiful woman I have ever laid eyes on."
She smiled shyly, "Do you really think so?"
In that moment I truly wanted to kiss her. I realized that despite everything, Emma never really had been told she was beautiful. Her father never noticed much, and Mrs. Weston would always try to keep Emma's ego in check. She had never been courted by anyone except Frank Churchill-if you could call it that. As for me, I rarely ever complimented her-until now.
Except that I knew that our first kiss today should be in the church, not here, however much I might want to.
Placing my brow against hers I murmured, "I know so."
She blushed furiously and tried to turn away, I caught her cheek in my palm, "I meant that Emma, you know I always speak the truth."
She reached up to trace my face with her finger, "What did I ever do to deserve you?" she asked so softly I barely heard her.
"Nothing Emma, I just fell in love with you." I kissed her forehead, worried that my forbearance might slip I reached into my pocket, "I wanted to give you this for your wedding present."
She took the blue velvet pouch from me and laid it out on her dressing table to open it, I moved to her side, glancing over her shoulder as she gasped at what she saw.
"I know you had nothing of your mother's since most of it went to Isabella, but I asked your father if there was anything else left. He replied that this pearl set had been your mother's on their wedding day but as it was in poor repair and he was so attached to it he had not given it to Isabella…"
Emma's hands shook as she gingerly retrieved the strand of thick glossy pearls from the case.
"So he said he wanted you to have it, but it was too old and needed to be re-strung, so I took the liberty of doing so."
She laid out the matching earrings and picked up the necklace fingering the French-cut marquise emerald surrounded by diamonds that drooped from the center of the necklace.
"And I added the emerald." I finished as an afterthought.
She jumped at me at hugged me so tightly I could hardly breath for a few seconds.
"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" She whispered, hot tears running down her face and onto my neck. "You have no idea how much this means to me!"
I reflected that although Emma had never truly mentioned it, and obviously Mrs. Weston had nearly filled the role, like all girls Emma wanted a mother's love. The fact that I had known mine nearly all of my childhood and she never had that privilege struck me.
"I am glad you like it." Was all I could say.
After that I retuned home and resolved that Emma should never want for compliments anymore with me as her husband.
I reached out to tuck some of her hair back into place and Emma mumbles something in her sleep but does not wake, and I wonder how in the world I was lucky enough to capture this breathtaking woman's heart.
After assuring myself that Emma was not likely to wake in the next minute or so, I inched over to window to draw the curtains.
The scenery that raced past us on our second day of travel was completely blanketed in fresh white snow and steadily increasing in altitude. I noticed familiar landmarks and reflected that we were likely within an hour our destination.
The bittersweet feelings flooded my conscious as I realized I had not been here since my mother passed, over twenty years before. It felt like an eternity and just yesterday at the same time. Such is the paradox of life.
My pocketwatch said it was just past mid-afternoon, which was perfect we would be just in time for dinner.
Pacing back and forth in the chapel, my brother exploded at me.
"George! You are incorrigible! Stand still." John physically grasped my shoulders, forcing me to stop moving and look at him.
"Don't fool yourself John, you were worse on your wedding day. I assure you!" I nearly growled at him.
He turned red but kept his gaze steady and his iron grip, "Just because you managed to keep down your breakfast does not make you any less obnoxious right now."
"That's because I've always had a stronger stomach than you." I retorted with a smirk.
"Well you may have a stronger stomach, but by God you are blinder than I am. I knew you loved Emma since my wedding, how long did it take you to figure that one out brother?"
It was my turn to flush scarlet.
"Too long." I sighed dropping my gaze to mirror-shined boots.
John dropped his grip, but his voice commanded me to meet his gaze again, "That doesn't matter now, all that matters is that you don't stumble over your vows."
I slapped him upside the head again, he glared at me and did one last check of my person as the side door opened to reveal the parson.
"I'm going to relish the moment she walks in the door and floors you brother." He whispered in my ear.
As she no doubt would…
The boots hadn't been scuffed, the black wool breeches had escaped the snow piles, the watch dangled from its shiny gold chain, the white linen undershirt was barely visible beneath the muted gold and green patterned vest and deep navy blue jacket; the collar was too stiff and itchy, the cravat even had a pin-my mother's thistle.
A sudden impulse had made me put it on that morning. I was nearly out the door when I remembered I hadn't put one on, and that Emma would be mortified. John laughed and shook his head as I'd dashed back up the stairs, muttering about how pathetic I was.
Of my vast collection I had chosen hers because my father had said she gave it to him on their wedding day. I brushed off some imaginary dust from my vest.
"George stop it! Greet Mr. Heathcliffe!" John hissed.
For yes, Mr. Elton had at the very last possible minute been claimed by his expectant wife's mysterious ailment and poor Emma had had to scramble to find a suitable replacement less than two days before the wedding.
Thankfully, Mrs. Weston had an uncle who was a parson in London who was willing to travel for the wedding.
I was not the only one who wondered if Mrs. Elton's ailment was more fictional than real.
Not that it mattered, as I greeted the jovial older man, so very much of the same temperament as his niece that I was glad Mrs. Elton had suddenly taken ill.
The guests filtered in, and John firmly planted in me in place, ordering me not to move until Emma arrived. I kept myself occupied discussing the weather with Mr. Heathcliffe.
Then John laid his hand on my shoulder and turned me around, and I was almost afraid to look at the Church doors as they opened and sunlight streamed in.
A gust of wind blew a flurry of crystallized snow across the door frame and Emma emerged from it on her father's arm. Snowflakes caught in her hair, up and down her dress and in her eyelashes.
I was frozen in place at the sight of this wonderful snow maiden, unable to move or speak, I could barely breathe.
She was glowing in the morning light as she advanced down the aisle, beaming from ear to ear and John thumped me on the back, forcing me to cough air into my lungs.
Her under-dress was a pure white shimmering thing that looked like the snow just outside the door, and the lace overlay was what killed me though, it was different from the one at the ball-more pure. There was the slightest hint of silver shot through it, and it looked like a collection of tiny white snowdrops were collected into a giant snowflake-or was it a Queen Anne's Lace flower?
I was hopeless with fashion.
The pearls from her mother and I looked stunning, completing her snow princess look, with just a hint of spring and new beginnings in the glint of the emeralds.
Her sleeves were entirely of lace down to her wrists and the veil was more of the same pattern, her hair was curled into a pleasing arraignment on her head interlaced with pearls and she had left one curl dangling loose to her collarbone.
Her right collarbone.
Which was entirely bare save the curl which pointed out her beautiful scar.
I bit my lip and felt my face flush.
She had advanced to me, and Mr. Woodhouse placed her hands in mine.
Emma smiled shyly at me, and I couldn't help myself I bent to kiss her hand.
She had bared her soul to me, and finally let go.
I could do no less but the same for her.
Voices sounded outside the carriage, and we came to a halt. Emma looked up at me confused. I smiled down on her.
"Close your eyes." I instructed
She looked cross, "George you have carted me around in a carriage for two days now, and now you want me to get out of the carriage with my eyes shut? I'll trip for sure!"
I laughed, "Trust me my dear, I won't let you fall, I've always caught you before."
A smile played at her lips, and she fought it down, "Very well, I expect something spectacular George, after all your drama and secrecy though!"
She crossed her arms and closed her eyes.
I opened the door and reached for her to guide her out.
With her two feet securely on the snowy soil I said, "Open your eyes! Welcome to Scotland and Eilean Donan!"
The wind whipped through trees and stirred up a gust of snow and I watched as Emma took in my mother's ancestral island home.
The castle upon the cliff in the distance, the pine trees dotting the hill and the roar of the sea below.
She turned to me with tears in her eyes and a bright smile on her face, "George, I-I don't know what to say! This is better than anything I could have imagined!"
I wrapped my arms around her, "It's the sea, and it's Scotland Emma, the closest you'll get to heaven here on earth." I whispered into her hair, breathing in the sharp mountain air of my ancestors and relishing in the freedom I felt only here. Lord how I've missed this place…
Suddenly she broke away from me with that characteristic grin on her face, "What is the quickest way to the sea from here? Tell me George or I'll find it myself!"
Before I could answer she took off down the worn footpath, I was amazed she'd found it under all the snow.
I scrambled through ankle-deep snow after her, listening to her tinkling laughter echo off the rocks from my past.
I caught up to her at the winding stair between two large walls of rock. She was nearly at the bottom though, so intent on the sea she had little regard for anything else.
Somehow I knew exactly what she had in mind, and for once in my life I wasn't going to stop her.
She ran across the snow-scattered sand towards the waves and threw her arms in the air still laughing for the joy of it.
The waves caught in her skirts, but Emma wasn't fazed. I stood there and watched her twirl about in utter rapture, large fat fluffy flakes of snow slowly cascading down from the sky adding to the picture.
She finally stopped and looked at me, and the spell broke, I charged in after her, lifting her in my arms I twirled her around both of us laughing for the sheer joy of our happiness, the water flew off her skirts in a shimmering rainbow as the snow fell about us.
Emma was my fairy princess now…
But when had she not been?
Eventually I lowered her back down, the ecstasy of pure joy written so plainly on her face that I thought my heart might stop at the sight of her.
I kissed her there, in the middle of the bay, like I had never kissed her before, like she was the only woman in the whole world. The waves crashing in around us to the shore and the snow blanketing our hair. I kissed Emma, my wonderful darling friend and wife like there was no tomorrow, trying desperately to tell her that she was my everything, my life, my all.
"Not dying nor living nor healing, there is no pain in my sickness, for I am not kept from her love. I don't know if I will ever have it, for all the mercy that makes me flourish or decay is in her power."
A/N: So does anyone know where I stole this quote from? I love it, I think it was great for Emma and George's relationship throughout most of this fic.
On a side note for the history buffs out there. Eilean Donan was destroyed during a Jacobite rebellion before this story takes place and was not technically restored to its current state until the early 1900s. However, it did indeed fall under the MacKenzie clan, and I think is one of the most beautiful castle in Scotland so I chose it anyway….
And without further ado, review reactions:
Jan: I'm so glad you loved it, and I hope you liked the Epilogue even more!
Toffee: I absolutely love the picture that snow falling in the twilight gives, there's nothing like it, so I'm glad you appreciated it too!
Iambbq: Yes, I thought the servants rooting for Emma was cute Hopefully the epilogue was a bit more to your taste Thank you for your reviewing and following the story anyway though!