A/N Hello fellow FF members and visitors alike, and this is 9tailsfox2 with the Sad Ending to Saving Her. Italics means thoughts and noise.
WARNING: Get some fucking tissues, you'll need them
Naruto was crying on Hanabi's chest as thoughts went through his head. If only I was fast, if she only retained her blood, if only she had more blood. If only she had more blood! That's it! I remember reading about a blood transfusion jutsu, and it's only been a few seconds since her heart stopped beating even then I don't have long.
With new hope, Naruto took the Kunai and pricked Hanabi's and his vein on the arm. Naruto then made a chakra stream going from his wound to her wound and he made the chakra carry his blood, and began doing CPR again. After about 30 seconds, Naruto checked to see if Hanabi had the appropriate amount of blood in her body, when he was satisfied she did, he cut off the blood stream, but continued the chakra stream as she was losing hers fast and continued the CPR.
Live! Live! "Live! Live!" "Live! Live! LIVE! LIVE!" With each chest compression, with each breath he gave her, Naruto became less and less hopeful. "Please work, last time you survived didn't you? Come on don't you dare die on me!" I only have 30 more seconds. The seconds slowly ticked by as Naruto tried harder than before to resuscitate Hanabi.
10 seconds… 5 seconds… 3 seconds, 2, 1!
Hanabi stayed still, with her lifeless eyes staring back at him, taunting him. Naruto couldn't take it anymore as his mind went blank and he continued to use CPR on her, while continuing to give her his chakra. Naruto did not hear the knock on the door from the Anbu; he did not hear the door crashing down. Then Anbu rushed into the living room as he looked around and saw that Naruto was performing CPR on a child and giving her chakra, but the Anbu could already tell, it was too late, nothing is going to bring Hanabi back.
The Anbu then noticed the look on his face, the look of loss of hope, despair, like he lost his very meaning to life, no not that, he looked like that his heart and soul was destroyed and was in vain save them.
The Anbu had to snap Naruto out of it as he rushed to him. "Hey Naruto! Snap out of it!" There was no response as Naruto continued on giving his chakra. The Anbu then decided to slap Naruto in the face which got his attention.
Even though he had Naruto's attention the look on his face was still the same. "Hello, Anbu, Nabi-Chan is just sleeping see? She'll wake back up."
The Anbu then looked down at Hanabi's neck and noticed the self-inflicted wound, which Naruto obviously healed too late. He shook his head. "Naruto, Hanabi is not sleeping, she's dead."
Naruto began crying as he cut off the chakra flow to Hanabi and curled up with her body and began rocking back and forth. "Why? Why must you do this to me? Oh Kami, my heart, it hurts so badly. I love so much, and she's just taken away from me. Why did you do this to yourself?" Naruto held Hanabi's body even tighter, half expecting a response, half expecting 'I got you!' but it was for real. "This can't be happening. You know what… Nabi-Chan? I'm going to join you."
The Anbu just stared at the scene, crying not only at the loss of such a beautiful child, he was also crying at the state of the usually bright young boy and his eye suddenly widened when he realized that Naruto was about to plunge the kunai into his own heart. "Naruto, stop!"
Naruto closed his eyes as he was about to kill himself but was stopped by the Anbu. "Wh-Why? Why must I suffer like this!? Nabi-Chan, I'm so sorry I could not save you! Wait a second the note! What if this all a ruse to fake her death!"
There was nothing that The Anbu could do as he stepped back and observe Naruto. He did not have the emotional connection to Naruto to do anything about this, but he could not leave Naruto alone either and the reason he came here was the least of his concerns, now he had a suicide on his hands.
Naruto was reading the note as his heart tightened even more at what he read.
Dear Ruto-Kun,
I just want you to know that no matter what happens I love very much and always will, you have made so happy, so very happy in the past few days. In fact, they were the only days I was ever happy, the only days I had a pleasant dream instead of a nightmare, the only days when I ever had a true friend, the only days when I was called beautiful, the only days when someone told me that they loved me, the only days when someone would teach something, the only days that someone would play games with me, buy me stuff, and the only days that someone told me that they loved me. You were the only one to do things for me, and I thank you so much for doing all that, but when he came in, he took it all away, all I had left is my tainted body, this pain and I can't even get the taste out of my mouth, I gag every time I think about it. As I looked into the mirror, I only thought of one thing, I'm ugly and a slut, that's the only explanation of why he would do this to me. I'm so sorry Ruto-Kun, but I want to die to escape. Don't get the wrong idea, I still love you so very much, if you want, you can keep my mother's necklace. I never told anyone, but I found a necklace with a note saying that it was left by my mother to me. It's one of my most prized possessions and I want you to have it. I hid it in one of the drawers in the main bedroom, the bedroom where it happened. As for my sister, tell her I'm sorry I had to leave, I'm still angry at her, I still feel pain when I think of her, but none of it was her fault, it was all his fault and that I love her. So when you next see him make sure when you kill, him, make sure that he has suffered as much as possible. I love you so much it hurts me to hurt you like this; it hurts me to leave you all alone. I know you still love me and for that, I'm so sorry to do this, but I can't live with this pain anymore, the pain of my past as well, that pain is overwhelming me now. I shall join Nora and that baby now and I shall be waiting for you in the next life. I'm sorry and I love so very much.
Ps. I'm sorry I love you I'm sorry I love you I'm sorry I love you I'm sorry I love you I'm sorry I love you I'm sorry I love you I'm sorry I love you I'm sorry I love you I'm sorry I love you I'm sorry I love you I'm sorry I love you.
Naruto noticed that the PS got sloppier and more tear stained as it went on and cried even harder as he could not accept that his love was gone. Naruto then went to the main bedroom to find that necklace was indeed in one of drawers and he put it on. Naruto walked back out and kneeled at the body, with the necklace hanging in front of Hanabi's still face. "See? I'm wearing the necklace you gave me. It looks good doesn't it?" No response. "Yeah, you're right, I should wear it every day." Silence. Naruto began tearing up again and held on Hanabi's body and cried. "I'm so sorry I could not keep my promise, I'm so sorry I could not help you, protect you, I'm sorry." Naruto curled up into fetal position still holding the still body of Hanabi.
"You loved her didn't you?" The Anbu turned around and saw the other Hyuuga sister walking towards the scene. The Anbu got suspicious for a moment. What is she doing here? He however ignored his feelings as something more important was going on. Hinata kneeled next to Naruto, saddened that her sister had died.
Naruto looked up at Hinata. "No, you're wrong, I still love her."
When Hinata heard that, she felt her heart drop like rock. Hinata then hugged Naruto, for comfort of course. Naruto could only stare blankly past Hinata's shoulder and cried onto it. "I'm so sorry Hinata, I know I promised to protect her, but I could not protect her from herself. I'm so sorry I let her die, I tried and tried, but I couldn't do it I was unable to save her!"
Hinata could not say 'everything is going to be alright' as that was a lie, nothing is going to be alright. Hinata could only pat Naruto's back and whisper, "its ok, just let it all go."
The Anbu took this as his leave, he was sure that Hinata would not let Naruto commit suicide. He took one last look then retreated out the house and closed the door to report a suicide.
Naruto pushed himself away from Hinata to look at Hanabi. Naruto reached out and rubbed her cheek. Naruto then lay next to her as began remembering the past few day, how she smiled, her laugh, an her spirit. Naruto's fist balled up as anger leaked out of him. "Hinata, where the hell is Hiashi?"
Hinata shook her head. "Naruto-Kun, you're not thinking straight, if you kill him now, his suffering will end."
Naruto glared into Hinata's eyes. "I don't give a fuck, right now, I am going to find him and make sure that there is not a single piece of him left."
Hinata tried to hold Naruto down, but he hit her out of the way. "I'm sorry Hinata, but letting him live at this point is no good, but I will promise you this, his death will be painful, very painful. Oh yeah, make sure that no one touches her body, I want to be the last one that sees her."
Naruto walked away with Hinata stunned but could only nod. Hinata saddened that she would never see her sister again, but then again, she is in a better place now… That thought did not help as Hinata cried over her sister's body.
Hiashi was already wishing that he was dead heard someone walk in. Hiashi looked up and saw through his bloody eyes the very person he did not want to see. "Naruto, where the hell is Hanabi? I want to know if she enjoyed herself."
Naruto seethed as he kicked him in the stomach. "Don't you dare say her name!"
Hiashi laughed and spat blood on Naruto's face. "What are you going to do, kill me?"
Naruto crouched so he could get face to face with the bastard. "Maybe, depending on how much you piss me off."
Hiashi laughed. "So I'd imagine that you did not come here for pleasantries hmm?"
Naruto punched Hiashi in the face. "Alright, so if you want to cut to the chase so bad, fine. Listen here fuck bucket, I'd hate to be the deliverer of bad news, but Nabi-Chan is dead!" Naruto began tearing up. "She killed herself because you are a piece of trash who could not keep your hands off her."
Hiashi chuckled. "So, that bitch finally did it, she finally ended everything as she realized she will suffer as her punishment for killing her own mother."
Naruto kicked Hiashi in the face. "You piece of trash! She's your daughter, how can you possibly not feel anything about the loss of her life, the life you yourself have driven for Nabi-Chan to end herself, the life you stole from her, how can you possibly not feel anything, despite all that. She is your daughter! The daughter you have constantly tortured and abused the daughter you have raped! The daughter you have killed because you gave her so much pain!"
Hiashi shook his head. "I do feel something for her and that is hatred, pure hatred. I hated her because she took away the one person I loved, the one person, all because that bitch was born!"
Hiashi began laughing. Naruto took a kunai and brought it to the bastard's throat. "What's so funny?"
Hiashi smirked as he looked him into his eyes. "You and I are alike."
Naruto stabbed Hiashi in the shoulder. "Bullshit!"
Hiashi shook his head. "You and I had the greatest of loves in our lives."
Naruto shook his head as he punched Hiashi in the face. "Stop talking nonsense, if you truly loved your wife, you would never have harmed either of her daughters!"
Hiashi began laughing. "You and I both lost those loves."
Naruto then took a metal bar and broke Hiashi's leg. "Shut up!"
Hiashi still continued. "You and I both want the reasons of those deaths dead."
Naruto shook his head as he used Hiashi's as batting practice. "You tortured, abused, and raped an innocent child, your and your wife's child no less, while I shall beat the shit out of a man who purposefully tortured, abused, and raped his own child."
Hiashi laughed out loud, "But if you kill me, a man who is unable to fight back, the man who is the father of your loved one, will you be no different?"
Naruto fell to his knees and grabbed his head as Hiashi's words were getting to him. "I told you to shut up! She did not need to die!"
Hiashi shook his head "So did Hatomi."
Naruto shook his head as he was trying to get his thoughts straight and failed. "S-So, we are alike, brutalizing the objects of our revenge…"
Hiashi smirked as he knew he had Naruto. "I understand your pain Naruto, I can help you boy, save you from your darkness, just release me from my prison, and together, we can be father and son."
Naruto's eye shot wide open. "Fa-Father, a-and son?"
Hiashi nodded. "Yes my son and you can have a sister as well, just imagine that, coming home every night to a nice warm dinner, while everyone is shouting 'welcome home Naruto!' I would say that sounds so much nicer than the death threats you get every day, which I can protect you from, and all you have to do is release me."
Naruto's body was shaking as he reached up to the chain. "Fa-Father…"
Hiashi smiled as he knew he had finally broken Naruto down. "Yes that's right I can be your father in all but blood."
Naruto took the chains and unhooked them as Hiashi was laughing hysterically, in fact he was laughing so hard he was choking, choking from a chain around his neck. It took him a second to realize that Naruto was choking him with a chain. "Father is a name I shall never call you, you piece of fucking trash. You and I are not alike! Your wife died, because she could not handle the birth! Nabi-Chan killed herself because you raped her! You wanted to torture your daughter because she reminded you too much of your wife's death and raped your other daughter because she probably looks so much like your wife. I wanted to torture you because you are nothing more than a monster that abused and raped his children, and I have made the decision to send you to hell, where you fucking belong! Your words of poison may have gotten to me until you told me we were going to be father and son, and then I remembered who I was and what you were! Go fuck yourself and go to fucking hell where you shall be tortured with unimaginable pain for eternity!"
Naruto's last words echoed through Hiashi's mind as he tried to gasp for the needed air, but did not receive any. The bastard choked out two last words before his body became limp. "Fuck you."
Naruto dropped the body as he sighed and spat on it. "I should be saying the same to you."
It was about night time by the time the 'interrogation' was done and Naruto returned to see Hinata sleeping while holding Hanabi. Naruto saddened at the sight. If Nabi-Chan was still alive, I would say it looks so cute. Naruto began tearing up as she picked Hinata up bridal style and put her on the couch, got some blankets and a pillow so she could sleep comfortably. Naruto shook his head as he brought her to his guest bedroom. Naruto sadly smiled as he brushed Hanabi's hair out of her face. "Let's sleep together one last time, shall we Nabi-Chan?" Naruto then shut the lights off and put the nightlight on again, and looked at the necklace Hanabi left him.
Naruto began tearing up as he kissed her lifeless lips. So cold, so lifeless. Naruto began crying as he put Hanabi's arms around him and he rubbed her back and head as he usually did and brought her face right next to his and pulled the blankets up. "Good night, Nabi-Chan." Naruto could not hold back anymore tears and was at full flood as he was crying on Hanabi's shoulder.
Naruto had a nightmare, he was playing with Hanabi but something was off, and looked at Hanabi in the eyes and realized there was no life in them. Hanabi then smiled and took a kunai knife and slit her throat and fell dead. Naruto fell to his knees as he could not get to her in time and began crying. Then the body started moving and Hanabi began laughing, but with her normal laugh, but a taunting laugh, a laugh that tortured Naruto to his soul, then they began playing as normal, Naruto could still remember what just happened literally 2 seconds ago, but it would have felt like ages ago, and the same thing would happen.
Over and over again, Naruto witnessed Hanabi dying and he woke up screaming and crying. "Wh-What's wr-wrong Ru-Ruto-Ku-Kun?"
Naruto wiped his tears away. "Just a nightmare Nabi-Chan."
Naruto turned to Hanabi, who held him. "Yo-You c-can t-tell me a-all ab-about it n-now if y-you wa-want."
Naruto smiled as he held Hanabi back. "I just had this nightmare that you were repeatedly killing yourself, but that never happened didn't it?"
Hanabi shook her head. "Yo-You sa-saved me, ev-even af-after I sl-slit my th-throat, so th-thank y-you fo-for th-that."
Naruto shook his head as he kissed Hanabi. "Yeah, for a second, I thought I lost you, but you pulled through. I love you so much Nabi-Chan."
Hanabi cried and held Naruto. "I lo-love y-you t-too Ru-Ruto-Ku-Kun, bu-but I wa-want to kn-know wh-why my si-sister is sl-sleeping on th-the co-couch. Yo-You kn-know h-how I fe-feel ab-about h-her."
Naruto shook his head and was. "I don't know what you are talking about, Hinata never came around here yesterday and how do know that she is sleeping there?"
Hanabi shook her head and frowned. "I co-could se-see h-her be-because I ha-have th-the By-Byakugan on."
Naruto looked at her in the eyes and realized that she did have the Byakugan on. "Ok, now the mystery lies in the reason why the hell Hinata is here."
Hanabi began crying. "I kn-know y-you a-are ly-lying to me Ru-Ruto-Ku-Kun, I th-thought yo-you pr-promised y-you wo-would ne-never do th-that."
Naruto shook his head. "I'm sorry Nabi-Chan, but I don't know why your sister is here, I think I probably forgot."
Hanabi looked up as realization hit her face. "I th-think y-you a-are ly-lying to yo-yours-s-self Ru-Ruto-Ku-Kun, tr-trying to co-convince yo-yours-s-self or ra-rath-th-ther de-deny yo-yours-self th-the tr-truth, a tr-truth yo-you wo-won't fa-face."
Naruto began tearing up as he shook his head. "Nabi-Chan, please stop, don't do this to me, I love you and I want you to be with me forever."
Hanabi smirked. "So y-you do kn-know, A-All yo-you ha-have to do is sa-say it."
Naruto grabbed his head then balled his hands into fists, grabbing his hair along the way and shook his head. "Stop it! Please! Just stop!"
Hanabi grabbed and held Naruto and pat his back. "I-It's ok ju-just sa-say it."
Naruto shook his head. "Never! The fact that you are here right now is proof that you are still alive and that I have saved you!"
Hanabi, who had a disappointed look to her face, sadly sighed as she reached up Naruto's face and rubbed his cheek, "We-Well th-then Ru-Ruto-Ku-Kun, I gu-guess i-it's to ea-early to ge-get yo-you to acc-accept th-the tr-truth."
Naruto shook his head. "What are you talking about? What truth?"
Hanabi kissed Naruto and then there was a flash of thunder and all was still, including Hanabi. Naruto began crying as he realized that Hanabi was dead.
Hinata sighed as she watched Naruto go through a major episode of denial and hallucination, unless if it was really Hanabi trying to reach to him from beyond using his mind, but either case it was the biggest denial she has ever seen.
Hinata approached Naruto, who was holding Hanabi to him and crying. Hinata put a hand on Naruto's shoulder as Naruto looked up. "Nabi-Chan is still alive I know it! Maybe her spirit is still somewhere, if we can just find a way to reattach it to her body-"
SLAP! Hinata slapped Naruto in the face. "Face it Naruto-Kun, Hanabi-Chan is dead! There is nothing you or anyone else can do to change that!"
Naruto put his hand up to Hinata's hand. "I need help Hinata-Chan, I just had the most messed up dream, and this hallucination, although it probably wasn't… I don't know, it seemed all so real to me! I'm so sorry!"
While Naruto was rambling on Hinata began patting Naruto's back and holding him. "It's ok, Naruto-Kun, you can let it all out."
Naruto shook his head. "Don't let go, please, or else I might lose the rest of my sanity!" Naruto then began seeing flashes of Hanabi's smiling face, hearing her laughter, and then the rape flashed in his mind, Hanabi and him playing a board game, Hanabi killing herself. Alternations of these images flashed through his mind as he tightened his grip on Hinata. Oh Kami, please stop it! I hate it! I know she's dead! Just stop it! "JUST STOP WITH THESE IMAGES! I KNOW SHE'S DEAD AND THERE IS NOTHING I CAN DO NOTHING ABOUT IT!" All of a sudden the images did stop. Naruto continued crying. "There is nothing I can do about, she's dead and I have to accept it. Nabi-Chan is the only person I could possibly love; I don't think I can ever love again."
Hinata at first was relieved when Naruto finally accepted Hanabi's death, she was saddened that he will never let anyone else into his life as he let Hanabi in. Hinata smiled as they separated. Hinata wiped Naruto's tears away. "Come on Naruto-Kun, I mean there isn't anyone you might want to consider letting in your life again?"
Naruto looked up. "I'm sorry Hinata-Chan, if there would be anyone I would love like I loved Nabi-Chan, it would be you, but, I'm afraid of losing you like I lost Nabi-Chan. I'm so sorry."
Hinata shook her head. "Please Ruto-Kun!"
Naruto's eyes flared. "Only Nabi-Chan may call me Ruto-Kun!"
Hinata sighed. "I'm sorry, I should not have called you that Naruto-Kun."
Naruto shook his. "No, I'm sorry, I should not have lashed out at you, but you have to understand, I loved Nabi-Chan so much, and I don't think I can love like that again."
Hinata hugged Naruto. "If that's how you feel, can we at least be friends? You know, despite my feelings for you?"
Naruto hugged Hinata back. "Yeah, we can."
Hinata wanted nothing more than to kiss Naruto at this point, but she resisted, because she did not want to upset the relationship they have just formed. "So, I shall set up a private funeral for her."
Naruto nodded as tears slid down his face. "Alright."
From that day on, Naruto never smiled once, maybe chuckled, maybe put on a face for several occasions, but never a smile. Hiashi's body was quickly found, and the investigation of course led to Naruto, but Hinata took the blame for his death, fortunately the council decided to step in and give Naruto a break.
Although Naruto's increasingly worse attitude towards everyone around him drove them away, which made him feel even worse, Hinata was still there, and yet, Naruto could not bring himself to form a tight bond with her and losing that bond once again. No matter what Naruto did or say, Hinata always stuck by him.
9 years later
Naruto stared into hiss empty glass. "Fill it again." Naruto's words were slurred as the bartender poured Naruto another glass. Nabi-Chan… Every day I think about you, I just feel more despair and sadness about it, but I have moved on for you. I have become an excellent ninja, stopped Obito and Madara and even became Hokage, but yet, even when the whole village recognizes me a hero, I still feel a hole in my heart, a hole you have left me. Naruto dropped his head as he dozed off.
Hinata sadly sighed she hated seeing Naruto destroy himself like this she was thinking about doing an intervention at some point. Hinata walked up to pick Naruto up.
The bartender sighed. "So, what's his story? He comes here every night to and drinks himself to unconsciousness."
Hinata shook her head. "It's his story to tell, but I will tell you this, the one person whom he loved so dearly died."
The bartender shook his head as Hinata tried to place money on the table. "He's a war hero around here, everything he gets from here is on the house."
Hinata shook her head. Thank Kami he hired an assistant to deal with the paperwork, while he makes the decisions. "Well keep the money anyways."
The bartender smiled. "Alright, I'm not one to turn down free cash." The bartender scratched his head. "I remember the Hyuuga head here every night though, ever since his death, he drank himself to death almost every day." Hinata saddened at the mention of her father. "Yeah, it's real sad how men can go insane from the loss of a precious person." The bartender shook his head. "I myself have taken that road and trust me it ain't pretty."
Hinata shook her head. "Well you seem well off now, how did you manage to get over it? What's the secret?"
The bartender shook his head. "There is no secret, only once the need to fill that hole has been fulfilled, can he start healing, but the pain will never fade, it will always be ever present in the heart, like a scar that never fades."
Hinata nodded sadly. "I see."
The bartender shook his head. "But you cannot forcefully fill that hole, he must be the one to accept your heart. He must recognize that the risk of losing the ones closest to your heart is worth it if he is going to heal. Do not tell him any of this, it will only aggravate him."
Hinata shook her head. "But, what can I do? I can't just do anything!"
The bartender sighed. "That is exactly what you do, nothing. You have to be patient with him, he could accept your heart tomorrow, or never, it all depends on how long it takes him to finally accept your heart into his, the best you can do is stand by him at all times. Does he hit you or hurt you in any way?"
Hinata shook her head. "No, despite his negative mood, he will never dare hurt a fly, unless if someone other than me brings up the past."
The bartender then smiled. "Then stay with him at his side, but don't push yourself on him, and he will eventually come to. But be warned, he will not feel the same way about you as he did his other, and probably won't even be half as strong. The reason for this is that his heart is damaged beyond repair, there will be scars and when does accept you, he still will be wary, so be careful, or you will ultimately push him away or destroy the rest of his heart. So this is why I am going to tell you right now, if here is even an ounce of doubt in your love to him, then I'd highly suggest not pursuing this path. Do you truly love him without a doubt?"
Hinata nodded her head. "Yes, I do love him dearly and it hurts me to see him destroy himself like this."
The bartender smirked. "Then do what I said, and he will be fine and one more thing, it's not going to be an easy transformation, there will be a lot of pain, but when he does pull out of it, he will be all the better, and even then, don't even think about leaving him, do you understand? I hate it when I see ex-regulars become regulars again."
Hinata nodded. "I will be with him always and thank you for this talk, it really helped me."
The bartender nodded. "No problem, being a bartender is like being a part psychologist, we just listen and put in our two cents to those who will listen and shortly after that, I never see them inside the bar again, well most of them anyways. Alright have a good one, bye!"
Hinata nodded in response. "Bye!"
Over the next few years, Naruto began increasing his alcohol intake, which caused him to get fired from his job as the Hokage and was ultimately removed from being a ninja until he cleaned himself up.
At the age of 45, Hinata decided to have one more try at saving Naruto from his self-destruction. "Naruto-Kun, please, tell me, are you going to let me fill your heart?"
Naruto shook his head. "No, I'm not, only Nabi-Chan can heal my heart."
Hinata began crying. "But she's dead!"
Naruto shook his head. "I know that. That's why I will be healed when I die, I just don't know my purpose now."
Hinata shook her head. "Naruto-Kun, I'm sorry but I love you and Hanabi loves you and I think she wants you to move on, please make room for one more heart."
Naruto shook his head. "I know she wants me to move on, but I already promised my heart to her and only her."
Hinata shook her head. "So that's the reason why you won't move on? Because of a promise?" It wasn't said harshly but rather tenderly and softly.
Naruto nodded his head. "As stupid as that sounds, yeah that's true."
Hinata shook her head. "Naruto-Kun, can you for once break a promise."
Naruto shook his head as he remembered on of his few happy moments with Hanabi. "No, I have never broken a promise, and I shall not start now. I'm sorry Hinata-Chan, even as much I hate feeling like this, I still have a promise to keep."
Hinata nodded "Very well, if that's how you feel… Do you need a moment alone?"
Naruto nodded his head. "Yeah, I do."
Hinata got up and left Naruto to sort his thoughts out. I want to let her heart in but, I don't want it taken away, oh Kami, so many years wasted, so much heartache. Naruto held the necklace piece in his hands. Never once did he take off that necklace, it is his most prized possession and he would rather die than be without it for one second.
Naruto ran his hand through his hair as he took a sip from the bottle next to him.
Naruto grew old with Hinata, but he never let her heart in his. On Naruto's deathbed, Hinata was weeping. "Hinata-Chan, even though I gave I told you I would never let your heart in, but I never told you how I felt about you after being with you for so long."
Hinata's eyes widened. "I never wanted to burden you with the knowledge that I have fallen for you, but it is not the same love as Nabi-Chan's nor is it as strong, and it will disappear when I see her again."
Hinata began crying. "I've noticed the way you looked at me, I knew that you have loved me for a while, but I also knew it would not have worked out with your feelings for my sister. I wish you two eternal happiness when you do meet her."
Naruto smiled as he felt his heartbeat slow. "Thank you Hinata-Chan, thank you for staying with me to the end and never giving up on me and if it wasn't for you, I don't know what I would have done with my life." Naruto then held the crystal that was the necklace piece and closed his eyes. "I'm finally going to see you Nabi-Chan."
Everything was black, just dark black. All of a sudden, a light began to glow and it enveloped Naruto. It took a while for Naruto to adjust his eyes to the light but when he did, he felt different… younger. Naruto looked at himself to find that he was in his twelve year old body again.
Naruto looked around him and spotted a familiar face in the small crowd that lingered here. "Nabi-Chan? Is that you? HEEEYYYY NABI-CHAN!"
Seven year old Hanabi sadly sighed. Ruto-Kun, why must you torture yourself just to keep your promise only to me? I want you to be happy… I'm so sorry for leaving you like that, I know you tried to save, but it was too late. "HEEEYYYY NABI-CHAN!" That voice sounds so familiar, and there is only person who calls me Nabi-Chan. Hanabi looked up to see a twelve year old Naruto running towards her. Hanabi then began running to him. "RUTO-KUN!"
The two smashed together in a hug and a kiss with a love that would make Kami jealous. "I missed you so much Nabi-Chan. There wasn't a day that I did not think about you, I was so sad without you and I love you so much!"
Hanabi smiled as she held Naruto, happy to be in his arms again. "I missed you too Ruto-Kun, there also wasn't a day I wasn't thinking about you, in fact I have been watching you destroy yourself in your misery. Why did you not move on?"
Naruto shook his head. "Because I knew that even if I had another love in my life, it would not be as fulfilling as ours and I knew that a relationship with any other person, including your sister would never work out because of that. I'm so sorry you had to see me like that, but I was miserable without you."
Hanabi smiled. "I was sad without you too, but that doesn't matter now as we are together, I love you so much as well Ruto-Kun."
Naruto then rubbed Hanabi's back and head as they held each other for the longest time.
Suddenly a seven year old girl with a dog walked up to the two of them. "Hanabi-Chan, I think Nora's getting a bit jealous that he isn't being hugged as well."
Naruto looked at the girl and dog. "Did she just say Nora? Wait a second, isn't that the name of the dog you…"
Hanabi nodded. "Yes and the girl was the baby as well, I named her Igari, and they have forgiven me. They have given me the comfort I needed when I was hit the hardest because you were not by my side."
Naruto nodded and smiled. "Hello Igari, Nora, my name is Naruto Uzumaki and I am pleased to meet you."
Igari smiled and hugged Naruto. "I'm pleased as well."
The dog excitedly jumped on Naruto and licked his face in greeting "Ugh! Down Nora! Down! Arrrgghhh! Not in the mouth!" Everyone laughed at the spectacle while Nora barked in excitement.
Out of all the laughs, one stood out the most. When Naruto got up he walked to Hanabi and smiled. "I actually forgot what your laugh sounded like, it is the most beautiful sound in the world. I love you so much; I would not be able to stand to be without you."
Hanabi smiled. "I love you as well." Then Hanabi got an evil smirk as she wanted to mess with Naruto a bit. "But if I catch you cheating on me with the dog again, I will give you a reason to fear me."
Naruto hung his head low. "But Nabi-Chan, the dog tackled me." Everyone once again laughed at Naruto.
Hanabi giggled as she kissed Naruto on the cheek. "I was just messing with you Ruto-Kun, any ways, we should get out of here and proceed to heaven. Shall we?"
There were shouts and barks of agreement as they headed towards the gate.
Nora, Igari, Naruto and Hanabi then proceeded to walk through the gate.
Naruto and Hanabi stopped and blue met lilac tinged white. Naruto then held Hanabi and ran his fingers over her head and back. "I love you Nabi-Chan."
Hanabi reached up and touched Naruto's cheek. "I love you too Ruto-Kun."
The two locked in for the most passionate kiss they had since their first one. The gates closed and their spirits were whisked away to eternal happiness as they separated and they simultaneously said "I love you."
A/N Epic fucking chapter, though in truth, I liked the main ending better. I decided to end it the same way, though the journey there is miserable this time round. Ummmm don't have anything else to say, I put everything I had to say in the other one sooooo yeah. Vote on which one you liked better and explain why. Like always R&R and for one last time in this fiction, this is 9tailsfox2 signing off!