PJO and Yugioh Crossover AU
By: FunahoMisaki
(A/N: I own nothing and what if Sally's grandfather is none other than Pegasus who had taken an interest in his great-grandson Percy when he was younger? Pegasus teaches Percy how to Duel with the Yugioh cards, going as far as to make him his own deck with custom cards based off of Greek and Roman Myths. AU OOC some bashing.)
"Hey man how's it going?" Percy asked raising a hand in greeting when he returned to Yancy after spending Christmas break with his mom and great-grandfather. He had a blast! His great grandpa, who he always called grandpa Pegasus, had given him his very own deck of custom made Yu-Gi-Oh cards based off of the Greek and Roman myths and he had kicked total ass with it! Of course his original water deck hadn't been bad, it caused him to be ranked the newest top American duelist and fourth on a global scale but this new 'Myth deck' as he called it caused him to jump straight to second best duelist in the world. What Percy didn't know was that some of his duels had been broadcasted worldwide and he had quite the fan-club now, twice as large as his old one in fact.
"Dude! I'm doing good but you were doing awesome! I caught one or two of your battles in my spare time and you kicked butt! The look on Kaiba's face when you bet him with a thousand or so life points to spare was hilarious!" Grover said grinning at his friend and slapping him on the back hesitantly. Percy caught this and mentally sighed, the one reason he didn't want anyone to know who his great grandfather is, is because he wanted to be treated like a normal kid…a normal kid with Dyslexia and ADHD at least.
"Thanks man but I was worried for my life! Kaiba looked ready to strangle me afterword!" Percy said grinning with an exaggerated fake shudder that had Grover laughing in relief, glad his friend wasn't acting any different than before.
"Oi wimp! I challenge you to a duel!" One of Percy's biggest tormentors at Yancy, and unknown to him but his biggest fan-girl there as well, Nancy Bobofit demanded staring intently at Percy who sighed.
"No Nancy because I want to relax for a while before I start getting challenged left and right. Ask me during free time next week!" Percy said causing the girl to growl and storm away while Percy and Grover exchanged looks before they both shrugged and lugged their way towards their dorm. A few months later and Percy was wondering who he had pissed off in a past life as he sat on a school bus heading towards a Greek and Roman museum with 27 other mentally disturbed kids and only two teachers. He was in for a pleasant surprise though when the Museum curator came out to greet them though.
"Oi! What are you doing here aunt Ishizu?" Percy asked breaking away from the group and grinning as the woman blinked in surprise before hugging him, much to most of the others shock. Percy had met Ishizu once when he was younger and spending time with his great grandpa. He had gotten lost in Japan and wandered into Ishizu's Egyptian museum on accident. The tall Egyptian woman had found him wandering around lost and looked after him until they could get Pegasus to pick up the phone and come pick up Percy. Ever since anytime Percy was in Japan he would make sure to stop by and say 'hi' to his honorary 'aunt' while anytime Ishizu was in America she would practically kidnap Percy, with his mom's permission, and take him out for the day.
"Percy what a pleasant surprise. I recently became curator of this museum and was checking on how it was running when I heard of a school coming here for a field trip. I decided to welcome them myself since I was still here but I did not expect to see you as one of the students. How is my favorite nephew?" Ishizu asked smiling at the twelve year old as they separated and Percy grinned up at her mischievously, causing her to wonder if he had spent too much time with her brother or not. That smile looked just like Mariks!
"I'm your only nephew Aunty but I'm good. How're you doing? Beating the crap out of Uncles Marik and Malik yet?" Percy asked with a grin while Ishizu scowled slightly at the mention of her brother and his darkness.
"I am fine and unfortunately I haven't had the chance to hang them by their ankles over a snake pit yet, they took refuge with Ryou until they deemed I have sufficiently calmed down from their latest escapade." Ishizu said causing Percy to snicker slightly, yeah that sounded like his two Egyptian uncles alright.
"What they do? Paint your cloths pink again?" Percy asked causing Ishizu to scowl deeper and growl low in her throat, her returned Millennium Necklace glinting in the light from its place on her collarbone.
"No they put moths in my closet this time and ran before I realized it." Ishizu said causing all the girls to wince in sympathy for her, even mean old Mrs. Dodds. Percy meanwhile shook his head in disbelief.
"You'd think the terror twins I call my uncles would have learned to not prank you or your cloths already. Bakas." Percy said causing Ishizu to snort in agreement before regaining her composure as she looked at the class and the teachers.
"Either way you are on a field trip and therefore should get going. I shall lead the tour myself seeing as how my nephew is in the group. By the way Percy I will be kidnapping you for our usual day out after the field trip is over with." Ishizu said at first to the class and then to Percy who grinned up at her while she ruffled his hair affectionately.
"Sure thing aunty." Percy said grinning as he followed his aunt into the museum, the rest of the class shaking off their shock for the moment and following them while Mr. Brunner went up the handicapped ramp. No one noticed a small auburn haired girl and a taller volcanic eyed girl following the group curiously.
"Now then. Let's get on with the tour!" Ishizu said wrapping an arm around Percy's shoulders and keeping him close by as she led the group towards the Greek side of the museum.
"Hey! What's this?!" Nancy shouted up to Ishizu when she passed a stone tablet with seven engravings in it. Ishizu turned to look at what the kleptomaniac had pointed out and tensed at the sight of the tablet.
"That should not be here. That is an Egyptian artifact not Greek or Roman." Ishizu said with her eyes narrowing at the tablet as she felt the golden item in her pocket, the one she was going to give Percy later today since it is his Great-grandfathers wish and Shadi had approved of it.
"I don't believe I know what this is. Ms. Ishizu? Since you seem to be familiar with this tablet do you mind enlightening us, especially when that one engraving looks much like your necklace?" Mr. Brunner asked as he wheeled forward to look at the tablet curiously while Mrs. Dodds and the students looked at the tablet curiously as well. Except for Percy, he already knew what the tablet was.
"That's the tablet of the Egyptian Millennium Items isn't it aunty?" Percy asked looking at the tablet and recalling what his aunt, uncles, and Grandpa Pegasus had told him about it. Most of the class scoffed thinking he was wrong but fell silent when Ishizu nodded idly, still staring at the tablet.
"That it is Percy. Do you recall what me, your uncles, and your great-grandfather told you about this tablet and the items it once held?" Ishizu asked looking down at her nephew curiously while he nodded thoughtfully.
"Most of it. The engravings are where the seven Millennium items were once held until they found their chosen wielders right? Most of the wielders are said to be reincarnations of those who originally held the items, which is why they are bonded to the items and the items powers are more effective for them than it would be for others. Some of the items like the Puzzle and Ring are said to have held the spirits of their previous wielders in them until they found the other half of their spirit that was reincarnated. The Puzzle had the darker half of the old Egyptian Pharaoh, Atem; the ring had the dark half of a Magician, Mahads, soul; and the rod had the dark half of Priest Secmenton's soul and those three are just the more well known since all the items contain at least a small fraction of their original wielders soul right?" Percy asked as he tried to remember everything his aunt and uncles had told him about the items when he was younger, as well as his experiences with them in the past.
"Good Percy. Can you inform your classmates of the original wielders of the items?" Ishizu said smiling down at Percy proudly, proud and happy he had remembered this much.
"Well I already said that Atem had the puzzle but others like Priest Seto used it, Mahad had the ring although it was used by those like Zorc too, and priests Seto and Secmenton originally had the rod. So that leaves the eye, ankh or key, scales, and necklace right? The necklace used to be worn by one of the Pharaoh's priestess's, Isis. The ankh had always been kept by the Millennium guard, Shada. The scales used to belong to Thief King Bakura and Karim. The eye used to be held Aknadin. I think that's all of it." Percy said causing Ishizu to nod while Mr. Brunner and Mrs. Dodds were wondering why he couldn't be this smart in their respective classes.
"Good Percy. Now what were the Item's powers?" Ishizu questioned, wondering just how much Percy remembered of her and the others lessons.
"Well they all had the powers to commence a shadow duel which could trap a person's soul in the shadow realm where the Duel Monsters spirits reside but each of them also had individual powers. The puzzle had the power to control the Duel Monsters, including the Egyptian God Cards, and it had power over darkness. The eye let its wielder read other peoples mind by looking through their eyes and it had the ability to seal souls into cards. The ring could let its wearer find whatever he or she seeks and let the wielder summon beings from the realm of shadows without being in a duel. The scales judge the souls of evils and in Ancient Egypt it used to be used for fusion monsters. The ankh, or Key, as it's more commonly called, let its bearer enter another person's mind. The rod lets you seal tombstones stone monsters, which were the original Yu-gi-oh cards, and it lets the wielder control the minds of others. The necklace has the power to let its wearer see in the past or future, although the future part is iffy at best since it keeps changing all the time." Percy reeled off causing Ishizu to beam at him proudly before she looked mildly wary when Percy suddenly grinned.
"Betcha you would have liked to know that the future changes during your duel with Kaiba huh Aunty?" Percy asked grinning up at her and causing her to scowl; she still hated the fact that her item hadn't correctly predicted his moves.
"You shush about that." Ishizu said putting her nephew in a playful headlock while many of the students were still absorbing all the information they had gotten about the Millennium items depicted in the tablet.
"You two are talking as if these Millennium items are real." Mr. Brunner noted as he stared at the two who were snickering now at the look on some of the kids faces at what the Items could do.
"What makes you think they aren't?" Ishizu asked rhetorically with a small mysterious smile on her lip while Percy continued to struggle playfully in her grasp.
"You're telling us these super powered items actually exist?!" Nancy asked staring at Percy and the Egyptian woman in front of her in disbelief.
"That's for us to know and you all to possibly find out."