A/N: This was written as an entry for CaptainAmberRose's competition. It's different from my other fics, but I'm just suffering from renewed Fíli and Kíli feels, so I had to write something about them! :) this is slightly angsty, but I do hope you'll enjoy it all the same :3
As One
The rain falls in icy sheets, soaking through furs and cloaks alike, chilling to the bone. The shouts of the rest of the company still sound in the night air, lost as they are among the roar of the wind and clashes of rock falling on rock. But two figures are oblivious to this, intent only on holding the other close, clutching at sodden clothes to make sure that the other is really there.
The brothers cling to each other, bodies shaking in cold and fear and shock. When the mountain moved, splitting them, clasped hands wrenched apart, all they could feel was panic. All-consuming, heavy panic. Together - they were always together; they existed as one, or not at all, and this separation was gut-wrenching, heart-breaking, strangling all else.
Now all they can do is clutch at each other, reassuring themselves.
They follow the others, stumbling their way into the cave Dwalin finds, and they curl up in a corner, neither releasing his hold on the other. Kíli's still-shivering body is pressed close to Fíli, who returns the hug fiercely, protectively. He doesn't want Kíli to let go, even if the younger could.
You look after your brother, Fíli. Keep him close.
He remembers his mother's parting words, tight-lipped with fear. Both of them so full of excitement at this adventure that neither of them noticed the hard glint in their mother's eyes, or the stiff posture, telling clearly of her pain.
But now they have tasted life without the other, and it is unbearable. Fíli wraps his arms tighter around his little brother, trying to still the quivering of Kíli's frame. He begins to stroke his brother's hair, gently soothing the sodden locks away from his face. He undoes the braids in Kíli's hair, and softly starts to re-weave it.
Over. Under. Left. Middle. Right.
Fíli's fingers dance in the pattern he learned as a dwarfling, his hands so sure he could do it in his sleep. Kíli's body has stilled, but he still presses close to Fíli. His eyes when he looks up and smiles at Fíli are relaxed. Fíli finishes his brother's plait, pulling the hair back and replacing the fine silver clasp in the style that proclaims him of the line of Durin. Fíli's own braids and clasp are falling out, but he is content to comb his fingers through Kíli's dark chestnut locks in the same way their mother used to when they were small.
Soon Kíli's breathing becomes slower, deeper, more regular.
I love you, brother. Kíli's soft whisper ghosts over his ear.
Fíli grips his brother closer.
And I you, Kíli, he murmurs softly. Don't ever leave me again.
Kíli's hand finds his; and soon the heirs of Durin lie sleeping in the shadows of the cave, hands still entwined together.
And it is testament to their love, to the strength of their promise, that when the floor opens up beneath them, as cries fill the air and even as they fall into the yawning maw of the stinking goblin tunnel, they do not let go.
A/N: I re I just had to get the feels out of my system and found a free moment, so I give you this :3 I really hope you liked it! Please do let me know what you thought! :)