Me "Hey everyone I'm back again with another story!! This I actually have to give credit though to Hikari Takaishi because she helped me by giving me the idea!! Thanks girl!"

Davis "Hey look at me!!! The ever so powerful Davis has returned!!!!!"

Me * sweatdrops * "Uh yeah right 'ever so powerful Davis'.. Unfortunately I had to bring him back too otherwise there would be no fun in writing disclaimers! Speaking of which."

Ken "I'm one step ahead of you! Alright, Karikamiya07 does not own any part of Digimon." * sniff * "The memories of disclaimers."

Me "Uh okay. Anyway, this fic is about a cruise ship trip that the digidestined's school planned.. Oh this should be interesting.. Anyways it will be a Takari as always, with Taiora and Mimato hints by request of Hikari Takaishi! For this chapter it will be Kari's POV. On with the fic!"

Chapter One: Bright Beginnings


It was a bright, sunny Monday morning. Another school day had dreadfully arrived for the students of Odaiba High School. Most of the old digidestined were in the graduating class of Odaiba High School, except for Yolei, Ken, Davis, Kari, and TK of course. They just happened to be the lucky little niners of the school as Matt and Tai so kindly reminded their siblings of. Cody was still back in Middle School since he was younger then the rest.

It was 8:00 in the morning and 14 year old Hikari Kamiya was getting ready for her first day of grade 9 at Odaiba High School. Hikari was basically just like every other normal 14-year-old. She liked to hang out with her friends as late as humanly possible. She liked to gab on the phone and on the Internet with her friends, and she liked to listen to music a whole lot. With all this boy did she add up a big electronic bill. Some of Hikari's features had changed during the course of two years. She had let her silky brown hair grow out, just as a change from the 12 years where she kept her hair short. Her figure had changed in the last year or so, so that her curves were slightly more defined. Even her personality changed a bit. It was obvious to any guy that she flirted more then she used to.

Hikari managed to get herself out of bed when her alarm buzzed and went over to her dresser. She picked up a brush and started to comb her hair out which had gotten messed up overnight. After she was finished brushing her hair, she went over to her closet and found her uniform. She laid the uniform down on her bed and was just about to change into it when she heard a knock at the door.

"Kari are you up?" She could hear Tai ask from the other side of the door.

"Yeah I'm up. I'm just getting dressed Tai."

"Okay, well I'll make us some breakfast since mom is out."

I could hear Tai's footsteps walk away from the door and towards the kitchen. My room has been kinda empty since Tai moved into another bedroom about a year ago. I mean a girl can't really be in the same bedroom with her brother while going through puberty.(A/N: Sorry about the change of POV's!!! But now it's in Kari's POV)

I quickly got dressed and went over towards the kitchen. I could smell already by my door that Tai had begun to make scrambled eggs and bacon. He grabbed the frying pan and dished some of the food onto his plate and then came over to mine.

"So how are you feeling about your first day at grade 9?!" I could tell he was about to give me a noogie.

"Touch my hair Taichi and you're looking to get your ass kicked!" Tai stopped with his hand in mid-air and then started back defensively.

"Woah woah! Calm down Kari. I was just kidding. Jeez."

I smirked and started at my breakfast. Afterwards we jumped in Tai's car and went over to the school.

Okay so it wasn't like I haven't been to this school before. I mean I always used to go to Tai's soccer games here, and to various other events. Something about today made the school feel different somehow though. I was actually pretty frightened that I wouldn't make any friends here! Hah! Who would've thought? Kari Kamiya afraid that she wouldn't make friends.

"Common Kari, let's go already!" Tai was standing impatiently in front of me, waiting to go inside.

"Coming!" I replied as I jogged a little to catch up with him.

I got inside and Tai told me where the grade nines line up to get sorted into their classes, while he went off towards his class. I walked through the hallways looking at the school and getting familiar with the hallways. I always loved how this school was built. In the center of the school there was this sort of square courtyard that held plants and a place to sit down. High above it at the top, there was a skylight so that sun could radiate down. Looking at it made me feel somewhat welcome, with that shine that was radiating downwards.

I finally found that place where Tai was telling me to go, and immediately found myself immersed in a crowded hallway full of other grade nines. God, how was I going to find my friends?!

Just as luck would have it, guess who crashed into me as we fell on the floor? My best friend since I was eight. That's right. Takeru Takaishi otherwise known as TK and a star basketball player.

"Hey Hika, fancy meeting you around here." I started to laugh at his comment but also partly at the nickname he used for me.

"Oh yeah I don't come to this floor often." We both shared a laugh as TK helped me back up. TK was of course always the type of guy to do that. That's probably why every girl loves him! Some people even think that I like him! But I'm just his best friend and that's how I want it to stay. Just friends.

"Hey TK have you seen the others by any chance?"

"Nope! I've been trying to find them too. It's like a madhouse in here!"

"Yeah I know!"

"Hey, looks like we're supposed to go inside."

I just laughed as all the other people around us pushed us inside the auditorium. We managed to find some seats and scouted the area for anyone that could possible be our friends, and we managed to find Yolei and Ken. Not much of a surprise that Davis wasn't there yet, because he takes so much after my brother, that I wouldn't be surprised if he's late. Soon enough the Principal came and started talking to us about the same boring things as always. You know the ones where they always give you the lecture on rules and stuff?

Well we finally got sorted out into our Homerooms, and were able to get our schedules as soon as we went to our homerooms. I was quite lucky actually because first period I had Japanese. It wasn't that bad of a subject after all. Better that then Math or something. What made it even better is that I had all my friends in it, minus Davis which wasn't bad because sometimes he could just be a real pain I'm sorry to say. My friend's and I finally found our classroom and went inside to find other students picking seats in the room. So, TK, Ken, Yolei, and I sat down fairly close to one another when our teacher came in. We soon learned that his name was Mr. Matsuka and that he seemed to be a fairly lenient teacher when it came to work. He even let us out of school early once we got our lockers assigned!!

Well, after school we went over to an ice cream parlor to finish of a pretty good day at school. This included all but Davis of course. You see because he was late to the opening ceremony he had to go to the principal's office to get a talking to. Boy does this guy start early!

TK walked me home after we got ice cream since my house was on his way home. He walked me up to my apartment and I didn't argue since I knew I wouldn't be able to win.

"Thanks for walking me home TK."

"No problem Hika." We kind of just stood there not knowing what to say until TK finally broke the silence.

"So I'll see you at school tomorrow?"

I giggled, "Yeah, and preferrably not on the floor this time!" He laughed as he turned to go.

"Later Kari!"


I watched him go and then turned to go into the apartment. I just love it when TK walks me home! I don't really know why, but I just get this warm feeling inside me afterwards! Strange that I get that huh? Oh well!

The next week went by pretty slowly. Basically all it was, was going to classes, doing homework, and hanging out with friends as much as I could. But then something interesting happened. One day, as my friends and I were walking to our lockers in the morning, we saw a girl putting up a poster. We decided to take a look because well we're curious teenagers! Once we got close enough to see the poster our mouths gave away!

"This looks like an awesome idea!!" TK exclaimed.

"Yeah! I mean we can even ditch school and go!!" Yolei squealed.

"Do you guys want to go?!" I asked and I got all positive responses.

"Awesome!! So, we're going on a school cruise ship trip!!!"

End of Chapter 1 ~*~

Me "Alright so did you guys like that? Don't worry it will turn into a Takari later on!! Plus this is just the beginning chapter so it won't have much to do with the plot just yet! You have to be patient!"


Me "Well Davis I'm sorry to say that it's the truth! What did you expect me to lie?!"

Davis * opens his mouth to say something but then decides not to and crouches down into a ball *

Me * sigh * "He never learns. Anyway, please R+R the fic!"