Chapter nine

The day of the memorial, Harry and his friends helped the staff of Hogwarts set everything up, from outside to inside the castle. Seats were set up outside on the grounds with a small stage set up for the speeches. The great hall had been transformed for the victory party that was to be help right after dinner. All the house tables and staff tables had been removed and smaller round tables had been set up. The great hall had also been expanded to fit all the guests that had been invited. Once the great hall was finished, Severus sealed it until it was needed, lunch was to be taken outside where some tables had been set up for all the students and staff could eat.

'So when does all the guests start arriving?' Harry asked as he looked around.

'Two hours, but everything is done. I think we deserve to spend some time alone while we have the chance. After you reveal what you are doing, I don't think you're going to get a lot of peace and I mean from all your real friends.'

'Then let's head to our room,' Harry grinned.

Two hours later, all students were in dress robes, all staff in their dress robes. Severus stood with his staff while the aurors allowed all the invited guests onto the grounds. Once everyone was seated Kingsley stood on the stage, he never spoke straight away, he looked at every person seated.

'We here today to pay tribute for the fallen, the ones that died trying to make our world a better place, a place where our children would be safe. They deserve our respect, they deserve our thanks and they deserve our appreciation. For if they did not serve the light side even until death then we might be still living under the dark. We will never know how many died as there are people still missing that might never be found.

'More than fifty years ago Tom Riddle put his plans into action and thanks to a select few people those plans were thwarted. Voldemort was a patient man, he believed what he was doing was his right, what he was meant to do. But he was a man with a damaged soul and no love in his heart. He did not care for the lives of others, he cared about his own life and any person that got in his way lost their life. All but one person who was willing to do anything to make sure our world was rid of the worst dark wizard in history. If that meant dying, that is what he was willing to do. I asked the recipient of the order of merlin: first class Mr. Harry Potter to join me on stage.' Harry sighed but stood and joined the minister for magic who placed a large gold medallion around his neck, 'We thank you for your dedication to achieving what others tried to achieve but died trying. You rid our world of Tom Riddle, Lord Voldemort,' Kingsley and everyone else started applauding, 'Care to say a few words Mr. Potter.'

Harry glanced around at Severus who nodded, 'Tom Riddle was a man who wanted what he did not deserve. He did not want money, he did not want fame, he did not want popularity, he wanted power, the power to rule all of us and our world, a power he didn't deserve. To get that power he destroyed what all of us hold dearly, he took away our loved ones, our family and he wanted to take away our free will. Many suffered because of him, many will suffer for years to come, some through injury, some through loss. I know how it feels to lose people, all of you sitting before me know what it feels like to lose people.

'But even through that loss we never gave up the fight, like me, some would have fought to the death, if it came to that. I had people feel sorry for me from the time I was a baby, a boy left an orphan because his parents were murdered, but there are many others that deserve your sympathy. For years I felt guilty over the death of my parents, believing if they didn't try to protect me, they would have lived. But that is what parents do, protect the innocent, protect their children.

'Our world suffered, my hope, my wish is that none of us ever have to suffer through another war like the one we just went through. Yes I wanted him dead, I'm sure all of you wanted him dead. I had personal reasons for wanted to see the man that murdered my parents to die, but that is not the only reason I decided to fight. Seeing what others had been through, hearing the stories of suffering, those were the reason I decided to fight, fight because it was the right thing to do, for everyone.

'One year ago today our world finally came out from under the dark cloud or terror and suffering, into the light. May we never see that dark again,' Harry nodded as he stared around at all the guests who applauded, then Kingsley shook Harry's hand before Harry sat back beside Severus.

Kingsley spoke for a few more minutes then he started to hand out memorial pins to everyone that lost family, starting with Harry who received a pin for his father, mother and godfather. After that, names were called to receive their pins. After that Kingsley with the assistance of Harry handed out the awards to the Hogwarts house elves, the hippogriffs, the centaurs and Grawp, it was a gold medallion in the shape of the peace dove. Everyone laughed when Grawp picked up Harry so he could place the medallion over his head, then kissed Harry on the cheek before lowering him to the ground.

'I'm glad that was you and not me Harry.'

'I bet you are minister,' Harry smiled over at Grawp, gave him a wave before sitting back down.

'I have one more thing to say before we head inside for dinner and our victory party. Everyone I spoke to, everyone the wizengamot spoke to, everyone the headmaster and the staff of Hogwarts spoke to all decided that today should be made a holiday. A holiday where we can remember those that died, but also a day we can celebrate that we now live in a safe and free world. I decided to do a poll to see what today should be called and no surprise really, it was unanimous. Today, the day Harry Potter killed Voldemort will be forever known as the Harry Potter holiday, or as some have already nicknamed it, the Harry holiday.'

Kingsley chuckled as Harry's mouth dropped open, flashes from hundreds of camera's were taking shot after shot at Harry's shocked face but it never stopped the applause, the whistles or the chanting of Harry's name, Harry, Harry, Harry, Harry. Harry Potter was bright red in the face as he stood to acknowledge everyone, some he knew, some he didn't, but all were applauding and calling his name and all Harry could do was stand there and let them do it.

Once the memorial pins and medallions were finished everyone stood and walked past the large memorial wall where the names of everyone that died were engraved in gold. The moment it started to get dark Kingsley gestured for everyone to make their way inside for dinner. All guests and students were assigned tables, the house elves continuously sent up food, tea, coffee, juice and all manner of drinks.

Right after dinner was finished, Kingsley started on other awards, the order of merlin: third class to all that turned up to fight. The order of merlin: second class to all members of the DA and the Order of the Phoenix. Then the award for the order of merlin: first class. Harry receiving a second order of merlin: first class, Severus also received the order of merlin: first class to his stunned surprise.

'Just before we kick off our victory party, I was asked to allow two people to talk, the first is Minerva McGonagall,' Kingsley moved aside as Minerva joined him on stage, she floated a pensieve onto the stage as well then glanced down at Harry ready to show him something that has been in her possession now for more than three years.

Minerva smiled as she looked down at Harry, 'I was given something by a wonderful man, he asked me to keep this safe in the event of his death. He knew like all of us knew how easy any of us could die, but sometimes that death comes to sudden for them to say goodbye,' Minerva nodded to Severus who put his arm around Harry and moved them to the front, 'Harry, this is a message for you.'

'Me, from who?'

'Just watch,' Minerva looked kindly down at Harry before she moved her wand over the pensieve, and a smiling Sirius was gazing down at Harry.

'Sirius,' Harry felt himself choke up.

'Hey Harry, well, if you're seeing this it means I wasn't able to hang on to help you finish that bastard. I know my death will cause you pain and I'm sorry for putting you through that. But think about this mate, I'm with Prongs, imagine how often we're going to get hexed by your mother. Oh merlin did she have a temper. If you happen to still see my old enemy, Snape, asked him about your mother, she gave him grief for years, but they were good friends.

'There's something I need to say, you need to be careful Harry, there are people around you that aren't what they seem, so be cautious and don't put you're trust in just anyone. You have great insight, you will know who to trust, you'll feel it. When you left me that day, on the night bus with Tonks, Remus and Mad-Eye, I knew something was going to happen, I saw in your eyes that you knew it as well. You clung to me, refused to let me go until you were dragged away, because we both knew, in our hearts that we wouldn't see each other again.

'We always had a connection, from the day you were born. You see Harry, your dad arrived an hour after you were born, I was with Lily while she gave birth to you and she fell asleep right after, so it was me that got to hold you first. James practically had to drag you out of my arms so he could hold you, I just didn't want to let you go. Your mother endured twenty-four hours of labour to deliver you, broke three of my fingers from squeezing my hand so tight. You came into the world a quiet baby, that never changed, you were always a quiet person.

'One thing Lily hoped you didn't get was James' hair, bad luck there Lil's, out you came with a mop of black messy hair, just like your father. They loved you Harry, never feel guilty for what happened to them. They were going to do anything to make sure you lived, just like I would. If you're wondering, yes you were planned, you were not an accident. I used to see you staring at that small picture of your parents and I just knew that's what you were thinking and I was planning on telling you, but like always, we got interrupted. We never did get a lot of time alone.

'One more thing I'll say before I leave you, I was very good at reading people, there were a few we saw quite often that seemed to have another agenda, but one surprised me. I may not have liked Severus Snape, but I know he was protecting you even if he acted like he hated you, he didn't. I never asked him what he was doing, I think we would have killed each other if we spoke or spent any time alone. But since I'm gone and if you need someone to truly trust, then trust Snape. I wish I was there with you and I hope you've finally sent that bastard to hell where he belongs.

'Just know Harry, that I love you and that love will go with me, just like the love your parents had for you went with them. You will feel us if you concentrate, we're part of you, we're in your heart. Find someone you can love, someone that loves you, oh and if you haven't worked it out yet, you're gay. I knew that the moment I saw you at thirteen. So, whoever this bloke is that you give your heart to, tell him from me he better look after you or I'll come back and haunt him. All I want is for you to be happy mate, you deserve that. Never forget I love you Harry,' Sirius smiled again before the memory faded.

'Last week I had a plaque with Sirius name placed next to your parents graves at Godric's Hollow. I only got to meet Sirius a couple of times as an adult, but I could tell how much you meant to him. But now before we get on with the music you wished to say something Harry.'

Harry wiped his face, kissed Severus then stepped up on the stage, 'Thanks Professor, I'm glad Sirius gave that to you, he might have been a bit mischievous, but he knew who he could trust.'

'He could, I gave my word that his memory will remain safe until you received it. But now the stage is yours,' Minerva patted Harry on the shoulder then stepped off the stage.

Harry cleared his throat, took the memory out, placed it in a vial, then pour another memory into the pensieve.

'Sirius was right, I did have people around me that weren't what they pretended to be,' Harry saw movement from Hermione, Ron and Ginny, he nodded to Severus who flicked his wand at the doors to the great hall, sealing them, 'Not long after Sirius died, I came back here. During the Christmas holidays the last thing I felt like doing was celebrating, I wanted to be alone, I'm sure a lot of you know how that feels. But one night I heard something that I found hard to believe at first, then I felt betrayed and that hurt. This memory or memories I'm about to show you is something I found out, it shows how far some people are willing to go to get what they want, whether they deserve it or not, a lot like Voldemort in a way,' Harry flicked his wand and brought the memory to life before he stepped off stage and into Severus' arms.

Neville, Draco, Luna and Minerva stood around Harry and Severus while everyone watched as Harry stood in just a towel overhearing a conversation between Hermione Granger, Ron Weasley and Ginny Weasley. The shocked gasps went around the great hall, but they got louder when Harry stood under his invisibility cloak listening to Molly Weasley tell her daughter to sleep with Harry and get pregnant, then they will get Harry as family and get his money.

One memory after another showed Hermione, Ron, Ginny and sometimes Molly talking about how to get Harry to marry Ginny, how they had to keep acting like his friend so they could become liked and respected because they were friends with the chosen one. The last memory was of Harry walking alone down a dark corridor, everyone saw the spell hit his back. They noticed Harry was awake, just petriefied, so they saw what was happening around Harry.

They saw Hermione, Ron and Ginny step towards a petrified Harry, Ron undressed Harry, Hermione gave him a potion, then they all heard them say that Harry didn't get an erection like the potion was meant to do, that Ginny was supposed to have sex and get pregnant. Finally, they realised the potion didn't work so Hermione removed Harry's memory. Ron dressed Harry again then they left, leaving Harry petrified. The memory finished and all eyes turned to Hermione, Ron, Ginny and Molly before Kingsley walked over to them, disarmed them, ripped their awards from their chest, then gestured for two aurors to arrest them.

Shouting from almost everyone asking how they could treat Harry like that, after all he had done for their world. Kingsley and his aurors realised that had to get them out of there, so Kingsley gestured for the aurors to take them to the ministry so the victory party could commence.

'Even though that has shocked me and everyone here Harry, you do have real friends, I count myself as one of them. So, before we kick off the music tell me, do you want them charged.'

'Yes, I want them to suffer for what they were doing and planning to do. But also for taking my time from Sirius. They deliberately came between us because they knew how much I was beginning to care for Sirius.'

'I'll take care of it in the morning, but I think like all of us, you deserve to have a good night. So, Harry Potter, are you ready to party?'

'All night minister, let the music begin.'

'You heard the saviour, music,' Kingsley shouted then jumped off the stage as the band started playing. Harry was surrounded by all his real friends, but it was Severus that kept his arms around Harry, he wasn't going to let his love go. They were never going to be apart again, and no one will ever try to use or hurt Harry again. Severus made a silent promise that Harry will only know love, he will know trust and he will experience happiness, from that moment on, everything he deserved Severus was going to make sure Harry got.

The end: