Chapter One

A/N: This chapter is pretty short but I promise the others will be longer. Also, I am planning on this being a two-parter (another fanfiction will follow this one as a kind of 'sequel'). Anyway, I hope you like the first chapter! :DD

Soft, golden light filters through the canopy of leaves that seems to blanket the entire forest. To the east, the sun is still creeping up into the sky, painting the horizon a mural of pinks and yellows. There's a distinct scent in the air. One like freshly cut grass and early morning dew. All of the forest's life is still asleep at this hour, so the only sound to be the rythmic thumping of sandles on a tree's branches and the hiss of air as it breaks around a speeding figure.

A boy, no older than seventeen, zips through the woods. His pale skin and jet black hair looking out of place amongst all the green and gold of the trees and sky. The young man stares straight ahead, his gaze never deterring from his set path, which leads him directly to the north. There's a slight frown on his pale lips.

I'm going to have to see them soon... He realizes, not for the first time since he left. I wonder how they will react about seeing me after so long... A feeling of uneasiness settles in his chest at the thought of facing one thing in particular. Or, better yet, one person. The same person who had practically plauged him for three years. At first, the person had only invaded his mind and dreams... Until a few months ago...when his old team had actually managed to track him down. And that one person, of course, was there.

His experssion darkens even further. You'll probably be ecstatic...won't you, Usuratonkachi?

"Oi, Naruto!" Kakashi sighs, heavily as he tries to catch up to his student. "What did I just say? Our mission may be over but we still need to stay in formation!"

Beside the older Jonin, Yamato shakes his head. How Kakashi has managed to deal with his students this long is beyond me...I barely have enough energy to handle Naruto for a single mission...!

Far ahead of them, Naruto spins around and flashes a brilliant smile. "Oh come on, Kakashi-sensei!" He cheers, loudly. "We're so close to the village already! Why slow down now?"

Kakashi sighs again and just continues to gain speed, not liking how far his young student was from them. If they were to be attacked, he wouldn't be able to help Naruto if need be. Not that Naruto really needed his help...not anymore. Within the past few years, the loud-mouthed, energetic blonde had become one of the most powerful shinobi in the entire Leaf Village. He's far beyond needing the protection of his mentor.

It's because Kakashi is deep in thought about these things, that he doesn't notice when Naruto suddenly stops, dead in his tracks. His azure eyes wide with shock. The silver haired Jonin nearly collides with his student, but catches himself at the last moment.

"What's the matter?" Kakashi asks him, vaugely noticing when Yamato drops to the branch beside them.

"Someone's nearby." Naruto mutters, looking tense.

Kakashi hesitates. He hadn't felt any presence... "Are you sur-"

"Oi." The voice is unwavering, even. And firmiliar.

Kakashi braces himself for what's to come next. He has no idea why his old student would suddenly show up on his own like this...but surely, there was a fight to be had. Yamato tenses as well, readying himself to supress the kyuubi, Naruto's inner demon.

Without moving an inch, Naruto says, "It's been a while...Sasuke."

"Yeah." Sasuke folds his arms. "But I'm not here for small talk, Usuratonkachi."

Naruto, who had remained relatively calm thus far, can't help his heart from leaping into his throat at the sound of the insulting nickname. He hadn't heard it since Sasuke abandoned the village...three years ago. Why would he suddenly show up on his own? And talking as if they weren't enemies now...? His teeth grind together as he tries to keep himself calm. "Oh?" He asks. "Are you ready to fight me now?"

Sasuke's eyes narrow. Naruto isn't acting like he'd expected. "No."

Only then does Naruto turn to face him. "Then why're you here?"

Sasuke pauses, his answer seemed to cling in his throat. He doesn't want to admit the reason he's there... "I guess you could say...I want to return to Konoha."