Chapter Fifteen - Epilogue

Sofia was home and recovering, she then decided to talk with GIbbs who agreed to come over for the talk, TOny looked after their twins upstairs as he let them have some privacy, as Sofia told Gibbs how much of a shock it was growing up without a dad and that Jenny did what she could, Gibbs knew that Sofia had been raised right and looked a lot like her mother but she had his eyes, Gibbs told Sofia that he wanted to make up for the lost time and Sofia agreed to allow him that chance.

Upon hearing those words, Gibbs smiled softly and let himself be happy for once and he was glad that Sofia was finally giving him a chance to be involved in her life after all these years, Gibbs couldn't help but wonder why he never knew that she was his child, he shrugged that thought off and focused on now, he had Sofia in his life and he was sure glad of that.

Knowing that he had a chance to be the father Sofia always wanted, he asked her when she was due and Sofia tells him that she isn't due for four months and Gibbs smiled knowing this and he knew that Sofia was safe with Tony who had been a rock to Sofia over the past few years and Gibbs knew that Sofia would be fine with Tony, as Sofia felt her baby kicking hard.

A few weeks later, Sofia was with Tony when she collapsed and Tony rushed her to the hospital, telling them that she has collapsed and she was quickly ruhed into the OR where things would take a shocking matter of life and death, Sofia was flatlining and surgeons were doing all they could to save both Sofia and her unborn daughter but it was becoming worse, Tony was pacing with worry about his wife and unborn baby daughter, Tony needed them both to survive.

Gibbs met up with Tony, who told Gibbs what happened, when the doctor returned to the room, he had a sad expression on his face and Tony asks what's wrong and the doctor tells them that the baby survived but Sofia was on life suppport due to massive internal bleeding.

Tony was stunned by this news and he asked to see her but the doctor said that he couldn't just yet and Tony then asked to see his baby daughter and was taken to see her inside her incubator in the Special Care Baby Unit, Tony saw her and sniffled as he put his hand inside to touch her and he just hoped that she was gonna be ok, Tony worried about Sofia and he just needed her to pull through for him and their three children, Tony watched over his baby girl and he loved her so much.

Tony wanted Sofia to pull through and be allowed home with their newborn baby girl, Tony was now allowed to see Sofia and he just broke down in tears and begged her to pull through as he needed her, he couldn't cope without her, Sofia was his whole life and he knew that she had to survive for him and their young children, he sighed softly and closed his eyes, just needing her with him.

Sofia remained on life support until doctors were certain the internal bleeding was under control but alas it was now a waiting game to see just to see if Sofia survives and Tony was scared of losing her, he just made a silent wish just hoping she'd pull through, Gibbs watched them through the window and he knew that Tony needed her and so did he.

As the day went on, their little girl was fighting to survive and Tony went to be with her and he fell more in love with his little girl, he knew that the best thing he did was being a dad and he was glad that Sofia had given him the chance to be a father..

Later that day, Sofia's heart-rate started to fall rapidly and Tony was pushed out of the room and he called her name out as Gibbs grabbed him and tried to keep him back, Tony cried out for Sofia and he was a mess, Tony wanted Sofia to be ok, as did Gibbs too.

As they waited for news on Sofia's condition, Tony paced with nerves shattered to bits, worried about Sofia when the doctor came out of the room and went to talk with them, the door opened and Tony looked up, tears rolling down his cheeks as he looked to the doctor, not knowing what might be said next...

What happens next? R&R if you want a sequel to find out!