While I was writing the other part, I really, really wanted to go through this scene, but couldn't since it was all in Dragon's POV. So, here's just a little add on a short little snippet to the other part. A bit of an explanation, if you will, for why Fran's behavior was as it was.

As you guys can see, I really, really like either instant attraction that morphs into love, or "Fated lovers" (Like TATT) that have some feelings for eachother right off the bat. I think it's cuz I'm lazy... Seriously, I hate going through all of the pre-femslash and pre-slash, I like to jump right in, but I know that I can't always do that... T.T


"Exit stage right. I suppose these petty thieves have some sense after all. Though it's usually easier when they don't."

"Balthier." Fran interupted. "I have found my mate."

"...Say again Fran?"

"The girl, the one who just ran out. She is my mate." The viera said, as if that should suffice as an explanation.

"What exactly do you mean by that? If you wish to court her, just say so. I'll admit, she was something to look at, but remember Fran, just because you want her doesn't mean she already belongs to you." Balthier chided with an air of someone who had much experience in the subject.

"That is not quite what I meant. The Viera do no pick their mates like you Hume do. We do not wander from one to another until we find the one that we think will fit us best. All viera have a mate chosen by the wood herself. We do not play at love until we find the one the wood has chosen for us. We know our mate as soon as we sent them and I have just found mine." Balthier absorbed all of this information with a raised eyebrow.

"I see. Well you've picked a fine time to find your soulmate. This means we need to take her, as well as the boy who has the nethicite, I presume?" The Viera nodded, eyes locked on the exit that the two thieves had left out of. Balthier sighed.

"I suppose it can't be helped. Alright, let's go get your girl and the nethecite and be done with this mess." There were few other times that he could remember seeing Fran move so fast to get the hoverbike.


I told you it would be short. Reviews, alerts and favorites, as always, are welcome but not required for more and they usually don't make me update any faster or slower. See you when I see you, my lovelies.