You're name is Gamzee Makara and you are very confused.

You used to be so high above all your friends, so how come they are all floating high above you now? You don't have much time to figure out why because the rest of them are now looking for you. You stare at the ground, admiring you're beautiful mosaic of indigo and olive. Such a pretty swirl of blood and death. You feel a little down, really. Their unseeing eyes will never get to see the beautiful thing they have created. Or, maybe they will while they learn to fly above your head.
You can't help but feel lonely, though. You used to surround yourself with amazing friends but now they've all gone away. Or maybe it is you who have been swept away, you can't really tell now. Maybe it was you're friends who were lonely. You should go find them and make them less lonely. Yeah, that seemed like a good idea.

You go off to find your friends.

You step over the corpses and head to the lab. Your best friend is waiting for you. The moment he sees you covered in blue and green, he turns from you. Why would he do that? You try to grab his arm, but he pulls away. You had to get him to stay still so you could make him less lonely! He begins clawing at your face, screaming at the others. This next part confuses you. He calls you a murderer. Why did he do that? All you did was make Miss Nepeta and Equius something beautiful. You try to explain, but Karkat continues to scream. You have to shut him up somehow. You got it!

This worked on Equius, surely it will work on him! You grab the troll by the throat. He claws at your hands, his angry screaming going to desperate pleas to nothing at all. The life escapes him and he goes limp in your hands. The silence finally falls and you smiled softly, letting the quieted troll hear your tale.

"It's a motherfuckin' miracle," You ponder, "Most beautiful thing all up in this damn place."

"Gamthee, whath with all the thcre-." Sollux shuts up mid sentence and stares from you to the lifeless troll in your hands.

"MOTHERFUCKER, LET ME ALL UP AND EXPLAIN!" But, you can't hear the troll over the shrill screams, you had to silence them some how. You grab one of your juggling pins and bash it over the yellow blood's head. There, now he'll be able to hear you. Just to be sure, you hit him again, watching the blood seep from the gash in his head.


"Gamzee?" Terezi stares at you. You couldn't have anyone else interrupting your tale. Down the blind girl went, just like the others. The bodies were piling up around you until the only screaming you hear is your own.

You don't get it, you're lighter than air now, why aren't you floating about with your friends? You search desperately for someone to explain this, but there is no one left. Well, all except one.

"Listen up, motherfucker, I'm gonna up and tell you my tale." He smiles at the crazed troll before him.

"And they all motherfuckin' LEFT!" Gamzee grins at his reflection. Those gawd damn screams, they continue to plague him though all the others' fall short.

"Motherfucker, SHUT UP!" Gamzee reaches for Kanaya's chainsaw, "SHUT THE FUCK UP!"

The only troll that would ever understand him was now lying beside his deceased friends.

Gamzee was finally floating high above his friends. Maybe even higher.

A/N: This was originally supposed to be a GamxTav based off a song I wrote called "Suicide Shenanigans" clearly it didn't work like that. Oh well.

Disclaimers: i own nothing