Hi all. This is the last chapter of my first fanfic. A milestone in my fangirling 'career'. I can't believe I didn't join this website earlier - honestly, it's epic! Hope you've enjoyed it.

Gill was sitting in front of the television. Every so often, she'd make a sarcastic remark to Julie before realising that she wasn't there. It was shit, if she was honest. She wondered whether she and Julie would be able to be friends if this relationship went down the toilet. It would be difficult, but she thought that they'd come through so much together that it would be impossible to get rid of each other. A tear escaped from her eye as she tried to avoid thinking about life without Julie.

A knock on the door interrupted her lamentations. She got up to go and answer it.

Gill opened the door and saw the one person she needed to see. It broke her heart to see Julie in such a state and she couldn't stop the tears from falling as Julie spoke.

'I love you more than life itself. I can't think of one reason why I said what I did because you are perfect and I don't know how I could ever manage without you.'

Gill stood there with her mouth opening and closing, not knowing what to say. Even Julie was surprised at this emotional outpour and felt veritably uncomfortable in the silence that followed.

'Could you please quit the fish impression and say something?'

'I would if I knew what to say.' Gill had no idea how she felt. 'Come in.'

Julie stepped inside and they went to sit down on the sofa.

'Please don't be mad at me,' Julie begged once they'd made themselves comfortable. 'I don't know why I said it because it's probably the most stupid lie that I've ever told.' She sat, staring at Gill, for what felt like an eternity before Gill said something.

'So you're serious about this... us?' She pulled herself together into detective mode and was now trying to get the facts together before she went any further.

'Of course I am. You're a great shag, so...' Julie cautiously tried to inject some humour into the evening.

'Oi, cheeky!' Gill was feeling better about this and responded well to Julie's comment, much to her girlfriend's relief.

'So are we ok?' Julie went back to serious mode. She wanted to make sure that everything was in line before they moved on.

'Of course.' Gill smiled at the woman in front of her who she knew she could never be angry at for too long. 'Because, whatever you do, I can't seem to stay angry with you for long.' Julie started to speak but Gill put her finger to her lover's lips.

'No, shush, it's my turn to embarrass you, now.' She grinned and took hold of Julie's hand, squeezing it gently as if to make sure she didn't disappear.

'I love you too. Honestly. It has been shit without you and I missed you like hell. Now please can we forget everything that's happened in the past few days and go upstairs because I'm having trouble keeping my hands off you.'

She ended with a giggle and Julie nodded gently, with a soft smile on her face.

'I never knew you felt quite like that.' Julie was ecstatic now that she knew Gill felt the same.

'Well, now you do.'

Gill sidled over next to Julie and took her face in her hands. The brief look they shared was one of pure love. They kissed languidly for a few moments before Gill moved to sit on top of Julie and deepened the kiss. Just as they were getting into it, Gill moved back.

'What's up?' Julie was terrified that she'd done something wrong again.

'Nothing, apart from the fact that I meant what I said.' She got up and held her hand out. 'Come on, love, you've got some making up to do.' She winked at Julie, who took her hand and pulled her girlfriend upstairs, kicking off those infamous red shoes, to do very naughty things to her.

Hope you've liked this story. I had a ball writing it (apart from the slight writer's block). Sorry if it was a bit fluffy and OOC but I couldn't help myself, they're so perfect for each other!