Why hello there. After reading those two chapters, you are wondering what my stance on the Edd and Kevin couple is.

Well, my stance is… how does it work? I have always been an avid fan of the series, but I follow it as close to it like the bible. If it reflects the source material really well, then that is half of the battle done. In my opinion, I find that the majority of the fan fictions skip over 'reflecting the source material' and it can suffer for it. That is how I was exposed to fan fiction and that is why I am a writer. As of the tenth chapter of my series 'Growth, Maturity and a Slight Pinch of Ed', I have received feedback and the common praise was how it felt so much like the cartoons despite the first chapter painting a situation so different to the cartoon.

And that is what I strive for. But, you know, as the woman has said in chapter 2, "If it bothers people so much, then contribute with your own ideas and share them. Or share one author's work that you feel it respects the canon". If you just complain without pulling your finger, then we are going to get more of the same. Some authors write what they care about and may only review one or two review for every three chapters. Sometimes, they never get a review at all!

But you can try. And maybe because of your work, you inspire someone to write their own. When I joined up last year, I decided to write my own work because of three authors. These three authors are: KiltedEngineer on "Bad Girl With Big Hearts", StarUchicha on "Immoral" and Flywheel Shyster and Flywheel for his one-shots. Another author by the name of therealshackleford played an influence, but I have yet to complete reading his work. But these authors influence me to write my own work.

It is fine to complain now and then. The Edd and Kevin shipping has gone out of hand recently, populating the first, second and third page of the EEnE section on . Some people are clearly disgruntled about it and I do not blame them. But we have to pull out our finger and write our own stories. And support others who are writing their stories.

On the subject of AU!Reverse by asphyxion. Simply put, I do appreciate her as an artist. She can definitely draw very well and it is a hobby for her. Her artistry is better than my writing. But it seems to bastardise every character such as Edd becoming the captain of the swim team, becoming the very character that is very hard to sympathise with and partakes in sexual harassment for the 'lulz'. She denies it of course, but the message is clear. If you sexually harass gay men, they will fall in love with you!

Is it just me that finds it a problem? Don't you see how homophobic it is becoming?

Regardless, there is a moral. That is, I cannot accuse others of not being 'true fans'. I can criticise them for taking a direction, but these standards are my own and not imposed on everyone. They have their own reasons why they believe in the couple. Just as I have mine. I want to portray both sides as reasonable. The ending regarding the meteor represents my feelings in the end.

I can understand why they write this stuff, but I still don't like it.