This is the latest idea I've had, and I thought I would put it out there to see if there's even a slight demand for something like this. The basic premise, if you haven't gotten it from the title and the summary, is that Issei is born with the Divine Dividing Sacred Gear, rather than the Boosted Gear. In this Vali will possess the Boosted Gear, and while I haven't written very much of it, I hope you enjoy the read. If the response is good, then I'll continue. If not, then I'll just delete the story.


"All right then Issei, hold out your left hand and try imagining the strongest image you can in your mind."

Nodding Issei does as Rias tells him to do, the young devil holding out his hand and closing his eyes, focusing, closing his eyes and thrusting his left hand into the air, drawing an image of Ria's breasts into his mind, Issei remembering how they looked the first time he saw them after waking up next to the naked red haired devil.

"SACRED GEAR!" Issei shouts, focusing on the image as hard as he can.

Something inside of him clicks, like a switch flipping inside his mind Issei feels something on his back, the object resting over both shoulder blades and the space between, Issei wondering just what is going on as he stands there with his left hand in the air, his hand balled into a fist.

All around him the members of the Occult Research club look on, like Issei each of them is curious about the oddly shaped white Sacred Gear that has formed across his back. None of them recognizes the strange shape, the strange accoutrement looking almost like armor, yet it sticks off of Issei's back at an angle, several 'sections' on the glowing wings like feathers. The wings themselves are a cyan like color, an ethereal glow radiating off of them, as though the wings were made of light instead of flesh and bone. Issei's wingspan cuts across the room, the wings furled against the wall, a clear sign that there simply isn't enough room inside the club room to accommodate them.

"Huh?" Issei asks, opening his eyes and looking over his left and right shoulders at the wings thing that is currently attached to him. "What is this?"

Looking on Akeno Himejima cocks her head to the side curiously, the Vice President and Rias' Queen curious as to what kind of Sacred Gear is just a pair of odd wings. Like Akeno, Yuuto Kiba and Koneko Toujou have no idea what Issei's Sacred Gear is; Kiba has never seen anything like it and Koneko doesn't even have a Sacred Gear, though she knows that they can come in a variety of forms.

Only Rias Gremory, heir to the Noble Devil House of Gremory and the only full blood devil in the room has even the slightest inkling as to what Issei's Sacred Gear is. Blinking Rias stares at her pawn, everything about Issei suddenly making sense. When she'd revived him Issei had needed all eight of her pawns, meaning that Issei should be a powerful devil. When she'd revived Akeno Rias had to choose either her Queen or all eight of her Pawns, meaning Issei should at least have the same potential as Akeno, if not more so.

That must be why that Fallen Angel targeted him…If that Sacred Gear is what I think it is, then he really is special and my eight Pawns were well spent…

"Buchou?" Issei asks, referring to her with her title rather than by her name, Rias blinking in surprise when she suddenly finds herself the center of attention of the entire room, every pair of eyes in the room locked upon her.

"I need to read something…" Rias replies, walking around behind her desk, grabbing a book on the shelf there.

"Um…" Issei trails, reaching up and scratching the back of his head in embarrassment, feeling more than a little nervous about Rias suddenly having to find a book.

If my Sacred Gear is that horrible that she doesn't even know what it's called off the top of her head… Issei thinks to himself, his lips contorting in a frown.

Setting her book on her desk Rias opens the tome, the book a devil encyclopedia of Sacred Gears, including the 13 Longinus Gears that are said to have the power to kill God. Her fingers flipping through the pages Rias finds the section devoted to the 13 Longinus Gears, Rias passing 3 of the 13 before Rias finds what she's looking for.

There…Divine Dividing…the Sacred Gear that contains the Vanishing Dragon, Albion…

Looking at the entry devoted to the Longinus Rias reads the description of the Sacred Gear, the entry talking about how the Gear can allow the user to fly, along with the ability to 'divide' another creature's strength in half after the user touches it, the division occurring every ten seconds.

"Divine Dividing…" Rias mumbles; her eyes locked on the page in front of her.

"Divine Dividing?" Issei asks curiously, and Rias blinks, her head snapping up.

Looking around at all the faces in the room with her Rias sees Issei's curiosity mirrored on the faces of the other members of her peerage.

"It's one of the thirteen Longinus Gears." Rias explains. "It has the power to divide an opponent's power in half and then absorb that lost energy as it's own once every ten seconds."

Blinking Issei's eyes go wide in surprise.

"So…I can just take any opponent's strength from them?" Issei asks, a part of him feeling incredibly lucky to have been granted the Sacred Gear he has. Another part of him though understands that what Rias has said is too good to be true, and she had to have forgotten something.

"You have to touch them first…" Rias explains, shaking her head in denial. "It also only works on the last creature you touch, meaning if you accidentally touch an ally after touching your enemy if you use the dividing power then your ally will be affected. The same is true if your opponent suffers one of your divisions and then sends their subordinate or ally after you. If you touch another creature then that is one that you'll divide, not necessarily the opponent you want to affect."

"So…I have to be careful…" Issei explains, and Rias nods.

"Especially if you're fighting an opponent that's more than twice as strong as you are." Rias explains to him. "If they're that powerful then even after being divided they'll still be stronger than you, and once they've suffered a division they'll likely know what you can do and use the following ten seconds to try and beat you before it happens again."

She has to explain everything to him. She doesn't want Issei to become overconfident because of his Sacred Gear's ability, which while powerful, does have its limitations. Those limitations become glaringly obvious especially when fighting multiple opponents, like during a Rating Game, or when fighting a Fallen Angel and it's subordinates. In single combat Issei's Sacred Gear is quite powerful, though once his opponent has 'fallen' for it Issei has essentially won the battle, so long as his opponent is unable to kill him before another ten seconds pass.

Or his opponent is more than twice as strong as he is…Rias chooses not to give voice to the thought. The last thing she wants to do is make her newest servant apprehensive.

"I…I think I understand…" Issei says, his eyes dropping to the floor.

"Not that you have anything to be depressed about." Rias says, smiling assuredly at her latest servant, closing the book on her desk. "It makes sense why that Fallen Angel would try to kill you now. With your Sacred Gear you could easily kill one of them and are a huge threat to them."

"Oh…" Issei trails, his hands balling into fists.

The memory of 'Yuuma' murdering him after he'd taken her out on a date is still fresh with him. He can still clearly remember her smirking and talking down to him, telling him that if he was upset he should curse God for giving him the Sacred Gear in the first place.

Now though… Issei thinks to himself. With this Divine Dividing, I could beat her…

"Starting tomorrow you're going to be going through daily training with me Issei." Rias says, and Issei blinks, his anger toward Yuuma flushed away at Rias' statement.

"Daily training?" Issei asks, and Rias nods.

"Every morning starting tomorrow I'll be at your house at 5 am and I'll start training you." Rias explains to him.

"Train…?" Issei asks, his Sacred Gear disappearing from his back.

"That's right." Rias explains. "Your Sacred Gear will get stronger the stronger you are." Rias continues. "Should you absorb too much power your Gear will vent it out to prevent it from hurting you, but if you grow stronger and train then your base ability will not only be greater but you'll be able to absorb more power as well."

"Oh…" Issei trails, and Rias sits down in her chair.

"Now then…onto business…" Rias begins, her tone suddenly brisk and businesslike.

Oh here I go…off to pass out fliers again… Issei thinks to himself.


Six hours later.

Rolling his bike up to the apartment building Issei Hyoudou parks his bike before getting off, the young devil climbing the steps toward the second level door Rias told him about. Apparently Koneko got two requests for tonight, and Rias asked him to cover one of them. The first time he'd gotten a request Issei had run into an otaku who was obsessed with an anime that Issei was also into, and he ended up getting into a heated discussion about it and then watched a bunch of it before he'd gone home.

Approaching the door Issei pushes the door open, calling out as he does.

"Hello? Is anyone home?" Issei calls out, a part of him reminding himself that it's odd that someone would just leave their front door open.

At least the creepy otaku kept his door locked…

Stepping into the room Issei calls out, an ominous feeling of dread falling over him as Issei closes the door behind him, Issei looking left and right, searching for some sign of the person who summoned him

"Hello…" Issei calls out again. "I'm the devil you summoned from the Gremory Family…"

No one calling out to him in response Issei carefully steps into the house, the young devil forgetting to take his shoes off, Issei sticking his head into the living room of the apartment, and what the young man sees there makes him stop and stare.

A dead body lies eviscerated on the floor, blood splattered everywhere, as though an entire pool of the stuff has been slopped everywhere. Staring at all the blood Issei feels like he's suddenly stepped into a dream. He's never seen a dead body before, and now standing in the archway in some unknown person's apartment Issei is seeing his first dead body, apparently every drop of blood in the sliced and shot corpse drawn out of the body and then splattered around it.

"Well…well…well…how ya doing shitty devil?" A man's voice shocks Issei out of his delirium, his eyes searching for the source of the voice, Issei seeing a man sitting on the sofa near the corpse, completely laid back and relaxed in spite of the dead body not five feet away.

Wearing a long coat and dressed in dark clothing the man wears a grin on his lips, a cross around his neck signifying that he has some loyalty toward the church. Pushing off the sofa the man stands up, completely at ease with the eviscerated body in the room with him.

"Who're you and what are you doing here?" Issei asks, taking a half step back. "Did you do this?"

The grin getting wider a chill runs down Issei's spine at the sight of that expression.

"Of course." The man answers without a moment's hesitation. "He was going to make a contract with a shitty devil and deserved to die."

"You killed him just for summoning a devil?" Issei asks, not comprehending how a priest could be so callous about committing murder.

"Obviously." The man answers. "If you even think of forming a contract with a piece of shit devil then you're sub human filth. I'm doing these people a favor by killing them before they can do something stupid and get involved with devils."

Looking at the man Issei feels like he's been slapped. Running into Asia and growing up a normal Japanese boy Issei's only experience with the clergy has always been positive. He's only ever known priests and nuns to be loving and helpful.

"You're no priest." Issei denies, and the man grins, reaching into his jacket.

"Like a devil would know what makes a priest." He retorts cynically. "Enough talk shitty devil. My name is Freed Sellzen and I'm the priest that's going to kill you!"

Pulling a strange gun and a sword hilt from his jacket Issei narrows his gaze, the young devil about to ask what Freed intends to do when a blade of light shoots out of the sword hilt in his right hand. Seeing that blade Issei steels himself, drawing on his sacred gear, activating it.

"Divine Dividing!" Issei calls out, the wings appearing behind him, Freed blinking in surprise at the sight of the furled wings sticking off of Issei's back.

"Wings?" Freed asks, staring at them a moment. "What good are wings going to do you inside you stupid devil?"

Balling his hands into fists Issei knows that he has to actually touch Freed before he can use his power against him. If Freed can immobilize him and then chop him up Issei is as good as dead.

"How about this?" Issei demands, jumping forward, moving as fast as he can, pulling his fist back as he crosses the distance between them, driving his fist into Freed's jaw with all the strength Issei can must.

"HA!" Issei calls out, punching the man.

Unfortunately for Issei he only recently became a devil, and physically isn't much stronger than a normal human being.

Seeing Freed stumble slightly from his blow Issei jumps back, his wings allowing him to slide through the air, in spite of the fact that they're furled behind him, Issei landing on his feet as though it's second nature.

"That all you can do shitty devil?" Freed smiles, turning his head back toward Issei, his lips curled away from his teeth in a predatory smile. "I'm going to enjoy killing you!"

Freed raising his gun Issei steels himself.

Come on, do it…Issei thinks to himself, not sure how to use his Divine Dividing's power to halve his opponent's strength.

"Divide!" A strange voice comes from the wings on his back, Freed blinking in surprise, his gun faltering in his outstretched hand.

"Wha…" Freed mumbles, feeling like he's just been through a workout, the priest blinking in surprise at the sudden exhausted feeling hitting him.

Feeling Freed's strength surging into him Issei feels like a million dollars. He's never felt better in his life, like he's on a sugar rush, every part of him feeling alive and charged, as though every part of his body were brimming with power.

"Why you…" Freed mumbles, focusing on his gun hand, steadying his hand as he takes aim at Issei.

Moving instinctually Issei shifts to his left, Freed pulling the trigger as the gun goes off, his shot aimed at Issei's face the bullet goes wide, the shot cleanly missing and striking the wall.

"Not feeling so strong?" Issei asks, and Freed growls, shifting his gun, pointing it toward Issei.

"Don't fucking talk down to me you shitty devil!" Freed growls, squeezing the trigger.

Trying to dodge another bullet Freed doesn't stop with just one, instead the priest fires his gun several times, the shots largely disorganized, Issei unable to dodge all of them, one of the bullets grazing his left arm, a second shot hitting him in the right thigh.

Feeling a spike of burning pain Issei's face contorts in agony, his blood spurting from the wound as the bullet rips through his body and then goes out the other side, Issei grunting in pain, both hands grasping at the wound as ten seconds tick by.

"Divide!" The voice says again, and Freed again feels like he's been kicked in the gut, his remaining strength cut in half Freed feels like he's just finished running a marathon, the man exhausted, barely able to stand.

"What have you…?" Freed mutters, stabbing his sword into the floor, the priest leaning on the energy sword as the blade itself flickers.

Feeling energy flowing into him Issei can still feel the pain coming from his right thigh, the wound still bleeding even as Issei clutches at the wound.

God that hurts! What the hell kind of bullet hurts a devil like this?

"Heh…blessed bullet you shitty devil…" Freed explains as though he can hear Issei's thoughts. "It burns through your flesh and bone like a hot knife through butter…"

Clutching at the wound Issei glares at the priest leaning on his weapon.

Opening his mouth to say something Issei is about to condemn the priest and tell him that he's lost the fight when a woman's scream cuts him off, Issei recognizing the woman's voice from when he ran into her not three days ago.

"Issei-san?" Asia's voice calls out to him, both Issei and Freed turning toward the sound, Asia standing near the doorway, her face contorted in confusion, the young blonde nun not sure what is going on as blood flows down Issei's leg.

"Asia…quick! Help me!" Freed calls out to her, motioning toward Issei with his gun hand as he continues. "This shitty devil has done something to me and I need your help before he kills me, just like he killed this poor man!"

His face contorting in outrage Issei turns his attention back to Freed.

"You're the one who is responsible for that, not me!" Issei denies.

"Quiet you shitty devil!" Freed shouts back, turning his attention back to Asia. "Quick, heal me before he can recover from his wound!"

"Don't listen to him Asia-chan!" Issei entreats her. "He's the one who killed this human and he's trying to kill me! I was sent here because I was summoned! Why would I kill the person who summoned me without even getting them to sign a contract first?"

"I…" Asia hesitates, the young woman not sure how to proceed.

Running into Issei Asia doesn't think he's bad person. The fact that Issei helped her when she had no idea where she was means a lot to her. He also saw her heal someone and didn't call her a heretic or ostracize her. Instead he'd told her that he thought it was a useful power and actually praised her.

"Are you really a devil Issei-san?" Asia asks in a tiny voice, Issei swallowing the saliva in his mouth, his pain temporarily forgotten.

Slowly nodding Issei can feel a well of shame form in his stomach.

"I am a devil Asia-chan…" Issei admits. "I…I never meant to hide it from you, and I decided that I would never see you again, yet…"

"What are you waiting for you stupid blonde bimbo!" Freed growls at her. "Get over here and heal me before-"

"Divide!" The voice comes from Issei's wings again, Freed's strength once again flushing out of him like water down a drain.

His blade disappearing Freed falls to floor, his eyes feeling heavy, his entire body feeling like a lead weight.

"Freed-san…" Asia mumbles, moving to try and help him when a red magic circle appears in the space behind Issei.

A blonde haired man jumps out of the circle, a sword in hand Yuuto Kiba lands in front of Issei, his weapon held in front of him.

"Oh my…" Akeno's voice carries as the vice president of the Occult Research Club strides through the circle, Rias Gremory's Queen followed closely by Koneko and Rias.

"Everyone…" Issei mumbles, surprised by the entire club suddenly showing up.

"There was a barrier up, so we had no idea something was amiss until just a few minutes ago…" Rias explains, looking around the room, taking in the sight of the mutilated body on the floor.

"Stupid bitch…" Freed mumbles, struggling to push himself to his hands and knees. "Now we've got a bunch more shitty devils to deal with and all because you failed to keep the barrier up…"

"I…" Asia mumbles, looking between Freed and Issei, the young woman clearly confused with what's happening around her.

"Issei, are you hurt?" Rias asks, concern her voice as the Red Haired Princess of Ruin approaches her pawn, Issei momentarily turning his attention to the devil that saved his life.

"I'll be fine Buchou." He assures Rias, giving his master a momentary grin.

Her gaze pointedly dropping to the growing red stain on Issei's right pant leg Issei grins, reaching up and scratching the back of his head in embarrassment.

Blinking Koneko glances up toward the ceiling.

"Fallen Angels incoming." The white haired rook offers curtly, Rias blinking in surprise at the new information.

"Ha…" Freed mumbles, just speaking requiring effort. "Looks like the tables have turned now, eh?"

"Koneko…grab Issei, we're leaving." Rias declares, Koneko nodding as Issei blinks in surprise.

"What?" Issei demands, surprise in his voice as Koneko moves to him, the white haired girl scooping him up as though he were a sack of potatoes, slinging him over his shoulder.

"We can't stay here and fight Issei." Rias counters. "Doing so would serve no purpose and only put all of us in mortal danger for no reason. Akeno…" Rias addresses her Queen.

Nodding the dark haired woman raises her hands, already well aware what her Master intends for her to do.

A magic circle appearing Issei shakes his head in denial.

"No! We can't leave Asia-chan with them!" Issei tries to argue, and Rias shakes her head in denial.

"Only members of the Gremory family can travel with this circle." Rias denies, and Issei futilely tries to break free.

"Then leave me here! Let me go! I have to protect her from them!" Issei tries to argue, Asia blinking in surprise at his declaration.

He's trying to help her, to keep her safe even though he's a Devil and several Fallen Angels are on their way, no doubt to aid her and Freed and kill him and his compatriots.

"Issei-san…" Asia speaks slowly, surprise in her voice at the young man's selflessness, at his willingness to risk his life for someone he hardly knows.

"Asia! No!" Issei denies, reaching out to try and close the distance between them, even as the magical circle rises, transporting the Gremory devils away from the scene.


Sitting on a chair naked Issei can feel Rias breasts pressed against his back, her arms draped around his body. He can also feel a warm feeling all over his body, the feeling strongest on his arm where he'd been grazed and the leg where he'd been shot.

To think…she's done this with me before…

The thought of Rias pressing her naked body against his sends all sorts of thoughts through Issei's mind, though those thoughts are tempered by his own embarrassment, both of his hands practically smashing against his groin, lest he allow Rias to see his most intimate spot.

Yet…she slept naked next to me already…

"There…" Rias begins quietly. "I've done what I can."

Nodding Issei stands up, leaving the shower stall and closing the curtain behind him. Outside the other members of the Occult Research Club wait quietly, Koneko reading a book while Yuuto casually leans against a window, his head turned toward the window, the blonde boy looking out the window with a brooding expression, the young man seeming to broadcast the message 'I'm dark and mysterious' that high school girls always seem to eat up.

"The bullets that stray exorcist used where specially made to kill devils, so you'll need time to recover." Rias explains to him as the shower turns on, the sound of water splashing wafting into Issei's ears.

Pulling on a pair of boxers Issei walks to love seat closest to the shower, Akeno standing near the two cushion sofa with a medical kit in hand.

"Stray exorcist?" Issei asks, his voice tinged with curiosity.

Sitting down on the sofa Akeno cracks open the medical kit, Yuuto moving away from the wall and walking to the other sofa, speaking as he does, Koneko seemingly further burying her nose in her book, lest she catch even a glimpse of Issei in his underwear.

"A bunch of them were kicked out of the Church for being too radical." Yuuto explains as he sits down across the table from Issei, Akeno beginning to wrap a bandage around his arm as Rias turns off the water for the shower. "Without many other options many of them chose to become servants of Fallen Angels."

"So…you're saying Asia is like that Freed bastard?"

The sound of water stopping Issei can hear the curtain being pulled back, Rias answering his question.

"Whatever that nun is, you are a devil, and she is the servant of a Fallen Angel. That's just how it is."

"But…" Issei mutters, not sure what to say even as Rias takes a seat behind her desk, the red haired devil clad in only a towel as she does.

"I'll need some more time with you to fully heal that wound on your leg." Rias explains to him, her tone casual in spite of her extreme lack of clothing, Akeno tying the bandage around his arm before standing up, moving to his opposite side to bandage his leg.

"Ok." Issei agrees quietly, the young man not sure what else to say in response to that.

It's because of his own weakness and stupidity that he got hurt in the first place, it doesn't help his dour mood any knowing that he left Asia in the hands of a bunch of Fallen Angels, the same type of creatures that killed him just because he might have a Sacred Gear inside of him. Asia already has powers, unlike Issei she was able to manifest her ability without first being reincarnated, what are the Fallen Angels going to do with her?

"Buchou…I…" Issei begins, only to have Rias cut her off.

"If it's about the morning training you can forget it. As long as your leg isn't fully healed I'm not going to do anything to exacerbate the injury. We'll wait until you're fully healed to start training."

Nodding Issei swallows the saliva in his mouth, trying to figure out how to properly word what he wants to say, even as he pulls his pants up, closing the clasp and zipping his fly.

"Buchou…about Asia-chan…" Issei begins, and Rias shakes her head in denial.

"You don't have to worry about that nun Issei." Rias assures him.

"But…" Issei continues stubbornly. "She's being used by those Fallen Angels! Who knows what they plan to do with her!?"

"Exactly." Rias replies matter of factly. "As long as the Fallen Angels have a use for her they won't kill her." Rias continues. "Worrying about it won't accomplish anything anyway. The peace that we have in this town is fragile. If I were to attack the Fallen Angels in their home it would be tantamount to suicide. Besides, it could start a war, which would cost countless lives, not only your lives but also any humans that unfortunately get caught in the cross fire."

Feeling chastised Issei lowers his gaze.

"I…" Issei mumbles, not sure what to say.

"I have contacts in this town Issei." Rias explains to him. "I'll listen, and if one of them tells me that the Fallen Angels are preparing for something then I'll consider moving to rescue that nun. Until then the best thing you can do is focus on recovering."

Nodding Issei quickly bobs his head in agreement.

"Thank you, Buchou…" Issei replies, glad that at least Rias isn't completely denying his request.

Unbeknownst to Issei Rias understands fully just how much he wants to rescue Asia. Issei has repeatedly stated that the two of them are friends, and if one of Rias' friends were in clutches of a bunch of Fallen Angels not even her brother would be able to stop her from mounting some sort of rescue. As it is now though Issei is injured, and there is no immediate need to rescue the girl since she is in no apparent danger.

That doesn't mean I'm going to just let her suffer in the hands of those Fallen Angels… Rias thinks to herself, already forming the beginnings of plan for when, not if, they mount a rescue.


Sitting in the park Issei sighs, feeling exhausted even though he slept like a rock the night before. Sitting on the bench Issei's leg still hurts, and the young man can't stop his thoughts from coming back to the blonde woman he left in the clutches of the Fallen Angels.

I wonder if she knows Yuuma…If she does then I wouldn't past that monster woman to do all sorts of unspeakable things to innocent Asia-chan…

Just thinking about it Issei can clearly picture Yuuma in her Fallen Angel form standing over Asia, the blonde woman tied up while Yuuma holds a whip, Asia crying out for mercy while Yuuma continues to cruelly and mercilessly whip her, Yuuma grinning all the while, the Fallen Angel reveling in Asia's misery…

Blinking Issei shakes his head back and forth, pushing the image out of his mind.

No! I can't think like that! If I'm going to think like that I need to think about how to rescue her or how to get stronger…

"Issei-san?" A familiar voice wafts into his ears, Issei blinking in surprise at the sound of the woman's voice.

Turning around Asia is standing there, wearing her nun habit and looking at him with curiosity plastered on her features.



Sitting in a booth a fast food restaurant Asia stares down at her hamburger, her face betraying the face that she's never had a burger before. Seeing the look on her face Issei grins, reaching down and picking up his own sandwich.

"Um…Asia-chan?" Issei asks, Asia blinking in surprise.

"…Yes…" Asia asks, looking up from her food.

"You eat it like this Hime-san." Issei explains, opening his mouth wide and taking a big bite from his cheeseburger.

"I…I never knew people could eat like that…" Asia trails, astonishment coloring her tone.

Picking up her burger Asia takes a small bite, chewing the food a moment.

"It's good!" Asia endorses the food, Issei chuckling mirthfully.

"So…how did you end up in the park Asia-chan?" Issei asks casually, the blonde woman blinking before she turns away momentarily, her eyes momentarily clouding over with sadness before the emotion disappears from her gaze, Asia looking back at him happily.

"I…I had some time off, so I decided to take a walk around town. Then I saw you Issei-san, and, well…"

"Well…since you've got the day off, why don't we hang out?" Issei asks, and Asia smiles at him.
