A/N Right. So this was actually meant to be a oneshot, but I was just listening to ore music, and I think I've developed a slight obsession with song-fics now. Ugh. Anyway, I was just rockin' out as usual, trying really hard not to study, when I heard this song that just demandedthat I write out a second chapter for this fic. The song? One by One by Alter Bridge. And yeah, I may or may not be in love with this band. It's not my fault they write songs with such gorgeous lyrics! enjoy the update! :) ~Sammy

A midnight desert fall


Underneath the desert sun
They bid my brother's blood to run
Many miles away
Hell has come today

The sky's dropping fire and the world's ending and there's a glossy black car speeding down a rain-darkened highway.

Fire raining from the sky
See the face of fear asking one last time
Let me get home safe
Before it's too late

"D'n… I don't…"

"Sammy! No!"

The Impala skid to a stop, halfway parked on the road, but Dean didn't care.


He's not breathing and Damnit this was supposed to be over.

He's not supposed to be frantically shaking his limp brother, begging him to just breathe Damnit.

"Sam… Please."

He doesn't beg very often, but now he has to. Because Sam's too damn still, and that's not okay.

His fingers are shaking when he presses them against his baby brother's neck, and he pushes them harder against the skin (too cold, why is so cold) when he can't find a pulse.

"Come on Sammy."

One by one
The brave will fall
Life is lost again
They gave it all


There it is.

The faintest flicker, the subtlest thrum, the tiniest whisper of air, but that was enough for Dean.

As long as Sam's heart was still beating and he was still breathing, he could deal with everything that came after.

Deep within the castle walls
So many grieve as funeral songs
Echo endlessly
Ode to memories


"You're okay Sammy. I'll get you better. I'll fix you."

"The trials…"

"They don't matter. Nothing matters. Not more than you, okay?"

This sacrifice of flesh and blood
For a promised land that may not be won
Let us not forget the hero laid to rest

"It hurts, D'n."

"I know it does, Sammy. But I've got you, I'm here."

"'M sorry, D'n. I didn't finish… wanted to finish them. Too weak."

"I didn't let you finish them Sammy. I knew you were strong enough to finish them."

"Then why'd you…"

"I couldn't lose you."

"Could've close Hell forever…"

"It isn't worth what it would've cost, Sammy."

And they gave it all
A price we can't ignore
Is there hope in what they're dying for?
For every hero born
From every family torn
We will honor you forevermore


"Yeah, Sammy?"

"We goin' home?"

"Yeah, Sammy. We're going home."

One by one
The brave will fall
Life is lost again
They gave it all

A/N Yay to random song inspirations! Leave a review and let me know what you thought. I might just put up another chapter or two, if I'm inspired to do it. (Hint- reviews equal inspiration) Thanks for reading! :) ~Sammy