This is my first ever fanfic hope you enjoy it rated T for TF2

Characters/pairing: Scout/FemScout OC characters

Summery: There's really not a lot I can explain myself with out giving it all away


It was the first day of kindergarten; it was already turning out to be a bad day. Elizabeth a clumsy little girl with brown short locks in a braid was being picked on for her accent at the bus stop. She couldn't understand why though everyone in the southern part of Boston, Massachusetts talked the exact same but none the less there she was a little five year girl with the deepest blue eyes was being pushed around.

"'Ey," there came a voice from behind the bullies, "Stop pickin' on the poor gal would ya. She ain't hurtin' no ones." The kids looked, at this new voice, of course it was Alexander.

"Dis don't got nothin to do wit you Alexander."

"Sure it does you're pickin' on the newbie. Just back offa her, or else is gonna get a bit ugly." The bullies rolled their eyes and went back to picking on the little girl. Alexander started to get angry with them he walked over and pushed them away punching. The bullies fought back but to no avail the first grader was stronger, they ran off. Alexander walked over to the little girl who was now crying and her pretty baby pink dress had dirt on it. Alexander bent down in front of her, holding his hand out. Elizabeth took it and stood up.

"Are ya a'right?" He smiled at her, his slight buck teeth showing. Elizabeth sniffled, than nodded. "Do ya know why they was pickin' on ya?" she nodded in response, Alexander chuckled a bit, "Well ain't cha gonna tell me?" he's thick Boston accent had a hint of a caring tone.

"Th…they… was pickin' on me 'cause a… 'cause a my… my accent." Elizabeth sniffled.

"Well that don't make no sense at all, everyones sounds the same down 'ere." He took his thumb and ran it over Elizabeth's cheek to get a dirt smug than dusted off her dress.

"Yous don't gotta worry 'bout them no more, I'll protect cha from them bullies." He pointed his thumb at his chest. Elizabeth laughed and nodded. "Dos ya got a name girl?"

"E…Elizabeth." Alexander took off his baseball cap and pushed it on Elizabeth's head. "I'm Alexander. It's good ta meet cha Lizzy." The bus pulled up both Alexander and Elizabeth got on. It was turning out to be a good day after all.

Alexander and Elizabeth sat down next to each other and started to talk. Alexander looked down at the 5 year old and smiled, "So there Lizzy tell me 'bout ya self." Lizzy looked at her saver finally getting a good look at him, he had short brown hair green eyes a light tan he was scrawny though. Elizabeth was quiet for a moment, "Well… "

That's how this started like every memory they had together. It was always him saving her, but things have changed, sure he still protects her like an older brother she figured that it was because he was the youngest in his family of eight all brothers, but whatever the case he was always there. Elizabeth was still in her bed, awake but still in bed she rolled over to see the picture of her and Alexander in their little league uniforms. She sat up tomorrow was the first day of her freshman year. She had no idea what was going to happen she already figured out that Alex and her probably wouldn't communicate at all because he was a sophomore and no sophomore not even a sophomore she has known forever wants to deal with Freshman.

Getting out of bed she walked over to her mirror and got ready for the day. Attached to the mirror were more pictures of her and Alex or just Alex from Elizabeth's first home run when she was on little league to her in a dress when Alex asked her to her first dance in seventh grade. Then there was Alex when he won their junior high school a trophy in baseball she sighed.

"Well I betta get downstairs or Ma will have my head on a silva plata." She chuckled getting dressed in a plain red shirt and tan shorts; she slipped on her black tennis shoes and run down stairs to find Alexander in the kitchen eating her pancakes.

"Alexander! Those was mine!"

He wiped his mouth with a napkin. He looked at her with those deep green eyes.

"'Ey, sorry there Liz, you know I love ya Ma's pancakes."

"That don't matta those were mine!"

"Hey, hey calm down there sweet cheeks I'll buy you breakfast but we gotta go this is the last day a summer for us we need ta go out big!" Elizabeth rolled her eyes that always meant baseball. "Let's go let's go let's go!" He was always pushy. Alexander grabbed her arm and ran out the door Liza quickly grabbed her bag running out with him.

The two of them got to the abandoned field like always no one has used it since the 60's took their spots.

"So, are ya excited about being a freshman tomorrow?" Alexander asked smiling that smile that always drove her crazy; he threw her a curve ball which she hit perfectly.

"Not really. The only thing I'm lookin' forward ta is playin' baseball wit ya again n gym really." He caught the ball. "Yeah uh…. Liza 'bout that…." She looked at him; she knew that look, that look always meant bad news. "What's wrong Alex?" "The high school is different than the junior high, when it comes to sports… the fellas play baseball… all the girls play softball… if ya try out for the sport we ain't gonna be on the same team, 'cause I play baseball and ya gonna be playin' softball…"

"What! Ya gotta be kiddin' me please tell me this is a joke. All 'cause I'm a girl I can't play baseball? What kinda crap is that?" Elizabeth was mad; Alexander slowly walked over and took her bat from her not wanting to get hit with it. "This is frickin' bullshit!" She kicked a rock.

"Ya…. I know Liza but that's high school."

"So not only am I not gonna see ya at all durin' the day but we ain't even gonna see each otha outta school eitha."

"Lizzy calm down okay, just 'cause we ain't gonna be seein' each otha much, don't mean nothin' got it?" He grabbed her chin and pulled it up to look in him the eyes "You're still my favorite girl got it?"

Elizabeth blushed, then thought 'Wait his favorite girl? What's that supposta mean?' "Uh… wait what? What do ya mean by favorite girl?"

Alexander coughed and let go of her chin, 'Ah crap did I really just say that?' "Uh ya know my best friend and all that."

He walked back to the pitcher's mound rubbing the back of his neck nervously. "Oh yeah... I knew that."

Elizabeth sighed. Of course Alexander didn't want her he was the all-star of the baseball team he could get any girl he ever wanted to. She shook her head and put on a brave face.

"So back ta baseball?" She asked almost silently, Alex looked at her; she was always just as loud if not louder than he was unless something was wrong. He walked back over to her, put his arm around her shoulders, "How 'bout I just take ya to lunch, yous gonna need all ya awesome tricks to make it on the softball team." The two walked to a little café down the road, Elizabeth leaned into Alexander he blushed and kept walking.

After ten minutes of walking they reached the café, Alexander opened the door for Elizabeth she walked in Alexander followed her they got to a table. Alexander pulled out Elizabeth's chair and pushed her back in she started blushing as Alex took he's seat across from her. The waitress walked over, "What'll it be kids." Alexander spoke up, "Two chocolate shakes n a side a fries." "I'll be right back with your order." She walked off.

"How'd know that Alex?"

"I just know what my girl likes is all."

"You're girl? What's that supposta mean?"

'I really gotta watch what I say.' "Yeah my girl, like my friend like a girl that's my friend…. A girlfriend? But no relationship type thing?" Alexander swallowed and pulled at his collar a bit. The waitress came back with their order.

"Alex ya ain't makin' any sense if ya gotta say somethin' then just do it."

"Stop houndin' me Elizabeth when I want ta tell ya I'll frickin' tell ya got it?" Alexander already regretted saying that to her, Elizabeth's eyes got watery she stood and threw her milkshake on him, she started walking away.

"Elizabeth! Wait! Lizzy c'mon!"

"Just take me home Alex." 'Well that was less than graceful.' Alexander sighed paid for their "lunch" and walked Elizabeth home. When they finally reached Elizabeth's front step she turned around and looked at him, there were little red streaks running down her cheeks.

"What the hell is wrong wit you Alex. I mean what the hell was that crap." She threw her hands in the air. Alexander rushed over to pin her hands above her head, he kissed her deeply and lovingly Elizabeth fell into the kiss, kissing him back her mind racing. 'This is my first kiss my first kiss wit Alexander at that… wait wasn't he just yellin' at me? Why is he kissin' me now… well maybe just a few more minutes of this… no, he was just yellin' at me what am I thinkin'? But it's him… NO!" Elizabeth pushed Alex away yelling. "Get offa me!" She ran into her house slamming the door in his face. Elizabeth slid down her front door confused. Oh how she wanted to continue that kiss.

Alexander was yelling at himself, "Stupid, stupid, stupid." He hit his palm against his temple. "Geez… how am I gonna explain that ta her tammorra." He touched his lips smiling. "Well at least we stole each otha's first kiss." he blushed walking away. Elizabeth lifted her mail slot to see Alexander blush as he was walking in to his house. "Oh geez… do I tell 'im I like 'im? Do I tell 'im I want more to be more than friends?" She shook her head she couldn't think at that moment all she really knew was their summer really did go out with a bang.