So I decided to try a couple of Shules One-Shots. I'm not sure how often I'll post or anything, probably just as I get the whim. However, if you like this, you should read my other story "The Somewhat Psychic Adventures of Spencer 'Kate' Jones"!

Anyway, I got the idea for this when my dorm lost power this morning. It's post-Yin but pre-dating.

Detective Juliet O'Hara was sidling around the back of a warehouse, getting ready to bust in the door when she saw a figure silhouetted under the streetlight. "Shawn, I told you to stay in the car!"

"Oh, come on Jules. When have I ever stayed in the car? We both know that you say 'Stay in the car Shawn' and I hear 'Wait five minutes then follow me you Greek god of great hair'!"

She had to stifle a laugh, he was funny, always funny and usually quite useful. She had known he wouldn't stay in the car, and part of her-not the part willing to admit it to him-but part of her was glad he was there. "Fine, but stay quiet and behind me, no wandering off."

He nodded vigorously, then offered her his wrist. "I'm sensing your watch is dead."

She looked down, he was right, her watch was frozen on 4:15 when she knew it was nearly 6:00. "Just nod when it's 6:01-you synced with Lassiter?"

"Yep, I set myself to Lassie time in the car. 30 seconds."

He smiled at her, then looked at the door. She did too, she had no idea how she was going to kick it down. Shooting the lock would work, but it would give away her position faster than just taking out the door. Suddenly, Shawn crouched down by the lock-he was going to pick it. Had he read her mind? She always wondered about that, sometimes it seemed like he could, but other times...

"Got it." He whispered. "After you Detective."

He quietly opened the door and she stormed in, gun drawn and yelled "SBPD, put your hands in the air!" But the sound of her voice died instantly. Their intel had been wrong, this wasn't an open warehouse, there were walls everywhere-like those used in convention halls to make one large room into two smaller ones. She was supposed to be able to see Carlton, see everything, but all she saw was walls.

"It's a maze." Shawn said quietly from behind her. "The cheese is in the middle. Jules let's go!"

He started down the florescent lit hall but she grabbed his arm. "Behind me, Shawn." They started walking, Shawn's hand was to his temple, so he must have been sensing something. She wasn't totally sure how his psychic powers worked, but she followed his directions through the maze. They had to be getting close to the center, she could feel it. "Shawn, I don't like this. I don't like being a mouse."

"It's okay Jules, I'm here for you, nothing's going to happen. I won't let you out of my sight. Make this left and we'll be in the middle."

She was steeled by his words, he was right, she could get through this, she wasn't alone, Shawn was there to save her this time. She turned and saw him sitting there, her suspect, 'The Mousetrap Killer' they were calling him. "SBPD, Hands in the air!" She yelled again, hoping Lassiter was close by now.

He complied, slowly raising his hands up when suddenly everything went dark. And then he laughed. He must have had a speaker system because the laugh was terribly loud and everywhere at once. She couldn't see, she couldn't hear, and she was terrified. The victims of this man had been horribly mutilated, and she was next. It was like Yin all over again and she fought to keep composure, gun still drawn she was spinning wildly to try and see anything.

Out of nowhere she felt somebody's arms wrap around her from behind. She fought against the grip but he was too strong. Then she heard it over that terrible, evil laugh. "Jules, it's me, it's Shawn, I got you. I'm here for you." She stopped fighting and relaxed in his arms. She still couldn't see. Still couldn't hear, but she was calm. Shawn was there, and if anyone was going to keep her safe, it would be him.

Suddenly, the lights were back on and the laughter stopped. They were alone, TMK was gone. She lowered her weapon and turned to face Shawn, still with his arms around her. His eyes, full of concern, had a golden sunburst around the pupil and varying shades of green around that.

"Jules, you okay?"

"Shawn, I-I-" He definitely couldn't read her thoughts, because if he could he'd be kissing her right now. "Thank you, for being there, I-"

"I told you I would be. I'm always there for you Jules."

She nodded and hugged him, wishing she had the courage to say what she wanted to when she heard Lassie yell "I got him!"

It had been a week since they caught The Mousetrap Killer. A week since she'd seen Shawn, and she was dying a little bit. Typically he flitted around the office, gloating or nosing for another case, but she hadn't seen him once the entire week. Part of her was glad, that moment in the center of the maze she almost gave in to what she'd been fighting all these years, maybe she wasn't strong enough to see him yet. She couldn't tell him how she felt-what if he shot her down again? Or what if he didn't and they dated for a while and broke up, things would be awful? Or what if they never broke up, it was hard enough loving him, worrying about him, what if they had kids one day?

These questions and a million more raced through Juliet's head as she sat on the couch eating popcorn and watching a chick-flick. There was a typical summer storm booming in the background that she hadn't really even noticed until a particularly loud boom preceded her power going out.

"Crap." She said as she stood up and began shuffling around to find a candle. It wasn't that she was scared of the dark, but ever since Yin and now TMK she preferred having the option of leaving all the lights on. She found a candle, but the matchbook was empty so she began shuffling back toward the kitchen to find another one when she heard a knock on the door. She quietly put the candle down and picked up her gun as she silently approached the door. The knocking had turned to a pounding and she really wished the power was back on.

"Jules, it's me, don't shoot!"

She lowered her gun and opened the door. There stood Shawn in his boxers and a tee shirt holding three long, lit candles between his fingers like Wolverine's claws. "How did you know I had my gun?"

"Because I know you. If I were going to Lassie's house I'd be wearing a bullet-proof vest, but you typically ask before you shoot." He walked into her apartment, threw a backpack on her couch and began rifling through it. He quickly pulled out three candle holders and set them up on her table, putting the candles in one at a time.

"Shawn, what are you doing here?" She wasn't sure why that wasn't her first question-but she suspected it was because she was glad he came.

"I told you I'd always be there for you. Once the power went out and I realized it wasn't just me, I grabbed supplies and raced over here. However, I feel like I should've waited to have the candles in holders before I lit them, did you know hot wax kind of burns?"

She walked over to him, even in the flickering light of the candles she could see blisters forming. "Oh Shawn! You're actually burned!" She grabbed his hand and the icewater she had on the table and stuck his fingers in the glass, causing some of the water to spill out. "Oops, sorry if some of that landed on you." She looked up at him and was startled his expression. It wasn't cocky or humorous, but serious.

"Juliet, you're beautiful. And I'm sorry if that seems random, but here, in the candlelight-not that you're only beautiful in candlelight because you're beautiful all the time-but right now, I just can't not say it anymore. Do you know why I haven't been by the station all week? It's because of you. Because I wanted to kiss you so bad in the middle of that mousetrap, but I was scared. Scared you'd think it was a mistake or that I'd be taking advantage of the trauma you went through with Yin. But then the power went out and I needed to come, because even if you were okay I promised I would always be there for you and I couldn't take that chance. I love you Juliet, I think I have since we met at the diner, definitely since very close talking, and even for that year between Yang and Yin. It's always been you and I'm done fighting it."

She looked at him for a second before dropping the water glass and popping on her toes to kiss him. A proper kiss and instantly she couldn't think of why she had ever fought it. Kissing him was like coming alive and coming home at the same time. "I love you too Shawn." She whispered as they broke , in the candlelight, all of her dreams came true.

So, what did you think? Good? Bad? Read and Review and I might write more! {#}