A/N: Thanks to Wimsicalpan for the format and general concept of this piece. While what you find here is mainly going to be glorified smut, the inspiration for it is Kiddy Coral, a really great read about an actual relationship that blossoms via Bobby's babysitting-for-hunter-service.
The characters Dove and Noni (and their dads) are totally mine. After that, everything is SPN and I own nothing.
August 1989
Robert 'Bobby' Singer wears a lot of hats: scrap dealer, tow truck driver, mechanic, scholar, researcher and hunter of the supernatural… and occasionally even babysitter. He doesn't mind any of his roles. He even enjoys some; especially 'babysitter', mainly when his charges look at him and smile, calling him 'Uncle Bobby'. Which is why he'll be damned if anything 'hinky' is gonna happen on his watch.
"You guys know what Bobby's emergency is?" John Winchester asked impatiently as he joined his 'friends'. "I've got a possible Windigo in Missouri and I need to shag ass. Where is he anyway?"
"In the head." Dave "Red" Jackson offered. "He brought Noni to me so I could get on to South Carolina, but I don't know why he wanted to see all of us."
"We're all needed somewhere else." Paul Concord said "But I trust Bobby and if he says it's important…"
"Thanks Paul." Bobby interrupted as he sat down with his fellow hunters. "I'll get right to it. It's about the kids-"
"What about the kids, Bobby?" Red asked, concern echoing in his voice. "Was there a threat against them or something?"
"Nah, I'm concerned. I want ya to hear me out before-"
"You're not going to keep them anymore, right?" John interrupted and stood to leave. "You could have said that over the phone."
"Dammit John – Ya didn't even let me get out one sentence, let alone hear me out." Bobby snarled "Ya idjit, I would never… I am Uncle Bobby, after all… It's just, I'm not gonna keep 'em at the same time. No more co-ed sleepovers."
"What?" "Why?" "You're shittin' me."
"No, John, I ain't shittin' you. They're gettin' older an' I ain't got the time to keep an eye on 'em 24 hours a day; what with answerin' phones, doin' research an' keepin' up my cover as a scrap dealer/tow driver. They ain't gettin' up to no hanky-panky a'while they're bunkin' at Chez Singer."
The three other hunters laughed heartily. Red was first to speak "Bobby, the girls are just eight and nine, and the boys are… John?"
"Dean's ten and Sammy's six." John said "Dean's not even out of the 'girls are yucky' phase yet."
"I saw on the news that 8% of ten year olds are admittin' to havin' sex and another 10% said they want to but're afraid'a gettin' caught." Bobby grumped at his friends "Have any of you asshats even had the sex talk with 'em yet? Or ya just gonna keep lettin'em learn 'what's for' from Sally Jessie and daytime TV? …Or were ya hopin' they'd just ask me?"
"I think it's a little early for the birds and the bees." Red said.
"Bobby, your concern is appreciated, but premature." Paul agreed "Our girls aren't even close to being boy-crazy yet; they still play with dolls."
"No. You idjit's ain't hearin' me. I drove Noni to Red jus'ta have this meetin'." He sighed uneasily. "She was a total joy, like always, an' I know she's just a little girl, but…"
Another uneasy sigh… Bobby took a deep breath before continuing.
"Well, she wished there was other kids to play with an' I asked could she do the same things alone for a while and then we could play after I did some work. Wanna know what she told me?"
The other men shuffled silently and looked like maybe they didn't want to know.
"Noni said Dove had the Ken doll so she couldn't play doll house because there was no way for them 't'be sexy 'an make babies without a daddy doll'…" He turned to John "An' she said when 'those boys' were there they played rescue the child – Sammy bein' the child… I said we could make it rescue Rumsfeld instead. She seemed OK with that an' then asked if'n I was gonna kiss her, because Dean kissed her after they rescued Sammy last time – just like at the end of the movies; she informed me that all the best movies end with a kiss. I said we could end our movie at bedtime when she'd get a kiss on the forehead like always."
Three sets of eyes blinked back at him, all expressions looking significantly more amused than concerned.
"That's all innocent stuff Bobby." Red said.
"I know, Red!" Bobby griped "A'course it was all innocent, but it's just showin' that they're startin' to notice things an' they're gonna keep gettin' more an' more curious…"
John laughed said "They're just acting out what they see; unless you've added "Nine and A Half Weeks" to your John Wayne and Gary Cooper collection, it'll be OK."
"They see 'normal' families on TV with a mommy and daddy… They just want to pretend their dolls have that life." Paul agreed, albeit he sounded more sad than amused now.
"OK. Fine. It appears denial ain't just in Egypt, it's right here at this table." Bobby snapped "I love them kids like they was my own. But I'm puttin' my foot down; from here on out, only boys or girls at my house." He continued "I ain't turnin' my back, neither. If I'm already harboring some and the others need a place, put 'em at the motel 'bout 10 miles away. I'll check in on 'em, get 'em decent food, whatever they need. Uncle Bobby'll even take 'em for ice cream…"
The three men said they respect Bobby's position and they appreciate all he does for the kids, all the while stating the precaution was premature and unnecessary…
In the parking lot, Bobby bellowed out one last warning "If you idjits was smart, you'd be keepin'em away from each other. Separate 'em now before anyone gets a crush… An' they'll forget about each other'n no time."
John was still laughing at his friend's concerns about the boys and girls when he walked into his hotel room to find Dean and Sammy checking out a skin mag.
"Dad – look at this magazine we found under the bed…" Dean said "Most of the ladies must be poor because they don't have much clothes… We looked at them all an' decided we like her the best! She's like a cowgirl from the movies!"
"She's prettiest!" Sam exclaimed "I like her guns!" The cowgirl in question was using said guns to cover her nipples.
John was a little amused and more than dismayed as he took in the woman who won his sons' hearts. He agreed with Dean that it was nice that her boots matched her gun belt and also with Sammy that her six shooters were indeed very shiny. He sighed. At least she was wearing a thong as she suggestively leaned back on her saddle... He asked the boys to pack up and took the magazine to the dumpster. He made a mental note to start checking for things left behind in their seedy motel rooms, to apologize to Bobby, and call Paul and Red.
Red and Paul often worked difficult jobs as a team so Noni and Dove were used to spending time together. As the men entered the motel room, their nine and ten-year-old daughters were kissing. Passionately. Kissing. The girls broke apart and ran to their respective fathers' arms. Each asking 'were they leaving now?' and 'when would they see each other again?' Paul, the world's most Zen hunter, asked the girls calmly about what they'd been doing.
"We were playing Marlena and Roman." Noni replied.
"Who?" (asked in unison)
"Youuu kno-ow."
Their fathers' blank stares indicated they, in fact, did not know. "Marlena. From Days of our Lives?" Dove frowned "I had to be Roman… but Noni will be the boy next time!"
"If I'm gonna be the boy, then we'll be Kayla and Patch!" Noni chimed in. "Everyone says he's sooo sexy!"
The two men shared a look; Paul sighed. "I'll call Bobby and apologize; you call John."