Day 0
Time: 3:11 A.M.
Location: Jerry's tree
CaptainSparkelz sat awake on the top of his jungle tree, blue eyes staring out over the landscape. It was currently around 3:00 in the morning. The blocky moon was high in the sky, twinkling stars splashed out in the night. His kingdom sat not far off from Jerry's Tree, lights shut off and villagers safely tucked in their beds, sleeping peacefully without hindrance.
Jordan sighed, wishing he was able to do the same. But thoughts raged and no matter how much his eyes wanted to close, he couldn't seem to keep them closed. He sighed again, rubbing his tired eyes with his hand.
The Usher-resembling Minecraftian had been awake for the past few nights, just like tonight. His friends were starting to worry, but he always said he was fine. And when they would stare at him, unconvinced, he blamed his sleeplessness on nightmares. After all, he was Jordan. And if there was a major problem, chances are that he would tell them. So tonight was just like any night, laying sleepless on the top of the tree, mulling over thoughts in his tired brain.
He had heard rumors that Seto was dead. That Sky had nearly turned full-on squid. That Team Crafted had actually trusted a squid. But he hadn't heard the actual truth, just whispers floating around his kingdom. He had ignored them incase anybody from Team Crafted found out he was snooping. For the past month or so, Jordan had kept a wide distance from many of his friends. Only whispers and rumors from the villagers were his outside contact. They said that all this stuff had happened a month ago, so most of the rumors were starting to run out of fuel.
So Jordan was sitting up above Jerry's memorial, thinking about the rumors as he stared into space. His glasses were still placed over his eyes, as well as the red cape still hanging from his shoulders. The wind blew, the bugs sung, the humans slept.
Just an ordinary night.
But he was wrong. So, terribly wrong. A danger lurked in the tree. It would stay hidden, keeping to the shadows and only coming out to bolt to a different hiding place. Jordan glanced around, getting the eerie feeling of being watched. He looked out in the distance, shrugging off the feeling. It was nothing new to him.
That's when he saw them.
A pair of white, cold eyes glared at the Minecraftian. Jordan broke out in a cold sweat. "No, no, no. Please not now..."
He stood, and started down the treacherous stairs to the main floor of the tree. He ran to his room, where Karry sat on a crafting table. The cat meowed, wondering what was wrong with her master. Gary was hanging on the ceiling, ears and nose twitching. The bat squeaked suddenly, spreading his wings and flapping into a corner further into the room.
Jordan turned to the door, only to come face-to-face with the dreaded white orbs. He gulped. "I- I thought I had another week. That was the deal, right?" He asked tentatively, not wanting to anger the deadly threat in front of him. All the stories, all the rumors and tales couldn't even compete with the real thing. No, the tales were a simple way of keeping children in bed at night. Those stories held nothing compared to the true monster that Herobrine was.
Herobrine had many names and descriptions. Murderer, stalker, demon, ghost, monster. They were simple words. They couldn't fully describe the soulless, immortal monster. The truth was hidden safely behind words in a story or book. He flinched when Herobrine spoke. "Come, we must be going now. You are incorrect, and you knew that tonight was the time."
He shook his head slowly and frowned. "N-no, I'm pretty sure I had another week... Besides, I haven't explained I would be going anywhere. I haven't even said goodbye yet... Please."
The demon glared at Jordan and sighed. He thought for a moment, then finally said "Fine, I will give you one week. Not two, not three. One. But you have to tell them exactly why you are leaving. And I expect you to tell the truth."
Jordan nodded with slumped shoulders, sighing. One week. One week to say goodbye to his friends. One week to be able to walk freely without those glowing eyes following him. One week to be normal. One week to explain...
To explain that he was this monster's son. Jordan couldn't have asked for a harder week in his life.
And here's the sequel to Animal that I promised! If you're reading this, and you haven't read Animal, I strongly suggest you go ad read that first. It would explain a lot. Unless you want to be confused. That's fine, I can understand... So, a lot of you said you'd be following me onto this story-Insomnia. I couldn't have asked for better readers! :) That's it for now, peopleses. I'll have the second chapter posted in no more than a week. Read, review, and save the koalas!
And yes, this chapter is a bit short. I tried to make it longer, but it's still a bit too short for my taste. Oh well. At least it's out, right?