Our vows

A/N:- So this is the final chapter. Thank you for the reviews and enjoy.

Five years later

Shizuo was the first one up to get the door. A little girl ran in, followed by Celty and Shinra. Are you ready to go? Closing the door,he watched as Aiko sat down next to Emi. "We will be. Do you want a drink?" Both of them shook their heads. "Shizu-chan. Was there someone at the door?" It was yelled down the stairs, the door to Izaya's home office opened.

"You're both here already?" He shook his head watching Izaya bounce down the stairs. "Emi. It's time to go." His daughter looked up at him and grinned. "Yes, mama." Shizuo handed over her coat, a few sizes bigger now that she had grown. "Do you need any help?"

Emi shook her head, long brunette hair, swishing to the side. "I can do it." Although once she had her coat on she asked for help with her shoes and then held out her arms. "Carry me." Lifting her up into his arms, he remembered how light she used to be. "Aiko, time to go. Leave Emi's toys alone." The older of the two girls ran over to Shinra. "I'm ready."

Although today was Saturday, he had the day off from work. It was the only day they could do things as a family. Aiko was at school on weekdays and Emi was at nursery, so it was hard to arrange things. "Shizu-chan, your coat." Grabbing it in one hand, he held it under his arm. "I'll put it on when we get there."

Shizuo opened the car door, helping Emi with her seat belt. Closing the door, he climbed into the passenger seat. Celty was waving from her car next to them. They left first, the other car following behind. "Are you excited? Sweetie." In the mirror he could see her smile and nod. "Yeah." Today would be Emi's first trip to an amusement park. At first he had been a bit hesitant, because of the rides. Izaya and Celty had convinced him. "Didn't Mairu and Kururi want to come?" Next to him Izaya shrugged. "They said they were busy."

Once the car had been parked, the blond climbed out, opening the door for Emi. Picking her up, he lifted his daughter onto his shoulders. "Hold on tight." There was a small click and he knew the flea had taken a picture. "You have the tickets?" Making sure both doors were closed, they waited for Celty to park the car and meet them, tickets in hand.

He smiled as he watched them come closer, Aiko was holding both of their hands. Taking Izaya's hand in his own, the group moved to the gate, presenting their tickets. "Where should we go first?" Unfolding the map, he held it high enough that Emi could see. "There." Shizuo handed the map over to Celty. "Looks like we're going here first."

"I want that." Glancing up, he looked where she was pointing. "Don't you want to go on the rides first?" Emi shook her head, pointing at a stupidly large stuffed toy rabbit. Sharing a glance with his lover, he waited. "It should fit in the boot." One extra toy wouldn't hurt. "Step right up, knock the cans over and win a prize."

Fishing the money out of his pocket, he placed it on the counter. "You get three balls. You have to hit all three stacks." Lifting the first one, it was taken from his hand and thrown at the cans. It missed by miles. Handing the other two over, he watched as Emi missed both. "Dada. You try." His lover smirked. "I think it would be best if your mummy did it."

Placing more money on the counter, he took another three balls. The first slammed into the centre of the first set, knocking them across the floor. There was a loud cheer above him. Tossing the second, it knocked the second set down. The third and final throw took out the last of them. The man blinked. "Uh. We have a winner. What would you like?"

"That one. The bunny." It was the biggest one on the stand. Emi wouldn't be able to carry it. "Here you go." Tucking it under his arm, he walked away, one happy little girl giggling away on his shoulders. "Daddy. I want one too." Turning around he watched Shinra pale. "Of course my beloved." All three missed. Shizuo. Can you do it? "No! I'll do it." They would be there a while.

By the time they reached the first ride, both his and Izaya's hands were full. "No more. If this carries on you'll need a bigger room." Lifting Emi from his shoulders, he lowered her to the ground. The two girls held hands running towards the tea cups. They look like they're having fun. Shizuo smiled watching them. "Yeah."

"Mama, Dada. Watch." Standing by the railing, he watched as the light blue tea cup turned around and around, giggling coming from both girls. "We should do this more often." Next to him Izaya grinned. "If we leave it another five years, there will be four children coming." Ah that was right. Karisawa had given birth earlier in the year and Vorona looked like a blimp. Five. I'm pregnant.

"Really? Congratulations." Throwing his arms around Celty, he ignored the glare from Shinra. Thanks. We haven't told Aiko about her new sibling yet. What about you? Will Emi have a brother or sister? His lover pushed the phone away. "No. Emi is enough. I won't put Shizu-chan at risk." The ride came to a halt, both girls running back to them. "Where next?"

By the end of the day, Aiko was being carried by Celty. Emi was asleep on his shoulders. "Both of them are worn out. They've done a lot today." When they reached the car, Izaya took everything off of him, stuffing it into the boot. Carefully he lowered his little girl into his arms. She fidgeted a bit, but remained asleep.

Waving goodbye to Celty, Shizuo opened the front door, taking off small shoes as he kicked off his own. "I'll make us a drink." Nodding his head, he carried Emi up the stairs, into her bedroom. Gently lowering her onto the bed, he brushed her hair from her eyes, kissing her forehead. "Sleep well. Emi."

Making his way back down stairs he joined his lover on the sofa, taking his drink. "That was fun. Did you see the look on that guy's face, when you broke the strength test?" It wasn't his fault. "I suppose it's a good thing we all ate while we were there. If we wake Emi up now she's going to be in a bad mood."

That night while Izaya was in the bath, he filled out the day's events in his diary. He had been given a new one each year. Once he was finished, he closed the book, setting it back in the box. Taking out his ring, Shizuo rolled it around his palm. It wasn't that he still didn't trust Izaya. They had surpassed that years ago. No this time it was that he wanted everyone to be there when he got married, he had wanted Emi to be there and know what was going on.

Staring down at the simple band, he wondered if there was any reason to not put it on. Glancing at the locked bathroom door, he smiled. No there wasn't. Holding out his hand, he slipped the ring back onto his finger where it belonged. Locking the box, he returned it to he space under the bed, wondering how long it would take Izaya to notice.

Shizuo was already in bed, when the door unlocked, his lover stepped out, only wearing his boxers. The light was turned off, plunging them into darkness. "Good night, Izaya." Closing his eyes, he felt the bed dip. Warm arms wrapping around his bare waist. "Good night, Shizu-chan." Covering Izaya's hands with his own, he heard a gasp behind him. "That's cold." Ah. Long fingers brushed over his own. The ring was cold against his finger. It hadn't had time to warm up.

The arms around him tensed and he knew that Izaya had realised it. "Shizu-chan. Does this mean?" Burying his head in the pillow, he nodded. "...Yeah. It's about time." The light came back on, Izaya tackling him and holding up his hand. "Are you sure?" Snatching his hand back, he tried and failed to move away. "Its why I'm wearing it, flea. Pick a date. I'll marry you."

Crimson eyes met his. "Tomorrow?" Letting out a sigh, he growled. "Not that soon and nothing big." His lover sat back cross legged. "Are you going to make me wait another year?" Shaking his head, he glanced at the date. "A year is too late. What about the end of the month?"

"That's less than three weeks." The shocked look was gone replaced by a smirk. "That's perfect. You can sort out the invitations and I'll sort the rest." Izaya began kissing him, hands ghosting along his sides. "Hey what happened to sleep?" Though he already knew the answer. "You just agreed to marry me, Shizu-chan. How can you expect me to sleep?"

"You slept just fine the last time you asked me." Tilting his neck, he gave his lover more access. "I'm surprised you remember that far back." A blush dusted his cheeks. "Of course I remember." Every single memory with Izaya was in his head and could be recalled with perfect clarity, the same with Emi.

"Hm, I'm glad. Stay the same, Shizu-chan. I want your head and heart full of me." Catching Izaya's hands, he stopped him from moving. "It already is. Idiot." Holding his lover, he rolled them over, closing his eyes and refusing to let go. "Ah, so unfair. Good night, Shizu-chan." Opening one eye, he could see the tips of the flea's ears were red.

The next morning he was woken up the same as usual. A small hand gripped his, pulling hard. "Mama!" Blinking awake, Shizuo stared at his daughter, lifting her onto the bed. "Good morning, Emi." Getting out of bed, he held out his hand. "Do you need the toilet?" His little girl nodded, taking his hand and walking to the bathroom.

"Ah, there you are." Once they were showered and dressed, Shizuo let her run into the kitchen where Izaya was making breakfast. Resting on his hand he watched Emi run to Izaya and hug his legs. "Good morning dada." Taking the offered plate, he began eating, a smile on his face as he listened to his lover baby talk.

"Look Emi. Mummy and daddy are getting married." Swallowing his mouthful, he met his daughter's curious gaze, holding up his hand. "I want one." Shaking his head, Shizuo gently ruffled her hair. "You have to find someone you love first." Confused crimson looked up at him. "I love mama and dada." Pulling her into his lap, the blond smiled. "You'll understand when you're older."

Kyouko noticed straight away as soon as he answered the door. "Shizuo, you and Izaya are getting married?" Glancing behind him he could see that his lover was in shock. He hadn't told her then. "Yeah. At the end of the month. We don't want to wait this time." He was embraced in a warm hug. "Congratulations. Izaya make sure you don't upset him this time."

"Don't bring up the past. Ow." Emi giggled getting up from the floor. "Nana." The two hugged, both looking happy. "Are you ready to go?" His daughter rushed to get her coat. "I'll bring her back later." Shizuo smiled, waving at the door. A small hand waved back until they were climbing into a car.

As he closed the door, slim arms snaked around him. "Its just us now." A sly hand dipped under his shirt. "What should we do first?" Shizuo shivered at the suggestive tone, managing to turn around, Izaya pressing against him. Meeting his lips, he looped his arm around the thin neck, bringing him closer. "I have a few ideas."

Three weeks was an incredibly short time. There was so much to arrange. It wasn't that he wanted a big wedding, he just wanted those he cared about there. He had let his lover take most of the work, getting their outfits and the church ready. "Okay, who should we invite?" He was doing the list for the guest list.

"Aiko." Emi was sitting on his lap, one of her soft toys in hand. Writing the name down, he waited for another. "Celty and Shinra." The only thing he had to do was the invites and his vows, which he had done along time ago and the words lingered in his mind from the first time he had to think of them. "Dotachin and Vorona."

Letting out a sigh, he jotted their names down. "Its Kadota." Emi shook her head. "Dada calls him Dotachin" Another thing she had copied from Izaya. "Okay, next is Kasuka. The Oriharas, Shiki-san and Akabayashi." The front door opened, making him crane his head. "Welcome back." His lover was carrying several boxes. "I'm back."

Setting Emi on the sofa, he got up to help with the boxes. "I didn't expect there to be so much." Izaya was grinning. "Well I had to pick up your dress as well. Just kidding." Shaking his head, he set the boxes on the floor, taking the smallest box. "That one is for the bridesmaids." Opening the box he took out the two small white dresses.

"Emi, do you want to try this on?" His little girl grinned running up to him, attempting to pull her pink dress off. Helping her out, he carefully put the dress on, along with the white shoes. Small hands gripped the hem. "Is it mine?" Nodding his head, he kept her still. "Yeah. This is for our wedding. You're going to be a bridesmaid."

After safely taking the dress off, he carefully placed it in the box. "Which one is mine?" Taking the box he was handed, Shizuo carried it into their bedroom and closed the door. It remained on the bed unopened, until he had fetched the full length mirror from the bathroom, resting it against the wardrobe.

Thankfully there wasn't a dress in the box. Instead it was a white tuxedo, along with matching white pants, shirt, a black vest and tie. Taking his shirt off, he reached for his wedding outfit. It was really happening, he would be getting married. Picking up the crisp white shirt, he stood in the mirror and began getting dressed.

When he was done, he stared at his reflection anxiously. He had never been concerned about what he wore, but this would be the outfit for the most important day of his life. Tugging at the bottom of the jacket, Shizuo straightened his tie. A knock at the door made him jump. "Shizuo does it fit?" Holding up his arm, the cuff came a little past his wrist, resting against his hand. "Yeah, it fits."

Handing the box back to Izaya, he opened the other boxes, one contained his lover's outfit that looked identical to his own. The other contained a long white dress and another tuxedo. "These are for Shinra and Celty." He had asked Celty to stand next to him. Shinra was to be Izaya's best man.

The invitations were done and handed out to everyone. As far as he was aware everyone would be coming despite the short notice. The church had been booked along with the flowers and the cake. He would be getting married in less than a week. Now he was beginning to get nervous, once again the situation sinking in.

"So what about drinks?" Kadota was leaning on the bar, waiting for Vorona. "Are you having a stag night?" Tilting his head, he gave his friend a confused glance. "It would be your last night of freedom." Shaking his head, he smiled, rolling a piece of strawberry candy across his tongue. "There's no point. We've lived together since the beginning."

The door opened, making his breath hitch. Mikado, Kida and Izaya walked in, letting the door swing shut. Both he and Kadota fell silent. "Shizu-chan. Ready to go?" Putting the glass he was cleaning down, he stepped out from behind the bar. "Hey, Shizuo. Are you having a stag night?" Next to him he saw Kadota wince as the younger blond spoke up. "...No."

"Why not?" Catching Izaya's gaze, he shrugged. "I don't want to be hungover." Mr god complex smirked. "A few drinks wouldn't hurt." His shoulder's dropped hearing Kida get excited. "Great. I'll arrange everything. Oh but it won't be a stag night, since everyone has to come girls included." Shaking his head, he moved past the teen. "I'll talk to him at work." He had thought it would upset Izaya if he had said yes to drinking.

Time was almost up. Artic had been handed over to them for the night. Both Aiko, Emi and Mika, Karisawa's baby, were being babysat by Kyouko, Mairu and Kururi, his lover had paled when he had mentioned inviting Kyouko. "You don't want to see my mother drunk." Standing next to Izaya, he held a sweet cocktail in his hand, his gaze falling over the room. The only ones who weren't there were his parents, Kyouko and Kasuka, who wouldn't arrive until early morning.

Karisawa was being frightfully sensible, checking the time every five minutes. Celty was sticking to soft drinks as well as Vorona, but both seemed to be having a good time. It wasn't long before the otaku was making her way up to them. "Shizu-Shizu, Iza-Iza. I'm sorry I can't stay." In her hand was a small plushy from what he guessed was an anime.

Next to him, the flea was grinning. "It's fine. You saw how Shizu-chan was when Emi was first born." Their drinks spilled over the glass as Erika hugged them at the same time. Shizuo put his drink down, shrugging his shoulders. "I was actually surprised you came. She's four months now?" Karisawa nodded. "Four months and three weeks. I'll see you tomorrow."

Watching as she left, dragging walker behind her, he took Izaya's hand in his own. "Shizu-chan?" Crimson eyes looked at him in concern. "I was thinking how happy everyone looks." His ring clinked against the flea's. Tomorrow he would be getting married. The rest of his drink was downed within seconds, the sugary taste becoming bitter in his mouth.

Shizuo blinked staring up at the ceiling. Today was his wedding day. Glancing to the side, he could see the other half of the bed was empty. Rolling out of bed, he grabbed the aspirin and glass of water that was on the bedside table. Today he was getting married. His stomach clenched as he got up, making his way to the kitchen.

"Good morning, Shizuo." Rubbing his eye, he stared at the woman in his kitchen. "Kyouko?" Izaya's mother was smiling. "Izaya has already left. Its bad luck to see the bride before the wedding." Dropping down in one of the chairs, he stared into space. Now he really did feel sick. "I've made your breakfast, eat up and then go and shower." Emi giggled, eating her cereal.

Coming out of the shower, he stared at his phone, checking for any messages. The box sat on the bottom of the bed with his clothes in. Letting out a sigh, he began to get changed. Why wasn't Izaya there when he needed him? Opening the bedroom door, the amount of people in the room had doubled. Kyouko was wearing a dress suit, Emi was wearing her bridesmaid dress. Now Celty and Aiko were in the room as well, both wearing their dresses. "Everyone is ready. Lets go." Clutching the phone in his palm, he followed them out of the house.

The drive to the church was ridiculously long and did nothing for his nerves. You'll be okay. Checking his phone again, he let out a sigh. "Mama looks pretty." Smoothing out his little girl's hair, he smiled. "So do you." Small hands clutched at the dress as Emi giggled. He could do this.

His heart dropped as he walked inside the church, for the moment the aisles were empty, looking down at where he would have to walk to, made it feel like a never-ending path. "I'm going to check on Izaya. I'll be back soon." A small hand reached for his. "Mama?" Lifting her up, he held Emi close. He really shouldn't have eaten.

Fifteen minutes to go and Kasuka hadn't shown up. Shizuo had watched everyone enter the church, smartly dressed with smiles on their faces. He hadn't seen Izaya all morning. "Shizuo." Glancing up he stared up at his father. "Granddad." Standing up, he shook the man's hand, minding Emi who was demanding a hug. "Thank you for coming. I didn't think you would."

"You asked us to. I'm glad that you still see me as your father. I'm proud of you son." Rubbing a hand through his hair, he met his father's gaze. "I asked Kasuka to walk me down the aisle." The man didn't seem angry. "I know. He's taken care of you more than me or your mother have. He should be here in a second."

Sure enough his younger brother was walking with his mother. "Nii-san." That was everyone now. "Sorry. I was nearly late." His parents joined everyone in the church leaving the three of them alone. Shizuo rested his head on Kasuka's shoulder. "You came. Thanks." A hand rested on his head. "You asked me to do this." Lifting his head, he looked at his brother's blank gaze. "Uncle!"

Emi was tugging harshly on Kasuka's leg. "Mama doesn't look happy." Backing away he smiled as Kasuka picked up the giggling bridesmaid. "What do you mean? Nii-san are you having second thoughts?" Glancing behind him, he looked at the closed church doors. "...Maybe."

Less than ten minutes and he was shaking with nerves. "Nii-san. You love Izaya." Nodding his head, he said nothing. "And he loves you." Swallowing thickly he glanced at the time. "I know. Its just-" His knees were close to giving out. "Wait here. Emi look after Nii-san." It was just the two of them. "Mama?"

Five minutes to go and there was no sign of his brother. Dropping his head on his knees, he wondered what the hell he should do. He felt a tap on his shoulder. "Dada!" Izaya's laugh brushed against his ear. "Emi, I was trying to sneak up on him." He could feel his lover's fingers brushing through his hair. "What are you doing? Shizu-chan. Kasuka-kun is distracting my mother, so I don't have long."

"...I don't know." Turning around he faced Izaya. "You don't want to get married?" Shit. "I do. Its just... nerves I guess." His lover sighed. "We can skip bits if you want. We don't have to say our own vows. It's a piece of paper, Shizu-chan. Nothing will change, except your name. Everyone is here to support us. This is where its all lead to protozoan."

Tilting his head, he kissed his fiancé. "Thanks flea." He flinched as he heard a feminine shout. "Izaya!" Breaking apart his lover stood. "Crap. See you in a minute, Shizu-chan." The blond felt a lot better. Glancing at his phone, he had a minute to go. All that mattered was him and Izaya. "Ready Emi?"

"Sorry Nii-san." Kasuka was out of breath. Shaking his hand he took the bouquet of different coloured flowers, looping his arm through his brother's. "Thank you for getting him." Emi giggled holding his other hand. "Mama and dada were kissing." Glancing to the side, he saw Kasuka place a finger against his lips. "I know. Don't tell anyone."

Opening the door, his ears were flooded with music. Aiko was waiting patiently at the door. The two girls skipped behind him and Kasuka. "Ready? Nii-san." Glancing around he could see his friends and family watching him. At the bottom waiting for him was Izaya, his expression a cross between anticipation and nervousness. Ah, so he wasn't the only one.

With his long strides it didn't take him long to reach his place next to Celty. Shinra was standing next to Izaya. "Good luck, Nii-san." His arm was let go, Kasuka sitting between his parents on the front row. Only one side was full, everyone had chosen to sit together. In the front row, it was his parents and Kasuka, along with his soon to be in-laws.

Behind them were Karisawa holding her baby, Walker, Kida, Mikado and Anri, along with Kadota and Vorona. In the third row it was the rest of his workmates, who he had become friends with Takara, Ayame, Hinata, Hirumi and Karin along with a few others he didn't recognize. Behind them were Shiki-san and Akabayashi. "Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today..."

Clenching his hands together he waited until it was time to say their vows. "I believe you have your own vows?" Izaya met his gaze, opening his mouth. "We ch-" Cutting him off, he decided to go with the original plan. "Yes, we have." Crimson eyes widened. "Are you sure?" Nodding his head, he waited for his turn. "Then Izaya do you want to go first?" It did matter. This was the only time he would be doing it.

"Shizu-chan, You are the only one I have and ever will love. You've taught me kindness and jealousy, concern and anger, love and desire. You know my heart, as I know yours. I will remain by your side as I hope you will mine, until death do us part and even further beyond that. It is only you that makes me feel human. You are my Valkyrie."

Shizuo blinked, feeling his face heat up. There was a slight blush on Izaya's cheeks, crimson eyes averted even as they held hands. "And yours Shizuo?" If Izaya could do it so could he. The words that had remained in his head and heart. Squeezing Izaya's hands he took a deep breath.

"Izaya. You are the only one who has ever truly accepted me for who I am, the good and the bad. I will never feel like this about anyone else, my heart belongs solely to you. Hand in hand we'll walk into the future together, surpassing everything, until death do us part and like you believe beyond that."

He bit his tongue as he finished. He could tell his own face was red. "Do you Izaya Orihara take Shizuo Heiwajima to be your lawfully wedded wife?" Izaya was grinning, though the blush remained. "I do." He looked down as he heard a small giggle. Placing a finger on his lips, the two girls went to sit in the front row. "Do you Shizuo Heiwajima take Izaya Orihara to be your lawfully wedded husband?" Shizuo could see the concern in Izaya's eyes. "...I do."

Shinra handed them the rings. "With the exchanging of these rings..." Taking Izaya's hand, he slipped the ring on, his soon to be husband following suit. "I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride." Pulling each other in close, their lips brushed. Shizuo resisted the urge to fall deeper. They were after all in front of everyone. Izaya seemed to have other ideas. Breaking apart they were both breathless. Shinra and Celty were red faced.

"Mama! Dada!" Reaching out, he caught Emi as she ran up to them. "Are you married now?" Lifting his hand up, he showed her the ring. "Yes, we're married." Taking out the box under the front row, he opened it up, showing Emi and Aiko. "Flowers." Taking a couple out, he handed them over. "Can you give these out for me?" His own bouquet he would keep. They still had to make their marriage official. Taking the offered pen, he scribbled his signature, watching the others do the same.

Everyone stood up, clapping as they held hands and began walking to the door. Meeting Karisawa's gaze he could tell she was incredibly happy and wanted to squeal, but didn't want to wake up her baby. "Congratulations!" It was one collective voice. If he didn't know better he would say they had rehearsed it.

"You know you're mine now." Shizuo smirked. "Haven't I always been?" Everyone began filing out after them. He could see Emi being carried by Kasuka. "You can't run away any more." Pulling Izaya closer he gave him another kiss. "I have no intention to." Grinning at each other, they met the photographer outside, everyone standing in their rows. "Mama." Taking Emi back, he held her in his arms. "Say cheese." Squeezing Izaya's hand, he smiled into the camera, feeling happier than he had ever been, this would be the start of a new photo album.

"Hey Shizu-chan." Izaya's voice whispered in his ear. "Should we skip the reception and go straight to the honeymoon?" His husband cursed as he was hit on the head by his new mother-in law. "I heard that Izaya." Emi giggled in his arms. "Nii-san you can't leave you have to cut the cake." The flea sighed, rubbing at his head. "I don't really like sweet things."

"Well we can celebrate without them." Kadota piped up, holding his own little bouquet. "Yeah, they should have alone time." Kida grinned. "Who wants to bet they miss their flight tomorrow?" Shaking his head, he couldn't get rid of his smile. "Emi, you'll be a good girl won't you?" Giving her a hug, he let her down, watching as she stood beside Aiko. "I'll be good. Have a fun kissy time."

After saying goodbye to everyone, he went back to Izaya's side. "Emi, I'll see you in a week." His little girl giggled, waving as they left. "Now all that's left is to carry my lovely bride over the threshold." Opening the car door he scowled. "Try it and you're a dead man." Glancing behind him, he could see everyone waving, watching them leave. His husband only grinned. "We'll see."


A/N:- So that's the end of that one. Thank you for all of your support.