Jarrod frowned in worry as he watched Kathryn toss and turn. Not long after she had fallen asleep a fever had descended on her. He had just relieved Victoria of her shift, Audra having taken the first one.

Raphael whined and nuzzled her side. She calmed down and after rewetting the washcloth and placing it back on her forehead Jarrod returned to his files.

And was promptly interrupted again by the loud slam of the front door.

Jarrod sighed and smiling fondly patted Kathryn's foot and told her, "I'll be right back."

"Jake is pushing his luck and MY PATIENCE!"

"What patience are you referring to Brother Nick? Because you have none." Jarrod stated drolly, yet in irritation.

Nick wheeled around to face his brother. Opening his mouth to reply he was interrupted by Jarrod. "Lower your voice. I just commanded Mother to retire and I will not have you waking her, Audra, or Kathryn up!"

"She's still out then?" Heath asked, his worry clear by his arched brow.

Jarrod nodded. "Her fever hasn't abated and I have case files to review."

Nick stretched. "I'll take over then."

Jarrod arched a brow at him. Nick scowled in reply. "What?" He growled.

Jarrod shrugged. "Just wondering if you can stay quiet. After all you did enter this house by slamming the door."

Nick stomped past him. Jarrod sighed in relief when he heard a door shut instead of slam.

Turning his attention to Heath he stated. "My files are in that room and I'm not ready to confront Nick again just yet. So tell me, what's got him so riled up?"

Heath ran a hand through his hair as he sighed heavily. "Jake."

Jarrod chuckled. "I gathered as much. I'm surprised his name wasn't accompanied by oaths."

Heath smiled. "You stopped him. He was just getting to it." He joked.

Jarrod smiled. "Now that we've established that Jake is the cause of our brother's ire, why don't you tell me what it is exactly he did?"

Heath's countenance darkened. "He said he thought it was odd that while Kathryn's injured and sick she's staying at the house. He then wondered which one of our beds she warmed to receive such treatment."

Jarrod clenched his hands into fists.

He'd have to agree with Nick.

Who was at that moment leaning against a wall, arms crossed over his chest, a glower adorning his face as he glared at Raphael who was still on the bed and, Nick swore the d**n wolf was smug.

"You think you're untouchable. But mark my words you flea bitten mongrel one of these days I'm gonna…"

He stopped as Kathryn began whimpering.

He had just decided he was gonna go get Jarrod when she began moaning and thrashing about.

Raphael turned beseeching eyes on him and whined.

Nick didn't want to do this. He couldn't do this. He was not Jarrod or Heath. He…

Raphael barked.

Nick glared at him. "Don't use that tone with me." When Raphael yipped Nick sighed and running a hand worriedly through his hair said, "Don't expect anything and you owe me mutt."

Raphael's tail wagged slightly.

Nick approached the bed. "Taking orders from a mongrel. I can't believe it. I…" He stopped abruptly. His brows knit in worry when his hand felt Kathryn's forehead. "Ah geez kid… you're burning up like a summer day… you've got to learn to take care of yourself… and tell someone when you're not feeling good… what you did?... This was just stupid. You're starting to act like Jake."

Raphael growled threateningly.

Nick snapped his fingers at him. "Quiet. It's true. And though it may not seem like it I… I care for her too."

Returning his attention to Kathryn he placed the washcloth tenderly back on her forehead. "I'm sorry. I… I was pushing you. And all because… well because you're a girl." She whimpered as he wiped her face with the cold washcloth. His brows drew together as he frowned. "Geez kid you're… you look so young." And he continued talking to her as he continued his ministrations.

Mr. Thompson sighed contentedly. Megan and Johnny were playing quietly and more importantly, together. Which gave him time and peace of mind to do his own work.

He looked down and sighed heavily. Like going through the books.

Maybe he should take a break and join his grandchildren.

The door opened and Megan and Johnny with excited gasps and smiles scrambled to their feet.

Mr. Thompson smiled. Megan and Johnny were still kids and expected to act as such but ever since Miss Quinn had become a part of their lives they had calmed down some, not wanting to disappoint the young lady. And he couldn't blame them. He felt the same way.

And she was due for a visit.

So he was surprised, to say the least, when the three Barkley brothers entered his mercantile. From his understanding Miss Quinn had been picking up the supplies. He recovered quickly.

"Good afternoon gentlemen."

They each offered him a greeting.

"Do not misunderstand me. I enjoy your business and seeing you but I was under the impression that Miss Quinn picked up the supplies."

Nick involuntarily flinched at the reminder. Every time they needed supplies he had sent Kathryn, along with doing her other duties. He noticed Jarrod was looking at him and shifted nervously. Jarrod was giving him his 'we-WILL-talk-about-this-later' look; narrowed eyes, knit brows, mouth set in a grim line.

He hated that look.

Jarrod turned his attention back to Mr. Thompson and putting on a smile answered, "Normally that is the case but Kathryn is feeling unwell and is severely injured. Doc says she'll be bedridden for at least three weeks."

Mr. Thompson felt like his heart had just stopped. "What happened?" He asked quietly in shock.

Jarrod's smile disappeared. "She was attacked by a mountain lion."

Mr. Thompson gasped in horror. "But you said she's going to be alright?"

Jarrod smiled encouragingly and with a wave of his hand stated, "She's too stubborn to be anything else." He tried playing it casually but Mr. Thompson could tell that Jarrod was still worried for Miss Quinn besides the doctor's prognosis.

After they had left Johnny came over to him.

"Gwampa?" He inquired in typical four year old fashion.

Mr. Thompson smiled and crouching down to his grandson's level asked, "What is it Johnny?"

"Is Kat hurt?"

Mr. Thompson's smile got bigger at the memory the name stirred.

Johnny had a hard time pronouncing Kathryn and when Miss Quinn had realized this she had done something about it.

Kathryn knelt down in front of Johnny.

"How old are you Johnny?"

He had puffed out his chest proudly. "I four."

Kathryn nodded seriously. "That's a very big number. So big in fact I bet you can say the word cat."

Johnny had giggled. Of course he could say cat! He was four after all. She was silly!

"Cat." He had told her proudly.

Kathryn applauded. "Good job." She praised. "You know how sometimes I call your sister Nutmeg?"

At his nod of understanding she told him, "Well, sometimes, people call me Kat."

Johnny giggled again. That was a silly name!

Kathryn smiled. "So… if you wanted to, you could call me Kat too."

Johnny had waited, then with a smile showing off his just coming in teeth, tested it. "Hi Kat."


Ever since then both kids had taken to calling her Kat, finding it funny.

"Yes Johnny. A mountain lion hurt her and she's also sick."

Johnny scrunched up his face in concentration. "Gwampa, can I make her a card?"

Mr. Thompson's heart swelled with pride. "I think she would like that very much."

As Johnny ran off, shouting for his sister Mr. Thompson straightened up and his eyes wandered to the items he had hidden behind the counter.

When Miss Quinn had visited the mercantile she picked up what was on the list, never again visiting the area where he kept the clothes, not even glancing in that direction!

And even though he knew that the problem was money he had removed the items she had wanted to purchase, knowing that he wasn't making money by not selling them. But he couldn't sell them knowing that Miss Quinn has wished to purchase them.

He grinned as an idea formed.

She may be stubborn and prideful, but he was clever and sly.

Kathryn straightened up stiffly and, because she was alone, hissed in pain as her injuries flared up.

Holding her right side she furrowed her brow in concentration.

That was the third cow lost since they had started being killed a week ago. All of them viciously slaughtered, grotesquely cut up, but all of it clean.

Too clean.

She shivered, but kept her hand glued on her side. She had been crouching down for too long. She lifted her face to the sky, closing her eyes as a slight breeze caressed her cheeks, blowing tendrils of hair across her face. She opened her eyes to a stormy, gray sky. If the cold weather was any indication winter was on its way and it was coming fast. Another shiver overtook her and she bit her bottom lip. She hated being sick. It made her overly emotional. Like right now. She wanted to cry because the cold wind reminded her that her jacket was threadbare and, though she was loathe to admit it, in her present condition she couldn't work. Which meant no jacket or accept charity. She swayed dangerously and with her mind thinking sluggishly she fell to the ground and promptly passed out.

"So Nick… you've been making Kathryn pick up the supplies?" Jarrod inquired sweetly as they trudged up the stairs.

Nick internally groaned. He knew that Jarrod was boiling mad. After all, that was the only time he used this tone. He sighed. "I wouldn't say make Jarrod." He tried to defend himself.

"What would you prefer Nick? Have? Fine. You've been having her pick up the supplies. Does that make you feel better?" Jarrod snapped, wheeling around to face Nick, fire blazing in his blue eyes.

Nick's stance became defensive as he returned his brother's glare, fire snapping from his eyes.

Heath sighed and easily slipped past them since they were so engrossed in their battle of wills.

Coming to Kathryn's door he frowned when the knob didn't turn.

It was locked.

He quickly became worried.

"Nick! Jarrod! The door's locked!"

He unlocked the door as he heard them thundering towards him.

As soon as the door was open a blur of grey shot out.

"Calm down Raphael. Calm down boy." Jarrod gently commanded as Raphael whimpered and whined.

"Mutt, quiet!" Nick snapped impatiently.

Raphael plopped down in a sit and was quiet.

Jarrod and Nick looked at each other in surprise.

"Guys! Kathryn's gone!" Heath reported grimly.

Jarrod closed his eyes as Nick whipped his hat off and slapped it against his leg. "Gol' darn it! That girl is too stubborn for her own good!"

Jarrod chuckled. "Remind you of someone we know?"
Nick glared at him.

Heath stepped between them. "She should be easy to find. After all, Vacquero's still in the pen. Remember? He greeted us when we came in."

"Well, we better find her fast. It's starting to snow."

Kathryn groggily opened her eyes. It took a while for her to realize that she was laying on something soft and she was warm. As she woke up she realized she was back in the guest room of the Barkley mansion.

She groaned. She was in trouble.

"You're awake. Good. Because I have something to ask you. Namely, what were you thinking?!"

She shut her eyes against Jarrod's anger.

"I was thinking that since I was alone in the house I should take my chance and get out of here because, contrary to what you and everyone believes, I'm fine."

Jarrod smirked. "Fine? I think we need to talk about your definition of fine."

"When we find her we are locking her in that room and tying her to that bed until Dr. Merar clears her!"

"Nick. We call that kidnapping. And not only is it a punishable crime it is also frowned upon in society."

"Very funny Jarrod. You know I'm right though. We can't watch her all day. This is a-"

"Working ranch." Heath finished, smiling innocently when Nick turned in his saddle to glower at him.

Turning back around he continued, "And knowing her she would rather take her chances out here rather than accept charity. And considering her past I believe she could."

It was silent a moment before Jarrod mumbled, "I plead the fifth."

Nick rolled his eyes. "Whatever you say counselor. Now… where is that mutt?"

Jarrod whipped his head around, eyes darting about. "Raphael! Raphael, come here boy!"

"Mutt! Come here!" Nick bellowed.

Raphael was quickly at Coco's side.

"Why did we bring the mutt with us?" Nick snapped.

"Because Nick he's constantly with her. He should be able to find her." Heath stated matter-of-factly.

Raphael barked and shot past them. He went a few yards before plopping down and whining urgently.

Nick scowled, leaning on the saddle horn. "This isn't working, even with Raphael Heath. I mean, look at him. He can't find her, that's the reason why he's whining. Heath, boy, are you even listening to me?" Nick growled as Heath approached Raphael.

Kneeling next to him he brushed away some of the fluffy powder.

"Oh no…"

"Heath? What is it?" Jarrod asked worriedly.

Heath stood up and turned to face his brothers. Cradled in his arms was-

"Kathryn." Jarrod breathed.

"She's out cold. Literally. Her skin feels as cold as ice." Heath stated as he returned to Charger.

"I'll take her." Jarrod offered, leaning down. Heath placed her in his arms. Jarrod straightened back up and readjusted her in front of him.

He hissed in sympathy as he leaned her back against him. Heath was right, she did feel like ice and no wonder! Her coat was threadbare and he could see her shirt underneath.

Heath swung himself into Charger's saddle.

"I'm gonna ride and get the doc."

"Sounds good. Nick would you… Nick? … Nick!"

Nick harrumphed. "Don't need to yell Jarrod! What do you want?" He grumped.

"Ride back to the house and get a fire going. And ask Silas to make some broth. And get as many blankets as you can."

"Anything else?"

"What's stuck in your craw Nick?" Jarrod demanded in bafflement.

"Nothing. Fire, broth, blankets. See you at home." And he had broken into a run.

Jarrod turned to Heath. "What's wrong with Nick?"

Heath shrugged in sympathy. "Maybe he's worried." And with a tip of his hat he urged Charger into a run.

Jarrod turned Jingo around. "This is gonna be a long ride."

And it had been. Jarrod hadn't wanted to upset Kathryn's injuries so he had gone slow; but he had also wanted to get her home as fast as possible. As it was he had raced home when she started shivering.

Luckily, Dr. Merar had been there when he arrived.

He was brought back to the present as she began hacking. He handed her a cup-

"This is NOT water…" Kathryn mumbled.

Jarrod smiled in fond amusement. "No it's not. But it'll help that cough."

"So… it's medicine…"

"Not completely. We made tea using your secret ingredient." When she continued to stare into the cup he sighed and pleaded, "You really scared us Kathryn. Please… take the medicine?"

She sighed in defeat and raising her cup in salute, drained it.

"Now Kathryn, we need to talk about something."

She smiled. "Oh dear. It sounds like I'm in trouble."

Jarrod smiled in response. And opening his mouth-


Jarrod was shocked by the excited squeal of happiness and his eyes widened when a blur shot past him and barreled into Kathryn.

Kathryn embraced Johnny tightly to keep her gasp of pain in. She didn't want to frighten him or upset him. After all, he was just a child.

"Johnny! I told you to be careful! She's hurt and she's not feeling well."

Johnny sat back and with his lower lip quivering he apologized and hastily thrust into her hands a handmade get well card.

Kathryn smiled kindly and chucking him under the chin stated. "I feel a lot better now that you're here. Now where's your sister?"

As Megan entered the room with her grandfather, Kathryn opened her arms wide and stated happily, "There's my little nutmeg!"

Megan ran to the bed but hugged Kathryn gently.

Kathryn patted the bed and Megan eagerly climbed up.

She turned her attention to the foot of the bed. "And to what do I owe this unexpected pleasure Mr. Thompson?"

"Please, call me Albert. And we're here because the Barkley's visited my mercantile earlier today and after informing us of why we haven't seen you recently Johnny was concerned."

She hugged Johnny into her side where he was already snuggled.

"I brought this for you." Megan told her shyly, hastily placing a book on her lap.

Kathryn smiled at the title. "Have either of you heard this story?"

They both shook their heads no.

"Well then…"

"So let me get this straight… we have three cattle that have been slaughtered in a week and NO ONE NOTICED?!"

Heath sighed as he walked up the stairs with Nick. "Nick… it's one cattle every couple a days."

"Heath, I don't care if it's one cattle a year! Someone should've noticed I mean"-

"There seemed to be no use in waiting by the little door, so she went back to the table, half hoping she might find another key on it, or at any rate a book of rules for shutting people up like telescopes: this time she found a little bottle on it, ('which certainly was not here before,' said Alice,) and round the neck of the bottle was a paper label, with the words 'DRINK ME' beautifully printed on it in large letters. It was all very well to say 'Drink me,' but the wise little Alice was not going to do THAT in a hurry. 'No, I'll look first,' she said, 'and see whether it's marked "poison" or not'; for she had read several nice little histories about children who had got burnt, and eaten up by wild beasts and other unpleasant things, all because they WOULD not remember the simple rules their friends had taught them: such as, that a red-hot poker will burn you if you hold it too long; and that if you cut your finger VERY deeply with a knife, it usually bleeds; and she had never forgotten that, if you drink much from a bottle marked 'poison,' it is almost certain to disagree with you, sooner or later. However, this bottle was NOT marked 'poison,' so Alice ventured to taste it, and finding it very nice, (it had, in fact, a sort of mixed flavour of cherry-tart, custard, pine-apple, roast turkey, toffee, and hot buttered toast,) she very soon finished it off."

"What in the blazes is going on in here?!"

Kathryn stopped reading and glanced up at the doorway.

"She's supposed to be on bed rest!"

"Mr. Barkley, if you haven't noticed I am in bed and I am resting."

"Reading a book, aloud, to… six people is NOT resting!"

Victoria sighed in defeat and standing up from her chair told the room, "Nick is right. Kathryn has already read almost three chapters. And considering she has a cold which causes her to cough violently I believe we should give her voice a rest and more importantly let her rest as well." As everyone filed out of the room she stopped at the doorway and with one hand on the doorframe she met Kathryn's eyes and stated adamantly, "And this time you ARE staying in this room, in that bed, correct?"

Kathryn ducked her head to hide the color blossoming on her cheeks. Lifting her gaze to meet Victoria's amused expression she snuggled deeper under the covers and held up her hands in surrender. Smiling, she laid her cheek on the pillow and closed her eyes.

Victoria nodded contentedly and left the room.

Mr. Thompson waited until Kathryn's breathing evened out, which wasn't long. She was exhausted.

Going to the bedside table where Johnny's card and Megan's book laid he placed on top of them boots, jacket, and a hat.

The items that he had stowed away under his counter because they were the ones that Kathryn had wanted.