*Liam's POV*

I remember what happened vividly.

That's the hardest part of a traumatising event. The memories that will never fade. Most of the witnesses pretended they didn't see anything, completely wiped it out of their systems. I wish I could do that. The blood curdling screams, the pleads for mercy, everything. The look on poor old Mr. Manners face as it happened.

Jack blames himself for what happened. I think that's one of the reasons he sent me back here. 'Cause he doesn't believe that he can do it alone.

-Look after a kid, that is. I tried persuading him that I was safer with him, but he wouldn't listen. I think he still has the kid's face stuck in his mind, too.

It's weird, before all this, I used to think that us care kids have it bad. Used to complain about a lot, I did. -Never again, will I do that.

The home looks the same as it did 8 months ago. Warm, welcoming, and full to the brim with fighting, troubled children.

"Liam!" Gina exclaims, wrapping one of her arms around my shoulder.

"How are you, lad? Good, I hope!"

I just fake a smile and nod, walking into the living room.

"Liam!" Carmen screeches, hugging me tightly.

Everyone crowds around, hugging and smiling and laughing. I'm not really sure how I managed this before... It happened.

Pushing them away lightly, I take a step to the side, falling on one of the two couches that sit in the living room.

"Ouch! Watch it, jerk!" A loud voice I know way too well complains, shoving my head off of where it landed. Her lap, apparently.

"Elektra!" Tee scolds her, and she holds her hands up in mock surrender.

As I sit up, I observe them all closely. Most of them just look older, and taller, but one catches my eye.

Elektra. Her once shoulder-length hair falls further down, her blue highlights just a tad longer than the rest. She's ditched the blue leather jacket, and is wearing a nice yellow singlet with the same old blue skinny jeans, and a yellow pair of Doc Martens. Her face is still roughly the same, except it lacks the heavy blue makeup she used to put on. All in all, she doesn't look too bad.

For Elektra.

"So... How are you?" Carmen presses, leaning forward to hear my reply.

"Okay, I guess... What about you lot? I haven't seen you in a couple years!" I exclaim, trying to change the subject. No one notices, except for Frank, who's head snaps to me in a flash, concern crossing every feature of my best friends face.

"Oh, we're fine..." They all start, but a few hang back.

Elektra, for obvious reasons, Frank, also for obvious reasons, (he's worried about me.) And then there's Rick and Tyler. The Burnywood kids, If I remember correctly.

They're both sending comforting glances to Elektra for some unknown reason, and I find myself frowning, so I try to look like I'm listening to the whole account of how they were left alone in the Dumping Ground, and how Elektra was evil... Blah blah blah...

"And Elektra was such a cow, and she didn't even get a punishment for it!" Carmen exclaims, tugging on her hair as she looks at Elektra in a pointed way.

Elektra simply stands up, tears forming in her eyes, and walks out, leaving Carmen to ramble on about how Johnny and Tee were locked in the coal bunker, thanks to Elektra... Etc, etc.

"In Mandy's defence, we didn't do anything about it!" Johnny jokes, putting emphasis on the 'Mandy' part.

A loud burst of laughter erupts from nearly all of the kids, and Rick stands up, pushing his way to the door.

"Ha! I think Rick likes Mandy-Pandy!" Johnny teases, and Rick comes running back in, punches him hard in the mouth, then walks out again.

"Oh-Kay..." Lily murmurs, shaking her head as Tee runs to aid Johnny.

"Kids, Dinner!" Gina calls out from the kitchen, and we all trudge through, Johnny clutching his jaw tightly.

"So... What's with all the 'Mandy' jokes?" I whisper to Frank as we sit down.

"Elektra's real name is Mandy. John finds it completely hilarious. " Tyler explains, obviously eavesdropping on my question.

"What, really?" I scoff, and Johnny snickers, then winces in pain.

"Yeah, hilarious, right?"

I chuckle at the name. Mandy. What a laugh! Although a lot has changed since I was last here, I don't think that Elektra/Mandy and mine's relationship is going to change. And I'm glad for that, at least. I laugh at her, she laughs at me.

After about 5 minutes, Rick and Elektra walk in, Elektra's eyes red and swollen. "Been crying, have you Mandy?"" Johnny teases, which is pretty much a dumb thing to say as he has tears streaming freely down his face. "Shut up or I'll get you!" She hisses, similar to what she said to me back at her 2nd day at Elm Tree. I smirk at the memory of my sweet, sweet revenge, and she frowns at me. "What are you looking at, loser?" She snarls, and I smile sweetly at her. "Don't know, haven't figured it out yet." I retort, and the others all 'oooooh!' As she plonks herself down and starts eating in silence. I chuckle slightly, and eat my own spaghetti.

So, how was it? He may sound fine at the moment, but it's all about to go downhill for them, so... Watch out!
