I am afraid i have some bad news for everyone. As of two months ago my computer's harddrive crashed and i am being forced to rewrite the half finished chapters of both MSC: Misato's second childhood, and Fox at Yokai Gakuen: Naruto Uzumaki Chronicles. It annoys the hell at of me as i lost my back ups as i had them originally backed up on a flash drive but my flash drive chose to give out on me as well so now i have no back up copies at all in order to work with. Until further notice i am placing both stories on indefinite hold until i can either A. Find if i have another copy stored away somewhere, or B. Rewrite the chapters and finish them.

However on a more positive note while i have no idea if i will find any back ups to my stories, with my new computer comes five new fics that i will plan on releasing the first chapters too once they are written along with the missing chapters of aforementioned fics. These will be my Legend of Zelda: Antiquity Wars, a new spin on the Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask part of the timeline, The second will be my Fairy Tail Fic, Demons of the Past, in which Natsu as End never lost his memories only his powers when he was brought to the present via the Eclipse Gate (for those not up to date with the Manga, SPOILERS!).

My third and so far favorite little project is Hogwarts goes a Little Green (My Name is Dende) In which members of the staff and student body of Hogwarts are reincarnations of everyones favorite Abridged Series. Warning this fic is not for the faint of heart or those who take drinks regularly. You have been warned. Fourth Fic is in fact a rewrite of one of my current fics i took from Sheltie. Dancing Among the Raindrops. I will in addition to improving even further on it, having felt it could have been even better, be expanding it into a full story.

The Final Fic, Final Fantasy, Slumbering Darkness, will be my take on Midgar section of Final Fantasy VII Starting from the begining of the Neibelheim portion of Crisis Core and going on from there. Now i can't say when any of these fics will be published or my new updates will be made avalible but i will say this. I am not done writing just because of a bad computer issue and not to lose hope. I will finish these fics i promise you that much.

Until the day my updates are ready my faithful readers, keep faithful and pray i get them done soon. If anyone wishes to Beta my fics, leave me a message and i will consider you for it by giving you a test of sorts to see how well you can beta. Hope to update soon,

Battosai Himura

P.S. I have updated Fox at Yokai Gakuen's summary. The current chapters are now labeled clearly as crack.