Sherry: Jay3000-sama don't own Naruto (Which is owned by Masashi Kishimoto and all the people who help him) OR ONE PIECE (which is owned by Oda and all the people who help him BLEACH (Which is owned by Tite Kubo and all the people who help him OR Fairytail which is owned by Hiro Mashimaand all the people who help him or ELEMENT OR POWER or anything
Everybody thoughts
Jay3000: Sorry I took so long to update this story but a lot of thing have been happening in my life which prevented me from writing many of my other stories, I even loss in interest in two of them The Legendary Bloodline 2 and the living force but I will try to Finish The Legendary Bloodline 2 not sure about Living Force Though. Check out my new stories if you haven't as yet Naruto/Demon King Daimao crossover, Naruto/Samurai Harem, Naruto/World Break, Naruto/Campione.
Last time
"The goal is the event's ground, Domus Flau. The first eight teams to make it will participate in the event. Your lodging will be the starting line for the preliminary." After that, paths started being created on the balcony of the lodges all around the capital of Fiore and all connected to the place where the preliminaries would take place, a massive structure floating in the sky "Feel free to use any magic you like, because there are no restrictions as long as you can be one of the first eight team to make it. But if all five members of your team don't make it there, you still lose. And… one… more… thing," Pumpkin said with a dark chuckle "We take no responsibility for anyone who loses their life in the Labyrinth." Pumpkin cried and the whole city lighted up with flashlights "The Grand Magic Game's preliminary event! SKY LABYRINTH! Has BEGUN!"
Chapter 29 The Magical Games begins
Naruto, Minerva, Sting, Rogue and Rufus entered the maze. "So what is our move boss?" Sting turn to Naruto.
"That is simple, Minerva." Naruto said as he turn to his lover. He is wearing a pair of black pants and gloves, with a white form-fitting shirt underneath. Over this he wears a purple, high-collared, long sleeve mantle that splits down the lower half and has the Uchiha crest on the back. Around his waist he wears a simple, light-purple obi and a belt. Strapped to his back is a Sword and over his face is a Fox mask.
A smile appeared on her face, she knew what Naruto had in mind. A portal suddenly open up that was showing the outside world. "You wish is my command." As she smile.
"Do think we can do this, won't we get disqualify?" Rogue asked he did not want to suffer the guild master's rage.
"I am wondering the same thing too?" Sting said, he too was afraid of the guild master.
"Don't be stupid you two, Madara-sama would never suggest anything that would let us get disqualify." Rufus said with a smile.
"Thanks Rufus and don't worry about it all we were told was the escape, so what we are doing won't break the rule." Naruto said as Sting and Rogue held their head down in shame.
"Sorry for ever doubting you boss." Sting and Rogue said together.
"Don't worry about it, let's go." Naruto said as he grabbed Minerva and jumped into the portal.
Outside world
"Ladies, gentlemen, boys and girls, it going to take a while for the first team to appeared!" Chapati roared, He introduced himself. Chapati was a middle aged short man, thin and pale-skinned. His smooth face was rather unusual, square and very big when compared to his small eyes, thin eyebrows, nose, mouth and chin, all close together and located in the middle of the face. For attire, he wears a simple dark suit with a light shirt under it, dark pants and a tie, where it reads 'Grand Magic Games'. "The place are in is constantly changing making harder for the contestants to get out."
"Sabretooth! Sabretooth!
"You will know when a team arrived when you see a blinding light." Chapati inform them.
"Master Makarov, we made it." Belno said with her daughter Kushina, followed by Bisca and her daughter Natsuka.
"I am glad." Master Makarov said with a smile, his two team idea was brilliant.
"We even have a surprise for you." Laki said as she took her seat.
"Why are you here?" A shock Makarov asked.
"Why shouldn't she be here?" Sherry said with a smile which almost gave the master a heart attack.
"You were all chosen to be a part of the B team." Master Makarov replied, he was wonder what had happen.
"We were when suddenly three of our guild mate came to us and beg to let them take out place so we let them." Ikaruga said as she took her seat too.
"Not you too Ikaruga." Master Makarov started to cry. "Who did you give your space to?"
"Look something is happening on stage." Elfman shouted as there was a bright light on stage but they could not see which team it was.
"Damn it." Master Makarov growled, he could feel their power. "We are going to have a hard time."
"And out first team to appear is team…..sorry folks but you will have to wait until all the teams arrived." Chapati roared as the crowd booed.
Behind the magical veil
As soon as they arrived Minerva pulled Naruto off the stage and into their dressing room with numeral 1 on it and locking out the others.
"Come boss, boss!" Sting shouted and was about to knock on the door when Rogue stopped him and shook his head.
Inside the dressing room
He pulled off his mask and pull Minerva towards him and crashed his lips on hers. The two of them began their passionate lip lock, their tongues melding with one another.
"Oh yes!" She moan as Naruto squeezed her ass, he could tell she was horny and to be fair he was horny too.
Minerva pulled back from the kiss tugging on Naruto bottom lip in her teeth as she did and before he knew it he had found his pants on the ground. Minerva gasped as she felt Naruto lift her up and put her on the counter.
"Ah Naruto...," Minerva eyes closed in pleasure as she began to grind her crotch with his lower region. Lowering his head, he then began to place wet kisses on her neck as Minerva turned her head sideways to give more access to him.
His hands were busy in gently cupping her breast as Naruto bit her skin lightly.
"Oh feels so good...don't stop," Minerva moaned as his hardened member was now straining his underwear. Minerva was fully enjoying herself as she kept moaning loudly, both of their bodies now sweaty when they began to get rid of their remaining clothing.
With Fairy Tail
"This place is so confusing!" Lucy hollered while doing her best not to fall from the hover platform she was standing on, her blonde hair swished side to side as she turned her head around, searching for the right decision. They had gotten the labyrinth and were currently finding their way to the arena.
"We have to head east," Ezra instructed.
Lucy grinned "I've got this!" She pulled out a silver key and waved it above her head. "Open! Gate of the Compass, Pixus!" In a brilliant flash of light, a small penguin-like creature with a compass on its head appeared, flapping its tiny wings. "All right, Pixus," Lucy said, bending down, "Which way is east?" After a few spins of the compass, Pixus squawked a cheer and pointed. The squad followed his gaze and saw platforms upon platforms of difficult climbing.
The labyrinth was indeed not making it easy for the Fairy Tail team, even with. Gray continuously made stairs of ice for everyone to climb, and at several points, in time they came across other guilds. Even if they tried to, conflicts were unavoidable. The group attempted to make a map and three out of the five members were very keen on the idea of stealing maps from other groups. But once the maze began to shift,
"It's moving!" Lucy howled and fell off the platform. Natsu immediately went after his friend and grabbed her before she could fall, but he too fell off the platform when it shifted once again. Natsu tried to hold on, but the platform twisted around again, this time vertically and hurled his hand away. Both Salamander and Celestial Mage gasped in shock as they started falling.
"There you go!" Wendy smirked and pulled Natsu and Lucy up. "Be more careful." The two breathed out a sigh of relief and nodded their head.
"Man, I wish Happy is here, he can take us to the Domus Flau for sure." Natsu said with a smile.
"You said it yourself, Natsu. Happy is a member of Fairy Tail and is considered a member of the team, so he cannot come here." Wendy then suggested, must to Natsu's dismay "And I wish Carla was here too."
"Whoa!" Erza started sliding backwards off her platform and their last member, Gray was having enough troubles holding onto his own platform.
"This place is a mess." was his comment before he was helped up to his feet.
After a few minutes of travelling, team Fairy Tail encountered a group of man with very familiar guild mark
"Twilight Ogre!" Lucy gasped.
A man, who appeared to be their leader, said as his lip curved up. "Fairy Tail! You really think you have a chance-"
"Would like to ask you the same thing." Wendy said with a smile.
"You are going to regret those words bitch!" The leader roared as he attacked Wendy.
"Hm, Sky Dragon Roar!" Wendy said as it hit their leader sending his crashing into the wall knocking him out.
The remaining four members growled and gripped their weapons tightly, but they were met with an ice cannonball shot with high speed and Natsu's flaming fist to the heads.
After they had dealt with the rest of the ogres, it didn't take it long for them to find a long path that led to a huge door. Encouraged by the prospect that they were close, the whole team ran faster.
It didn't take them long to reach the exit, where Mato the Pumpkin stood waiting for them.
"Well, that was easy." Natsu grinned as the team stood in front of Mato, who was clapping his hands rapidly to congratulate them for passing the preliminary "So how did we do it?"
Gray asked quickly. "We were first, right?"
Mato rubbed his palms together nervously. "Not exactly." The anticipated win that the Fairy Tail team expected did not come. "You got the last place." This made Fairy Tail's hopeful smile dropped.
"Damn it!" Natsu roared.
"You guys head to your dressing room, we will begin within an hour…" he ushered everyone in through the gateway.
One hour later
"The annual Magic Festival finally starts! The Grand Magic Tournament!" And the crowds went wild as the declaration, waiting eagerly for the revelation of the teams that had made it through the preliminary round. "We are honoured to have Yazima-san, a former member of the Magic Council, as our commentator. It's a thrill to have you here, Yazima-san."
The old man gave a nodded of acknowledgement. "The pleasure's mine," Yazima, replied as Chapati continued the introductions of the special guests of the day.
"For day one's guest, we're privileged to have Miss Fiore, Jenny Realight from Blue Pegasus!" Loud exclamations were heard and many cheers from fans could also be heard as she made her comment.
"We're going to win this year~~!" Jenny stated with full confidence.
"Okay… contestants are arriving, Surprising at 8th place is the former strongest Guild in Fore TEAM FAIRY TAIL!" Erza took the lead and walked out of their entrance. The crowd was booing at them.
'Stop booing us!" Natsu roared.
"HURRAY, HURRAY! FAIRY TAIL!" the whole guild yelled from the side-lines as they cheered with big signs and everything.
"Hm… isn't that…?" Gray pointed to spot beside their Master.
"Hurray, hurray, Fairy Tail~!" she cheered and punched a fist into the air.
"MASTER MAVIS?!" the whole guild yelled in surprise as their eyes bugged from their sockets.
Mavis had on a perfectly confident face as she smiled "I'm here to cheer for you. Nobody can see me unless they're Fairy Tail, so don't worry about that."
"It's a relief to see the First come here to cheer on us!" said Natsu as Gray nodded in agreement with him.
"Even if she is a spirit…" Lucy added.
"Now our place 7th in the preliminary event is next. Let's welcome them… The Hounds of Hell's Army, QUARTO CERBERUS!"
"WILD!" They all roared and some of them flexed to show off some muscles.
"The 6th place is a female guild. Dancers of the Ocean… MERMAID HEEL!" Some of their members waved or blew kisses while the leader looked nonchalant.
"Coming up, the 5th place is the Wings that Sparkle in the Dark, BLUE PEGASUS!"
Many girls yelled as they all posed in their famous handsome men pose. However, Ichiya and the person who was in bunny costume weren't making a very good impression.
"The 4th place, Goddess of Love and War, Sacred Destroyers… LAMIA SCALE!" Lamia Scale, led by Lyon made their entrance.
The announcer continued "The 3rd place… wow, for a first-time guild to get such a high rank, let's welcome the Midnight Raiders… RAVEN TAIL!"
"Raven Tail?!" Natsu yelled out in shock.
"This is… the guild founded by Master's son, Ivan." Erza explained to Lucy, who nodded.
"But… I think it's…" she trailed off and Makarov finished the sentence for her.
"A DARK GUILD!" Makarov looked furious. "IS IT OK TO LET THEM PARTICIPATE?" he raged as they all tried to hold him back, while Mavis noted thoughtfully.
"I do feel a malicious force." She nodded her head.
"Isn't it a Dark Guild?" Someone in the crowd whispered worriedly and the announcers started explaining it. "Well… according to official records, Raven Tail has existed for more than seven years, and has been approved as an official guild recently."
"So it's not a Dark Guild since it has been approved by the Guild League." Yazima finished the announcement for him. Hearing this, Makarov was pissed beyond words with veins throbbing violently on his forehead.
"Ivan… what the hell are you planning… how did you make it…"
The man in question, who was sitting at the back of the crowd, smirked evilly "I've waited in patience for so long, father. All for this day to come…"
"And in next place… oh, my! A second team, they are going all out this year! Let's welcome… FAIRY TAIL B TEAM!" His declaration led the crowd into stunned silence.
"Wha…" was the only thing that left Fairy Tail's team, now A Team as they stared at their friends, who had formed a team of their own. "WHAAAAAAT?!" They all exclaimed in absolute shock.
"Another Team from Fairy Tail…?" the crowd whispered among themselves, confused at the fact that they had two teams participated in the tournament.
"What is going on here?"
"You know, forming this team is actually master's idea. We want to have a team with the strongest members." Mira smiled, changing the topic. "Laki, Ikaruga and Sherry was part of the team until these three beg to be a part of the team!"
"Hey, I did not beg!" Laxus roared.
"I even have it on video." Evergreen said with a smile. Mira then glanced around. Natsu was facing Gajeel in a glaring contest.
"We did and Juvia is glad they accepted our proposal." Juvia said with a smile.
"Alright! For the last team that made it through the preliminary round…" the crowd began to get wild "that's right, you all know who they are! The strongest! The invincible! The complete dominators! SABRETOOTH! Team Sabretooth led by Madara Uchiha….wait a second where he is?" Sting, Rogue and Rufus was the only one out.
"Damn Rogue it, go and get them!" Sting shouted as everyone sweat dropped.
With Naruto and Minerva
Minerva felt the hand on her butt leave as it wrapped around her waist feeling their change into a shift in position not even stopping from thrusting her hips as they made out as she bouncing on his cock, her taut nipples dragging along his chiselled chest, her clitoris stimulated as they rub against a tuff of hair on his pelvis, the hand that left returned to her asshole renewing its efforts adding more pleasure. "Oh yes Naruto."
Naruto would lick her neck, nipping and kissing the smooth skin as he found the vein on her throat sucking on it leaving a bright red mark causing Minerva to groan and thrust her heaving breast to his face. Knowing what she already wants and a little annoyed at his current position sitting on the counter as his lover continued to ride him manage to fold his legs to the side and with little effort change into a kneeling position and began to meet her lovers thrust who moaned out in joy, her body assaulted from four places, her ass, pussy, clit and breasts expertly handled by her enthusiastic lover as another orgasm hit her. Her back bent like a bow as the powerful sensation hit screaming his name, flushing her fluids on his hips and thighs as her walls contracted on his cock urging him to cum. He exploded inside of Minerva painting her walls white with his seed.
Naruto gently placed her back on the counter panting and gasping for air, her lungs burned from the lack oxygen but she wanted more always thankful at how considerate Naruto as a lover is as he allowed her to rest. He pulled out from her a disappointed groan escaped her lip
"Boss, My Lady, they are ready for you!" A blushing Rogue shouted from outside before running off.
"Damn," Naruto said.
Back at the stage
'What is going on here where is your two remaining member?" Chapati growled.
"What is going on here?"
"Where is Madara-sama?"
"Sorry we are late." Madara said as he and Minerva entered the stage.
"Here he is folks, the leader of the number one guild in Fore, he also the 4th seat wizard Saint, the unstoppable, the handsome, the chick magnet, the hero, the monster slayer…I could go on forever…Madara Uchiha!" The crowd explode in thunderous cheer expected from the former number one guild of Fairy Tail.
"Here they come." Natsu hardened his eyes as he eyed their strongest opponents.
"Looking forward to you, Natsu-san" Sting waved his index finger to the pink haired Fire Dragon Slayer.
"Don't wave that finger at me, you bastard," Gajeel muttered darkly.
"Gajeel," Rouge said, keeping a calm expression on his face.
"Madara." Erza growled as Wendy held her back.
"Alright! Thank you all for waiting, here is your line-up!" A stone board shot up from the ground. "The Grand Magic Games' had been unveiled!" The crowd started to cheer again as Chapati started explaining the rule. The tournament would be divided into 5 days, with two events held each day, one battle and one hidden event. For the hidden event, each team will receive an amount of points based on their position in the end of it."
"For the battles, the winning team was going to get 10 points and the loser wasn't going to get any at all; if the fight ended up in a draw, both teams got 5 points for themselves. The battles would be decided by the organisers based on the fans' votes. However, some battles are arranged according to the Fiore's King's desires and would be set up like so:"
Team A vs Team B
Team C vs Team D
Team E vs Team F
Team G vs Team H
"Without further ado, I bring you the Grand Magic Game' opening game!" Chapati cried "Let's begin, Hidden!" he then lowered his voice, so it wasn't as loud as before "Each team will have one participant. After each team submits their player, I'll explain the rules."
Quarto Cerberus sent out Jäger, while Mermaid Heel had a girl whose hair tied into two ponytails behind her, Beth, participated in the first competition. Raven Tail had Narpudding on the go and Eve represented Blue Pegasus.
"If small is better, then maybe Yuuka or I should go?" Shelia suggested, looking at her thick eyebrows teammate.
"No, we should grab this from the very start." Lyon shook his head and put on a confident smile "I'll go"
"Yeah, in that case," Gray stepped forward, looking at Lyon "I'll go too."
"Are you sure Gray?" Ezra asked.
"Very sure." Gray said as he glared at Lyon.
"Whatever just don't lose." Natsu said with a smile.
Mirajane then turned to Juvia, who she believed to be the most suitable member of the team to fight in the game. She had the least destructive power among them, and also the shortest member of the team "Juvia, can you go first?"
"Juvia will not let you down." Juvia said with confident.
"Boss, I would like to take this." Rufus said as he looked at Naruto.
"Sure why not." Naruto knew String or Rogue wouldn't have a problem with it unless it was Natsu or Gajeel who was fighting. He had hear about the incident last night and how String and Rogue berate Natsu, stating that they could have easily defeated Acnologia and bragging about their status as "Third Generation Dragon Slayers," They even told Natsu that they slaughtered their Dragon parents.
"I am also fine with it." Minerva said as Rufus walked off.
Lyon, Gray, Juvia, Beth, Eve, Rufus, Jagar and Narpudding all entered the field when a huge city is magicked around them separating them from the other contestants.
"The rules of this game are simple each member must find their opponents and hit them!" Chapati said as the crowd cheered. "But there is a twist, nobody knows where the others are."
"Hm it seems we made the right choice in letting Rufus go." Naruto said as the others nodded their head.
"We can already see those 10 points with his Memory Make magic." Minerva said as she sat in Naruto's lap.
"I will beat you Natsu." Sting said to himself.
"Whoever launches an attack first gains one point and the one who is hit loses one point, thus the game becomes 'hide and seek'." Chapati roared as the crowd once again cheered.
"Damn it, maybe Gray wasn't the best choice." Ezra said as she looked at Naruto/Madara with a glared.
"To make matters harder, numerous clones of each contestant will walk around the city to confuse everyone." Chapati informed them. "Attacking a clone will result in a one point deduction."
"Shit this is harder than I thought." Gray said to himself.
"I need to get to the highest point in the city and just observe all the action then I will make my move." A smile appeared on Rufus face.
"Hm what to do." Lyon wonder.
"Points don't matter to us, as long as Fairy tail loses." Narpudding said, that was his guild master plan after all.
"Wild!" Jagar shouted.
"I need a plan but what?" Beth said to herself.
"Juvia needs to use her body." Juvia said to herself.
"Let the Hide and Seek begins!" Chapati roared.