Return to you

Author's Notes


Birthday: July 2

Age: 16


Birthday: September 20

Age: 16


Birthday: August 8

Age: 20


Birthday: November 22

Age: 20

Blue (Girl)

Birthday: June 1

Age: 20


Birthday: March 3

Age: 19


Birthday: July 21

Age: 18


Birthday: April 30

Age: 18


Birthday: December 24

Age: 18


Birthday:May 31

Age: 15


Birthday:October 27

Age: 15


Birthday: June 6

Age: 15


Birthday: April 4

Age: 15


Franticshipping? (Ruby x Sapphire)

Choosenshipping (Silver x Blue (G.))

Mangaquestshipping (Crystal x Gold)

Pokespecialshipping (Yellow x Red)

Important Notice:

This was supposed to be the Real Sequel to Return to Hoenn but I needed more planning before I could write it. So I started writing Frantic Week instead.

Forgive the redundancy of an event occurring once with Ruby because Frantic Week was supposed to be a one-shot with no abduction of Ruby.

I displayed the age because I'll need that as my guide since this is going to be time-based. Never mind what age they were in my prior stories.

This is a sequel not a brand new story because I'll need the events that occurred in my stories plus the new pokemon that were obtained.
But you can skip Frantic Week if you want.


Sapphire plans to go to Johto to collect the 8 badges which none of the dexholders have ever done. Silver acquired them before but through theft and not official battles. He returns them after the events in the Pokémon league.

Sapphire wants to collect them in 20 days since Platina broke her record of 8 badges in 80 days, setting her own record of 6 badges in 25 days. (In the same amount of time, Sapphire collected only 3)

Ruby wants to come along, seeing that Johto is his hometown. Sapphire willingly agrees. They plan to start on September 1st and end on September 20th, Sapphire's birthday. A quest almost similar to their 80-day bet.

But before they could fully talk about their plans, something happens…