So here's some of my 'facts you didn't know'. Mainly Sam and Diane, but different characters from the bar are involved. I tried to come up with 10 but I was stuck at 9. I hope you find them interesting! Please feel free to review what you think...
BTW...I'm sorry I haven't updated "A Twisted Season Three" but I haven't come up with anything for it 'yet. I got ideas for the ending though, but I have trouble with filling in between. Hope some ideas will pop up soon!
Well, enjoy!
#1 – Gone by the fire
Sam told Diane back in 1983 that he didn't like that she had carved in his bar. But one day 2 years after she had left, Sam had stumbled over that little carving "SM plus DC". At first he was taken aback by this old memory. He had learned to live without her, learned to put her aside, not forget her, but just learned how to deal with it. The carving reminded him that she really existed and that she once had been his. From that on he found himself looking at the carving at least one time every night.
When the bar burned down the first thing he checked for when he was alone was if the carving had remained. The only thing that had remained was the "SM". The "DC" was burned away.
#2 – Late night call
When the phone rang when Sam and the gang talked about the meaning of life, everyone but Sam was sure it was one of their relatives in the other end of the receiver. It was first when Sam was left alone that he realized that he hadn't anyone to expect a call from.
Actually he was wrong. Because the one who had called was Diane, who was still waiting on the airplane to LA. She just wanted to tell him one last thing.
#3 –Late delivered news
While Sam waited 6 years to hear Diane's explanation, Woody had already known it for a while, because in 1988 he stumbled into Diane on a small vacation. Diane was thrilled to see him. Woody was glad to see that his old friend was doing well. They had taken a walk by a local lake. The first hour they had talked about everything between earth and heaven except one thing. Cheers. When they had reached the end of the lake, Woody had taken her arm and said;
"Ms. Chambers, have you ever thought about, you know, stop by the bar some time? Say hi to everybody?" Woody had asked.
Diane had been unprepared for the question and had problems with answering.
"Woody, I-I really don't think that would be a good idea. Why, has anyone asked about me?" Diane had asked with a little spark of hope in her eyes.
Woody had bitter shaken his head.
When they had said their goodbyes one thing stuck with Diane and that was Woody's last words.
"He'll forgive you."
#4- A call which could have changed everything
When Sam announced his leaving in 1987 to the bar, Carla was the one who reacted most aggressive. She was so angry that she nearly went through the phone call. But when she heard her voice in the other end of the receiver, she'd hung up. Through the next months she'd wondered if that was the right decision.
# 5 – Memories of an old enemy
Carla didn't 'hate' Diane. She just hated that Diane stopped Sam's womanizing and that she sometimes got more attention from her best friend than she did herself and that she saw herself as better than any of them. Actually she misses teasing her around.
# 6 – Knowledge through unopened letters
Sam did receive a couple of letters from Diane while she was in Main, but he could never get himself to open them. Instead Rebecca found them in a drawer when she took over the bar.
That was one of the main reasons why she had given Sam the job. Even though she knew nothing of Sam by that time, she had blown the dust away from the letters and read them. So she knew who he was talking about when he said "I was afraid I was going to see her face everywhere I looked when I walked in her today". She would never tell Sam, but she'd actually saved the letters in her apartment just in case, he was looking for them one day.
# 7 – The last words are always powerful
When Coach out the sudden had gotten incredible sick, Sam visited him every day at the hospital.
He hadn't been worried at all because the doctors had told them that his illness wasn't deadly.
But one rainy day, where Sam had arrived at the hospital, Coach had looked extra tired. That day their conversation had been more serious than usual.
"Hey, I'll be back tomorrow, okay?"
"Will you promise something?"
"What, coach?"
"Get her back."
"Who are you-"
"You know who. Do it for me, alright? Do it for yourself."
"Coach, you know that-"
"Have you talked with her since the wedding?"
"No, I haven't-"
"Then you don't know what happened to her."
"But Coach, why are you talking like-"
"Just promise me, Sam, that you'll try."
Sam had been about to discus with him, but when he had looked at the Coach, that expression he had on his face, told him that it wasn't such a good idea.
"I will," he had sighed and said goodbye.
The next day Sam had received the call. The Coach had passed away. His last words would forever stay in his mind and it seemed that every time he said his goodbyes with Diane Chambers, the words from his last conversation with the Coach were re-played inside his head. Get her back.
Every time he had told himself that he had loosed her forever he was reminded of "You don't know what happened to her". Somehow that always gave him a bit of hope.
#8 – From lover to stranger
That day Diane Chambers returned to the little bar in Boston, Sam wasn't completely sure that the person standing in front of him was the one who had left him 6 years earlier. It was her voice, her eyes, but she was so different. Different in a way, he couldn't describe. The woman which face he could always predict- or close to always- seemed far away. The woman, who had brought up so many different emotions in him, suddenly felt like a stranger to him.
#9 – Noticeable things
Through the years some will notice some of their friends' small habits. And Norm Peterson was one of them. He would notice even the smallest things his friends did. Most of them were funny but there was one that made him quite sad. His close friend, Sam Malone, had gotten this habit years ago. Norm was not sure that he was aware that he did it. He just did it. Just like every other habit you just do. You can't explain why. You just do it. At a different time each day, Norm noticed that Sam would turn his head from whatever he was doing and stare at the door for a couple of seconds. Nobody ever came in right at that time he was looking and if some did, he would look the other way and shake his head. At first Norm found it a bit strange but suddenly it all made sense. As Norm recalled the same time as Sam turned his head matched with the time Diane Chambers used to walk in through the door to begin her shift. Nobody else would ever notice but Norm.