Jack's new life began with a gasp and a shudder. He never saw the person who roused him, nor received any attention beyond what the service machines offered him.

Resources are scarce, Sally said at the time. We gotta preserve and conserve them. Humans most of all.

Jack renewed his dedication to the Tet every time it breached the horizon. All of humanity was inside that giant monolith and he would rejoin them in just a few short years after completing his tour of active duty. Then he and Julia would sleep for a long time and awaken when everyone reached Centari X.

Jack gazed down at her peaceful, sleeping face.

It used to be unusual to put husband and wife in the same unit, but became standard practice years ago. Sally told Julia that once. Jack supposed it was because no one could just forget their partner. He still had a few lingering memories from before the mandatory memory wipe. They both did.

Julia stirred in her sleep. Her arm came to rest next to his thigh.

Jack tangled his fingers with hers as the dawn baptized them both with red and orange.

"Morning." The word came first, then the smile.

Jack squeezed her hand.


The sun glinted off the Tet and reflected on her face. Jack lay back down and brushed his fingers through it. Their eyes drank deep of each other and they kissed.

Jack felt completely and utterly content with his world.