Summary: Your name is Cronus Ampora and you love the sound of your boyfriend's voice.
Day Fifteen: In a Different Clothing Style

It's times like this that you really wish your brother wasn't into so many nerdy hobbies that he, for some reason, couldn't seem to get anyone else to play along with. You're not even sure just how you'd gotten talked into this one. It probably had something to do with food. It's always food these days that gets you into this horrible shit. But as you sit in this... You aren't even really sure what it is. You're pretty sure he said that you were a minstrel, but how the fuck are you supposed to know?

At least you can still smoke. It's a fucking nasty looking pipe but that sweet taste of nicotine still lingers on your lips with every puff of it. Somewhere, though, Kankri is wandering around. You're fairly certain that he's dressed as a monk as per his brother's horrible sense of humor, but it really does make sense. He's not entirely religious, but your boyfriend is a total prude. On the positive side he's hot as fuck, even though he grew a beard for the costume.

With a final puff of your pipe you dump out the ashes and clean it out before looking for him. When you hear his voice, you laugh a little. Especially when you realize that he's arguing something along the lines about the social construct of the middle ages. You sit down next to him and lean against him while he talks. The fabric of his hood is scratchy and, honestly, all of this is incredibly uncomfortable.

But even in this horrible, heavy wool outfit you can't help but to be somehow comfortable. You're hanging out with your boyfriend on a perfect April morning, even if you're overly warm in your clothes, and you get to listen to him. He talks about things that, most days, you find ridiculous. But you still love the lilt of his syllables and you like to watch the drag of his tongue against his lips as he wets them. You move your hand down and hold it, rubbing your thumb against his while you tune out his words but not his voice.

After half an hour or so, the people that he's talking to leave to go to some event. You aren't sure what it is, but it draws his attention to you. He sighs at you when you pout at him and you know that he's noticed how much attention you've been seeking since you sat down.

"Cronus," he begins, "You do realize that to maintain my appearance as a monk in this festival I shouldn't really be cavorting with a minstrel or holding hands with a man." He raises his eyebrows and gives you a look which just makes a deep frown spread across your face.

"Babe, we're two people who've been dragged to this thing by our brothers. I'm pretty sure that Danny wanted this to happen and that Karkat thought it would anyway." You snort softly.

"Cronus that has nothing to do with this! In order to stay true to this period..."

"Yeah yeah. Well the zipper on my pants isn't really staying true to the period neither and it's still there, right?"

He narrows his eyes. "Right..."

"And your contacts are in which aren't true to the period, yeah?"

He gives you a heavy sigh. "Yeah."

"So you'll hold my hand?"

He closes his eyes and raises his brow with another sigh. "Yes, Cronus. I will."

You give him your most charming smile. "Cool. Then let's go get a giant piece of meat on a stick or something. I'm fucking starved."

As the two of you stand, he lectures you about those who actually are starved and how offensive your comment could be to them. But again your just listen to his voice and barely register his words. You love this little nerd and you're glad that he's willing to put up with you.

And that the two of you are going to share this giant piece of meat on a stick, because you aren't sure that one human could possibly eat that much greasy meat on their own.