Dave walked over to Terezi and grabbed her hand.

"Hey, sorry babe. Rose is gonna give us a ride to my place."

"Yeah don't get too used to it though." Rose said twirling her keys around her finger. "Seriously, if you want more rides I expect to be paid. I'm not a taxi service."

"But if we pay you that would make you a taxi service." Dave teased.

Rose narrowed her eyes and swiftly turned on her heel. "Just hurry up. You know, you're twenty minutes late." Rose muttered leading them out to her car.

"Well, we can all thank Eridan for that." Dave said defensively. Dave and Terezi sat in the back seat and Rose began to drive. "Yo Terezi are you okay? You've been really quiet and acting kind of...weird lately." Dave asked and Terezi sighed audibly.

"I know...and I'm fine, I promise. Can we talk about this later?" Terezi said in a strained voice through a forced smile. Dave nodded, not wanting to press the conversation which would further the awkward atmosphere. The rest of the ride was silent aside from Rose's classical music softly humming from her car's radio.

"Well here we are. Now, Master Strider, will you be needing anything else from your ever so loyal slave?" Rose asked sarcastically.

"Thanks, but that won't be necessary." Replied Dave, as he and Terezi got out of the car.

"Hey it doesn't look like your brother's home...are you going to be alone again?" Rose asked suddenly concerned. She knew Dave's brother, Dirk was a popular DJ so he worked strange hours and usually slept at sleazy motels. This had been going on since Dave was young; it didn't bother him though. Dave knew how to survive on his own, and besides, he didn't need his older brother constantly breathing down his neck.

"Yeah, well, what else is new." Dave muttered, but before Rose could respond he slammed the car door and led Terezi up the steps to his apartment.

"So, you gonna tell me what your deal is now?" Dave said as he opened the door and walked over to his couch.

"But talking is so...boring. Can't we wait a bit?" Terezi asked flirtatiously and guided one of Dave's hands onto her hip. She smiled sweetly as she moved Dave's bangs out of his face, but her hands suddenly wrapped around the earpiece of his glasses and she attempted to remove his shades.

"Hey, what the hell are you doing?!" Dave jumped back as if Terezi had hit him and angrily pushed his shades back onto his face before Terezi was able to see his eyes.

"HA! See?! Do you see what you just did?" Terezi exclaimed.

"What the hell are you freaking out about?" Dave asked, still confused.

"Don't you think its just a little bit weird we've been going out for six months and I've never seen your face? Even in school you don't take your shades off even though you have, like, a million demerits! It's just...I feel like I don't even know you."

"Come on Terezi. You know me. You're freaking out about nothing." Dave said attempting to soothe her.

"Oh really? If it's nothing then take off your shades!" Terezi demanded.

"Chill. Why are you making a big deal now? It's never been a problem before."

"How would you feel if you'd never seen half of my face? It just weirds me out that you literally never take them off. What are you hiding under there? Trust me, I've seen a lot worse. I won't judge you...just take off your shades."

"No. I..can't Terezi. Is that why you've been acting all weird?"

"Well it also might have something to do with the fact that you've taken an interest in that freak, Jade Harley! Seriously, Dave? I thought you said you'd given up being a player when we started going out."

"I'm not interested in her! And she's not a freak."

"Whatever" Terezi replied rolling her eyes. "Listen I don't think this is gonna work out...us being together and all. And to be honest I think we both knew this from the start. You're just too cool for everyone else." Terezi snapped sarcastically gesturing to Dave's shades. She turned around and began walking towards the door.

"Terezi hold up a sec. You just need a minute to cool down"

"I don't think so Dave." Her voice suddenly became softer. "Listen I'm sorry. I really am. But you need to grow up. Maybe then we can be together but until then...I'm sorry." She gently closed the door and walked out of his house. Dave contemplated going after her but decided against it. Instead he walked to his fridge, got himself some AJ, and plopped down on the couch. Dave wasn't really upset but his lack of emotion surprised him.

He didn't need her anyway. In fact, he didn't need anyone. He could survive without Bro. He could survive without some dumb girl. At least, that's what he kept telling himself as he blasted his headphones to the max and fell into a deep sleep in an attempt to forget about what a shitty day it had been.